Orna Kupferman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Synthesis with Privacy Against an Observer 2024 Orna Kupferman
Ofer Leshkowitz
Namma Shamash Halevy
+ On Semantically-Deterministic Automata 2023 Bader Abu Radi
Orna Kupferman
+ PDF Chat Minimization and Canonization of GFG Transition-Based Automata 2022 Bader Abu Radi
Orna Kupferman
+ PDF Chat Certifying DFA Bounds for Recognition and Separation 2022 Orna Kupferman
Nir Lavee
Salomon Sickert
+ A Hierarchy of Nondeterminism 2022 Bader Abu Radi
Orna Kupferman
Ofer Leshkowitz
+ PDF Chat Certifying Inexpressibility 2021 Salomon Sickert
Orna Kupferman
+ Good-Enough Synthesis 2021 Shaull Almagor
Orna Kupferman
+ PDF Chat Certifying DFA Bounds for Recognition and Separation 2021 Orna Kupferman
Nir Lavee
Salomon Sickert
+ Certifying Inexpressibility 2021 Orna Kupferman
Salomon Sickert
+ Minimization and Canonization of GFG Transition-Based Automata 2021 Bader Abu Radi
Orna Kupferman
+ PDF Chat Canonicity in GFG and Transition-Based Automata 2020 Bader Abu Radi
Orna Kupferman
+ Reasoning about Quality and Fuzziness of Strategic Behaviours 2019 Patricia Bouyer
Orna Kupferman
Nicolas Markey
Bastien Maubert
Aniello Murano
Giuseppe Perelli
+ Reasoning about Quality and Fuzziness of Strategic Behaviours 2019 Patricia Bouyer
Orna Kupferman
Nicolas Markey
Bastien Maubert
Aniello Murano
Giuseppe Perelli
+ Reasoning about Quality and Fuzziness of Strategic Behaviours 2019 Patricia Bouyer
Orna Kupferman
Nicolas Markey
Bastien Maubert
Aniello Murano
Giuseppe Perelli
+ Timed Network Games with Clocks 2018 Guy Avni
Shibashis Guha
Orna Kupferman
+ Timed network games with clocks 2018 Guy Avni
Shibashis Guha
Orna Kupferman
+ Flow Logic 2018 Orna Kupferman
Gal Vardi
+ Timed Network Games with Clocks 2018 Guy Avni
Shibashis Guha
Orna Kupferman
+ Flow Logic 2018 Orna Kupferman
Gal Vardi
+ How Deterministic are Good-For-Games Automata? 2017 Udi Boker
Orna Kupferman
Michał Skrzypczak
+ How Deterministic are Good-For-Games Automata? 2017 Udi Boker
Orna Kupferman
Michał Skrzypczak
+ High-Quality Synthesis Against Stochastic Environments 2016 Shaull Almagor
Orna Kupferman
+ Minimizing Expected Cost Under Hard Boolean Constraints, with Applications to Quantitative Synthesis 2016 Shaull Almagor
Orna Kupferman
Yaron Velner
+ High-Quality Synthesis Against Stochastic Environments 2016 Shaull Almagor
Orna Kupferman
+ Profile trees for Büchi word automata, with application to determinization 2015 Seth Fogarty
Orna Kupferman
Moshe Y. Vardi
Thomas Wilke
+ Discounting in LTL 2014 Shaull Almagor
Udi Boker
Orna Kupferman
+ Discounting in LTL 2014 Shaull Almagor
Udi Boker
Orna Kupferman
+ PDF Chat Profile Trees for Büchi Word Automata, with Application to Determinization 2013 Seth Fogarty
Orna Kupferman
Moshe Y. Vardi
Thomas Wilke
+ PDF Chat Unifying B\"uchi Complementation Constructions 2013 Seth Fogarty
Orna Kupferman
Thomas Wilke
Moshe Y. Vardi
+ Rational Synthesis 2009 Dana Fisman
Orna Kupferman
Yoad Lustig
