Michel Talagrand


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Preliminaries 2022 Michel Talagrand
+ Feynman Propagator and Klein–Gordon Equation 2022 Michel Talagrand
+ The Bogoliubov–Parasiuk–Hepp–Zimmermann Scheme 2022 Michel Talagrand
+ Special Relativity 2022 Michel Talagrand
+ Canonical Commutation Relations 2022 Michel Talagrand
+ More on the Representations of the Poincaré Group 2022 Michel Talagrand
+ Complements on Representations 2022 Michel Talagrand
+ Representations of the Orthogonal and the Lorentz Group 2022 Michel Talagrand
+ Prologue: Power Counting 2022 Michel Talagrand
+ Representations of the Poincaré Group 2022 Michel Talagrand
+ What Is a Tempered Distribution Really? 2022 Michel Talagrand
+ Hamiltonian Formalism for Classical Fields 2022 Michel Talagrand
+ End of Proof of Stone’s Theorem 2022 Michel Talagrand
+ Gaussian Processes and the Generic Chaining 2021 Michel Talagrand
+ Peaky Part of Functions 2021 Michel Talagrand
+ The Ultimate Matching Theorem in Dimension 3 2021 Michel Talagrand
+ Random Fourier Series and Trigonometric Sums 2021 Michel Talagrand
+ Proof of the Bernoulli Conjecture 2021 Michel Talagrand
+ Convergence of Orthogonal Series: Majorizing Measures 2021 Michel Talagrand
+ Shor’s Matching Theorem 2021 Michel Talagrand
+ Trees and Other Measures of Size 2021 Michel Talagrand
+ Applications to Banach Space Theory 2021 Michel Talagrand
+ Empirical Processes, II 2021 Michel Talagrand
+ Partitioning Scheme and Families of Distances 2021 Michel Talagrand
+ Infinitely Divisible Processes 2021 Michel Talagrand
+ Bernoulli Processes 2021 Michel Talagrand
+ Random Series of Functions 2021 Michel Talagrand
+ Scaling and non-standard matching theorems 2018 Michel Talagrand
+ Upper and Lower Bounds for Stochastic Processes : Modern Methods and Classical Problems 2014 Michel Talagrand
+ Chaining and the Geometry of Stochastic Processes 2014 Michel Talagrand
+ Partition Scheme for Families of Distances 2014 Michel Talagrand
+ Applications to Banach Space Theory 2014 Michel Talagrand
+ Random Fourier Series and Trigonometric Sums, I 2014 Michel Talagrand
+ Matching Theorems, I 2014 Michel Talagrand
+ Philosophy and Overview of the Book 2014 Michel Talagrand
+ Theory and Practice of Empirical Processes 2014 Michel Talagrand
+ The Ultimate Matching Theorem in Dimension ≥3 2014 Michel Talagrand
+ Gaussian Processes and the Generic Chaining 2014 Michel Talagrand
+ Convergence of Orthogonal Series; Majorizing Measures 2014 Michel Talagrand
+ Matching Theorems, II: Shor’s Matching Theorem 2014 Michel Talagrand
+ Infinitely Divisible Processes 2014 Michel Talagrand
+ Bernoulli Processes 2014 Michel Talagrand
+ Random Fourier Series and Trigonometric Sums, II 2014 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF On T. Bartoszynskiʼs structure theorem for measurable filters 2013 Michel Talagrand
+ The Gardner Formula for the Discrete Cube 2011 Michel Talagrand
+ Mean Field Models for Spin Glasses 2011 Michel Talagrand
+ The Gardner Formula for the Sphere 2011 Michel Talagrand
+ The Parisi Formula 2011 Michel Talagrand
+ Advanced replica-symmetry and low temperature 2011 Michel Talagrand
+ The High-Temperature Region of the SK Model 2011 Michel Talagrand
+ The Hopfield Model 2010 Michel Talagrand
+ The Diluted SK Model and the K-Sat Problem 2010 Michel Talagrand
+ Mean Field Models for Spin Glasses 2010 Michel Talagrand
+ Are many small sets explicitly small? 2010 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Construction of pure states in mean field models for spin glasses 2009 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Maharam’s problem 2008 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Rigorous construction of the pure states for certain spin glass models 2008 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF A general form of certain mean field models for spin glasses 2007 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF On one property of Derrida–Ruelle cascades 2007 Dmitry Panchenko
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF On the overlap in the multiple spherical SK models 2007 Dmitry Panchenko
Michel Talagrand
+ Central limit theorems and the Almeida-Thouless line 2007 Sergio Albeverio
Walter Schachermayer
Michel Talagrand
Pierre Bernard
+ Potential Theory and Markov Processes associated with Dirichlet Forms 2007 Sergio Albeverio
Walter Schachermayer
Michel Talagrand
Pierre Bernard
+ Emergence and separation of the lumps in the p-spin interaction model 2007 Sergio Albeverio
Walter Schachermayer
Michel Talagrand
Pierre Bernard
