Robert Piacenza


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Equivariant Homotopy and Cohomology Theory 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ Equivariant rational homotopy theory (by Georgia Triantafillou) 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ 𝑅𝑂(𝐺)-graded homology and cohomology theories 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ PDF Chat Transfer maps in equivariant bundle theory 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ Stable homotopy and Mackey functors 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ Spectra and 𝐺-spectra; change of groups; duality 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
Lisa A. Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ An introduction to equivariant 𝐾-theory (by J. P. C. Greenlees) 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ 𝐺-𝐶𝑊(𝑉) complexes and 𝑅𝑂(𝐺)-graded cohomology (by Stefan Waner) 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ The Sullivan conjecture 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ An introduction to equivariant cobordism (by S. R. Costenoble) 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ The equivariant Hurewicz and suspension theorems (by L. Guance Lewis, Jr.) 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ A completion theorem in complex cobordism (by G. Comezana and J. P. May) 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ The Segal conjecture 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ The equivariant stable homotopy category 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ Equivariant bundle theory and classifying spaces 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ An introduction to equivariant stable homotopy 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ Localization and completion in complex bordism (by J. P. C. Greenlees and J. P. May) 1996 J. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ Calculations in complex equivariant bordism (by G. Comezaña) 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ Brave new algebra 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ PDF Chat Brave new equivariant algebra (by J. P. C. Greenlees and J. P. May) 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ PDF Chat Generalized Tate cohomology (by J. P. C. Greenlees and J. P. May) 1996 J. P. May
Michael Cole
Gustavo Comezana
Steven R. Costenoble
Anthony Elmendorf
J. P. C. Greenlees
L Lewis
Robert Piacenza
Georgia Triantafillou
Stefan Waner
+ Equivariant homotopy and cohomology theory : dedicated to the memory of Robert J. Piacenza 1996 J. P. May
Robert Piacenza
Michael Cole
+ PDF Chat Homotopy Theory of Diagrams and <i>CW</i>-Complexes Over a Category 1991 Robert Piacenza
+ PDF Chat Transfer in generalized prestack cohomology 1985 Robert Piacenza
+ PDF Chat Transfer in Generalized Sheaf Cohomology 1984 Robert Piacenza
+ PDF Chat Transfer in generalized sheaf cohomology 1984 Robert Piacenza
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of diagrams and equivariant singular theory 1980 Robert Piacenza
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of fiber spaces is representable 1979 Robert Piacenza
+ Cohomology theories over a base space 1976 Robert Piacenza
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Abstract Homotopy Theory and Generalized Sheaf Cohomology 1973 Kenneth S. Brown
+ Transfer in Generalized Cohomology Theories 1999 F.W. Roush
+ Simplicial objects in algebraic topology 1993 J. P. May
+ PDF Chat On Spanier’s higher order operations 1972 Yuh-ching Chen
+ PDF Chat Abstract homotopy theory and generalized sheaf cohomology 1973 Kenneth S. Brown
+ PDF Chat Stacks, Costacks and Axiomatic Homology 1969 Yuh-Ching Chen
+ Calculus of Fractions and Homotopy Theory 1967 Peter Gabriel
Michel Zisman
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of diagrams and equivariant singular theory 1980 Robert Piacenza
+ The uniqueness of bundle transfers 1983 L Lewis
+ Convenient categories of topological spaces for homotopy theory 1971 R. M. Vogt
+ PDF Chat Categories for the Working Mathematician 1971 Saunders Mac Lane
+ PDF Chat Cancellation of modules and groups and stable range of endomorphism rings 1980 Robert B. Warfield
+ PDF Chat Homotopy in functor categories 1982 Alex Heller
+ PDF Chat Carathéodory convex integrand operators and probability theory 1985 Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou
+ PDF Chat On the homology of spaces of sections of complex projective bundles 1985 Jesper M. Møller
+ PDF Chat Some expansions involving basic hypergeometric functions of two variables 1980 V. K. Jain
+ PDF Chat Integrality of subrings of matrix rings 1985 Lance W. Small
Adrian R. Wadsworth
+ PDF Chat A new kind of eigenfunction expansions on groups 1985 Horst Leptin
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the paper: “Basic calculus of variations” 1985 J. M. Ball
+ PDF Chat Finite group action and equivariant bordism 1985 S. S. Khare
+ PDF Chat Correction to: “On equisingular families of isolated singularities” 1980 Augusto Nóbile
+ PDF Chat Stacks, costacks and axiomatic homology 1969 Yuh-ching Chen
+ PDF Chat Nonassociative algebras with scalar involution 1985 Kevin McCrimmon
+ PDF Chat On the homomorphic and isomorphic embeddings of a semiflow into a radial flow 1980 Michael Edelstein
+ PDF Chat Transfer in generalized prestack cohomology 1985 Robert Piacenza
+ PDF Chat Systems of fixed point sets 1983 Anthony Elmendorf
+ PDF Chat Commuting hyponormal operators 1980 James Guyker
+ PDF Chat |<i>C,</i>1| summability of series associated with Fourier series 1980 H. P. Dikshit
Swati Dubey
+ PDF Chat Applications of the transfer to stable homotopy theory 1972 Daniel S. Kahn
Stewart Priddy
+ PDF Chat Integrally closed ideals and asymptotic prime divisors 1980 Louis J. Ratliff
+ PDF Chat On group actions with nonzero fixed points 1980 Joe Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Stably irreducible surfaces in<i>S</i><sup>4</sup> 1985 Charles Livingston
+ PDF Chat Singular limits of quasilinear hyperbolic systems in a bounded domain of R<sup>3</sup>with applications to Maxwell’s equations 1985 Albert Milani
+ PDF Chat On Berry-Esseen approximation and a functional LIL for a class of dependent random fields 1980 Chandrakant M. Deo
Henry Wong
+ PDF Chat Decompositions of algebraically compact modules 1985 Alberto Facchini
+ Singular functors and realization functors 1984 W. G. Dwyer
D Kan
+ PDF Chat Canonical models for invariant subspaces 1980 Michael McAsey
+ PDF Chat Equivariant homotopy theory and Milnor’s theorem 1980 Stefan Waner
+ PDF Chat Whitney stability of solvability 1985 John K. Beem
Phillip Parker
+ The uniqueness of homology for the category of small categories 1977 Dana May Latch
+ PDF Chat Singularities of solutions to linear second order elliptic partial differential equations with analytic coefficients by approximation methods 1980 Peter A. McCoy
+ PDF Chat Groups of square-free order are scarce 1980 Michael Mays
+ PDF Chat On the atomic decomposition for Hardy spaces 1985 James Wilson
+ PDF Chat Equivariant singular homology and cohomology 1973 Sören Illman
+ PDF Chat Unconditional bases and fixed points of nonexpansive mappings 1985 Pei-Kee Lin
+ Equivariant Singular Homology and Cohomology 1975 SoÌren Illman
+ General Cohomology Theory and K-Theory 1971 P. J. Hilton
+ PDF Chat Transfer in Generalized Sheaf Cohomology 1984 Robert Piacenza
+ PDF Chat 4. Elements From Homotopy Theory 1980 1
+ PDF Chat Abstract Homotopy Theory 1965 Edgar H. Brown