Bradley Saul


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ smd: Compute Standardized Mean Differences 2020 Bradley Saul
+ PDF Chat The Calculus of M-Estimation in <i>R</i> with <b>geex</b> 2020 Bradley Saul
Michael G. Hudgens
+ PDF Chat Using negative control outcomes to assess the comparability of treatment groups among women with osteoporosis in the United States 2020 Leah J. McGrath
Leslie Spangler
J. R. Curtis
VĂŠra Ehrenstein
Henrik Toft Sørensen
Bradley Saul
Sara N. Levintow
Diane Reams
Brian D. Bradbury
M. Alan Brookhart
+ PDF Chat Downstream Effects of Upstream Causes 2019 Bradley Saul
Michael G. Hudgens
Michael A. Mallin
+ PDF Chat Doubly robust estimation in observational studies with partial interference 2019 Lan Liu
Michael G. Hudgens
Bradley Saul
John D. Clemens
Mohammad Ali
Michael Emch
+ PDF Chat Doubly robust estimation in observational studies with partial interference 2019 Lulu Liu
M.G. Hudgens
Bradley Saul
J.D. Clemens
M. Ali
M.E. Emch
+ Doubly Robust Estimation in Observational Studies with Partial Interference 2018 Lan Liu
Michael G. Hudgens
Bradley Saul
John D. Clemens
Mohammad Ali
Michael Emch
+ The Calculus of M-estimation in R with geex 2017 Bradley Saul
Michael G. Hudgens
+ Applications of and Tools for Causal Inference 2017 Bradley Saul
+ Upstream Causes of Downstream Effects 2017 Bradley Saul
Michael G. Hudgens
Michael A. Mallin
+ Causal Inference in the Study of Infectious Disease 2017 Bradley Saul
Michael G. Hudgens
M. Elizabeth Halloran
+ PDF Chat A Recipe for <b>inferference</b>: Start with Causal Inference. Add Interference. Mix Well with <i>R</i>. 2017 Bradley Saul
Michael G. Hudgens
+ The Calculus of M-estimation in R with geex 2017 Bradley Saul
Michael G. Hudgens
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Assessing effects of cholera vaccination in the presence of interference 2014 Carolina Perez‐Heydrich
Michael G. Hudgens
M. Elizabeth Halloran
John D. Clemens
Mohammad Ali
Michael Emch
+ The Calculus of M-Estimation 2002 Leonard A. Stefanski
Dennis D. Boos
+ PDF Chat Small-Sample Adjustments for Wald-Type Tests Using Sandwich Estimators 2001 Michael P. Fay
Barry I. Graubard
+ Longitudinal data analysis using generalized linear models 1986 Kung‐Yee Liang
Scott L. Zeger
+ PDF Chat On causal inference in the presence of interference 2010 Eric J. Tchetgen Tchetgen
Tyler J. VanderWeele
+ Herd immunity conferred by killed oral cholera vaccines in Bangladesh: a reanalysis 2005 Mohammad Ali
Michael Emch
Lorenz von Seidlein
Mohammad Yunus
David A. Sack
Malla Rao
Jan Holmgren
John D. Clemens
+ PDF Chat Small sample performance of bias‐corrected sandwich estimators for cluster‐randomized trials with binary outcomes 2014 Peng Li
David T. Redden
+ The<i>R</i>Package<b>geepack</b>for Generalized Estimating Equations 2006 Ulrich Halekoh
Søren Højsgaard
Jun Yan
+ Marginal Structural Models and Causal Inference in Epidemiology 2000 James M. Robins
Miguel A. HernĂĄn
Babette Brumback
+ PDF Chat Toward Causal Inference With Interference 2008 Michael G. Hudgens
M. Elizabeth Halloran
+ PDF Chat Causal Inference Under Interference in Spatial Settings: A Case Study Evaluating Community Policing Program in Chicago 2012 Natalya Verbitsky‐Savitz
Stephen W. Raudenbush
+ PDF Chat The parametric g‐formula to estimate the effect of highly active antiretroviral therapy on incident AIDS or death 2012 Daniel Westreich
Stephen R. Cole
Jessica G. Young
Frank J. Palella
Phyllis C. Tien
Lawrence Kingsley
Stephen J. Gange
Miguel A. HernĂĄn
+ Causal Inference Using Potential Outcomes 2005 Donald B. Rubin
+ Structural Nested Models and G-estimation: The Partially Realized Promise 2014 Stijn Vansteelandt
Marshall M. Joffe
+ Causal Inference in Infectious Diseases 1995 M. Elizabeth Halloran
ClĂĄudio J. Struchiner
+ Marginal Structural Models to Estimate the Causal Effect of Zidovudine on the Survival of HIV-Positive Men 2000 Miguel A. HernĂĄn
Babette Brumback
James M. Robins