+ Large Deviations, Guerra’s and A.S.S. Schemes, and the Parisi Hypothesis 2007 Michel Talagrand
+ Mean Field Models for Spin Glasses: Some Obnoxious Problems 2007 Michel Talagrand
+ Guerra's interpolation using Derrida-Ruelle cascades 2007 Dmitry Panchenko
Michel Talagrand
+ An “isomorphic” version of the sauer-shelah lemma and the banach-mazur distance to the cube 2006 Stanisław J. Szarek
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Selector processes on classes of sets 2006 Michel Talagrand
+ Maharam's problem 2006 Michel Talagrand
+ Maharam's problem 2006 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF The Parisi formula 2006 Michel Talagrand
+ Maharam's problem 2006 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Free energy of the spherical mean field model 2005 Michel Talagrand
+ Parisi measures 2005 Michel Talagrand
+ The Generic chaining : upper and lower bounds of stochastic processes 2005 Michel Talagrand
+ Type and infratype in symmetric sequence spaces 2004 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF On the distribution of the overlaps at given disorder 2004 Giorgio Parisi
Michel Talagrand
+ Bounds for diluted mean-fields spin glass models 2004 Dmitry Panchenko
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Bounds for diluted mean-fields spin glass models 2004 Dmitry Panchenko
Michel Talagrand
+ Bounds for diluted mean-fields spin glass models 2004 Dmitry Panchenko
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF On Guerra's broken replica-symmetry bound 2003 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF The generalized Parisi formula 2003 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Vapnik--Chervonenkis type conditions and uniform Donsker classes of functions 2003 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF An assignment problem at high temperature 2003 Michel Talagrand
+ Applications 2003 Sergio Albeverio
Walter Schachermayer
Michel Talagrand
Pierre Bernard
+ Gaussian averages, Bernoulli averages, and Gibbs' measures 2002 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF On the High Temperature Phase of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model 2002 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Intersecting random half spaces with a cube 2002 Michel Talagrand
+ None 2002 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF On the Hopfield model at the critical temperature 2001 Michel Talagrand
+ Rigorous results for mean field models for spin glasses 2001 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Majorizing measures without measures 2001 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF The high temperature case for the random K-sat problem 2001 Michel Talagrand
+ On the p-spin interaction model at low temperature 2000 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Rigorous low-temperature results for the mean field p-spins interaction model 2000 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Replica symmetry breaking and exponential inequalities for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model 2000 Michel Talagrand
+ The Random Weighted Interval Packing Problem: The Intermediate Density Case 2000 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ Concentration and influences 1999 Michel Talagrand
+ Intersecting random half cubes 1999 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Multiple points of trajectories of multiparameter fractional Brownian motion 1998 Michel Talagrand
+ Selecting a proportion of characters 1998 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF The Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model: a challenge for mathematicians 1998 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Rigorous results for the Hopfield model with many patterns 1998 Michel Talagrand
+ None 1998 Michel Talagrand
+ None 1998 Michael B. Marcus
Michel Talagrand
+ Huge random structures and mean field models for spin glasses 1998 Michel Talagrand
+ On boundaries and influences 1997 Michel Talagrand
+ On the Convexified Sauer–Shelah Theorem 1997 Stanisław J. Szarek
Michel Talagrand
+ New concentration inequalities in product spaces 1996 Michel Talagrand
+ Fractional Brownian motion and packing dimension 1996 Michel Talagrand
Yimin Xiao
+ PDF Majorizing measures: the generic chaining 1996 Michel Talagrand
+ How much are increasing sets positively correlated? 1996 Michel Talagrand
+ Transportation cost for Gaussian and other product measures 1996 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Packing random intervals 1996 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ The Glivenko-Cantelli problem, ten years later 1996 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF A new look at independence 1996 Michel Talagrand
