Ekin Özman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Non-trivial Integer Solutions of $x^r+y^r=Dz^p$ 2024 Yasemin Kara
Diana Mocanu
Ekin Özman
+ Iterated monodromy group of a PCF quadratic non-polynomial map 2024 Özlem Ejder
Yasemin Kara
Ekin Özman
+ Computing quadratic points on modular curves 𝑋₀(𝑁) 2023 Nikola Adžaga
Timo Keller
Philippe Michaud‐Jacobs
Filip Najman
Ekin Özman
Borna Vukorepa
+ Computing quadratic points on modular curves $X_0(N)$ 2023 Nikola Adžaga
Timo Keller
Philippe Michaud‐Jacobs
Filip Najman
Ekin Özman
Borna Vukorepa
+ Iterated Monodromy Group of a PCF Quadratic Non-polynomial Map 2023 Özlem Ejder
Yasemin Kara
Ekin Özman
+ On ternary Diophantine equations of signature over number fields 2022 Erman IŞIK
Yasemin Kara
Ekin Özman
Rachel Pries
Colin Weir
+ On Ternary Diophantine Equations of Signature $(p,p,3)$ over Number Fields 2022 Erman Isik
Yasemin Kara
Ekin Özman
+ PDF Chat S-unit equations and the asymptotic Fermat conjecture over number fields 2021 Ekin Özman
Samir Siksek
+ PDF Chat The Hasse Norm Principle in Global Function Fields 2021 Adelina Mânzăţeanu
Rachel Newton
Ekin Özman
Nicole Sutherland
Rabia Gülşah Uysal
+ On ternary Diophantine equations of signature(p,p,2)over number fields 2020 Erman IŞIK
Yasemin Kara
Ekin Özman
+ A bound on the primes of bad reduction for CM curves of genus 3 2020 Pınar Kılıçer
Kristin Lauter
Elisa Lorenzo García
Rachel Newton
Ekin Özman
Marco Streng
+ $S$-Unit Equations and the Asymptotic Fermat Conjecture over Number Fields 2020 Ekin Özman
Samir Siksek
+ The Hasse Norm Principle in Global Function Fields 2020 Adelina Mânzăţeanu
Rachel Newton
Ekin Özman
Nicole Sutherland
Rabia Gülşah Uysal
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic generalized Fermat’s last theorem over number fields 2019 Yasemin Kara
Ekin Özman
+ Asymptotic Generalized Fermat's Last Theorem over Number Fields 2019 Yasemin Kara
Ekin Özman
+ Rational points on twisted modular curves 2019 Ekin Özman
+ PDF Chat Ordinary and almost ordinary Prym varieties 2019 Ekin Özman
Rachel Pries
+ Asymptotic Generalized Fermat's Last Theorem over Number Fields 2019 Yasemin Kara
Ekin Özman
+ The boundary of the $p$-rank $0$ stratum of the moduli space of cyclic covers of the projective line 2019 Ekin Özman
Rachel Pries
Colin Weir
+ Quadratic points on modular curves 2018 Ekin Özman
Samir Siksek
+ Quadratic Points on Modular Curves 2018 Ekin Özman
Samir Siksek
+ PDF Chat Non-ordinary Curves with a Prym Variety of Low p-Rank 2018 Türkü Özlüm Çelik
Yara Elias
Burçi̇n Güneş
Rachel Newton
Ekin Özman
Rachel Pries
Lara Thomas
+ Quadratic Points on Modular Curves 2018 Ekin Özman
Samir Siksek
+ PDF Chat Unramified Brauer Classes on Cyclic Covers of the Projective Plane 2017 Colin Ingalls
Andrew Obus
Ekin Özman
Bianca Viray
Hugh Thomas
+ Non-ordinary curves with a Prym variety of low $p$-rank 2017 Türkü Özlüm Çelik
Yara Elias
Burçi̇n Güneş
Rachel Newton
Ekin Özman
Rachel Pries
Lara Thomas
+ p-ranks of Prym Varieties 2017 Ekin Özman
+ PDF Chat Ring-LWE Cryptography for the Number Theorist 2016 Yara Elias
Kristin Lauter
Ekin Özman
Katherine E. Stange
+ The Distribution of 𝔽<sub><i>q</i></sub>-Points on Cyclic ℓ-Covers of Genus<i>g</i> 2015 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Nathan O. Kaplan
Matilde Laĺın
Ekin Özman
Melanie Matchett Wood
+ Ring-LWE Cryptography for the Number Theorist 2015 Yara Elias
Kristin Lauter
Ekin Özman
Katherine E. Stange
+ PDF Chat Local to global trace questions and twists of genus one curves 2015 Mirela Çiperiani
Ekin Özman
+ On the existence of ordinary and almost ordinary Prym varieties 2015 Ekin Özman