+ Rational Synthesis 2009 Dana Fisman
Orna Kupferman
Yoad Lustig
+ PDF Chat What causes a system to satisfy a specification? 2008 Hana Chockler
Joseph Y. Halpern
Orna Kupferman
+ What Causes a System to Satisfy a Specification? 2003 Hana Chockler
Joseph Y. Halpern
Orna Kupferman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Efficient Separability of Regular Languages by Subsequences and Suffixes 2013 Wojciech Czerwiński
Wim Martens
Tomáš Masopust
+ Büchi Complementation Made Tight 2009 Sven Schewe
+ Büchi complementation made tight 2009 Sven Schewe
+ PDF Chat Explainable Reactive Synthesis 2020 Tom Baumeister
Bernd Finkbeiner
Hazem Torfah
+ PDF Chat Certifying Inexpressibility 2021 Salomon Sickert
Orna Kupferman
+ PDF Chat Approximate Automata for Omega-Regular Languages 2019 Rayna Dimitrova
Bernd Finkbeiner
Hazem Torfah
+ PDF Chat Separating Regular Languages with First-Order Logic 2016 Thomas Place
Marc Zeitoun
+ Environment Assumptions for Synthesis 2008 Krishnendu Chatterjee
Thomas A. Henzinger
Barbara Jobstmann
+ PDF Chat From Nondeterministic Buchi and Streett Automata to Deterministic Parity Automata 2006 Nir Piterman
+ Certifying Inexpressibility 2021 Orna Kupferman
Salomon Sickert
+ PDF Chat Quantified CTL: Expressiveness and Complexity 2014 François Laroussinie
Nicolas Markey
+ Minimising Good-for-Games automata is NP complete 2020 Sven Schewe
+ Regular Separability of Well Structured Transition Systems 2017 Wojciech Czerwiński
Sławomir Lasota
Roland Meyer
Sebastian Muskalla
K. Narayan Kumar
Prakash Saivasan
+ PDF Chat State of Büchi Complementation 2011 Ming-Hsien Tsai
Seth Fogarty
Moshe Y. Vardi
Yih-Kuen Tsay
+ PDF Chat From Nondeterministic B\"uchi and Streett Automata to Deterministic Parity Automata 2007 Nir Piterman
+ PDF Chat Some Complexity Results for Stateful Network Verification 2016 Yaron Velner
Kalev Alpernas
Aurojit Panda
Alexander Rabinovich
Mooly Sagiv
Scott Shenker
Sharon Shoham
+ PDF Chat Admissibility in Quantitative Graph Games 2016 Romain Brenguier
Guillermo A. Pérez
Jean-François Raskin
Ocan Sankur
+ PDF Chat Strategy logic with imperfect information 2017 Raphaël Berthon
Bastien Maubert
Aniello Murano
Sasha Rubin
Moshe Y. Vardi
+ Introduction to Algorithms 1991 V. J. Rayward‐Smith
Thomas H. Cormen
Charles E. Leiserson
Ronald L. Rivest
+ PDF Chat Unifying B\"uchi Complementation Constructions 2013 Seth Fogarty
Orna Kupferman
Thomas Wilke
Moshe Y. Vardi
+ Reasoning about Quality and Fuzziness of Strategic Behaviours 2019 Patricia Bouyer
Orna Kupferman
Nicolas Markey
Bastien Maubert
Aniello Murano
Giuseppe Perelli
+ Energy and Mean-Payoff Parity Markov Decision Processes 2011 Krishnendu Chatterjee
Laurent Doyen
+ On Subgame Perfection in Quantitative Reachability Games 2012 Thomas Brihaye
Véronique Bruyère
Julie De Pril
Hugo Gimbert
+ Responsibility and blame: a structural-model approach 2003 Hana Chockler
Joseph Y. Halpern
+ Multidimensional beyond worst-case and almost-sure problems for mean-payoff objectives 2015 Lorenzo Clemente