+ Applying a theorem of Fernique 1996 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Concentration of measure and isoperimetric inequalities in product spaces 1995 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Hausdorff Measure of Trajectories of Multiparameter Fractional Brownian Motion 1995 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF A Borderline Random Fourier Series 1995 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Sections of smooth convex bodies via majorizing measures 1995 Michel Talagrand
+ The missing factor in Hoeffding's inequalities 1995 Michel Talagrand
+ Embedding Subspaces of L p in ℓ p N 1995 Michel Talagrand
+ Embedding of ℓ k ∞ and a Theorem of Alon and Milman 1995 Michel Talagrand
+ Are All Sets of Positive Measure Essentially Convex? 1995 Michel Talagrand
+ Factorization estimates for abelian varieties . Homogénéité de certaines distributions sur les groupes p-adiques . Concentration of measure and isoperimetric inequalities in product spaces . Quantum ergodicity of eigenfunctions on PSL[2](Z)\H[2] 1995 David Masser
Gisbert Wüstholz
Jean-Loup Waldspurger
Michel Talagrand
Wenzhi Luo
Peter Sarnak
+ PDF Chat Constructions of majorizing measures Bernoulli processes and cotype 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Lim Inf Results for Gaussian Samples and Chung's Functional LIL 1994 James Kuelbs
Wenbo V. Li
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF The Small Ball Problem for the Brownian Sheet 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF On Russo's Approximate Zero-One Law 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ Concentration of Measure and Isoperimetric Inequalities in Product Spaces 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ Constructions of Majorizing Measures, Bernoulli processes and cotype 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF The Transportation Cost from the Uniform Measure to the Empirical Measure in Dimension $\geq 3$ 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ The Supremum of Some Canonical Processes 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ Orlicz property and cotype in symmetric sequence spaces 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Matching theorems and empirical discrepancy computations using majorizing measures 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ A Remark on Sudakov Minoration for Chaos 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ Constructions of Majorizing Measures, Bernoulli processes and cotype 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ Concentration of Measure and Isoperimetric Inequalities in Product Spaces 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ Some Remarks on the Berg-Kesten Inequality 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF The Integrability of the Square Exponential Transportation Cost 1993 Michel Talagrand
J. E. Yukich
+ New Gaussian estimates for enlarged balls 1993 Michel Talagrand
+ Isoperimetry, logarithmic sobolev inequalities on the discrete cube, and margulis' graph connectivity theorem 1993 Michel Talagrand
+ Dual bin packing with items of random sizes 1993 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Regularity of Infinitely Divisible Processes 1993 Michel Talagrand
+ Type, infratype and the Elton-Pajor theorem 1992 Michel Talagrand
+ Cotype of operators fromC(K) 1992 Michel Talagrand
+ Cotype and (q, 1)-summing norm in a Banach space 1992 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Matching Random Samples in Many Dimensions 1992 Michel Talagrand
+ Sudakov-type minoration for gaussian chaos processes 1992 Michel Talagrand
+ On the long edges in the shortest tour throughN random points 1992 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Matching Random Subsets of the Cube with a Tight Control on One Coordinate 1992 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ On vector-valued random Fourier series 1992 Michel Talagrand
+ A simple proof of the majorizing measure theorem 1992 Michel Talagrand
+ The Rademacher cotype of operators from $l_\infty^N$ 1992 Stephen Montgomery-Smith
Michel Talagrand
+ Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Sample Continuity of Random Fourier Series and of Harmonic Infinitely Divisible Processes 1992 Michel Talagrand
+ The Ajtai-Komlos-Tusnady Matching Theorem for General Measures 1992 Michel Talagrand
+ On the Rate of Clustering in Strassen’s Lil for Brownian Motion 1992 Michel Talagrand
