Yongge Tian


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Some New Algebraic Method Developments in the Characterization of Matrix Equalities 2024 Yongge Tian
+ A new analysis of optimal estimation and prediction under linear mixed models 2024 Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
+ Equivalent analysis of different estimations under a multivariate general linear model 2024 Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
+ Some New Characterizations of a Hermitian Matrix and Their Applications 2023 Yongge Tian
+ Constructions of Mixed Reverse-Order Laws for the Products of Matrices Involving Moore–Penrose Inverses and Group Inverses 2023 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Characterizations of Relationships between Different Linear Matrix Functions 2023 Yongge Tian
Ruixia Yuan
+ On a family of matrix equalities that involve multiple products of generalized inverses 2023 Yongge Tian
+ An effective treatment of adding-up restrictions in the inference of a general linear model 2023 Yongge Tian
+ Characterizations of Matrix Equalities that Involve Sums and Products of Multiple Matrices and Their Generalized Inverses 2023 Yongge Tian
+ A study of the equivalence of inference results in the contexts of true and misspecified multivariate general linear models 2023 Ruixia Yuan
Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
+ Characterizations of matrix equalities involving the sums and products of multiple matrices and their generalized inverse 2023 Yongge Tian
+ New facts related to dilation factorizations of Kronecker products of matrices 2023 Yongge Tian
Ruixia Yuan
+ PDF Chat Equivalence Analysis of Statistical Inference Results under True and Misspecified Multivariate Linear Models 2022 Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
+ A study of range equalities for mixed products of two matrices and their generalized inverses 2022 Yongge Tian
+ On two correlated linear models with common and different parameters 2022 Bo Jiang
Ming Liu
Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat On Relationships between a Linear Matrix Equation and Its Four Reduced Equations 2022 Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
Ruixia Yuan
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of Matrix Equalities for Generalized Inverses of Matrix Products 2022 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Statistical analysis of a linear regression model with restrictions and superfluous variables 2022 Wenming Li
Yongge Tian
Ruixia Yuan
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of the group invertibility of a matrix revisited 2022 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat On best linear unbiased estimation and prediction under a constrained linear random-effects model 2021 Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat A note on two-sided removal and cancellation properties associated with Hermitian matrix 2021 Yongge Tian
+ Equivalence analysis of different reverse order laws for generalized inverses of a matrix product 2021 Yongge Tian
+ Statistical inference of a partitioned linear random-effects model 2021 Ming Liu
Yongge Tian
Ruixia Yuan
+ Establishment and Characterization of Equalities for the Ranges of Matrices 2021 Yongge Tian
+ Invariance property of a five matrix product involving two generalized inverses 2021 Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
+ Miscellaneous reverse order laws and their equivalent facts for generalized inverses of a triple matrix product 2021 Yongge Tian
+ Two Removal and Cancellation Laws Associated with a Complex Matrix and Its Conjugate Transpose 2020 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Simultaneous optimal predictions under two seemingly unrelated linear random-effects models 2020 Yongge Tian
Pengyang Xie
+ Universal Decomposition Equalities for Operator Matrices in a Hilbert Space 2020 Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
+ A family of 512 reverse order laws for generalized inverses of a matrix product: A review 2020 Yongge Tian
+ A matrix approach to a general partitioned linear model with partial parameter restrictions 2020 Wei Ma
Yongge Tian
+ Linear and multilinear functional identities in a prime ring with applications 2020 Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
+ Two groups of mixed reverse order laws for generalized inverses of two and three matrix products 2020 Yongge Tian
+ Further Results on a Matrix Equality and Matrix Set Inclusions for Generalized Inverses of Matrix Products 2020 Yongge Tian
+ Miscellaneous reverse order laws for generalized inverses of matrix products with applications 2020 Yongge Tian
+ Characterization of Relationships Between the Domains of Two Linear Matrix-Valued Functions with Applications 2020 Yongge Tian
+ Miscellaneous equalities for idempotent matrices with applications 2020 Yongge Tian