+ Stratification and weighting via the propensity score in estimation of causal treatment effects: a comparative study 2004 Jared Lunceford
Marie Davidian
+ PDF Chat Identification of treatment response with social interactions 2013 Charles F. Manski
+ A new approach to causal inference in mortality studies with a sustained exposure period—application to control of the healthy worker survivor effect 1986 James M. Robins
+ Reasoning about Interference Between Units: A General Framework 2012 Jake Bowers
Mark Fredrickson
Costas Panagopoulos
+ Small sample GEE estimation of regression parameters for longitudinal data 2014 S. R. Paul
Xuemao Zhang
+ Essential statistical inference : theory and methods 2013 Dennis D. Boos
Leonard A. Stefanski
+ On the Consistency Rule in Causal Inference 2010 Judea Pearl
+ Detecting Spillover Effects: Design and Analysis of Multilevel Experiments 2012 Betsy Sinclair
Margaret McConnell
Donald P. Green
+ PDF Chat Fast Pure R Implementation of GEE: Application of the Matrix Package 2013 Lee S. McDaniel
Nicholas C. Henderson
Paul J. Rathouz
+ Object-Oriented Computation of Sandwich Estimators 2006 Achim Zeileis
+ PDF Chat Exact<i>p</i>-Values for Network Interference 2016 Susan Athey
Dean Eckles
Guido W. Imbens
+ Methods for dealing with time‐dependent confounding 2012 Rhian Daniel
Simon Cousens
Bianca De Stavola
Michael G. Kenward
Jonathan A C Sterne
+ Negative Controls 2010 Marc Lipsitch
Eric Tchetgen Tchetgen
Ted Cohen
+ Correcting for non-compliance in randomized trials using structural nested mean models 1994 James M. Robins
+ Estimating the causal effect of zidovudine on CD4 count with a marginal structural model for repeated measures 2002 Miguel A. HernĂĄn
Babette Brumback
James M. Robins
+ PDF Chat Evaluating Candidate Principal Surrogate Endpoints 2008 Peter B. Gilbert
Michael G. Hudgens
+ Econometric Computing with HC and HAC Covariance Matrix Estimators 2004 Achim Zeileis
+ Computing Generalized Method of Moments and Generalized Empirical Likelihood with<i>R</i> 2010 Pierre ChaussĂŠ
+ PDF Chat Model Checking with Residuals for g-estimation of Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes 2010 Benjamin Rich
Erica E. M. Moodie
David A. Stephens
Robert W. Platt
+ Estimating causal effects from epidemiological data 2006 Miguel A. HernĂĄn
+ PDF Chat An information criterion for marginal structural models 2012 Robert W. Platt
M. Alan Brookhart
Stephen R. Cole
Daniel Westreich
Enrique F. Schisterman
+ PDF Chat Causal inference in statistics: An overview 2009 Judea Pearl
+ PDF Chat The Role of Vaccine Coverage within Social Networks in Cholera Vaccine Efficacy 2011 Elisabeth Dowling Root
Sophia Giebultowicz
Mohammad Ali
Mohammad Yunus
Michael Emch
+ Causal Inference from Complex Longitudinal Data 1997 James M. Robins
+ Recovery of Information and Adjustment for Dependent Censoring Using Surrogate Markers 1992 James M. Robins
Andrea Rotnitzky
+ PDF Chat Causal Inference for a Population of Causally Connected Units 2014 Mark J. van der Laan
+ Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimation 1991 Donald W. K. Andrews
+ Analytic Methods for Estimating HIV-Treatment and Cofactor Effects 2002 James M. Robins
+ PDF Chat Randomization Inference in the Regression Discontinuity Design: An Application to Party Advantages in the U.S. Senate 2014 Matias D. Cattaneo
Brigham Frandsen
RocĂ­o Titiunik
+ PDF Chat Weighted Empirical Adaptive Variance Estimators for Correlated Data Regression 1999 Thomas Lumley
Patrick J. Heagerty
+ Regret‐Regression for Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes 2009 Robin Henderson
P. S. Ansell
Deyadeen Alshibani
+ Marginal Structural Models versus Structural nested Models as Tools for Causal inference 2000 James M. Robins
+ PDF Chat On the Application of Probability Theory to Agricultural Experiments. Essay on Principles. Section 9 1990 Jerzy Splawa-Neyman
D. M. Dabrowska
Terence P. Speed
+ Statistics and Causal Inference 1986 Paul W. Holland