+ Complete Convergence of the Directed TSP 1991 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Book Review: $l^1$ Characterization of Banach Spaces not containing 1991 Michel Talagrand
+ A new isoperimetric inequality for product measure and the tails of sums of independent random variables 1991 Michel Talagrand
+ Probability in Banach Spaces: Isoperimetry and Processes 1991 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ A note on Gaussian measure of translates of balls 1991 Michel Talagrand
+ Sums of Independent Random Variables 1991 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF The Rademacher cotype of operators from 𝑙^{𝑁}_{∞} 1991 Stephen Montgomery-Smith
Michel Talagrand
+ Stable Random Variables 1991 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ Stationary Processes and Random Fourier Series 1991 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ Empirical Process Methods in Probability in Banach Spaces 1991 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ The Central Limit Theorem 1991 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ Regularity of Random Processes 1991 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ The Law of the Iterated Logarithm 1991 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ Isoperimetric Inequalities and the Concentration of Measure Phenomenon 1991 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ A new isoperimetric inequality and the concentration of measure phenomenon 1991 Michel Talagrand
+ Applications to Banach Space Theory 1991 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ Rademacher Averages 1991 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ Introduction 1991 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ Type and Cotype of Banach Spaces 1991 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ Regularity of Gaussian and Stable Processes 1991 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Some Applications of Isoperimetric Methods to Strong Limit Theorems for Sums of Independent Random Variables 1990 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ Embedding Subspaces of L 1 into l N 1 1990 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Embedding subspaces of 𝐿₁ into 𝑙^{𝑁}₁ 1990 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF The three-space problem for 𝐿¹ 1990 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Characterization of Almost Surely Continuous 1-Stable Random Fourier Series and Strongly Stationary Processes 1990 Michel Talagrand
+ The Three-Space Problem for L 1 1990 Michel Talagrand
+ Embedding subspaces of L1 into l1N 1990 Michel Talagrand
+ On the k-center problem with many centers 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ The Complete Convergence of First Fit Decreasing 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ Optimal Bin Packing with Items of Random Sizes III 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ A Concentration Inequality for the <i>K</i>-Median Problem 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ A conjecture on convolution operators, and a non-Dunford-Pettis operator onL 1 1989 Michel Talagrand
+ Martingale Inequalities, Interpolation and NP-Complete Problems 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF A Sharp Deviation Inequality for the Stochastic Traveling Salesman Problem 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ On subsets of $L^p$ and $p$-stable processes 1989 Michel Talagrand
+ A “regular oscillation” property of stable sets of measurable functions 1989 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF The canonical injection from 𝐶([0,1]) into 𝐿_{2,1} is not of cotype 2 1989 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF An Isoperimetric Theorem on the Cube and the Kintchine-Kahane Inequalities 1988 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Donsker classes of sets 1988 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF On liftings and the regularization of stochastic processes 1988 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF The Structure of Sign-Invariant GB-Sets and of Certain Gaussian Measures 1988 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF An isoperimetric theorem on the cube and the Kintchine-Kahane inequalities 1988 Michel Talagrand
+ Chevet's theorem for stable processes II 1988 Michael B. Marcus
Michel Talagrand
+ Banach sublattices of weakL 1 1987 N. T. Peck
