Yuya Koda


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The Goeritz Groups of (1,1)-Decompositions 2025 Yuya Koda
Yuki Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Quantum enhancement polynomials associated with the canonical two-element tricbracket 2025 Yuya Koda
Yuya Nishimura
Yuichiro Sakamoto
+ PDF Chat Homotopy classification of knotted defects in bounded domains 2024 Yuta Nozaki
David R. J. Palmer
Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat Quantum Knots that Never Come Untied 2024 Michikazu Kobayashi
Yuta Nozaki
Yuya Koda
Muneto Nitta
+ PDF Chat The Powell Conjecture in genus four 2024 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
Jung Hoon Lee
+ PDF Chat Essential annuli in genus two handlebody exteriors 2024 Yuya Koda
Makoto Ozawa
Yisheng Wang
+ PDF Chat The Goeritz groups of $(1,1)$-decompositions 2024 Yuya Koda
Yuki Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Divides and hyperbolic volumes 2024 Ryoga Furutani
Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat Homotopy classification of knotted defects in ordered media 2024 Yuta Nozaki
Tamás Kálmán
Masakazu Teragaito
Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat The Powell Conjecture for the genus-three Heegaard splitting of the $3$-sphere 2024 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
Jung Hoon Lee
+ PDF Chat Diagrammatic criteria for strong irreducibility of Heegaard splittings and finiteness of Goeritz groups 2024 Yuya Koda
Kazuto Takao
+ Positive flow-spines and contact 3-manifolds, II 2023 Ippei Ishii
Masaharu Ishikawa
Yuya Koda
Hironobu Naoe
+ PDF Chat Presentation of the fundamental groups of complements of shadows 2023 Masaharu Ishikawa
Yuya Koda
Hironobu Naoe
+ PDF Chat Positive flow-spines and contact 3-manifolds 2023 Ippei Ishii
Masaharu Ishikawa
Yuya Koda
Hironobu Naoe
+ Positive flow-spines and contact 3-manifolds, II 2023 Ippei Ishii
Masaharu Ishikawa
Yuya Koda
Hironobu Naoe
+ Divides and hyperbolic volumes 2023 Ryoga Furutani
Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat Stable maps and hyperbolic links 2023 Ryoga Furutani
Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat Four-manifolds with shadow-complexity one 2022 Yuya Koda
Bruno Martelli
Hironobu Naoe
+ PDF Chat Homotopy Motions of Surfaces in 3-Manifolds 2022 Yuya Koda
Makoto Sakuma
+ Handlebody decompositions of three-manifolds and polycontinuous patterns 2022 Naoki Sakata
R. Mishina
Masaki Ogawa
Kai Ishihara
Yuya Koda
Makoto Ozawa
Koya Shimokawa
+ Handlebody decompositions of 3-manifolds and polycontinuous patterns 2022 Naoki Sakata
Ryosuke Mishina
Masaki Ogawa
Kai Ishihara
Yuya Koda
Makoto Ozawa
Koya Shimokawa
+ PDF Chat Distance and the Goeritz groups of bridge decompositions 2021 Daiki Iguchi
Yuya Koda
+ Distance and the Goeritz groups of bridge decompoitions 2021 Daiki Iguchi
Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat Goeritz Groups of Bridge Decompositions 2021 Susumu Hirose
Daiki Iguchi
Eiko Kin
Yuya Koda
+ Stable maps and hyperbolic links 2021 Ryoga Furutani
Yuya Koda
+ Presentation of the fundamental groups of complements of shadows 2021 Masaharu Ishikawa
Yuya Koda
Hironobu Naoe
+ PDF Chat Shadows of acyclic 4–manifolds with sphere boundary 2020 Yuya Koda
Hironobu Naoe
+ PDF Chat Braid group and leveling of a knot 2020 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
Arim Seo
+ PDF Chat Disk surgery and the primitive disk complexes of the 3-sphere 2020 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
Jung Hoon Lee
+ PDF Chat Twisted book decompositions and the Goeritz groups 2020 Daiki Iguchi
Yuya Koda
+ Goeritz groups of bridge decompositions 2020 Susumu Hirose
Daiki Iguchi
Eiko Kin
Yuya Koda
+ Homotopy motions of surfaces in $3$-manifolds 2020 Yuya Koda
Makoto Sakuma
Yuya Koda
+ Positive flow-spines and contact structures - a short summary (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology) 2019 Ippei Ishii
Masaharu Ishikawa
Yuya Koda
Hironobu Naoe
+ On the mapping class groups of strongly irreducible Heegaard splittings 2019 Daiki Iguchi
Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat Neighborhood equivalence for multibranched surfaces in 3-manifolds 2019 Kai Ishihara
Yuya Koda
Makoto Ozawa
Koya Shimokawa
+ Twisted book decompositions and the Goeritz groups 2019 Daiki Iguchi
Yuya Koda
+ Positive flow-spines and contact 3-manifolds 2019 Ippei Ishii
Masaharu Ishikawa
Yuya Koda
Hironobu Naoe
+ PDF Chat The disk complex and 2-bridge knots 2018 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ Four-manifolds with shadow-complexity one 2018 Yuya Koda