Rachel Pries
+ Ordinary and almost ordinary Prym varieties 2015 Ekin Özman
Rachel Pries
+ Provably weak instances of Ring-LWE 2015 Yara Elias
Kristin Lauter
Ekin Özman
Katherine E. Stange
+ PDF Chat Bad Reduction of Genus Three Curves with Complex Multiplication 2015 Irene I. Bouw
Jenny Cooley
Kristin Lauter
Elisa Lorenzo García
Michelle Manes
Rachel Newton
Ekin Özman
+ The Distribution of Fq-Points on Cyclic -Covers of Genus g 2015 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Nathan O. Kaplan
Ekin Özman
Melanie Matchett Wood
+ Ring-LWE Cryptography for the Number Theorist 2015 Yara Elias
Kristin Lauter
Ekin Özman
Katherine E. Stange
+ Provably weak instances of Ring-LWE 2015 Yara Elias
Kristin Lauter
Ekin Özman
Katherine E. Stange
+ Ordinary and almost ordinary Prym varieties 2015 Ekin Özman
Rachel Pries
+ The distribution of $\mathbb{F}_q$-points on cyclic $\ell$-covers of genus $g$ 2015 Alina Bucur
Chantal David
Brooke Feigon
Nathan O. Kaplan
Matilde Laĺın
Ekin Özman
Melanie Matchett Wood
+ Bad reduction of genus $3$ curves with complex multiplication 2014 Irene I. Bouw
Jenny Cooley
Kristin Lauter
Elisa Lorenzo García
Michelle Manes
Rachel Newton
Ekin Özman
+ On polyquadratic twists of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>X</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> 2013 Ekin Özman
+ PDF Chat Newton Polygons for a Variant of the Kloosterman Family 2013 Rebecca Bellovin
Sharon Anne Garthwaite
Ekin Özman
Rachel Pries
Cassandra Williams
Hui June Zhu
+ Unramified Brauer classes on cyclic covers of the projective plane 2013 Colin Ingalls
Andrew Obus
Ekin Özman
Bianca Viray
+ On Polyquadratic Twists of X_0(N) 2012 Ekin Özman
+ Points on quadratic twists of X<sub>0</sub>(N) 2012 Ekin Özman
+ On Polyquadratic Twists of X_0(N) 2012 Ekin Özman
+ Newton polygons for a variant of the Kloosterman family 2012 Rebecca Bellovin
Sharon Anne Garthwaite
Ekin Özman
Rachel Pries
Cassandra Williams
Hui June Zhu
+ Semi-direct Galois covers of the affine line 2011 Linda Gruendken
Laura Hall-Seelig
Bo‐Hae Im
Ekin Özman
Rachel Pries
Katherine Stevenson
+ Semi-Direct Galois Covers of the Affine Line 2011 Linda Gruendken
Laura Hall-Seelig
Bo‐Hae Im
Ekin Özman
Rachel Pries
Katherine Stevenson
+ Local Points on Quadratic Twists of X_0(N) 2009 Ekin Özman
+ Semi-direct Galois covers of the affine line 2009 Linda Gruendken
Laura Hall-Seelig
Bo‐Hae Im
Ekin Özman
Rachel Pries
Katherine L. Stevenson
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Modular curves and the eisenstein ideal 1977 Barry Mazur
+ PDF Chat Complete subvarieties of moduli spaces and the Prym map 2004 Carel Faber
Gerard van der Geer
+ Intersection theory on algebraic stacks and on their moduli spaces 1989 Angelo Vistoli
+ PDF Chat Monodromy of the p-Rank Strata of the Moduli Space of Curves 2008 Jeffrey D. Achter
Rachel Pries
+ PDF Chat On lattices, learning with errors, random linear codes, and cryptography 2009 Oded Regev
+ PDF Chat A construction of polynomials with squarefree discriminants 2012 Kiran S. Kedlaya
+ PDF Chat Fermat’s last theorem over some small real quadratic fields 2015 Nuno Freitas
Samir Siksek
+ ℚ-Curves and Galois Representations 2004 Jordan S. Ellenberg
+ PDF Chat The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 1986 Joseph H. Silverman
+ PDF Chat The Mordell–Weil sieve: proving non-existence of rational points on curves 2010 Nils Bruin
Michael Stoll
+ Torsion points on elliptic curves andq-coefficients of modular forms 1992 S. Kamienny
+ The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language 1997 Wieb Bosma
