Karen Uhlenbeck


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Best Lipschitz maps and Earthquakes 2024 Γεώργιος Δασκαλόπουλος
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Transverse measures and best Lipschitz and least gradient maps 2024 Georgios Daskalopoulos
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ The Contributions of Chuu-Lian Terng to Geometry 2024 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ The Noether Theorems and their Application to Variational Problems on a Hyperbolic Surface 2023 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Analytic properties of Stretch maps and geodesic laminations 2022 Georgios Daskalopoulos
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Transverse Measures and Best Lipschitz and Least Gradient Maps 2020 Γεώργιος Δασκαλόπουλος
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Removeability of a codimension four singular set for solutions of a Yang–Mills–Higgs equation with small energy 2019 Penny Smith
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ The Mathematics of Richard Schoen 2018 Christina Sormani
Hubert L. Bray
William P. Minicozzi
Michael Eichmair
Lan-Hsuan Huang
Shing‐Tung Yau
Karen Uhlenbeck
Rob Kusner
Fernando Codá marques
Chikako Mese
+ Removability of a codimension four singular set for solutions of a yang mills higgs equation with small energy 2018 Penny Smith
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Tau Function and Virasoro Action for the n × n KdV Hierarchy 2016 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Tau Functions and Virasoro Actions for soliton Hierarchies 2016 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Tau function and Virasoro action for the nxn KdV hierarchy 2014 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Tau functions and Virasoro actions for soliton hierarchies 2014 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Tau functions and Virasoro actions for soliton hierarchies 2014 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Tau function and Virasoro action for the nxn KdV hierarchy 2014 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Geometric aspects of the Kapustin–Witten equations 2012 Michael Gagliardo
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ The n × n KdV hierarchy 2011 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Virasoro actions and harmonic maps (after Schwarz) 2008 Mihaela Vajiac
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Moduli space theory for constant mean curvature surfaces immersed in space-forms 2007 Alexandre C. Gonçalves
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ The nxn KdV flows 2006 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ On the space-time Monopole equation 2006 Bo Dai
Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Moduli space theory for constant mean curvature surfaces immersed in space-forms 2006 Alexandre C. Gonçalves
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Virasoro Actions and Harmonic Maps (after Schwarz) 2006 Karen Uhlenbeck
Mihaela Vajiac
+ The nxn KdV flows 2006 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat On the space-time monopole equation 2005 Bo Dai
Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Erratum: On Schrödinger maps 2004 Andrea R. Nahmod
Atanas Stefanov
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat 1+1 Wave Maps into Symmetric Spaces 2004 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat On the well-posedness of the wave map problem in high dimensions 2003 Andrea R. Nahmod
Atanas Stefanov
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ 1+1 wave maps into symmetric spaces 2003 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ On Schrödinger maps 2002 Andrea R. Nahmod
Atanas Stefanov
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ On Schr\"odinger maps 2001 Andrea R. Nahmod
Atanas Stefanov
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ On the well-posedness of the wave map problem in high dimensions 2001 Andrea R. Nahmod
Atanas Stefanov
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ On Schrödinger maps 2001 Andrea R. Nahmod
Atanas Stefanov
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Schrödinger maps 2000 Nai‐Heng Chang
Jalal Shatah
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Schrödinger maps 2000 Nai‐Heng Chang
Jalal Shatah
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Regularity of weak solutions to critical exponent variational equations 2000 Karen Uhlenbeck
Jeff Viaclovsky
+ Bäcklund transformations and loop group actions 2000 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Bäcklund transformations and loop group actions 2000 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Schrodinger flows on Grassmannians 1999 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Poisson actions and scattering theory for integrable systems 1998 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Bäcklund Transformations and Loop Group Actions 1998 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Integral systems : lectures on geometry and topology 1998 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Geometry, Topology and Physics 1997 Karen Uhlenbeck
Steven B. Bradlow
Boris N. Apanasov
+ Poisson Actions and Scattering Theory for Integrable Systems 1997 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Coming to Grips With Success: A Profile of Karen Uhlenbeck 1996 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Moduli Spaces of Singular Yamabe Metrics 1996 Rafe Mazzeo
Daniel Pollack
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Connected sum constructions for constant scalar curvature metrics 1995 Rafe Mazzeo
Daniel Pollack
