David A. Kenny


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Justify Your Alpha 2017 Daniël Lakens
Federico Adolfi
Casper J. Albers
Farid Anvari
Matthew A. J. Apps
Shlomo Argamon
Marcel A. L. M. van Assen
Thom Baguley
Raymond Becker
Stephen D. Benning
+ PDF Chat The Combined Effects of Measurement Error and Omitting Confounders in the Single-Mediator Model 2016 Matthew S. Fritz
David A. Kenny
David P. MacKinnon
+ A toolbox with programs to restructure and describe dyadic data 2014 Thomas Ledermann
David A. Kenny
+ A general and flexible approach to estimating the social relations model using Bayesian methods. 2012 Oliver Lüdtke
Alexander Robitzsch
David A. Kenny
Ulrich Trautwein
+ Data Analysis in Social Psychology: Recent and Recurring Issues 2010 Charles M. Judd
David A. Kenny
+ Interdependent Data in Psychological Research: Statistical Nuisance or Substantive Opportunity? 2007 David A. Kenny
Deborah A. Kashy
William Ofentse Lesitaokana
+ Mediation 2005 David A. Kenny
+ Regression Artifacts 2005 David A. Kenny
+ Should Causality Be Defined in Terms of Experiments 2004 David A. Kenny
Charles M. Judd
+ PDF Chat Estimating and testing mediation and moderation in within-subject designs. 2001 Charles M. Judd
David A. Kenny
Gary H. McClelland
+ Trait–state models for longitudinal data. 2001 David A. Kenny
Alex Zautra
+ Multivariate Analysis of Triadic Relationst 2000 Charles F. Bond
David A. Kenny
Elizabeth Horn Broome
Juli J. Stokes-Zoota
Francis D. Richard
+ A Primer on Regression Artifacts 1999 Donald T. Campbell
David A. Kenny
+ The trait-state-error model for multiwave data. 1995 David A. Kenny
Alex Zautra
+ Analysis of the multitrait-multimethod matrix by confirmatory factor analysis. 1992 David A. Kenny
Deborah A. Kashy
+ Upgrading the Statistical Skills of Researchers 1989 David A. Kenny
+ Elements of Statistics for the Life and Social Sciences. 1988 Richard G. Cornell
Braxton M. Alfred
Christopher Butler
David C. Howell
David A. Kenny
+ Consequences of violating the independence assumption in analysis of variance. 1986 David A. Kenny
Charles M. Judd
+ Separating individual and group effects. 1985 David A. Kenny
Lawrence La Voie
+ Estimating the nonlinear and interactive effects of latent variables. 1984 David A. Kenny
Charles M. Judd
+ Statistical approaches to the correction of correlational bias. 1980 David A. Kenny
Jeffrey S. Berman
+ Estimating chance reproducibility in Guttman Scaling 1977 David A. Kenny
David C. Rubin
+ A quasi-experimental approach to assessing treatment effects in the nonequivalent control group design. 1975 David A. Kenny
+ Cross-lagged panel correlation: A test for spuriousness. 1975 David A. Kenny
+ A quasi-experimental approach to assessing treatment effects in the nonequivalent control group design. 1975 David A. Kenny
+ A test for a vanishing tetrad: The second canonical correlation equals zero 1974 David A. Kenny
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Statistical principles in experimental design. 1962 B. J. WINER
+ PDF Chat A comparison of methods to test mediation and other intervening variable effects. 2002 David P. MacKinnon
Chondra M. Lockwood
Jeanne M. Hoffman
Stephen G. West
Virgil L. Sheets
+ PDF Chat Confirmatory Factor Analyses of Multitrait-Multimethod Data: Many Problems and a Few Solutions 1989 Herbert W. Marsh
+ Convergent and discriminant validation by the multitrait-multimethod matrix. 1959 Donald T. Campbell
Donald W. Fiske
+ Statistical Analysis With Missing Data 1989 Maureen Lahiff
Roderick J. A. Little
Donald B. Rubin
+ Multiple regression: testing and interpreting interactions 1992 2
+ Analysis of correlation matrices using covariance structure models. 1989 Robert Cudeck
+ PDF Chat Multilevel Mediation Modeling in Group-Based Intervention Studies 1999 Jennifer L. Krull
David P. MacKinnon
+ Intraclass correlations: Uses in assessing rater reliability. 1979 Patrick E. Shrout
Joseph L. Fleiss
+ PDF Chat Mediation in experimental and nonexperimental studies: New procedures and recommendations. 2002 Patrick E. Shrout
Niall Bolger
+ Asymptotic Confidence Intervals for Indirect Effects in Structural Equation Models 1982 Michael E. Sobel
+ Statistics and Causal Inference 1986 Paul W. Holland
