Travis Schedler


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Creating quantum projective spaces by deforming q-symmetric algebras 2024 Mykola Matviichuk
Brent Pym
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Crepant Resolutions of Stratified Varieties via Gluing 2024 Daniel M. Kaplan
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat The semi-invariant ring as the Cox ring of a GIT quotient 2024 Gwyn Bellamy
Alastair Craw
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat All 81 crepant resolutions of a finite quotient singularity are hyperpolygon spaces 2024 Gwyn Bellamy
Alastair Craw
Steven Rayan
Travis Schedler
Hartmut Weiß
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative preprojective algebras are 2-Calabi–Yau 2023 Daniel T. Kaplan
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Symplectic resolutions of character varieties 2023 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ Crepant resolutions of stratified varieties via gluing 2023 Daniel M. Kaplan
Travis Schedler
+ Representation Theory and Algebraic Geometry 2022 Vladimir Baranovsky
Nicolas Guay
Travis Schedler
+ Birational geometry of quiver varieties and other GIT quotients 2022 Gwyn Bellamy
Alastair Craw
Travis Schedler
+ Holonomic Poisson geometry of Hilbert schemes 2022 Mykola Matviichuk
Brent Pym
Travis Schedler
+ An investigation into Lie algebra representations obtained from regular holonomic D-modules 2021 Julian Wykowski
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Symplectic Resolutions for Multiplicative Quiver Varieties and Character Varieties for Punctured Surfaces 2021 Travis Schedler
Andrea Tirelli
+ PDF Chat Symplectic resolutions of quiver varieties 2021 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ An investigation into Lie algebra representations obtained from regular holonomic D-modules 2021 Julian Wykowski
Travis Schedler
+ All 81 crepant resolutions of a finite quotient singularity are hyperpolygon spaces 2021 Gwyn Bellamy
Alastair Craw
Steven Rayan
Travis Schedler
Hartmut Weiß
+ A local Torelli theorem for log symplectic manifolds 2020 Mykola Matviichuk
Brent Pym
Travis Schedler
+ The Hochschild cohomology ring of a global quotient orbifold 2020 Cris Negron
Travis Schedler
+ A local Torelli theorem for log symplectic manifolds 2020 Mykola Matviichuk
Brent Pym
Travis Schedler
+ Symplectic resolutions of Quiver varieties and character varieties 2019 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat On symplectic resolutions and factoriality of Hamiltonian reductions 2019 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ The 2-Calabi-Yau property for multiplicative preprojective algebras 2019 Daniel T. Kaplan
Travis Schedler
+ Multiplicative preprojective algebras are 2-Calabi-Yau 2019 Daniel M. Kaplan
Travis Schedler
+ Symplectic resolutions of character varieties 2019 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Holonomic Poisson Manifolds and Deformations of Elliptic Algebras 2018 Brent Pym
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat On -modules related to the -function and Hamiltonian flow 2018 Thomas Bitoun
Travis Schedler
+ The Hochschild cohomology ring of a global quotient orbifold 2018 Cris Negron
Travis Schedler
Pieter Belmans
Pavel Etingof
+ On symplectic resolutions and factoriality of Hamiltonian reductions 2018 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Hyperplane arrangements associated to symplectic quotient singularities 2018 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
Ulrich Thiel
+ Symplectic resolutions for multiplicative quiver varieties and character varieties for punctured surfaces 2018 Travis Schedler
Andrea Tirelli
+ The Hochschild cohomology ring of a global quotient orbifold 2018 Cris Negron
Travis Schedler
Pieter Belmans
Pavel Etingof
+ On symplectic resolutions and factoriality of Hamiltonian reductions 2018 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Poisson traces, D-modules, and symplectic resolutions 2017 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ Poisson traces, D-modules, and symplectic resolutions 2017 Travis Schedler
Pavel Etingof
+ PDF Chat Filtrations on Springer fiber cohomology and Kostka polynomials 2017 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ Hyperplane arrangements associated to symplectic quotient singularities 2017 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
Ulrich Thiel
+ Holonomic Poisson manifolds and deformations of elliptic algebras 2017 Brent Pym
Travis Schedler
+ Hyperplane arrangements associated to symplectic quotient singularities 2017 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
Ulrich Thiel
+ PDF Chat Equivariant Slices for Symplectic Cones 2016 Travis Schedler
+ On D-modules related to the b-function and Hamiltonian flow 2016 Thomas Bitoun
Travis Schedler
+ Zeroth Hochschild homology of preprojective algebras over the integers 2016 Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Poisson–de Rham homology of hypertoric varieties and nilpotent cones 2016 Nicholas Proudfoot