John Cannon
Catherine Playoust
+ Rational isogenies of prime degree 1978 Barry Mazur
Dorian Goldfeld
+ Number Theory in Function Fields 2002 Michael Rosen
+ PDF Chat The asymptotic Fermat’s Last Theorem for five-sixths of real quadratic fields 2015 Nuno Freitas
Samir Siksek
+ PDF Chat On the asymptotic Fermat’s last theorem over number fields 2018 Mehmet Haluk Şengün
Samir Siksek
+ Local -global problems and the Brauer -Manin obstruction. 1999 Victor Scharaschkin
+ PDF Chat Bielliptic Curves and Symmetric Products 1991 Joe Harris
Joe H. Silverman
+ PDF Chat On Fermat’s equation over some quadratic imaginary number fields 2018 George C. Ţurcaş
+ Algebraic geometry and arithmetic curves 2003 Qing Liu
+ On modular representations of $$(\bar Q/Q)$$ arising from modular forms 1990 Kenneth A. Ribet
+ PDF Chat The Hasse principle and the Brauer-Manin obstruction for curves 2004 E. V. Flynn
+ PDF Chat Traces of high powers of the Frobenius class in the hyperelliptic ensemble 2010 Zeév Rudnick
+ PDF Chat The p-rank strata of the moduli space of hyperelliptic curves 2011 Jeffrey D. Achter
Rachel Pries
+ Character Sums with Exponential Functions and their Applications 1999 Sergeĭ Konyagin
Igor E. Shparlinski
+ PDF Chat On the probabilities of local behaviors in abelian field extensions 2009 Melanie Matchett Wood
+ PDF Chat On the generalized Fermat equation over totally real fields 2016 Heline Deconinck
+ PDF Chat Chabauty for symmetric powers of curves 2009 Samir Siksek
+ PDF Chat Torsion points on elliptic curves over number fields of small degree 2023 Maarten Derickx
S. Kamienny
William Stein
Michael Stoll
+ Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 1994 Joseph H. Silverman
+ PDF Chat The Distribution of the Number of Points on Trigonal Curves over 𝔽q 2012 Melanie Matchett Wood
+ PDF Chat Torsion points on elliptic curves defined over quadratic fields 1988 M. A. Kenku
Fumiyuki Momose
+ Product Sets of Rationals, Multiplicative Translates of Subgroups in Residue Rings, and Fixed Points of the Discrete Logarithm 2008 Jean Bourgain
Sergeĭ Konyagin
Igor E. Shparlinski
+ Revisiting Schur's bound on the largest singular value 2007 Vladimir Nikiforov
+ Bornes pour la torsion des courbes elliptiques sur les corps de nombres 1996 Lo x EF c Merel
+ About Euclidean rings 1971 Samuel Pierre
+ Sur les représentations modulaires de degré 2 de Gal(Q¯/Q) 1987 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Idempotent relations and factors of Jacobians 1989 Ernst Kani
Michael Rosen
+ Subvarieties of moduli spaces 1974 Frans J. Oort
+ On the density of discriminants of cyclic extensions of prime degree 2002 Henri Cohen
Fredéric Diaz
Michel Olivier
+ On Ideal Lattices and Learning with Errors over Rings 2010 Vadim Lyubashevsky
Chris Peikert
Oded Regev
+ PDF Chat None 2001 Irene I. Bouw
+ Families of supersingular abelian surfaces 1987 Toshiyuki Katsura
Frans J. Oort
+ Smooth analysis of the condition number and the least singular value 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Distribution of Discriminants of Abelian Extensions 1989 D. J. Wright
+ PDF Chat Hyperelliptic modular curves and isogenies of elliptic curves over quadratic fields 2015 Peter Bruin
Filip Najman
+ Singularities of the moduli space of level curves 2012 A Chiodo
Gavril Farkas
+ PDF Chat Syzygies of torsion bundles and the geometry of the level ℓ modular variety over $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g}$ 2012 A Chiodo
David Eisenbud
Gavril Farkas
Frank–Olaf Schreyer
+ Equations for modular curves 1996 Steven D. Galbraith