Alexander Woo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Regular Hessenberg varieties for the minimal indecomposable Hessenberg space 2024 Erik Insko
Martha Precup
Alexander Woo
+ PDF Chat Gröbner bases, symmetric matrices, and type C Kazhdan–Lusztig varieties 2024 Laura Escobar
Alex Fink
Jenna Rajchgot
Alexander Woo
+ Springer fibers and the Delta Conjecture at t = 0 2024 Sean T. Griffin
Jake Levinson
Alexander Woo
+ Schubert geometry and combinatorics 2023 Alexander Woo
Alexander Yong
+ The shallow permutations are the unlinked permutations 2022 Alexander Woo
+ Gröbner bases, symmetric matrices, and type C Kazhdan-Lusztig varieties 2021 Laura Escobar
Alex Fink
Jenna Rajchgot
Alexander Woo
+ Springer fibers and the Delta Conjecture at $t=0$ 2021 Sean T. Griffin
Jake Levinson
Alexander Woo
+ The Nash blow-up of a cominuscule Schubert variety 2020 Edward Richmond
William Slofstra
Alexander Woo
+ PDF Chat A Gröbner basis for the graph of the reciprocal plane 2020 Alex Fink
David E Speyer
Alexander Woo
+ PDF Chat A formula for the cohomology and K-class of a regular Hessenberg variety 2019 Erik Insko
Julianna Tymoczko
Alexander Woo
+ PDF Chat Tropicalization, symmetric polynomials, and complexity 2019 Alexander Woo
Alexander Yong
+ The Nash blow-up of a cominuscule Schubert variety 2018 Edward Richmond
William Slofstra
Alexander Woo
+ A formula for the cohomology and $K$-class of a regular Hessenberg variety 2018 Erik Insko
Julianna Tymoczko
Alexander Woo
+ Hultman Elements for the Hyperoctahedral Groups 2018 Alexander Woo
+ PDF Chat Governing singularities of symmetric orbit closures 2018 Alexander Woo
Benjamin J. Wyser
Alexander Yong
+ The Nash blow-up of a cominuscule Schubert variety 2018 Edward Richmond
William Slofstra
Alexander Woo
+ A formula for the cohomology and $K$-class of a regular Hessenberg variety 2018 Erik Insko
Julianna Tymoczko
Alexander Woo
+ Hultman elements for the hyperoctahedral groups 2017 Alexander Woo
+ A Gr\"obner basis for the graph of the reciprocal plane 2017 Alex Fink
David E Speyer
Alexander Woo
+ PDF Chat Specht Polytopes and Specht Matroids 2017 John D. Wiltshire-Gordon
Alexander Woo
Magdalena Zajaczkowska
+ Tropicalization, symmetric polynomials, and complexity 2017 Alexander Woo
Alexander Yong
+ A Gröbner basis for the graph of the reciprocal plane 2017 Alex Fink
David E Speyer
Alexander Woo
+ Specht Polytopes and Specht Matroids 2017 John D. Wiltshire-Gordon
Alexander Woo
Magdalena Zajaczkowska
+ Hultman elements for the hyperoctahedral groups 2017 Alexander Woo
+ Depth in classical Coxeter groups 2016 Eli Bagno
Riccardo Biagioli
Mordechai Novick
Alexander Woo
+ Combinatorial Results on (1, 2, 1, 2)-Avoiding GL(<i>p</i>, ℂ) × GL(<i>q</i>, ℂ)-Orbit Closures on GL(<i>p</i>+<i>q</i>, ℂ)/<i>B</i> 2015 Alexander Woo
Benjamin J. Wyser
+ Depth in classical Coexter groups 2015 Eli Bagno
Riccardo Biagioli
Mordechai Novick
Alexander Woo
+ PDF Chat Bruhat graphs and pattern avoidance 2015 Christopher Conklin
Alexander Woo
+ PDF Chat Power sum decompositions of defining equations of reflection arrangements 2014 Zach Teitler
Alexander Woo
+ Combinatorial results on (1,2,1,2)-avoiding $GL(p,\mathbb{C}) \times GL(q,\mathbb{C})$-orbit closures on $GL(p+q, \mathbb{C})/B$ 2014 Alexander Woo
Benjamin J. Wyser
+ Apolarity and reflection groups 2013 Zach Teitler
Alexander Woo
+ PDF Chat Which Schubert varieties are local complete intersections? 2013 Henning Úlfarsson
Alexander Woo