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Connected sum constructions for constant scalar curvature metrics 1995 Rafe Mazzeo
Daniel Pollack
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Geometry and Quantum Field Theory 1995 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ An application of transversality to the topology of the moduli space of stable bundles 1995 Georgios Daskalopoulos
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Moduli of extensions of holomorphic bundles on Kähler manifolds 1995 Georgios Daskalopoulos
Karen Uhlenbeck
Richard Wentworth
+ Connected sum constructions for constant scalar curvature metrics 1995 Rafe Mazzeo
Daniel Pollack
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Moduli Spaces of Singular Yamabe Metrics 1994 Rafe Mazzeo
Daniel Pollack
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Responses to ``Theoretical Mathematics: Toward a cultural synthesis of mathematics and theoretical physics'', by A. Jaffe and F. Quinn 1994 Michael Atiyah
Armand Borel
Gregory J. Chaitin
Daniel Friedan
James Glimm
Jeremy Gray
Morris W. Hirsch
S. MacLane
Benoît B. Mandelbrot
David Ruelle
+ Moduli Spaces of Singular Yamabe Metrics 1994 Rafe Mazzeo
Daniel Pollack
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Global analysis in modern mathematics : a Symposium in honor of Richard Palais' sixtieth birthday 1993 Richard S. Palais
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ On the connection between harmonic maps and the self-dual Yang—Mills and the sine-Gordon equations 1992 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ The Yang-Mills Equations 1991 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Introduction to the First Edition 1991 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ The Collar Theorem 1991 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Fake ℝ4 1991 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Taubes’ Theorem 1991 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Orientability 1991 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Instantons and Four-Manifolds 1991 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Applications of non-linear analysis in topology : Plenary address, International Congress of Mathematicians, Kyoto, Japan, August 1990 1990 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Applications of non-linear analysis in topology 1990 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ A note on our previous paper: On the existence of Hermitian Yang–Mills connections in stable vector bundles 1989 Karen Uhlenbeck
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Harmonic maps into Lie groups: classical solutions of the chiral model 1989 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ On the existence of hermitian-yang-mills connections in stable vector bundles 1986 Karen Uhlenbeck
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat The Chern classes of Sobolev connections 1985 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Regularity of minimizing harmonic maps into the sphere 1984 Richard Schoen
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Instantons and Four-Manifolds 1984 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Cones on ℂℙ2 1984 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Fake ℝ4 1984 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Introduction to Taubes’ Theorem 1984 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Taubes’ Theorem 1984 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ The Yang-Mills Equations 1984 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ The Collar Theorem 1984 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Manifolds of Connections 1984 Daniel S. Freed
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Boundary regularity and the Dirichlet problem for harmonic maps 1983 Richard Schoen
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Correction to: ``A regularity theory for harmonic maps'' 1983 Richard Schoen
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Conservation Laws and Their Application in Global Differential Geometry 1983 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Removable singularities in Yang-Mills fields 1982 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Connections withL P bounds on curvature 1982 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Equivariant harmonic maps into spheres 1982 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat A regularity theory for harmonic maps 1982 Richard Schoen
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Minimal immersions of closed Riemann surfaces 1982 J. Sacks
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Morse Theory by Perturbation Methods with Applications to Harmonic Maps 1981 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Morse theory by perturbation methods with applications to harmonic maps 1981 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ The Existence of Minimal Immersions of 2-Spheres 1981 J. Sacks
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Removable singularities in Yang-Mills fields 1979 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat The existence of minimal immersions of two-spheres 1977 J. Sacks