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat A new construction of cyclic homology 2016 Victor Ginzburg
Travis Schedler
+ Symplectic resolutions of quiver varieties 2016 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat On the (non)existence of symplectic resolutions of linear quotients 2016 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Co-invariants of Lie algebras of vector fields on algebraic varieties 2016 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ On D-modules related to the b-function and Hamiltonian flow 2016 Thomas Bitoun
Travis Schedler
+ Symplectic resolutions of quiver varieties 2016 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ Kostka polynomials from nilpotent cones and Springer fiber cohomology 2015 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ Equivariant slices for symplectic cones 2015 Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Geometrization of principal series representations of reductive groups 2015 Masoud Kamgarpour
Travis Schedler
+ Equivariant slices for symplectic cones 2015 Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Invariants of Hamiltonian flow on locally complete intersections 2014 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ Poisson-de Rham homology of hypertoric varieties and nilpotent cones 2014 Nicholas Proudfoot
Travis Schedler
+ Invariants of Hamiltonian flow on locally complete intersections 2014 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ Poisson-de Rham homology of hypertoric varieties and nilpotent cones 2014 Nicholas Proudfoot
Travis Schedler
+ Invariants of Hamiltonian flow on locally complete intersections 2014 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Poisson Traces for Symmetric Powers of Symplectic Varieties 2013 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ On the (non)existence of symplectic resolutions for imprimitive symplectic reflection groups 2013 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Ramified Satake isomorphisms for strongly parabolic characters 2013 Masoud Kamgarpour
Travis Schedler
+ Coinvariants of Lie algebras of vector fields on algebraic varieties 2012 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ Ramified Satake Isomorphisms for strongly parabolic characters 2012 Masoud Kamgarpour
Travis Schedler
+ Free products, cyclic homology, and the Gauss–Manin connection 2012 Victor Ginzburg
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Curved infinity-algebras and their characteristic classes 2012 Andrey Lazarev
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Computational Approaches to Poisson Traces Associated to Finite Subgroups of 2012 Pavel Etingof
Sherry Gong
Aldo Pacchiano
Qingchun Ren
Travis Schedler
+ Computational Approaches to Poisson Traces Associated to Finite Subgroups of Sp[subscript 2n](C) 2012 Pavel Etingof
Sherry Gong
Aldo Pacchiano
Qingchun Ren
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat A new linear quotient of C 4 admitting a symplectic resolution 2012 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ On the asymptotic <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>-structure of invariant differential operators on symplectic manifolds 2012 Qingchun Ren
Travis Schedler
+ Deformations of algebras in noncommutative geometry 2012 Travis Schedler
+ Ramified Satake Isomorphisms for strongly parabolic characters 2012 Masoud Kamgarpour
Travis Schedler
+ Coinvariants of Lie algebras of vector fields on algebraic varieties 2012 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ Looping of the numbers game and the alcoved hypercube 2011 Qëndrim R. Gashi
Travis Schedler
David E Speyer
+ A new linear quotient of C^4 admitting a symplectic resolution 2011 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Zeroth Poisson homology of symmetric powers of isolated quasihomogeneous surface singularities 2011 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ Normality and quadraticity for special ample line bundles on toric varieties arising from root systems 2011 Qëndrim R. Gashi
Travis Schedler
+ Poisson traces for symmetric powers of symplectic varieties 2011 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ Computational approaches to Poisson traces associated to finite subgroups of Sp(2n,C) 2011 Pavel Etingof
Sherry Gong
Aldo Pacchiano
Qingchun Ren
Travis Schedler
+ A new linear quotient of C^4 admitting a symplectic resolution 2011 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ Normality and quadraticity for special ample line bundles on toric varieties arising from root systems 2011 Qëndrim R. Gashi
Travis Schedler
+ Geometrization of principal series representations of reductive groups 2010 Masoud Kamgarpour
Travis Schedler
+ Geometrization of principal series representations of GL_N associated to regular characters 2010 Masoud Kamgarpour