Bruno Martelli
Hironobu Naoe
+ Extending automorphisms of the genus-2 surface over the 3-sphere 2018 Kenta Funayoshi
Yuya Koda
+ Disk surgery and the primitive disk complexes of the $3$-sphere 2018 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
Jung Hoon Lee
+ Braid group and leveling of a knot 2018 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
Arim Seo
+ Neighborhood equivalence for multibranched surfaces in 3-manifolds 2018 Kai Ishihara
Yuya Koda
Makoto Ozawa
Koya Shimokawa
+ PDF Chat Haken spheres for genus two Heegaard splittings 2017 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ The mapping class groups of reducible Heegaard splittings of genus two 2017 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ The disk complex and 2-bridge knots 2017 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ The mapping class groups of reducible Heegaard splittings of genus two 2017 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat Arc complexes, sphere complexes, and Goeritz groups 2016 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
Arim Seo
+ PDF Chat Connected Primitive Disk Complexes and Genus Two Goeritz Groups of Lens Spaces 2016 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat Stable maps and branched shadows of 3-manifolds 2016 Masaharu Ishikawa
Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat Knot homotopy in subspaces of the 3-sphere 2016 Yuya Koda
Makoto Ozawa
+ PDF Chat Automorphisms of the 3-sphere that preserve spatial graphs and handlebody-knots 2015 Yuya Koda
+ Haken spheres for genus two Heegaard splittings 2015 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ Connected primitive disk complexes and genus two Goeritz groups of lens spaces 2015 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ Essential surfaces of non-negative Euler characteristic in genus two handlebody exteriors 2014 Yuya Koda
Makoto Ozawa
+ PDF Chat Disk Complexes and Genus Two Heegaard Splittings for NonPrime 3-Manifolds 2014 S. Cho
Yuya Koda
+ Arc complexes, sphere complexes and Goeritz groups 2014 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
Arim Seo
+ PDF Chat The genus two Goeritz group of $\mathbb{S}^2 \times \mathbb{S}^1$ 2014 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ Stable maps and branched shadows of 3-manifolds 2014 Masaharu Ishikawa
Yuya Koda
+ Topological symmetry groups and mapping class groups for spatial graphs 2013 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ The genus two Goeritz group of $S^2 \times S^1$ 2013 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ Disk complexes and genus two Heegaard splittings for non-prime 3-manifolds 2013 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat The Reidemeister-Turaev torsion of standard Spin<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:msup><mml:mrow /> <mml:mi>c</mml:mi> </mml:msup></mml:math> structures on Seifert fibered 3-manifolds 2012 Yuya Koda
+ (2+1)-Dimensional TQFT Model for Colored Turaev–Viro Invariants 2012 Yuya Koda
Taiji Taniguchi
+ Primitive disk complexes for lens spaces 2012 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ Essential surfaces of non-negative Euler characteristic in genus two handlebody exteriors 2012 Yuya Koda
Makoto Ozawa
+ ON THE REIDEMEISTER-TURAEV TORSION OF STANDARD SPIN$^C$ STRUCTURES ON SEIFERT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS (Twisted topological invariants and topology of low-dimensional manifolds) 2011 Yuya Koda
+ LINKS AND SPINES 2011 Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat Tunnel complexes of 3–manifolds 2011 Yuya Koda
+ Topological symmetry groups and mapping class groups for spatial graphs 2011 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ Automorphisms of the 3-sphere that preserve spatial graphs and handlebody-knots 2011 Yuya Koda
+ Colored Turaev–Viro invariants of twist knots 2008 Yuya Koda
+ 3-manifold theory via branched spines 2008 悠哉 古宇田
Yuya Koda
+ Colored Turaev-Viro invariants of twist knots 2008 Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat Spines, Heegaard Splittings and the Reidemeister-Turaev Torsion 2007 Yuya Koda
+ A Heegaard-type presentation of branched spines and the Reidemeister–Turaev torsion 2007 Yuya Koda
+ Branched spines and Heegaard genus of 3-manifolds 2007 Yuya Koda
+ Strongly-cyclic branched coverings and the Alexander polynomial of knots in rational homology spheres 2007 Yuya Koda