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Donsker Classes and Random Geometry 1987 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF The Glivenko-Cantelli Problem 1987 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Measurability Problems for Empirical Processes 1987 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Regularity of gaussian processes 1987 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Conditions D'Integrabilite Pour Les Multiplicateurs Dans le TLC Banachique 1986 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Derivation, 𝐿^{Ψ}-bounded martingales and covering conditions 1986 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Uniform convexity and the distribution of the norm for a Gaussian measure 1986 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ Martingale inequalities and the Jackknife estimate of variance 1986 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Some weakly compact operators between Banach lattices do not factor through reflexive Banach lattices 1986 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Some Weakly Compact Operators Between Banach Lattices do Not Factor Through Reflexive Banach Lattices 1986 Michel Talagrand
+ Derivation, L Ψ -Bounded Martingales and Covering Conditions 1986 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Some Structure Results for Martingales in the Limit and Pramarts 1985 Michel Talagrand
+ First class selectors for weakly upper semi-continuous multi-valued maps in Banach spaces. 1985 J. E. Jayne
R. W. Hansell
Michel Talagrand
+ A Choquet theorem for general subspaces of vector-valued functions 1985 Paulette Saab
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Invariant Means on an Ideal 1985 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Invariant means on an ideal 1985 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Choquet simplexes whose set of extreme points is $K$-analytic 1985 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Subgraphs of random graphs 1985 D. H. Fremlin
Michel Talagrand
+ A Noncompletely Continuous Operator on L 1 (G) whose Random Fourier Transform is in c 0 (G) 1984 Nassif Ghoussoub
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Bad Rates of Convergence for the Central Limit Theorem in Hilbert Space 1984 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ Points Extremaux Dans Le Dual De L 1 (μ, E) 1984 Michel Talagrand
+ Weak Cauchy Sequences in L 1 (E) 1984 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF A new type of affine Borel function. 1984 Michel Talagrand
+ A new countably determined Banach space 1984 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Points extrémaux dans le dual de $L\sp{1}(\mu ,\,E)$ 1984 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Propriété de Nikodym et propriété de Grothendieck 1984 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF A noncompletely continuous operator on 𝐿₁(𝐺) whose random Fourier transform is in 𝑐₀(𝐺̂) 1984 Nassif Ghoussoub
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Quand l’espace des mesures à variation bornée est-il faiblement séquentiellement complet? 1984 Michel Talagrand
+ Pettis integral and measure theory 1984 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Sur l'int�grabilit� des vecteurs gaussiens 1984 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Sur les suites de fonctions qui convergent sur les graphes 1984 Michel Talagrand
+ La structure des espaces de Banach reticules ayantla propriete de Radon-Nikodym 1983 Michel Talagrand
+ La propriete de Dunford-Pettis dansC (K, E) etL 1(E) 1983 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Three Convex Sets 1983 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Mesures Gaussiennes sur un espace localement convexe 1983 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Un espace de Banach réticulé qui a presque la propriété de Radon-Nikodym 1983 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Three convex sets 1983 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Processus canoniquement mesurables (ou : doob avait raison) 1983 Michel Talagrand
+ Espaces de Banach representables 1982 Gilles Godefroy
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF La pathologie des relèvements invariants 1982 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Sur les resultats de Feyel concernant les epaisseurs 1982 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Closed convex hull of set of measurable functions, Riemann-measurable functions and measurability of translations 1982 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Un théorème de théorie de la mesure, lié à deux théorèmes de Mokobodzki 1982 Michel Talagrand
+ Different Types of Invariant Means 1981 Joseph Rosenblatt