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Differential operators and BV structures in noncommutative geometry 2010 Victor Ginzburg
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Poisson Traces and D-Modules on Poisson Varieties 2010 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat On dominance and minuscule Weyl group elements 2010 Qëndrim R. Gashi
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Traces on finite $$ \mathcal{W} $$ -algebras 2010 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ Superpotentials and higher order derivations 2010 Raf Bocklandt
Travis Schedler
Michael Wemyss
+ On the asymptotic S_n-structure of invariant differential operators on symplectic manifolds 2010 Qingchun Ren
Travis Schedler
+ Traces on finite W-algebras 2010 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ Geometrization of principal series representations of reductive groups 2010 Masoud Kamgarpour
Travis Schedler
+ Poisson traces and D-modules on Poisson varieties 2009 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
Ivan Losev
+ Virtually Biautomatic Groups 2009 Kazem Mahdavi
Gabe Merton
Leonidas Nguyen
Travis Schedler
Nathan Smith
+ Zeroth Poisson homology of symmetric powers of isolated quasihomogeneous surface singularities 2009 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ Connes-Kreimer quantizations and PBW theorems for pre-Lie algebras 2009 Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Poisson algebras and Yang-Baxter equations 2009 Travis Schedler
+ On dominance and minuscule Weyl group elements 2009 Qëndrim R. Gashi
Travis Schedler
+ Looping of the numbers game and the alcoved hypercube 2009 Qëndrim R. Gashi
Travis Schedler
David E Speyer
+ Poisson traces and D-modules on Poisson varieties 2009 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
Ivan Losev
+ PDF Chat Calabi–Yau Frobenius algebras 2008 Ching-Hwa Eu
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat The necklace Lie coalgebra and renormalization algebras 2008 Wee Liang Gan
Travis Schedler
+ Free products, cyclic homology, and the Gauss-Manin connection 2008 Victor Ginzburg
Travis Schedler
Boris Tsygan
+ Superpotentials and Higher Order Derivations 2008 Raf Bocklandt
Travis Schedler
Michael Wemyss
+ Free products, cyclic homology, and the Gauss-Manin connection 2008 Victor Ginzburg
Travis Schedler
Boris Tsygan
+ Differential operators and BV structures in noncommutative geometry 2007 Victor Ginzburg
Travis Schedler
+ Zeroth Hochschild homology of preprojective algebras over the integers 2007 Travis Schedler
+ Concrete and abstract structure of the sandpile group for thick trees with loops 2007 William Chen
Travis Schedler
+ Calabi-Yau Frobenius algebras 2007 Ching-Hwa Eu
Travis Schedler
+ The necklace Lie coalgebra and renormalization algebras 2007 Wee Liang Gan
Travis Schedler
+ Zeroth Hochschild homology of preprojective algebras over the integers 2007 Travis Schedler
+ Differential operators and BV structures in noncommutative geometry 2007 Victor Ginzburg
Travis Schedler
+ Twisted tensor algebras, Yang-Baxter equations, twists for Hopf algebras, and double Poisson algebras 2006 Travis Schedler
+ Moyal quantization and stable homology of necklace Lie algebras 2006 Victor Ginzburg
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Moyal Quantization and Stable Homology of Necklace Lie Algebras 2006 Victor Ginzburg
Travis Schedler
+ Poisson algebras and Yang-Baxter equations 2006 Travis Schedler
+ Moyal quantization of necklace Lie algebras 2005 Victor Ginzburg
Travis Schedler
+ None 2005 Travis Schedler
+ A Hopf algebra quantizing a necklace Lie algebra canonically associated to a quiver 2004 Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Trigonometric solutions of the associative Yang-Baxter equation 2003 Travis Schedler
+ Trigonometric solutions of the associative Yang-Baxter equation 2002 Travis Schedler
+ Proof of the GGS Conjecture 2000 Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Explicit quantization of dynamical r-matrices for finite dimensional semisimple Lie algebras 2000 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
Olivier Schiffmann
+ PDF Chat Proof of the GGS Conjecture 2000 Travis Schedler
+ Proof of the GGS Conjecture 2000 Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Set-theoretical solutions to the quantum Yang-Baxter equation 1999 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
Alexandre Soloviev
+ On the GGS Conjecture 1999 Travis Schedler
+ Verification of the GGS conjecture for sl(n), n <= 12 1999 Travis Schedler
+ Explicit quantization of dynamical r-matrices for finite dimensional semisimple Lie algebras 1999 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
Olivier Schiffmann
+ On the GGS Conjecture 1999 Travis Schedler
+ Verification of the GGS conjecture for sl(n), n &lt;= 12 1999 Travis Schedler
+ On set-theoretical solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation 1997 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
Alexandre Soloviev
