Peter Orlik


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Local system homology of arrangement complements 2018 Peter Orlik
R. Silvotti
+ PDF Chat On Coxeter Arrangements and the Coxeter Number 2018 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
Hiroaki Terao
+ Hyperplane Arrangements 2008 Peter Orlik
+ Discrete Morse Theory 2007 Peter Orlik
Volkmar Welker
+ Basic De.nitions and Examples 2007 Peter Orlik
Volkmar Welker
+ Introduction 2007 Peter Orlik
Volkmar Welker
+ Algebraic Combinatorics 2007 Peter Orlik
Volkmar Welker
+ Introduction 2007 Peter Orlik
Volkmar Welker
+ Algebraic Combinatorics: Lectures at a Summer School in Nordfjordeid, Norway, June 2003 2007 Peter Orlik
Volkmar Welker
+ Arrangements and Hypergeometric Integrals 2007 Peter Orlik
Hiroaki Terao
+ PDF Chat Gauss-Manin connections for arrangements, IV. Nonresonant eigenvalues 2006 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ Arrangements and Ranking Patterns 2006 Hidehiko Kamiya
Peter Orlik
Akimichi Takemura
Hiroaki Terao
+ PDF Chat Stratified Morse Theory in Arrangements 2006 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ Stratified Morse Theory in Arrangements 2006 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ PDF Chat Gauss-Manin connections for arrangements, II: Nonresonant weights 2005 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ Gauss-Manin connections for arrangements, IV Nonresonant eigenvalues 2005 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ Gauss-Manin connections for arrangements, III Formal connections 2004 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ Ranking patterns of the unfolding model and arrangements 2004 Hidehiko Kamiya
Peter Orlik
Akimichi Takemura
Hiroaki Terao
+ Gauss-Manin connections for arrangements, III Formal connections 2003 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ PDF Chat Nonresonance conditions for arrangements 2003 Daniel C. Cohen
Alexandru Dimca
Peter Orlik
+ PDF Chat The sign representation for Shephard groups 2002 Peter Orlik
Victor Reiner
Anne V. Shepler
+ Geometric relationship between cohomology of the complement of real and complexified arrangements 2002 Ken Jewell
Peter Orlik
+ Some cyclic covers of complements of arrangements 2002 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ Gauss-Manin connections for arrangements, II Nonresonant weights 2002 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ Nonresonance conditions for arrangements 2002 Daniel C. Cohen
Alexandru Dimca
Peter Orlik
+ Gauss-Manin Connections for Arrangements 2001 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ Hyperplane arrangements in optimization HYPERPLANE ARRANGEMENTS 2001 Peter Orlik
+ PDF Chat Arrangements and local systems 2000 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ The Sign Representation for Shephard Groups 2000 Peter Orlik
Victor Reiner
Anne V. Shepler
+ Some cyclic covers of complements of arrangements 2000 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ Hypergeometric integrals and arrangements 1999 Peter Orlik
+ Arrangements and local systems 1999 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ Twisted de Rham Cohomology Groups of Logarithmic Forms 1997 Kazuhiko Aomoto
Michitake Kita
Peter Orlik
Hiroaki Terao
+ The number of critical points of a product of powers of linear functions 1995 Peter Orlik
Hiroaki Terao
+ Arrangements and Milnor fibers 1995 Peter Orlik
Hiroaki Terao
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebras for arrangements 1994 Peter Orlik
Hiroaki Terao
+ On the complements of affine subspace arrangements 1994 Ken Jewell
Peter Orlik
Boris Shapiro
+ Three-Mode Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Three-Way Three-Mode Data 1994 Thomas Eckes
Peter Orlik
+ TRIPAT: a Model for Analyzing Three-Mode Binary Data 1994 Sabine Krolak‐Schwerdt
Peter Orlik
Bernhard Ganter
+ PDF Chat The Milnor fiber of a generic arrangement 1993 Peter Orlik
Richard Randell
+ PDF Chat Coxeter arrangements are hereditarily free 1993 Peter Orlik
Hiroaki Terao
+ Some Commutative Algebra 1992 Peter Orlik
Hiroaki Terao
+ Arrangements of Hyperplanes 1992 Peter Orlik
Hiroaki Terao
+ Topology 1992 Peter Orlik
Hiroaki Terao
+ Basic Derivations 1992 Peter Orlik
Hiroaki Terao
+ Algebras 1992 Peter Orlik
Hiroaki Terao