+ PDF Chat Singularities of Richardson varieties 2013 Allen Knutson
Alexander Woo
Alexander Yong
+ PDF Chat Mask Formulas for Cograssmannian Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials 2012 Brant Jones
Alexander Woo
+ PDF Chat A Gröbner basis for Kazhdan-Lusztig ideals 2012 Alexander Woo
Alexander Yong
+ Singularities of Richardson varieties 2012 Allen Knutson
Alexander Woo
Alexander Yong
+ PDF Chat Which Schubert varieties are local complete intersections? 2012 Henning Úlfarsson
Alexander Woo
+ Bruhat graphs and pattern avoidance 2011 Christopher Conklin
Alexander Woo
+ Bruhat graphs and pattern avoidance 2011 Christopher Conklin
Alexander Woo
+ PDF Chat Presenting the cohomology of a Schubert variety 2010 Victor Reiner
Alexander Woo
Alexander Yong
+ PDF Chat Interval Pattern Avoidance for Arbitrary Root Systems 2010 Alexander Woo
+ PDF Chat Permutations with Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomial $P_{id,w}(q)=1+q^h$ 2009 Alexander Woo
+ A Gröbner basis for Kazhdan-Lusztig ideals 2009 Alexander Woo
Alexander Yong
+ PDF Chat Permutations with Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial $ P_id,w(q)=1+q^h$ 2009 Alexander Woo
+ Permutations with Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial P_{id,w}(q) = 1 + q^h 2008 Alexander Woo
Sara Billey
Jonathan Weed
+ Governing singularities of Schubert varieties 2008 Alexander Woo
Alexander Yong
+ Presenting the cohomology of a Schubert variety 2008 Victor Reiner
Alexander Woo
Alexander Yong
+ Permutations with Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial P_{id,w}(q) = 1 + q^h 2008 Alexander Woo
Sara Billey
Jonathan Weed
+ Interval pattern avoidance for arbitrary root systems 2006 Alexander Woo
Alexander Woo
+ Interval pattern avoidance for arbitrary root systems 2006 Alexander Woo
+ PDF Chat When is a Schubert variety Gorenstein? 2005 Alexander Woo
Alexander Yong
+ When is a Schubert variety Gorenstein 2005 Alexander Woo
Alexander Yong
+ Multiplicities of the Most Singular Point on Schubert varieties on Gl(n)/B for n=5,6 2004 Alexander Woo
+ Catalan numbers and Schubert polynomials for $w=1(n+1)... 2$ 2004 Alexander Woo
+ When is a Schubert variety Gorenstein? 2004 Alexander Woo
Alexander Yong
+ Stick Numbers and Composition of Knots and Links 1997 Colin Adams
Bevin M. Brennan
Deborah L. Greilsheimer
Alexander Woo
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Flags, Schubert polynomials, degeneracy loci, and determinantal formulas 1992 William Fulton
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials from patterns 2003 Sara Billey
Tom Braden
+ Governing singularities of Schubert varieties 2008 Alexander Woo
Alexander Yong
+ The singular locus of a Schubert variety 2003 Christian Kassel
Alain Lascoux
Christophe Reutenauer
+ Representations of Coxeter groups and Hecke algebras 1979 David Kazhdan
G. Lusztig
+ Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups 2005 Anders Björner
Francesco Brenti
+ PDF Chat Smoothness of Schubert varieties via patterns in root subsystems 2004 Sara Billey
Alexander Postnikov
+ Criterion for smoothness of Schubert varieties in Sl(n)/B 1990 V. Lakshmibai
B Sandhya
+ Singular Loci of Schubert Varieties 2000 Sara Billey
V. Lakshmibai
+ PDF Chat Maximal singular loci of Schubert varieties in $SL(n)/B$ 2003 Sara Billey
Gregory S. Warrington
+ PDF Chat When is a Schubert variety Gorenstein? 2005 Alexander Woo
Alexander Yong
+ Generic singularities of Schubert varieties 2001 Laurent Manivel
+ PDF Chat Gröbner geometry of Schubert polynomials 2005 Allen Knutson