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Homeomorphisms of the 3-sphere that preserve a Heegaard splitting of genus two 2007 Sangbum Cho
+ PDF Chat Genus-two Goeritz groups of lens spaces 2013 Sangbum Cho
+ PDF Chat A presentation for the automorphisms of the 3-sphere that preserve a genus two Heegaard splitting 2008 Erol Akbas
+ Automorphisms of the 3-sphere that preserve a genus two Heegaard splitting 2003 Martin Scharlemann
+ PDF Chat The genus two Goeritz group of $\mathbb{S}^2 \times \mathbb{S}^1$ 2014 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ Mapping class groups of medium distance Heegaard splittings 2010 Jesse Johnson
+ On primitive sets of loops in the boundary of a handlebody 1987 C. McA. Gordon
+ PDF Chat Connected Primitive Disk Complexes and Genus Two Goeritz Groups of Lens Spaces 2016 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat Heegaard-Zerlegungen der 3-sphäre 1968 Friedhelm Waldhausen
+ PDF Chat 3-Manifolds as viewed from the curve complex 2001 John Hempel
+ PDF Chat Virtually geometrically finite mapping class groups of 3-manifolds 1991 Darryl McCullough
+ PDF Chat Automorphisms of the three-torus preserving a genus-three Heegaard splitting 2011 J. Harlan Johnson
+ Primitives in the free group on two generators 1981 R. P. Osborne
Heiner Zieschang
+ PDF Chat Disk Complexes and Genus Two Heegaard Splittings for NonPrime 3-Manifolds 2014 S. Cho
Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat Branched Standard Spines of 3-manifolds 1997 Riccardo Benedetti
Carlo Petronio
+ PDF Chat The tree of knot tunnels 2009 Sangbum Cho
Darryl McCullough
+ PDF Chat Automorphisms of the 3-sphere that preserve spatial graphs and handlebody-knots 2015 Yuya Koda
+ Big Heegaard distance implies finite mapping class group 2007 Hossein Namazi
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic Manifolds and Discrete Groups 2009 Michael Kapovich
+ The mapping class groups of reducible Heegaard splittings of genus two 2017 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat Moves and invariants for knotted handlebodies 2008 Atsushi Ishii
+ PDF Chat A new complexity for 3-manifolds 2005 Mariko Endoh
Ippei Ishii
+ Incompressible surfaces in 2-bridge knot complements 1985 Allen Hatcher
William P. Thurston
+ Haken spheres in the connected sum of two lens spaces 2005 Fengchun Lei
+ Knots and Links 1976 Dale Rolfsen
+ PDF Chat The Rubinstein–Scharlemann graphic of a 3-manifold as the discriminant set of a stable map 2000 Tsuyoshi Kobayashi
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Knots are determined by their complements 1989 C. McA. Gordon
John Luecke
+ Primitive disk complexes for lens spaces 2012 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
+ Branched spines and Heegaard genus of 3-manifolds 2007 Yuya Koda
+ A Heegaard-type presentation of branched spines and the Reidemeister–Turaev torsion 2007 Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat Arc distance equals level number 2009 Sangbum Cho
Darryl McCullough
Arim Seo
+ Heegaard splittings and open books 2011 Jesse Johnson
+ PDF Chat Systematic Singular Triangulations of All Orientable Seifert Manifolds 2005 Taiji Taniguchi
Keiko Tsuboi
Masakatsu Yamashita
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Three-Manifold Topology 1980 William Jaco
+ PDF Chat Homotopy Equivalences of 3-Manifolds with Boundaries 1979 Klaus Johannson
+ PDF Chat Cobordism of automorphisms of surfaces 1983 Francis Bonahon
Hyam Rubinstein
+ Mapping class groups of once-stabilized Heegaard splittings 2011 Jesse Johnson
+ Quantum Invariants of Knots and 3-Manifolds 1994 Vladimir G. Turaev
+ PDF Chat Topology and Combinatorics of 3-Manifolds 1995 Klaus Johannson
+ PDF Chat The space of Heegaard splittings 2012 Jesse Johnson
Darryl McCullough
+ Powell moves and the Goeritz group 2018 Michael J. Freedman
Martin Scharlemann
+ PDF Chat Arc complexes, sphere complexes, and Goeritz groups 2016 Sangbum Cho
Yuya Koda
Arim Seo
+ PDF Chat Spines, Heegaard Splittings and the Reidemeister-Turaev Torsion 2007 Yuya Koda
+ PDF Chat 3-manifolds efficiently bound 4-manifolds 2008 Francesco Costantino
Dylan P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat Alternate Heegaard genus bounds distance 2006 Martin Scharlemann
Maggy Tomova
+ Structures of the Haken manifolds with Heegaard splittings of genus two 1984 Tsuyoshi Kobayashi
+ Inequivalent genus 2 handlebodies in S3 with homeomorphic complement 1990 Michael Motto
+ Acyclic fake surfaces 1971 Hiroshi Ikeda