Xavier Seron


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Rehabilitation of number processing and calculation skills 2020 Luisa Girelli
Xavier Seron
+ The Production of Counting Sequences by Aphasics and Children 2018 Xavier Seron
GĂ©rard Deloche
+ Mathematical Disabilities 2018 GĂ©rard Deloche
Xavier Seron
+ PDF Chat Recruitment of occipital cortex by arithmetic processing follows computational bias in early blind 2018 Virginie Crollen
Latifa Lazzouni
Antoine Bellemare
Mohamed Rezk
Franco Leporé
Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
Olivier Collignon
+ Neural network of arithmetic processing in blind: subtraction but not multiplication triggers specific reorganization of occipital networks 2017 Virginie Crollen
Latifa Lazzouni
Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
Franco Leporé
Antoine Bellemare
Olivier Collignon
+ Traité de neuropsychologie clinique de l'adulte 2016 Xavier Seron
Luisa Girelli
+ Traité de neuropsychologie clinique de l'adulte 2016 Xavier Seron
Olivier Collignon
+ Visual experience shapes the brain selectivity for specific mental calculation 2015 Virginie Crollen
Latifa Lazzouni
Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
Franco Leporé
Antoine Bellemare
Olivier Collignon
+ Numbers in the blind 2015 Virginie Crollen
Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
Franco Leporé
Olivier Collignon
+ Visual experience influences the interactions between fingers and numbers 2014 Virginie Crollen
Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
Pierre Mahau
Franco Leporé
Olivier Collignon
+ Finger agnosia and acalculia: Neglected issues 2014 Michaël Andres
Nicolas Michaux
Elodie Lerens
Xavier Seron
+ L'Ă©valuation des troubles du calcul et du traitement des nombres 2014 Mauro Pesenti
Xavier Seron
Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
+ PDF Chat The Processing of Symbolic and Nonsymbolic Ratios in School-Age Children 2013 Gaëlle Meert
Jacques Grégoire
Xavier Seron
Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
+ Over-estimation in numerosity estimation tasks: More than an attentional bias? 2012 Virginie Crollen
Xavier Seron
+ The mental representation of the magnitude of symbolic and nonsymbolic ratios in adults 2012 Gaëlle Meert
Jacques Grégoire
Xavier Seron
Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
+ Embodied numbers : The role of vision in the development of number-space interactions 2012 Virginie Crollen
Giulia Dormal
Xavier Seron
Franco Leporé
Olivier Collignon
+ Embodied numbers: The role of vision in the development of number–space interactions 2011 Virginie Crollen
Giulia Dormal
Xavier Seron
Franco Leporé
Olivier Collignon
+ The role of vision in the development of finger–number interactions: Finger-counting and finger-montring in blind children 2011 Virginie Crollen
Rachel Mahe
Olivier Collignon
Xavier Seron
+ Early vision drives the reference frame used for the spatial representation of numbers 2011 Giulia Dormal
Virginie Crollen
Franco Leporé
Xavier Seron
Olivier Collignon
+ Visual enumeration: A bi-directional mapping process between symbolic and non-symbolic representations of number? 2010 Julie Castronovo
Virginie Crollen
Xavier Seron
+ Under- and Over-Estimation 2010 Virginie Crollen
Julie Castronovo
Xavier Seron
+ Superior estimation abilities in two autistic spectrum children 2010 Isabelle SouliĂšres
Bénédicte Hubert
Nancie Rouleau
Louise Gagnon
Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
Xavier Seron
Laurent Mottron
+ None 2010 Julie Castronovo
Xavier Seron
+ Finger-counting and finger-montring by blind children: The role of vision in the development of the finger-number interactions 2009 Virginie Crollen