+ PDF Chat Understanding L.O.V.E. (left out variables error): A method for estimating the effects of omitted variables. 1990 Robert Mauro
+ Equivalence of the mediation, confounding and suppression effect. 2000 David P. MacKinnon
+ Statistical difficulties of detecting interactions and moderator effects. 1993 Gary H. McClelland
Charles M. Judd
+ Multiple regression as a general data-analytic system. 1968 Jacob Cohen
+ PDF Chat Estimating and testing mediation and moderation in within-subject designs. 2001 Charles M. Judd
David A. Kenny
Gary H. McClelland
+ An Introduction to the Bootstrap 1994 Bradley Efron
Robert Tibshirani
+ The direct product model for the mtmm matrix parameterized as a second order factor analysis model 1990 Werner Wothke
Michael W. Browne
+ Generalizability theory: a primer 1992 Richard J. Shavelson
Noreen M. Webb
+ A statistical test for the significance of a coefficient of reproducibility 1959 Philip C. Sagi
+ Reducing Bias in Observational Studies Using Subclassification on the Propensity Score 1984 Paul R. Rosenbaum
Donald B. Rubin
+ Estimating Mediated Effects in Prevention Studies 1993 David P. MacKinnon
James H. Dwyer
+ Satisfying a Simplex Structure is Simpler than it should be 1985 David Rogosa
John B. Willett
+ PDF Chat Setting an Optimal α That Minimizes Errors in Null Hypothesis Significance Tests 2012 Joseph F. Mudge
Leanne F. Baker
Christopher B. Edge
Jeff E. Houlahan
+ Bias in cross-sectional analyses of longitudinal mediation. 2007 Scott E. Maxwell
David A. Cole
+ Discovering the Significance of 5 sigma 2013 Louis Lyons
+ SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models 2004 Kristopher J. Preacher
Andrew F. Hayes
+ Applied Missing Data Analysis 2010 Craig K. Enders
+ Unmeasured confounding and hazard scales: sensitivity analysis for total, direct, and indirect effects 2013 Tyler J. VanderWeele
+ PDF Chat Explanation of Two Anomalous Results in Statistical Mediation Analysis 2012 Matthew S. Fritz
Aaron B. Taylor
David P. MacKinnon
+ PDF Chat Bayesian inference for causal effects in randomized experiments with noncompliance 1997 Guido W. Imbens
Donald B. Rubin
+ Analysis of the multitrait-multimethod matrix: Some limitations and an alternative. 1975 Arne L. Kalleberg
James R. Kluegel
+ Reference Bayesian Methods for Generalized Linear Mixed Models 2000 Ranjini Natarajan
Robert E. Kass
+ Analysis of multiplicative combination rules when the causal variables are measured with error. 1983 Jerome R. Busemeyer
Lawrence E. Jones
+ A simple comprehensive model for the analysis of covariance structures 1978 Roderick P. McDonald
+ A Primer on Regression Artifacts 1999 Donald T. Campbell
David A. Kenny
+ A general approach to causal mediation analysis. 2010 Kosuke Imai
Luke Keele
Dustin Tingley
+ PDF Chat Bayesian mediation analysis. 2009 Ying Yuan
David P. MacKinnon
+ Using a Multivariate Multilevel Polytomous Item Response Theory Model to Study Parallel Processes of Change: The Dynamic Association Between Adolescents' Social Isolation and Engagement With Delinquent Peers in the National Youth Survey 2010 Chueh-An Hsieh
Alexander A. von Eye
Kimberly S. Maier
+ Correlation Coefficients Measured on the Same Individuals 1969 Olive Jean Dunn
Virginia A. Clark
+ Multimethod factor analysis in the evaluation of convergent and discriminant validity. 1969 Douglas N. Jackson
+ Analysis of covariance structures 1966 R. Darrell Bock
Rolf E. Bargmann
+ PDF Chat Hierarchically Nested Covariance Structure Models for Multitrait-Multimethod Data 1985 Keith F. Widaman
+ A Critical Look at the Matching Technique in Experimentation 1967 Martin K. Chen
+ PDF Chat Confounding in the estimation of mediation effects 2006 Yan Li
Julia L. Bienias
David A. Bennett
+ Some Theorems on Quadratic Forms Applied in the Study of Analysis of Variance Problems, I. Effect of Inequality of Variance in the One-Way Classification 1954 George E. P. Box
+ Large-Sample Covariance Analysis When the Control Variable is Fallible 1960 Frederic M. Lord
+ A general method for analysis of covariance structures 1970 Karl G. Jöreskog
+ A test for a vanishing tetrad: The second canonical correlation equals zero 1974 David A. Kenny