Janusz Dybizbański


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Low-degree spanning trees of $2$-edge-connected graphs in linear time 2024 Dariusz Dereniowski
Janusz Dybizbański
Przemysław Karpiński
Michał Zakrzewski
Paweł Żyliński
+ PDF Chat Multicolor, multipartite Ramsey numbers for quadrilateral 2024 Janusz Dybizbański
Yaser Rowshan
+ Gap one bounds for the equitable chromatic number of block graphs 2023 Janusz Dybizbański
Hanna Furmańczyk
Vahan Mkrtchyan
+ Equitable oriented coloring 2023 Janusz Dybizbański
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonian cycles and paths in hypercubes with disjoint faulty edges 2021 Janusz Dybizbański
Andrzej Szepietowski
+ On-line Ramsey numbers for paths and short cycles 2020 Janusz Dybizbański
Tomasz Dzido
Renata Zakrzewska
+ PDF Chat 2-Edge-Colored Chromatic Number of Grids is at Most 9 2020 Janusz Dybizbański
+ PDF Chat Oriented cliques and colorings of graphs with low maximum degree 2020 Janusz Dybizbański
Pascal Ochem
Alexandre Pinlou
Andrzej Szepietowski
+ Vizing-Goldberg type bounds for the equitable chromatic number of block graphs 2020 Janusz Dybizbański
Hanna Furmańczyk
Vahan Mkrtchyan
+ A lower bound on the hypergraph Ramsey number R(4,5;3) 2018 Janusz Dybizbański
+ A lower bound on the hypergraph Ramsey number R(4,5;3) 2018 Janusz Dybizbański
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonian cycles in hypercubes with faulty edges 2018 Janusz Dybizbański
Andrzej Szepietowski
+ PDF Chat Equitable list vertex colourability and arboricity of grids 2018 Ewa Drgas‐Burchardt
Janusz Dybizbański
Hanna Furmańczyk
Elżbieta Sidorowicz
+ On some three-color Ramsey numbers for paths 2015 Janusz Dybizbański
Tomasz Dzido
Stanisław Radziszowski
+ PDF Chat Unique Sequences Containing No $k$-Term Arithmetic Progressions 2013 Tanbir Ahmed
Janusz Dybizbański
Hunter S. Snevily
+ PDF Chat The oriented chromatic number of Halin graphs 2013 Janusz Dybizbański
Andrzej Szepietowski
+ On Some Zarankiewicz Numbers and Bipartite Ramsey Numbers for Quadrilateral 2013 Janusz Dybizbański
Tomasz Dzido
Stanis law P. Radziszowski
+ PDF Chat On Some Ramsey Numbers for Quadrilaterals Versus Wheels 2013 Janusz Dybizbański
Tomasz Dzido
+ On Some Zarankiewicz Numbers and Bipartite Ramsey Numbers for Quadrilateral 2013 Janusz Dybizbański
Tomasz Dzido
Stanisław Radziszowski
+ PDF Chat Three Color Ramsey Numbers for Graphs with at most 4 Vertices 2012 L. Boza
Janusz Dybizbański
Tomasz Dzido
+ On Some Three-Color Ramsey Numbers for Paths 2012 Janusz Dybizbański
Tomasz Dzido
Stanisław Radziszowski
+ On Some Exact Values of Three-Color Ramsey Numbers for Paths 2012 Janusz Dybizbański
Tomasz Dzido
+ PDF Chat Sequences Containing No 3-Term Arithmetic Progressions 2012 Janusz Dybizbański
+ Oriented chromatic number of grids is greater than 7 2011 Janusz Dybizbański
Anna Nenca
+ PDF Chat On some Ramsey Numbers for Quadrilaterals 2011 Janusz Dybizbański
Tomasz Dzido
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the combinatorial problems which I would most like to see solved 1981 P. Erdős
+ Path Ramsey numbers in multicolorings 1975 Ralph J. Faudree
R. H. Schelp
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Relations and Chromatic Graphs 1955 Robert E. Greenwood
Andrew M. Gleason
+ The chromatic number of oriented graphs 1997 Éric Sopena
+ Small Ramsey Numbers 2011 Stanisław Radziszowski
+ Maximal circuits of graphs. I 1976 Douglas R. Woodall
+ Acyclic and oriented chromatic numbers of graphs 1997 Alexandr Kostochka
Éric Sopena
Xuding Zhu
+ PDF Chat Three-color Ramsey numbers for paths 2008 András Gyárfás
Miklós Ruszinkó
Gábor N. Sárközy
Endre Szemerédi