Jean-François Raskin
+ PDF Chat Timed Parity Games: Complexity and Robustness 2011 Krishnendu Chatterjee
Thomas A. Henzinger
Vinayak S. Prabhu
+ Environment Assumptions for Synthesis 2008 Krishnendu Chatterjee
Thomas A. Henzinger
Barbara Jobstmann
+ Better Quality in Synthesis through Quantitative Objectives 2009 Roderick Bloem
Krishnendu Chatterjee
Thomas A. Henzinger
Barbara Jobstmann
+ Reasoning About Strategies: On the Model-Checking Problem 2011 Fabio Mogavero
Aniello Murano
Giuseppe Perelli
Moshe Y. Vardi
+ Causes and Explanations: A Structural-Model Approach 2000 Joseph Y. Halpern
Judea Pearl
+ PDF Chat Computing Maximum Flow with Augmenting Electrical Flows 2016 Aleksander Mądry
+ Good for Games Automata: From Nondeterminism to Alternation 2019 Udi Boker
Karoliina Lehtinen
+ Minimising Good-for-Games automata is NP complete 2020 Sven Schewe
+ On the Succinctness of Alternating Parity Good-for-Games Automata 2020 Udi Boker
Denis Kuperberg
Karoliina Lehtinen
Michał Skrzypczak
+ Mean-Payoff Games on Timed Automata 2016 Shibashis Guha
Marcin Jurdziński
Shankara Narayanan Krishna
Ashutosh Trivedi
+ PDF Chat Canonicity in GFG and Transition-Based Automata 2020 Bader Abu Radi
Orna Kupferman
+ PDF Chat Lower Bounds for Complementation of omega-Automata Via the Full Automata Technique 2008 Qiqi Yan
+ PDF Chat Certifying DFA Bounds for Recognition and Separation 2022 Orna Kupferman
Nir Lavee
Salomon Sickert
+ PDF Chat Multi-valued Verification of Strategic Ability 2020 Wojciech Jamroga
Beata Konikowska
Damian Kurpiewski
Wojciech Penczek
+ A Hierarchy of Nondeterminism 2022 Bader Abu Radi
Orna Kupferman
Ofer Leshkowitz
+ Admissibility in Quantitative Graph Games 2016 Romain Brenguier
Guillermo A. Pérez
Jean-François Raskin
Ocan Sankur
+ PDF Chat Assume-admissible synthesis 2016 Romain Brenguier
Jean-François Raskin
Ocan Sankur
+ PDF Chat Unifying Two Views on Multiple Mean-Payoff Objectives in Markov Decision Processes 2015 Krishnendu Chatterjee
Zuzana Komárková
Jan Křetínský
+ PDF Chat Adding Negative Prices to Priced Timed Games 2014 Thomas Brihaye
Gilles Geeraerts
Shankara Narayanan Krishna
Lakshmi Manasa
Benjamin Monmege
Ashutosh Trivedi
+ PDF Chat State of B\"uchi Complementation 2014 Ming-Hsien Tsai
Seth Fogarty
Moshe Y. Vardi
Yih-Kuen Tsay
+ PDF Chat How to Be Both Rich and Happy: Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Strategic Reasoning about Multi-Player Games (Extended Abstract) 2013 Nils Bulling
Valentin Goranko
+ PDF Chat Knowledge and common knowledge in a distributed environment 1990 Joseph Y. Halpern
Yoram Moses
+ PDF Chat Reachability in Two-Clock Timed Automata Is PSPACE-Complete 2013 John Fearnley
Marcin Jurdziński
+ PDF Chat On Equilibria in Quantitative Games with Reachability/Safety Objectives 2013 Thomas Brihaye
Véronique Bruyère
Julie De Pril
+ PDF Chat Causes and explanations in the structural-model approach: Tractable cases 2006 Thomas Eiter
Thomas Lukasiewicz