Ezra Miller
+ PDF Chat None 2001 Sara Billey
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Construction of arbitrary Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials in symmetric groups 1999 Patrick Polo
+ Singularités génériques et quasi-résolutions des variétés de Schubert pour le groupe linéaire 2003 Aurélie Cortez
+ Applications of the Theory of Morse to Symmetric Spaces 1958 Raoul Bott
Hans Samelson
+ PDF Chat Schubert polynomials, the Bruhat order, and the geometry of flag manifolds 1998 Nantel Bergeron
Frank Sottile
+ The Gorenstein locus of minuscule Schubert varieties 2008 Nicolas Perrin
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of Smooth Schubert Varieties in Partial Flag Manifolds 2002 Vesselin Gasharov
Victor Reiner
+ PDF Chat Quasisymmetric functions and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials 2011 Louis J. Billera
Francesco Brenti
+ Multiplicities of points on a Schubert variety in a minuscule GP 1990 V. Lakshmibai
Jerzy Weyman
+ Small resolutions of singularities of Schubert varieties 1983 A. V. Zelevinskii
+ PDF Chat From moment graphs to intersection cohomology 2001 Robert MacPherson
Tom Braden
+ None 2001 Laurent Manivel
+ PDF Chat Interval Pattern Avoidance for Arbitrary Root Systems 2010 Alexander Woo
+ PDF Chat Forest-Like Permutations 2007 Mireille Bousquet‐Mélou
Steve Butler
+ PDF Chat $T$-equivariant $K$-theory of generalized flag varieties 1990 Bertram Kostant
Shrawan Kumar
+ PDF Chat Some Combinatorial Properties of Schubert Polynomials 1993 Sara Billey
William Jockusch
Richard P. Stanley
+ Cohen-Macaulay Rings 1998 Winfried Bruns
H. Jürgen Herzog
+ PDF Chat The socle filtration of a Verma module 1988 Ronald S. Irving
+ Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for 321-hexagon-avoiding permutations 2000 Sara Billey
Gregory S. Warrington
+ Symmetric Functions Schubert Polynomials and Degeneracy Loci 2001 Laurent Manivel
John Swallow
+ Sur La Cohomologie des Espaces Fibres Principaux et des Espaces Homogenes de Groupes de Lie Compacts 1953 Armand Borel
+ On minimal lengths of expressions of Coxeter group elements as products of reflections 2001 Matthew Dyer
+ PDF Chat Schubert polynomials and Bott-Samelson varieties 1998 Péter Magyar
+ PDF Chat None 2001 Vesselin Gasharov
+ REFLECTION GROUPS AND COXETER GROUPS (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 29) 1991 R. W. Carter
+ Frobenius splitting, point-counting, and degeneration 2009 Allen Knutson
+ Subword complexes in Coxeter groups 2003 Allen Knutson
Ezra Miller
+ Young Tableaux: With Applications to Representation Theory and Geometry 1996 William Fulton
+ Local poincaré duality and non-singularity of schubert varieties 1985 Vinay V. Deodhar
+ PDF Chat Excited Young diagrams and equivariant Schubert calculus 2009 Takeshi Ikeda
Hiroshi Naruse
+ PDF Chat Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for Hermitian symmetric spaces 1988 Brian D. Boe
+ PDF Chat RC-Graphs and Schubert Polynomials 1993 Nantel Bergeron
Sara Billey
+ Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture and holonomic systems 1981 Jean-Luc Brylinski
Masaki Kashiwara
+ Combinatorics of Fulton’s essential set 1996 Kimmo Eriksson
Svante Linusson
+ A combinatorial setting for questions in Kazhdan ? Lusztig theory 1990 VinayV. Deodhar
+ Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups 1990 James E. Humphreys
+ Kostant polynomials and the cohomology ring for G/B 1999 Sara Billey