+ On set-theoretical solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation 1997 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
Alexandre Soloviev
+ On set-theoretical solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation 1997 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
Alexandre Soloviev
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Symplectic reflection algebras, Calogero-Moser space, and deformed Harish-Chandra homomorphism 2002 Pavel Etingof
Victor Ginzburg
+ PDF Chat Symplectic singularities from the Poisson point of view 2006 D. Kaledin
+ PDF Chat Symplectic singularities 2000 Arnaud Beauville
+ Poisson deformations of symplectic quotient singularities 2004 Victor Ginzburg
D. Kaledin
+ PDF Chat Poisson Traces and D-Modules on Poisson Varieties 2010 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ Morita equivalence of Cherednik algebras 2004 Yuri Berest
Pavel Etingof
Victor Ginzburg
+ PDF Chat Poisson deformations of affine symplectic varieties 2010 Yoshinori Namikawa
+ None 2005 Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Non-commutative Symplectic Geometry, Quiver varieties,$\,$ and$\,$ Operads 2001 Victor Ginzburg
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic symplectic geometry and orbifold singularities 2000 Misha Verbitsky
+ PDF Chat On singular Calogero-Moser spaces 2009 Gwyn Bellamy
+ Homologie des invariants d'une algèbre de Weyl sous l'action d'un groupe fini 2000 Jacques Alev
Marco A. Farinati
Thierry Lambre
Andréa Solotar
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative geometry and quiver algebras 2006 William Crawley-Boevey
Pavel Etingof
Victor Ginzburg
+ A note on symplectic singularities 2001 Yoshinori Namikawa
+ PDF Chat On the (non)existence of symplectic resolutions of linear quotients 2016 Gwyn Bellamy
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat The local structure of Poisson manifolds 1983 Alan Weinstein
+ The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language 1997 Wieb Bosma
John Cannon
Catherine Playoust
+ Poisson traces and D-modules on Poisson varieties 2009 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
Ivan Losev
+ On crepant resolutions of symplectic quotient singularities 2003 D. Kaledin
+ PDF Chat Counting resolutions of symplectic quotient singularities 2015 Gwyn Bellamy
+ PDF Chat Double Poisson algebras 2008 Michel Van den Bergh
+ Zeroth Hochschild homology of preprojective algebras over the integers 2007 Travis Schedler
+ Geometry and topology of symplectic resolutions 2009 D. Kaledin
+ PDF Chat Local Structure of Hyperkähler Singularities in O'Grady's Examples 2007 D. Kaledin
Manfred Lehn
+ PDF Chat Points non factoriels des variétés de modules de faisceaux semi-stables sur une surface rationnelle. 1991 Jean–Marc Drézet
+ PDF Chat Existence of minimal models for varieties of log general type 2009 Caucher Birkar
Paolo Cascini
Christopher D. Hacon
James M textupc Kernan
+ Algebraic index theorem 1995 Ryszard Nest
Boris Tsygan
+ Triangle Equations and Simple Lie Algebras 1998 A. A. Belavin
Vladimir Drinfeld
+ Quantizations of conical symplectic resolutions I: local and global structure 2012 Tom Braden
Nicholas Proudfoot
Ben Webster
+ Coinvariants of Lie algebras of vector fields on algebraic varieties 2012 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Poisson Traces for Symmetric Powers of Symplectic Varieties 2013 Pavel Etingof
Travis Schedler
+ The diamond lemma for ring theory 1978 George M. Bergman
+ PDF Chat Quantizations of conical symplectic resolutions II: category $\mathcal {O}$ and symplectic duality 2018 Tom Braden
Anthony Licata
Nicholas Proudfoot
Ben Webster
+ PDF Chat On the de rham cohomology of algebraic varieties 1966 A. Grothendieck
+ Noncommutative deformations of Kleinian singularities 1998 William Crawley‐Boevey
Martin P. Holland
+ A combinatorial construction for simply-laced Lie algebras 2003 N. J. Wildberger
+ None 1998 Anthony Giaquinto
Timothy J. Hodges
+ Bruhat Lattices, Plane Partition Generating Functions, and Minuscule Representations 1984 Robert A. Proctor
+ Computational approaches to Poisson traces associated to finite subgroups of Sp(2n,C) 2011 Pavel Etingof
Sherry Gong
Aldo Pacchiano
Qingchun Ren
Travis Schedler
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Complete Intersections and Matrix Integrals 2007 Pavel Etingof
Victor Ginzburg
+ Reachability is decidable in the numbers game 1994 Kimmo Eriksson
+ PDF Chat Derived Equivalences by Quantization 2007 D. Kaledin
+ PDF Chat Deformation Quantization of Poisson Manifolds 2003 Maxim Kontsevich
+ A symplectic resolution for the binary tetrahedral group 2008 Manfred Lehn
Christoph Sorger
+ Minuscule posets from neighbourly graph sequences 2003 N. J. Wildberger
+ Minuscule Elements of Weyl Groups, the Numbers Game, andd-Complete Posets 1999 Robert A. Proctor
+ The numbers game and Dynkin diagram classification results 2008 Robert G. Donnelly
Kimmo Eriksson
+ The numbers game and coxeter groups 1995 Kimmo Eriksson