Rachel Mahe
Xavier Seron
+ The innate schema of natural numbers does not explain historical, cultural, and developmental differences 2008 Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Jacques Grégoire
Gaëlle Meert
Xavier Seron
+ Numerical estimation in blind subjects: Evidence of the impact of blindness and its following experience. 2007 Julie Castronovo
Xavier Seron
+ Contribution of Hand Motor Circuits to Counting 2007 Michaël Andres
Xavier Seron
Etienne Olivier
+ Finger-digit compatibility in Arabic numeral processing 2006 Samuel Di Luca
Alessia GranĂ 
Carlo Semenza
Xavier Seron
Mauro Pesenti
+ Semantic numerical representation in blind subjects: The role of vision in the spatial format of the mental number line 2006 Julie Castronovo
Xavier Seron
+ Non-Algorithmic Access to Calendar Information in a Calendar Calculator with Autism 2006 Laurent Mottron
K. P. H. Lemmens
Louis Gagnon
Xavier Seron
+ Numerical estimation in blind subjects: Evidence of the impact of blindness. 2006 Julie Castronovo
Marie-Eve Vanhoolandt
Virginie Crollen
Xavier Seron
+ How Images of the Brain can Constrain Cognitive Theory: the Case of Numerical Cognition 2006 Xavier Seron
Wim Fias
+ Les compétences numériques préverbales : une revue critique 2006 Laurence Rousselle
Xavier Seron
+ Finger–digit compatibility in Arabic numeral processing 2005 Samuel Di Luca
Alessia GranĂ 
Carlo Semenza
Xavier Seron
Mauro Pesenti
+ Numerosity-duration interference: A Stroop experiment 2005 Valérie Dormal
Xavier Seron
Mauro Pesenti
+ Hemispheric lateralization of number comparison 2005 Michaël Andres
Xavier Seron
Etienne Olivier
+ Task-independent semantic activation for numbers and animals 2005 Marc Thioux
Mauro Pesenti
Nicolas Costes
Anne De Volder
Xavier Seron
+ Numerical order and quantity processing in number comparison 2005 Eva Turconi
Jamie I. D. Campbell
Xavier Seron
+ Number magnitude and grip aperture interaction. 2004 Michaël Andres
Marco Davare
Mauro Pesenti
Etienne Olivier
Xavier Seron
+ Electrophysiological evidence for differential processing of numerical quantity and order in humans 2004 Eva Turconi
Boutheina Jemel
Bruno Rossion
Xavier Seron
+ Working memory as a predictor of addition skills and addition strategies in children 2004 Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
Fabrizio Trovarelli
+ PDF Chat ADAPT: A Developmental, Asemantic, and Procedural Model for Transcoding From Verbal to Arabic Numerals. 2004 Pierre Barrouillet
Valérie Camos
Pierre Perruchet
Xavier Seron
+ Transcoding zeros within complex numerals 2003 Alessia GranĂ 
Aliette Lochy
Luisa Girelli
Xavier Seron
Carlo Semenza
+ PDF Chat Verbal structure of numerals and digits handwriting: New evidence from kinematics 2002 Aliette Lochy
Agnesa Pillon
Pascal Zesiger
Xavier Seron
+ Dissociation Between Order and Quantity Meanings in a Patient with Gerstmann Syndrome 2002 Eva Turconi
Xavier Seron
+ Number and language processing 2001 Xavier Seron
+ Rehabilitation of number processing and calculation skills 2001 Luisa Girelli
Xavier Seron
+ Category-specific representation and processing of numbers and animal names across semantic tasks: A PET study 2001 Marc Thioux
Mauro Pesenti
Anne De Volder
Xavier Seron
+ PDF Chat The Number Sense Theory Needs More Empirical Evidence 2001 Xavier Seron
Mauro Pesenti
+ Mental calculation in a prodigy is sustained by right prefrontal and medial temporal areas 2001 Mauro Pesenti
Laure Zago
Fabrice Crivello
Emmanuel Mellet
Dana Samson
Bruno Duroux
Xavier Seron
Bernard Mazoyer
Nathalie Tzourio‐Mazoyer
+ Motor complexity of digits: A descriptive study through a kinematic approach 2001 Aliette Lochy
Pascal Zesiger
Xavier Seron