+ Classification analysis to the equalities <i>A<sup>(i,…,j)</sup></i> = <i>B<sup>(k,…,l)</sup></i> for generalized inverses of two matrices 2019 Yongge Tian
+ A prediction analysis in a constrained multivariate general linear model with future observations 2019 Yuqin Sun
Hong Jiang
Yongge Tian
+ Formulas for calculating the dimensions of the sums and the intersections of a family of linear subspaces with applications 2019 Yongge Tian
+ Twists of two or multiple idempotent matrices 2019 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat On relationships between two linear subspaces and two orthogonal projectors 2019 Yongge Tian
+ Reverse order laws for generalized inverses of products of two or three matrices with applications 2019 Yongge Tian
+ Some remarks on fundamental formulas and facts in the statistical analysis of a constrained general linear model 2018 Yongge Tian
Jie Wang
+ Necessary and sufficient conditions for nonlinear matrix identities to always hold 2018 Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
+ Closed-form formulas for calculating the max–min ranks of a triple matrix product composed by generalized inverses 2018 Yongge Tian
Bo Jiang
+ A comparison between two competing fixed parameter constrained general linear models with new regressors 2018 Changli Lu
Yuqin Sun
Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat On decompositions of estimators under a general linear model with partial parameter restrictions 2017 Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
Xuan Zhang
+ On additive decompositions of estimators under a multivariate general linear model and its two submodels 2017 Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
+ Rank/inertia approaches to weighted least-squares solutions of linear matrix equations 2017 Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
+ Transformation approaches of linear random-effects models 2017 Yongge Tian
+ On equivalence of predictors/estimators under a multivariate general linear model with augmentation 2017 Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
+ Upper and lower bounds for the rank of the matrix-valued function when <i>X</i> has a fixed rank 2017 Yongge Tian
+ On simultaneous prediction in a multivariate general linear model with future observations 2017 Yongge Tian
Cheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Matrix rank and inertia formulas in the analysis of general linear models 2017 Yongge Tian
+ How to establish exact formulas for calculating the max–min ranks of products of two matrices and their generalized inverses 2017 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Decomposition of approaches of a general linear model with fixed parameters 2017 Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
+ Quadratic properties of least-squares solutions of linear matrix equations with statistical applications 2016 Yongge Tian
Bo Jiang
+ A new analysis of the relationships between a general linear model and its mis-specified forms 2016 Yongge Tian
Bo Jiang
+ Two competing linear random-effects models and their connections 2016 Changli Lu
Yuqin Sun
Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Equalities and inequalities for ranks of products of generalized inverses of two matrices and their applications 2016 Yongge Tian
+ Equivalence of predictors under real and over-parameterized linear models 2016 Shengjun Gan
Yuqin Sun
Yongge Tian
+ An algebraic study of BLUPs under two linear random-effects models with correlated covariance matrices 2016 Yongge Tian
Bo Jiang
+ PDF Chat Matrix rank/inertia formulas for least-squares solutions with statistical applications 2016 Yongge Tian
Bo Jiang
+ On connections among OLSEs and BLUEs of whole and partial parameters under a general linear model 2016 Yongge Tian
Xuan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Solutions of a constrained Hermitian matrix-valued function optimization problem with applications 2016 Yongge Tian
+ Equalities for estimators of partial parameters under linear model with restrictions 2015 Yongge Tian
Bo Jiang
+ Some equalities and inequalities for covariance matrices of estimators under linear model 2015 Yongge Tian
+ Some notes on linear sufficiency 2015 Radosław Kala
Simo Puntanen
Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat A survey on rank and inertia optimization problems of the matrix-valued function $A + BXB^{*}$ 2015 Yongge Tian
+ On decompositions of BLUEs under a partitioned linear model with restrictions 2014 Xuan Zhang
Yongge Tian
+ Some remarks on general linear model with new regressors 2014 Changli Lu
Shengjun Gan
Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Some optimization problems on ranks and inertias of matrix-valued functions subject to linear matrix equation restrictions 2014 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat On relations among solutions of the Hermitian matrix equation $AXA^{*} = B$ and its three small equations 2014 Ying Li
Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat How to solve three fundamental linear matrix inequalities in the Löwner partial ordering 2014 Yongge Tian
+ Relations between least-squares and least-rank solutions of the matrix equation 2013 Yongge Tian
Hongxing Wang
+ Some overall properties of seemingly unrelated regression models 2013 Yuqin Sun
Ke Rong
Yongge Tian
+ Solutions of the matrix inequalities $BXB^* <=^- A$ in the minus partial ordering and $BXB^* <=^L A$ in the Löwner partial ordering 2013 Yongge Tian
+ Analytical solutions to some optimization problems on ranks and inertias of matrix-valued functions subject to linear matrix inequalities 2013 Yongge Tian
+ How to solve three fundamental linear matrix inequalities in the Löwner partial ordering 2013 Yongge Tian
+ Analytical formulas for calculating the extremal ranks of the matrix-valued function $A + BXC$ when the rank of $X$ is fixed 2013 Yongge Tian
+ Formulas for calculating the extremal ranks and inertias of a matrix-valued function subject to matrix equation restrictions 2013 Yongge Tian
+ Closed-form formulas for calculating the extremal ranks and inertias of a quadratic matrix-valued function and their applications 2013 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Solutions of the matrix inequalities in the minus partial ordering and Löwner partial ordering 2013 Yongge Tian
+ Solutions of the matrix inequalities $BXB^* &lt;=^- A$ in the minus partial ordering and $BXB^* &lt;=^L A$ in the Löwner partial ordering 2013 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Equalities and inequalities for Hermitian solutions and Hermitian definite solutions of the two matrix equations AX = B and AXA * = B 2012 Yongge Tian
+ On properties of BLUEs under general linear regression models 2012 Yongge Tian
+ On relations between weighted least-squares estimators of parametric functions under a general partitioned linear model and its small models 2012 Changli Lu
Yuqin Sun
Yongge Tian
+ Biquaternions and their complex matrix representations 2012 Yongge Tian
+ Characterizing Relationships Between Estimations Under a General Linear Model with Explicit and Implicit Restrictions by Rank of Matrix 2012 Yongge Tian
+ Formulas for calculating the extremum ranks and inertias of a four-term quadratic matrix-valued function and their applications 2012 Yongge Tian
+ Least-squares solutions and least-rank solutions of the matrix equation <i>AXA</i> <sup>*</sup> = <i>B</i> and their relations 2012 Yongge Tian
+ Hermitian‐type generalized singular value decomposition with applications 2012 Yonghui Liu
Yongge Tian
+ Distributions of eigenvalues and inertias of some block Hermitian matrices consisting of orthogonal projectors 2012 Yongge Tian
Ying Li
+ PDF Chat Solving the matrix inequality AXB + (AXB)^* ⩾ C 2012 Yongge Tian
Dietrich von Rosen
+ Solving optimization problems on ranks and inertias of some constrained nonlinear matrix functions via an algebraic linearization method 2011 Yongge Tian
+ Solutions to 18 constrained optimization problems on the rank and inertia of the linear matrix function <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>A</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>B</mml:mi><mml:mi>X</mml:mi><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>B</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>∗</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2011 Yongge Tian
+ A disjoint idempotent decomposition for linear combinations produced from two commutative tripotent matrices and its applications 2011 Yongge Tian
+ Extremal ranks of a quadratic matrix expression with applications 2011 Yongge Tian
+ Relations between matrix sets generated from linear matrix expressions and their applications 2011 Yongge Tian
+ Two universal similarity factorization equalities for commutative involutory and idempotent matrices and their applications 2011 Yongge Tian
+ Maximization and minimization of the rank and inertia of the Hermitian matrix expression <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>A</mml:mi><mml:mo>-</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">BX</mml:mi><mml:mo>-</mml:mo><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">BX</mml:mi><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>*</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math> … 2011 Yongge Tian
+ On Additive Decomposition of the Hermitian Solution of the Matrix Equation AXA* = B 2010 Yongge Tian
+ Max-Min Problems on the Ranks and Inertias of the Matrix Expressions A−BXC±(BXC)∗ with Applications 2010 Yonghui Liu
Yongge Tian
+ Expansion formulas for the inertias of Hermitian matrix polynomials and matrix pencils of orthogonal projectors 2010 Yongge Tian