+ An extremal problem for paths in bipartite graphs 1984 András Gyárfás
Cecil Rousseau
R. H. Schelp
+ The chromatic number of oriented graphs 1997 Éric Sopena
+ PDF Chat On the oriented chromatic number of grids 2003 Guillaume Fertin
André Raspaud
Arup Roychowdhury
+ Graphs without four‐cycles 1989 C. R. J. Clapham
A. Flockhart
J. Sheehan
+ Homomorphisms and colourings of oriented graphs: An updated survey 2015 Éric Sopena
+ A note on the oriented chromatic number of grids 2004 Andrzej Szepietowski
Monika Targan
+ Acyclic and oriented chromatic numbers of graphs 1997 Alexandr Kostochka
Éric Sopena
Xuding Zhu
+ There exist oriented planar graphs with oriented chromatic number at least sixteen 2002 Éric Sopena
+ PDF Chat Sequences of Integers Avoiding 3-term Arithmetic Progressions 2012 Arun Sharma
+ Oriented chromatic number of grids is greater than 7 2011 Janusz Dybizbański
Anna Nenca
+ Bounds on some Ramsey numbers involving quadrilateral 2009 Xiaodong Xu
Zehui Shao
Stanisław Radziszowski
+ On equitable coloring of bipartite graphs 1996 Ko‐Wei Lih
Pou-Lin Wu
+ Extremal Graph Theory 1978 Béla Bollobás
+ PDF Chat Scheduling of unit-length jobs with bipartite incompatibility graphs on four uniform machines 2017 Hanna Furmańczyk
Marek Kubale
+ Proof of the Goldberg-Seymour Conjecture on Edge-Colorings of Multigraphs 2019 Guantao Chen
Guangming Jing
Wenan Zang
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonian cycles in hypercubes with faulty edges 2012 Andrzej Szepietowski
+ On the Ramsey number of the quadrilateral versus the book and the wheel. 2003 Kung-Kuen Tse
+ Über ein Problem von Fenyő 1984 Peter Volkmann
H. Weigel
+ A Simple Proof of the Gale-Ryser Theorem 1996 Manfred Krause
+ Oriented colourings of graphs with maximum degree three and four 2018 Christopher Duffy
Gary MacGillivray
Éric Sopena
+ Equitable colorings of bounded treewidth graphs 2005 Hans L. Bodlaender
Fedor V. Fomin
+ New Lower Bounds for Ramsey Numbers of Graphs and Hypergraphs 2002 Felix Lazebnik
Dhruv Mubayi
+ On the oriented chromatic number of graphs with given excess 2006 Mohammad Hosseini Dolama
Éric Sopena
+ A bipartite Ramsey number 1991 Geoffrey Exoo
+ PDF Chat On the oriented chromatic number of Halin graphs 2006 Mohammad Hosseini Dolama
Éric Sopena
+ The 3-colored Ramsey number of even cycles 2009 Fabrício Benevides
Jozef Skokan
+ Maximal cycles in graphs 1991 Louis Caccetta
K. Vijayan
+ PDF Chat A note on equitable colorings of forests 2008 Gerard J. Chang
+ New Lower Bounds on the Multicolor Ramsey Numbers rk(C4) 2000 Felix Lazebnik
Andrew J. Woldar
+ PDF Chat The 3-colored Ramsey number of odd cycles 2005 Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Miklós Simonovits
Jozef Skokan
+ On Ramsey-Type Problems 2009 Edy Tri Baskoro
+ An oriented coloring of planar graphs with girth at least five 2008 Alexandre Pinlou
+ PDF Chat Oriented vertex and arc colorings of outerplanar graphs 2006 Alexandre Pinlou
Éric Sopena
+ Oriented colorings of triangle-free planar graphs 2004 Pascal Ochem
+ On maximal paths and circuits of graphs 1959 P. Erdős
Т. Галлаи
+ PDF Chat On some Ramsey Numbers for Quadrilaterals 2011 Janusz Dybizbański
Tomasz Dzido
+ PDF Chat Generalized Ramsey theory for graphs. II. Small diagonal numbers 1972 Václav Chvátal
Frank Harary
+ PDF Chat Generalized Ramsey theory for graphs 1972 Václav Chvátal
Frank Harary
+ None 1999 Peter Hamburger
Alexandr Kostochka
Alexander Sidorenko
+ Equitable List Coloring of Graphs with Bounded Degree 2012 H. A. Kierstead
Alexandr Kostochka
+ Lower bounds for multi-colored Ramsey numbers from group orbits 1988 Donald L. Kreher
Wei Li
Stanisław Radziszowski
+ Equitable two-colorings of uniform hypergraphs 2014 D. A. Shabanov