+ PDF Chat Involvement of short-term memory in complex mental calculation 2001 Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Michel DĂ©sert
Anne Aubrun
Xavier Seron
+ PDF Chat The odd-even effect in multiplication: Parity rule or familiarity with even numbers? 2000 Aliette Lochy
Xavier Seron
Margarete Delazer
Brian Butterworth
+ Neuroanatomical Substrates of Arabic Number Processing, Numerical Comparison, and Simple Addition: A PET Study 2000 Mauro Pesenti
Marc Thioux
Xavier Seron
Anne De Volder
+ Number Processing and Calculation in A Case of Visual Agnosia 2000 Mauro Pesenti
Marc Thioux
Dana Samson
Raymond Bruyer
Xavier Seron
+ Noncommutability of The N + 0 Arithmetical Rule: A Case Study of Dissociated Impairment 2000 Mauro Pesenti
Nathalie Depoorter
Xavier Seron
+ Les troubles du calcul et du traitement des nombres. 2000 Mauro Pesenti
Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
+ Neuropsychologie des troubles du calcul et du traitement des nombres 2000 Mauro Pesenti
Xavier Seron
+ Neuropsychologie des troubles du calcul: Un Ă©tat de la question 2000 Xavier Seron
Mauro Pesenti
Adrian Ivanoiu
Eva Turconi
Xavier Seron
+ Basic and Exceptional Calculation Abilities in a Calculating Prodigy: A Case Study 1999 Mauro Pesenti
Xavier Seron
Dana Samson
Bruno Duroux
+ Selective Preservation of Exceptional Arithmetical Knowledge in a Demented Patient 1999 C. Remond-Besuchet
Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
Marc Thioux
MĂ©lanie Brun
X. Aspe
+ Functional anatomy of simple and complex mental calculation using PET 1999 Laure Zago
Mauro Pesenti
Emmanuel Mellet
S. Bricogne
Xavier Seron
V. Beaudoin
P. Lochon
Bernard Mazoyer
N. Tzourio Mazoyer
+ La neuropsychologie du calcul et du traitement des nombres: Eléments d'introduction. 1999 Mauro Pesenti
Xavier Seron
+ Le calcul et ses troubles chez l'enfant. 1999 Xavier Seron
Mauro Pesenti
+ The Isolation of Numerals at the Semantic Level 1998 Marc Thioux
Agnesa Pillon
Dana Samson
Marie‐Pierre de Partz
Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
+ Neuroanatomical substrates of Arabic number processing, numerical comparison and simple addition: A PET study. 1998 Mauro Pesenti
Marc Thioux
Xavier Seron
Anne De Volder
+ On the existence of intermediate representations in numerical processing. 1997 Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
+ Computation abilities in nonsavant autistic subjects 1996 Louis Gagnon
Laurent Mottron
Mauro Pesenti
Xavier Seron
Yves Joanette
+ Lexicalization Errors in Writing Arabic Numerals - A Single-Case Study 1995 Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
+ Calculation and number processing in mild Alzheimer's disease 1995 GĂ©rard Deloche
Didier Mannequin
Sergio Carlomagno
Alain Agniel
M Dordain
Florence Pasquier
J Pellat
Pascale L. Denis
M Desi
Dominique Beauchamp
+ Notational Constraints and Number Processing - Reappraisal of Gonzalez and Kolers (1982) Study 1995 Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
+ La neuropsychologie des troubles du calcul : perspectives actuelles 1995 Xavier Seron
+ Selective Impairment as Evidence for Mental Organisation of Arithmetical Facts: BB, A Case of Preserved Subtraction? 1994 Mauro Pesenti
Xavier Seron
Martial Van der Linden
+ Number transcoding in children: A functional analysis 1994 Xavier Seron
Michel Fayol
+ Calculation and number processing: Assessment battery; role of demographic factors 1994 GĂ©rard Deloche
Xavier Seron
Christine Larroque
Clémence Magnien
MN Metz-Lutz
Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
I. Riva
J. P. Schils
M Dordain
Isabelle Ferrand
+ The Neuropsychology of Cognitive Arithmetic - An Introduction 1994 Michel Fayol
Xavier Seron