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Ergodic measures, almost periodic points and discrete orbits 1981 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Some Functions With a Unique Invariant Mean 1981 Michel Talagrand
+ Dual banach lattices and Banach lattices with the Radon-Nikodym property 1981 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Dans un espace de Banach reticulé solide, la propriété de Radon-Nikodým et celle de Kreĭn-Mil′man sont équivalentes 1981 Jean Bourgain
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Some functions with a unique invariant mean 1981 Michel Talagrand
+ Dans Un Espace de Banach Reticule Solide, La Propriete de Radon-Nikodym et Celle de Krein-Milman Sont Equivalentes 1981 Jean Bourgain
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF A Gaussian Measure on $l^\infty$ 1980 D. H. Fremlin
Michel Talagrand
+ Certaines formes linéaires pathologiques sur un espace de Banach dual 1980 Michel Talagrand
+ Un Nouveau ℓ (K) Qui Possede la Propriete de Grothendieck 1980 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Liftings of Functions with Values in a Completely Regular Space 1980 G. A. Edgar
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Liftings of functions with values in a completely regular space 1980 Gerald A. Edgar
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Sur les mesures vectorielles définies par une application Pettis-intégrable 1980 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Compacité extrémale 1980 Jean Bourgain
Michel Talagrand
+ A decomposition theorem in tensor products of Archimedean vector lattices 1979 D. H. Fremlin
Michel Talagrand
+ Géométrie des simplexes de moyennes invariantes 1979 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Espaces de Banach Faiblement κ-Analytiques 1979 Michel Talagrand
+ Order dentability and the Radon-Nikodym property in Banach lattices 1979 Nassif Ghoussoub
Michel Talagrand
+ A decomposition theorem for additive set-functions, with applications to pettis integrals and ergodic means 1979 D. H. Fremlin
Michel Talagrand
+ Barycentres de sous-mesures pathologiques 1979 Michel Talagrand
+ On <i>CS</i> ‐closed sets 1979 D. H. Fremlin
Michel Talagrand
+ Sur LaK-Analyticite De Certains Espaces D’operateurs 1979 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Deux généralisations d’un théorème de I. Namioka 1979 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Sur les convexes compacts dont l'ensemble des points extrémaux est $\cal K$-analytique 1979 Michel Talagrand
+ On the representation of increasing linear functionals on Riesz spaces by measures 1978 D. H. Fremlin
Michel Talagrand
+ Pointwise Compact Sets of Baire-Measurable Functions 1978 Jean Bourgain
D. H. Fremlin
Michel Talagrand
+ On the existence of an analytic set meeting each compact set in a Borel set 1978 A. R. D. Mathias
A. J. Ostaszewski
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Capacités invariantes extrémales 1978 Michel Talagrand
+ A generalized Chacon's inequality and order convergence of processes 1977 Nassif Ghoussoub
Michel Talagrand
+ Solution d'une question de H. Weizsächer 1977 Michel Talagrand
+ Une remarque sur les espaces de Banach mesure-compacts 1977 Michel Talagrand
+ Une classe d'espaces de Banach qui admettent des quotients séparables 1977 Michel Talagrand
+ Ensembles K-analytiques et fonctions croissantes de compacts 1977 Michel Talagrand
+ Algèbres d’ensembles sur lesquelles toutes les mesures $\sigma $-additives sont bornées 1977 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Probability in Banach Spaces 1976 Anatole Beck
+ PDF Sommes vectorielles d'ensembles de mesure nulle 1976 Michel Talagrand
+ Les fonctions affines sur $[0 , 1]^{\mathbb {N}}$ ayant la propriété de Baire faible sont continues 1976 Michel Talagrand
+ Sommes vectorielles d'ensembles de mesure nulle 1975 Michel Talagrand
+ Convolution de mesures portées par une surface convexe 1975 Michel Talagrand
+ Solution d'un problème de R. Haydon 1975 Michel Talagrand
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Regularity of gaussian processes 1987 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Characterizations of almost surely continuous p-stable random Fourier series and strongly stationary processes 1984 Michael B. Marcus
Gilles Pisier
+ PDF Regularity of Infinitely Divisible Processes 1993 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Probability in Banach Spaces 1976 Anatole Beck
+ The Classical Banach Spaces 2000 Joram Lindenstrauss
Lior Tzafriri
+ Classical Banach Spaces II 1979 Joram Lindenstrauss