+ Milnor fiber complexes for Shephard groups 1990 Peter Orlik
+ Stratification of the discriminant in reflection groups 1989 Peter Orlik
+ 6 The Cohomology of 𝑀(𝒜) 1989 Peter Orlik
+ 4 Lattice Homology 1989 Peter Orlik
+ Basic derivations for unitary reflection groups 1989 Peter Orlik
+ PDF Chat The Hessian map in the invariant theory of reflection groups 1988 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ PDF Chat Discriminants in the invariant theory of reflection groups 1988 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ Arrangements in unitary and orthogonal geometry over finite fields 1985 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ Arrangements of hyperplanes and differential forms 1984 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
Hiroaki Terao
+ A character formula for the unitary group over a finite field 1983 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ Coxeter arrangements 1983 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ Arrangements defined by unitary reflection groups 1982 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ Actions of compact connected groups on 4-manifolds 1982 Peter Orlik
+ Complexes for reflection groups 1981 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ Unitary reflection groups and cohomology 1980 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ Combinatorics and topology of complements of hyperplanes 1980 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ PDF Chat Singularities and group actions 1979 Peter Orlik
+ Singularities II; automorphisms of forms 1978 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ Singularities. I. Hypersurfaces with an isolated singularity 1978 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ The monodromy of weighted homogeneous singularities 1977 Peter Orlik
Richard Randell
+ PDF Chat Algebraic surfaces with k*-action 1977 Peter Orlik
Philip Wagreich
+ The Multiplicity of a Holomorphic Map at an Isolated Critical Point 1977 Peter Orlik
+ The structure of weighted homogeneous polynomials 1977 Peter Orlik
Richard Randell
+ Seifertn-manifolds 1975 Peter Orlik
Philip Wagreich
+ Actions of the torus on 4-manifolds—II 1974 Peter Orlik
Frank Raymond
+ PDF Chat Homotopy 4-Spheres Have Little Symmetry. 1973 Peter Orlik
+ Equivariant resolution of singularities with C* action 1972 Peter Orlik
Philip Wagreich
+ On the homology of weighted homogeneous manifolds 1972 Peter Orlik
+ Equivariant cobordism and the α-invariant 1972 Peter Orlik
+ Circle actions on 3-manifolds 1972 Peter Orlik
+ Free actions of finite groups on S3 1972 Peter Orlik
+ Resolution of singularities 1972 Peter Orlik
+ Seifert manifolds 1972 Peter Orlik
+ PDF Chat Seifert Manifolds 1972 Peter Orlik
+ Singularities of algebraic surfaces with C* action 1971 Peter Orlik
Philip Wagreich
+ Isolated Singularities of Algebraic Surfaces with C ∗ Action 1971 Peter Orlik
Philip Wagreich
+ Actions of the Torus on 4-Manifolds. I 1970 Peter Orlik
Frank Raymond
+ Isolated singularities defined by weighted homogeneous polynomials 1970 John Milnor
Peter Orlik
+ Weighted homogeneous polynomials and fundamental groups 1970 Peter Orlik
+ PDF Chat On the ARF Invariant of an Involution 1970 Peter Orlik
+ PDF Chat Actions of the torus on $4$-manifolds. I 1970 Peter Orlik
Frank Raymond
+ PDF Chat Smooth homotopy lens spaces. 1969 Peter Orlik
+ ON 3-MANIFOLDS WITH LOCAL <i>SO</i>(2) ACTION 1969 Peter Orlik
Frank Raymond
+ PDF Chat On the extensions of the infinite cyclic group by a $2$-manifold group 1968 Peter Orlik
+ Examples of Free Involutions on 3-Manifolds 1968 Peter Orlik
+ PDF Chat Free involutions on homotopy (4𝑘+3)-spheres 1968 Peter Orlik
C. P. Rourke
+ Actions of SO(2) on 3-Manifolds 1968 Peter Orlik
Frank Raymond
+ Zur topologie gefaserter dreidimensionaler mannigfaltigkeiten 1967 Peter Orlik
Elmar Vogt
Heiner Zieschang
+ Necessary conditions for the homeomorphism of seifert-manifolds 1967 Peter Orlik
+ On Seifert-manifolds 1966 Peter Orlik
+ Necessary Conditions For The Homeomorphism Of Seifert-manifolds. 1966 Peter Orlik
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Arrangements of Hyperplanes 1992 Peter Orlik
Hiroaki Terao
+ Singular points of complex hypersurfaces 1968 John Milnor
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of local systems on the complement of hyperplanes 1993 Hélène Esnault