+ Arabic number reading deficit: A single case study or when 236 is read (2306) and judged superior to 1258 1993 Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
+ Notational Constraints and Number Processing: A Reappraisal of the Gonzalez and Kolers (1982) Study 1992 Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
+ Images of numbers, or “when 98 is upper left and 6 sky blue” 1992 Xavier Seron
Mauro Pesenti
Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
GĂ©rard Deloche
Jacques-André Cornet
+ Number transcribing by children: Writing Arabic numbers under dictation. 1992 Xavier Seron
GĂ©rard Deloche
Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
+ Dot counting by brain damaged subjects 1991 Xavier Seron
GĂ©rard Deloche
Isabelle Ferrand
Jacques-André Cornet
Michel Frederix
ThérÚse Hirsbrunner
+ EC301 : batterie d'Ă©valuation du traitement des nombres et du calcul chez l'adulte 1991 GĂ©rard Deloche
Xavier Seron
+ Cognitive Models of Simple Mental Arithmetic - a Critical-review 1988 Ja. Cornet
Xavier Seron
GĂ©rard Deloche
Guy Lories
+ PDF Chat Grammaticality Judgments by Aphasics of Alphabetically Written Numeral Forms 1986 GĂ©rard Deloche
Xavier Seron
+ Syntactical knowledge in a case of agrammatism: Evidence from transcoding Roman and Arabic numerals 1985 GĂ©rard Deloche
Xavier Seron
+ From 2 to Two: An analysis of a transcoding process by means of neuropsychological evidence 1984 Xavier Seron
Gïżœrard Deloche
+ From one to 1: An analysis of a transcoding process by means of neuropsychological data 1982 GĂ©rard Deloche
Xavier Seron
Xavier Seron
+ Analyse neuropsychologique des lésions préfrontales chez l'Homme 1978 Xavier Seron
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Varieties of numerical abilities 1992 Stanislas Dehaene
+ Cerebral Pathways for Calculation: Double Dissociation between Rote Verbal and Quantitative Knowledge of Arithmetic 1997 Stanislas Dehaene
Laurent Cohen
+ Is numerical comparison digital? Analogical and symbolic effects in two-digit number comparison. 1990 Stanislas Dehaene
Emmanuel Dupoux
Jacques Mehler
+ Cognitive mechanisms in number processing and calculation: Evidence from dyscalculia 1985 Michael McCloskey
Alfonso Caramazza
Annamaria Basili
+ Time required for Judgements of Numerical Inequality 1967 Robert S. Moyer
Thomas K. Landauer
+ From one to 1: An analysis of a transcoding process by means of neuropsychological data 1982 GĂ©rard Deloche
Xavier Seron
+ Is numerical comparison digital? Analogical and symbolic effects in two-digit number comparison. 1990 Stanislas Dehaene
Emmanuel Dupoux
Jacques Mehler
+ Cognitive arithmetic: A review of data and theory 1992 Mark H. Ashcraft
+ Cognitive mechanisms in numerical processing: Evidence from acquired dyscalculia 1992 Michael McCloskey
+ Neuroanatomical Substrates of Arabic Number Processing, Numerical Comparison, and Simple Addition: A PET Study 2000 Mauro Pesenti
Marc Thioux
Xavier Seron
Anne De Volder
+ The mental representation of parity and number magnitude. 1993 Stanislas Dehaene
Serge Bossini
Pascal Giraux
+ Preverbal and verbal counting and computation 1992 C. R. Gallistel
Rochel Gelman
Manuela Piazza
Philippe Pinel
Laurent Cohen
+ The Mathematical Brain 1999 Brian Butterworth
+ Children’s Counting and Concepts of Number 1988 Karen C. Fuson
+ Predicting arithmetical achievement from neuro-psychological performance: a longitudinal study 1998 Michel Fayol
Pierre Barrouillet
Catherine Marinthe
Brian Butterworth
Gianfranco Denes
+ Abstract representations of numbers in the animal and human brain 1998 Stanislas Dehaene
Ghislaine Dehaene‐Lambertz
Laurent Cohen
+ A Head for Figures 1999 Brian Butterworth
+ Subitizing: An analysis of its component processes. 1982 George Mandler