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Regularity for a class of non-linear elliptic systems 1977 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Generic Properties of Eigenfunctions 1976 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ A Morse theory for geodesics on a Lorentz manifold 1975 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat The Morse index theorem in Hilbert space 1973 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat A new proof of a regularity theorem for elliptic systems 1973 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Shorter Notes: A New Proof of a Regularity Theorem for Elliptic Systems 1973 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Eigenfunctions of Laplace operators 1972 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Morse theory on Banach manifolds 1972 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Bounded sets and Finsler structures for manifolds of maps 1972 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Harmonic maps; a direct method in the calculus of variations 1970 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Morse theory on Banach manifolds 1970 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Integrals with nondegenerate critical points 1970 Karen Uhlenbeck
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Foundations of global non-linear analysis 1968 Richard S. Palais
+ Multiple Integrals in the Calculus of Variations 1966 Charles B. Morrey
+ PDF Chat A regularity theory for harmonic maps 1982 Richard Schoen
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Bäcklund transformations and loop group actions 2000 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Connections withL P bounds on curvature 1982 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Poisson actions and scattering theory for integrable systems 1998 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Harmonic Mappings of Riemannian Manifolds 1964 James Eells
J. H. Sampson
+ Lusternik-Schnirelman theory on Banach manifolds 1966 Richard S. Palais
+ Morse theory on Hilbert manifolds 1963 Richard S. Palais
+ PDF Chat Modifying Lax equations and the second Hamiltonian structure 1980 Boris A. Kupershmidt
George Wilson
+ The Existence of Minimal Immersions of 2-Spheres 1981 J. Sacks
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Breathers as homoclinic geometric wave maps 1996 Jalal Shatah
Walter A. Strauss
+ The Self-Duality Equations on a Riemann Surface 1987 Nigel Hitchin
+ The existence of weak solutions with prescribed singular behavior for a conformally invariant scalar equation 1988 Richard Schoen
+ PDF Chat On Homotopic Harmonic Maps 1967 Philip Hartman
+ Morse Theory and a Non-Linear Generalization of the Dirichlet Problem 1964 Stephen T. Smale
+ PDF Chat Self-dual Yang-Mills connections on non-self-dual 4-manifolds 1982 Clifford Henry Taubes
+ The Problem of Plateau on a Riemannian Manifold 1948 Charles B. Morrey
+ PDF Chat Harmonic Maps of Manifolds with Boundary 1975 Richard S. Hamilton
+ Lie algebras and equations of Korteweg-de Vries type 1985 Vladimir Drinfeld
В. В. Соколов
+ On the connection between harmonic maps and the self-dual Yang—Mills and the sine-Gordon equations 1992 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional gravity and intersection theory on moduli space 1990 Edward Witten
+ Inverse scattering and evolution equations 1985 Richard Beals
Ronald R. Coifman
+ PDF Chat Conformally flat metrics of constant positive scalar curvature on subdomains of the sphere 1991 Rafe Mazzeo
Nathan Smale
+ None 2001 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Nonuniqueness and high energy solutions for a conformally invariant scalar equation 1993 Daniel Pollack
+ PDF Chat Harmonic maps into Lie groups: classical solutions of the chiral model 1989 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ On Darboux transformations for soliton equations in high-dimensional spacetime 1994 Chaohao Gu
Zhou Zi-Xiang
+ On a trace functional for formal pseudo-differential operators and the symplectic structure of the Korteweg-devries type equations 1978 Mark Adler
+ Scattering and inverse scattering for first order systems 1984 Richard Beals
Ronald R. Coifman
+ PDF Chat Global Regularity of Wave Maps¶II. Small Energy in Two Dimensions 2001 Terence Tao
+ Complete Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces in Euclidean Three-Space 1990 Nicolaos Kapouleas
+ Harmonic maps into Lie groups 1992 Giorgio Valli
+ Geometric Measure Theory 1988 Herbert Fédérer
+ PDF Chat Harmonic maps from a 2-torus to the 3-sphere 1990 Nigel Hitchin
+ The n × n KdV hierarchy 2011 Chuu-Lian Terng
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat A direct method for minimizing the Yang-Mills functional over 4-manifolds 1982 Steven Sedlacek
+ Remark on the optimal regularity for equations of wave maps type 1997 Sergiù Klainerman
Sigmund Selberg
+ Geometry of 2D topological field theories 1996 Boris Dubrovin
+ PDF Chat An existence theorem for harmonic mappings of Riemannian manifolds 1977 Stefan Hildebrandt
Helmut Kaul
Kjell‐Ove Widman
+ Cohomology of Quotients in Symplectic and Algebraic Geometry 1984 Frances Kirwan
+ On global existence and scattering for the wave maps equation 2001 Daniel Tataru
+ PDF Chat Removable singularities in Yang-Mills fields 1982 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ On the cauchy problem for harmonic maps defined on two‐dimensional Minkowski space 1980 Chaohao Gu
+ Harmonic maps from surfaces to complex projective spaces 1983 James Eells
Carol Wood
+ PDF Chat Gauge theory on asymptotically periodic {4}-manifolds 1987 Clifford Henry Taubes
+ Integration of nonlinear equations of mathematical physics by the method of inverse scattering. II 1979 В. Е. Захаров
A. B. Shabat
+ PDF Chat Stability and isolation phenomena for Yang-Mills fields 1981 Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
H. Blaine Lawson
+ Self-duality in four-dimensional Riemannian geometry 1978 Michael Atiyah
Nigel Hitchin
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat Boundary regularity and the Dirichlet problem for harmonic maps 1983 Richard Schoen
Karen Uhlenbeck