Vadim Schechtman
Eckart Viehweg
+ Arrangements of hyperplanes and Lie algebra homology 1991 Vadim Schechtman
Alexander Varchenko
+ PDF Chat 𝛽𝐧𝐛𝐜-bases for cohomology of local systems on hyperplane complements 1997 Michael Falk
Hiroaki Terao
+ Unitary reflection groups and cohomology 1980 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ Isolated Singularities of Algebraic Surfaces with C ∗ Action 1971 Peter Orlik
Philip Wagreich
+ Groupes et algèbres de Lie 1971 Nicolás Bourbaki
+ Singular Points of Complex Hypersurfaces. (AM-61) 1969 John Milnor
+ Cohomology of local systems on the complement of hyperplanes 1992 H�l�ne Esnault
Vadim Schechtman
Eckart Viehweg
+ Moduli space of combinatorially equivalent arrangements of hyperplanes and logarithmic Gauss–Manin connections 2002 Hiroaki Terao
+ Combinatorics and topology of complements of hyperplanes 1980 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ Cohomology and Intersection Cohomology of Complex Hyperplane Arrangements 1993 Daniel C. Cohen
+ PDF Chat Arrangements and local systems 2000 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ Isolated singularities defined by weighted homogeneous polynomials 1970 John Milnor
Peter Orlik
+ PDF Chat Equations Différentielles à Points Singuliers Réguliers 1970 Pierre Deligne
+ Facing up to arrangements: face-count formulas for partitions of space by hyperplanes 1975 Thomas Zasĺavsky
+ Cohomology of the brieskorn-orlik-solomon algebras 1995 Sergey Yuzvinsky
+ Beispiele zur Differentialtopologie von Singularit�ten 1966 Egbert Brieskorn
+ PDF Chat Gauß-Manin Connection arising from arrangements of hyperplanes 2000 Herbert Kanarek
+ Local systems over complements of hyperplanes and the Kac-Kazhdan conditions for singular vectors 1995 Vadim Schechtman
Hiroaki Terao
Alexander Varchenko
+ Arrangements and Hypergeometric Integrals 2007 Peter Orlik
Hiroaki Terao
+ Stratified Morse Theory 1988 Mark Goresky
Robert MacPherson
+ PDF Chat Lattice-isotopic arrangements are topologically isomorphic 1989 Richard Randell
+ Hypergeometric Functions 1993 Philip Feinsilver
René Schott
+ Arrangements and cohomology 1997 Michael Falk
+ On Milnor Fibrations of Arrangements 1995 Daniel C. Cohen
Alexander I. Suciu
+ Complexes for reflection groups 1981 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ PDF Chat Characteristic varieties of arrangements 1999 Daniel C. Cohen
Alexander I. Suciu
+ Singularities of algebraic surfaces with C* action 1971 Peter Orlik
Philip Wagreich
+ Singularities. I. Hypersurfaces with an isolated singularity 1978 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ Gauss-Manin Connections for Arrangements 2001 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ PDF Chat Homology of a local system on the complement of hyperplanes 1986 Toshitake Kohno
+ Actions of SO(2) on 3-Manifolds 1968 Peter Orlik
Frank Raymond
+ Complex reflection groups 1990 Mervyn Hughes
+ Theory of logarithmic differential forms and logarithmic vector fields 1980 Kyoji Saito
+ PDF Chat O(n)-Mannigfaltigkeiten, exotische Sphären und Singularitäten 1968 F. Hirzebruch
K. H. Mayer
+ PDF Chat Gauss-Manin connection of integral of difference products 1987 Kazuhiko Aomoto
+ Classification of the actions of the circle on 3-manifolds 1968 Frank Raymond
+ The Gauss-Manin connection of the integral of the deformed difference product 1998 Jyoichi Kaneko
+ PDF Chat Gauss-Manin connections for arrangements, II: Nonresonant weights 2005 Daniel C. Cohen
Peter Orlik
+ Sur les groupes de tresses [d'après V. I. Arnol'd] 1973 Egbert Brieskorn
+ PDF Chat Singularities and Topology of Hypersurfaces 1992 Alexandru Dimca
+ Regular Complex Polytopes 1952 G. C. Shephard
+ Seminar on transformation groups 1960 A. Borel
Glen E. Bredon
+ Geometry of cohomology support loci for local systems I 1996 Donu Arapura
+ Singularities II; automorphisms of forms 1978 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ Resolution of Singularities of an Algebraic Variety Over a Field of Characteristic Zero: I 1964 Heisuke Hironaka
+ PDF Chat The Hessian map in the invariant theory of reflection groups 1988 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ PDF Chat Un théorème de Zariski du type de Lefschetz 1973 Helmut A. Hamm
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