Billie J. Shebo
+ An encoding-complex view of cognitive number processing: Comment on McCloskey, Sokol, and Goodman (1986). 1988 Jamie I. D. Campbell
James M. Clark
+ Concepts and facts in calculation 1994 Margarete Delazer
Carlo Semenza
Gianfranco Denes
+ Neural Correlates of Simple and Complex Mental Calculation 2001 Laure Zago
Mauro Pesenti
Emmanuel Mellet
Fabrice Crivello
Bernard Mazoyer
Nathalie Tzourio‐Mazoyer
+ Facts, rules and procedures in normal calculation: Evidence from multiple single-patient studies of impaired arithmetic fact retrieval 1991 Michael McCloskey
Donna Aliminosa
Scott M. Sokol
+ The Handbook of Mathematical Cognition 2005 Jamie I. D. Campbell
+ Handbook of mathematical cognition 2005 Jamie I. D. Campbell
+ Arabic number reading deficit: A single case study or when 236 is read (2306) and judged superior to 1258 1993 Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
+ Two mental calculation systems: A case study of severe acalculia with preserved approximation 1991 Stanislas Dehaene
Laurent Cohen
+ Number words and number non-words 1994 Laurent Cohen
Stanislas Dehaene
P Verstichel
+ Event-related fMRI analysis of the cerebral circuit for number comparison 1999 Philippe Pinel
Gurvan Le Clec’H
Pierre‐François Van de Moortele
Lionel Naccache
D. Le Bihan
Stanislas Dehaene
+ PDF Chat The psychophysics of numerical comparison: A reexamination of apparently incompatible data 1989 Stanislas Dehaene
+ PDF Chat The Importance of Magnitude Information in Numerical Processing: Evidence from the SNARC Effect 1996 Wim Fias
+ Toward a multiroute model of number processing: Impaired number transcoding with preserved calculation skills. 1995 Lisa Cipolotti
Brian Butterworth
+ Mental manipulation of arithmetic symbols. 1982 Esther G. GonzĂĄlez
Paul A. Kolers
+ Multiple routes to solution of single-digit multiplication problems. 1996 Jo‐Anne LeFevre
Jeffrey Bisanz
Karen E. Daley
Lisa Buffone
Stephanie L. Greenham
Gregory S. Sadesky
+ The foundations of numerical thinking in a brain without numbers 1999 Tabassome Simon
+ Cognitive Mechanisms in Normal and Impaired Number Processing 2018 Michael McCloskey
Alfonso Caramazza
+ Neglect Dyslexia for Numbers? A Case Report 1991 Laurent Cohen
Stanislas Dehaene
+ Alexia for Arithmetical Signs a Cause of Disturbed Calculation 1980 José M. Ferro
M.A. Silveira Botelho
+ PDF Chat Topographical Layout of Hand, Eye, Calculation, and Language-Related Areas in the Human Parietal Lobe 2002 Olivier Simon
Jean‐François Mangin
Laurent Cohen
Denis Le Bihan
Stanislas Dehaene
+ The organization of arithmetic facts in memory: Evidence from a brain-damaged patient 1992 Dale Dagenbach
Michael McCloskey
+ The Discrimination of Visual Number 1949 Edward Kaufman
M. W. Lord
T. W. Reese
Jens Volkmann
+ Non-verbal numerical cognition: from reals to integers 2000 C. R. Gallistel
Rochel Gelman
+ The Organization of Brain Activations in Number Comparison: Event-Related Potentials and the Additive-Factors Method 1996 Stanislas Dehaene
+ Attention, automaticity, and levels of representation in number processing. 1995 Stanislas Dehaene
Rokny Akhavein
+ Are Subitizing and Counting Implemented as Separate or Functionally Overlapping Processes? 2002 Manuela Piazza
Andrea Mechelli
Brian Butterworth
Cathy J. Price
+ Comparisons of digits and dot patterns. 1974 Paul B. Buckley
Clifford B. Gillman
+ Lexicalization Errors in Writing Arabic Numerals - A Single-Case Study 1995 Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Xavier Seron
+ Strategy choice procedures and the development of multiplication skill. 1988 Robert S. Siegler
+ The Fractionation of Arithmetical Skills: A Single Case Study 1982 Elizabeth K. Warrington