Lior Tzafriri
+ PDF Chat Broken Replica Symmetry Bounds in the Mean Field Spin Glass Model 2003 Francesco Guerra
+ Asymptotic Theory of Finite Dimensional Normed Spaces 1986 Vitali Milman
Gideon Schechtman
+ PDF Some Limit Theorems for Empirical Processes 1984 Evarist Giné
Joel Zinn
+ The Supremum of Some Canonical Processes 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ Probabilistic methods in the geometry of Banach spaces 1986 Gilles Pisier
+ On optimal matchings 1984 Miklós Ajtai
János Komlós
Gábor Tusnády
+ The Brunn-Minkowski inequality in Gauss space 1975 Christer Borell
+ Random Fourier Series with Applications to Harmonic Analysis 1981 Michael B. Marcus
+ PDF Chat Concentration of measure and isoperimetric inequalities in product spaces 1995 Michel Talagrand
+ The Parisi Formula 2011 Michel Talagrand
+ The Sizes of Compact Subsets of Hilbert Space and Continuity of Gaussian Processes 2010 R. M. Dudley
+ PDF The dimension of almost spherical sections of convex bodies 1977 T. Figiel
Joram Lindenstrauss
Vitali Milman
+ PDF The Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model: a challenge for mathematicians 1998 Michel Talagrand
+ On the density of families of sets 1972 N. Sauer
+ 𝜉-radial processes and random Fourier series 1987 Michael B. Marcus
+ PDF Chat Extended variational principle for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model 2003 Michael Aizenman
Robert Sims
Shannon Starr
+ PDF An isoperimetric theorem on the cube and the Kintchine-Kahane inequalities 1988 Michel Talagrand
+ The Volume of Convex Bodies and Banach Space Geometry 1989 Gilles Pisier
+ PDF The Glivenko-Cantelli Problem 1987 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Approximation of zonoids by zonotopes 1989 Jean Bourgain
Joram Lindenstrauss
Vitali Milman
+ PDF Chat Constructions of majorizing measures Bernoulli processes and cotype 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF On Guerra's broken replica-symmetry bound 2003 Michel Talagrand
+ The Gaussian cotype of operators fromC(K) 1989 Stephen Montgomery-Smith
+ Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Sample Continuity of Random Fourier Series and of Harmonic Infinitely Divisible Processes 1992 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Free energy of the spherical mean field model 2005 Michel Talagrand
+ Pointwise Compact Sets of Baire-Measurable Functions 1978 Jean Bourgain
D. H. Fremlin
Michel Talagrand
+ Some results on the continuity of stable processes and the domain of attraction of continuous stable processes 1984 Michael B. Marcus
Gilles Pisier
+ PDF Rigorous low-temperature results for the mean field p-spins interaction model 2000 Michel Talagrand
+ A simple proof of the majorizing measure theorem 1992 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF A combinatorial problem; stability and order for models and theories in infinitary languages 1972 Saharon Shelah
+ PDF A Sharp Deviation Inequality for the Stochastic Traveling Salesman Problem 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Minimax Grid Matching and Empirical Measures 1991 Peter W. Shor
J. E. Yukich
+ PDF Matching theorems and empirical discrepancy computations using majorizing measures 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ A new isoperimetric inequality and the concentration of measure phenomenon 1991 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Some rigorous results on the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass model 1987 Michael Aizenman
Joel L. Lebowitz
David Ruelle
+ Tight bounds for minimax grid matching with applications to the average case analysis of algorithms 1989 T. Leighton
Peter W. Shor
+ PDF Donsker Classes and Random Geometry 1987 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat General properties of overlap probability distributions in disordered spin systems. Towards Parisi ultrametricity 1998 Stefano Ghirlanda
Francesco Guerra
+ PDF Some rigorous results on the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass model 1988 Michael Aizenman
Joel L. Lebowitz
David Ruelle
+ PDF Bounded orthogonal systems and the Λ(p)-set problem 1989 Jean Bourgain
+ The influence of variables on Boolean functions 1988 J. Kahn
Gil Kalai
Nathan Linial
+ Banach-Mazur Distances and Finite-Dimensional Operator Ideals 1989 Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
N.Tomczak Jagermann
+ Factorization of operators throughL p? orL p1 and non-commutative generalizations 1986 Gilles Pisier
+ PDF Embedding l ${}_{p}^{m}$ into l ${}_{1}^{n}$ 1982 William B. Johnson
Gideon Schechtman