+ Equalities for orthogonal projectors and their operations 2010 Yongge Tian
+ Solving a minus partial ordering equation over von Neumann regular rings 2010 Yongge Tian
+ Some equalities for estimations of variance components in a general linear model and its restricted and transformed models 2010 Yongge Tian
Chunmei Liu
+ Solving Some Linear Equations Over Alternative Rings 2010 Yongge Tian
+ Equalities and inequalities for inertias of hermitian matrices with applications 2010 Yongge Tian
+ On additive decompositions of solutions of the matrix equation AXB=C 2010 Yongge Tian
+ A simultaneous decomposition of a matrix triplet with applications 2010 Yonghui Liu
Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Rank and inertia of submatrices of the Moore-Penrose inverse of a Hermitian matrix 2010 Yongge Tian
+ Efficiency of Optimal Designs for a Linear Haar-Wavelet Regression 2010 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Completing block Hermitian matrices with maximal and minimal ranks and inertias 2010 Yongge Tian
+ Some equalities for estimations of partial coefficients under a general linear regression model 2009 Yongge Tian
Jieping Zhang
+ How to use RSVD to solve the matrix equation<i>A</i>=<i>BXC</i> 2009 Yonghui Liu
Yongge Tian
+ On additive and block decompositions of WLSEs under a multiple partitioned regression model 2009 Yongge Tian
Zhe Tian
+ Ranks of Hermitian and skew-Hermitian solutions to the matrix equation <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">AXA</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>∗</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mi>B</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math> 2009 Yonghui Liu
Yongge Tian
Yoshio Takane
+ Some properties of submatrices in a solution to the matrix equation AXB=C with applications 2009 Yongge Tian
+ On equalities of estimations of parametric functions under a general linear model and its restricted models 2009 Yongge Tian
+ The inverse of any two-by-two nonsingular partitioned matrix and three matrix inverse completion problems 2009 Yongge Tian
Yoshio Takane
+ Extremal ranks of submatrices in an Hermitian solution to the matrix equation AXA *=B with applications 2009 Yonghui Liu
Yongge Tian
+ On some matrix equalities for generalized inverses with applications 2009 Yongge Tian
George P. H. Styan
+ Eight expressions for generalized inverses of a bordered matrix 2009 Yongge Tian
+ On consistency, natural restrictions and estimability under classical and extended growth curve models 2009 Yongge Tian
Yoshio Takane
+ On the equivalence of estimations under a general linear model and its transformed models 2008 Yongge Tian
Simo Puntanen
+ Solving Two Pairs of Quadratic Equations in Quaternions 2008 Yongge Tian
+ Approximation and continuity of Moore–Penrose inverses of orthogonal row block matrices 2008 Yongge Tian
+ Weighted least-squares estimators of parametric functions of the regression coefficients under a general linear model 2008 Yongge Tian
+ On an additive decomposition of the BLUE in a multiple-partitioned linear model 2008 Yongge Tian
+ More on generalized inverses of partitioned matrices with Banachiewicz–Schur forms 2008 Yongge Tian
Yoshio Takane
+ On Sum Decompositions of Weighted Least-Squares Estimators for the Partitioned Linear Model 2007 Yongge Tian
Yoshio Takane
+ PDF Chat On V-orthogonal projectors associated with a semi-norm 2007 Yongge Tian
Yoshio Takane
+ More on extremal ranks of the matrix expressions <i>A</i> − <i>BX</i> ± <i>X</i><sup>*</sup><i>B</i><sup>*</sup> with statistical applications 2007 Yonghui Liu
Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Some Mixed-Type Reverse-Order Laws for the Moore-Penrose Inverse of a Triple Matrix Product 2007 Yongge Tian
+ Some properties of projectors associated with the WLSE under a general linear model 2007 Yongge Tian
Yoshio Takane
+ PDF Chat Some Decompositions of OLSEs and BLUEs Under a Partitioned Linear Model 2007 Yongge Tian
+ On reverse-order laws for least-squares g-inverses and minimum norm g-inverses of a matrix product 2007 Yoshio Takane
Yongge Tian
Haruo Yanai
+ PDF Chat On a group of mixed-type reverse-order laws for generalized inverses of a triple matrix product with applications 2007 Yongge Tian
Yonghui Liu
+ On the natural restrictions in the singular Gauss–Markov model 2006 Yongge Tian
Mary Beisiegel
E. Dagenais
Christina Haines
+ Inequalities Involving Rank and Kronecker Product: 11129 2006 Yongge Tian
Robin Chapman
+ On constrained generalized inverses of matrices and their properties 2006 Yoshio Takane
Yongge Tian
Haruo Yanai
+ Estimation and optimal designs for linear Haar-wavelet models 2006 Yongge Tian
Agnes M. Herzberg
+ Invariance properties of a triple matrix product involving generalized inverses 2006 Jürgen Groß
Yongge Tian
Yongge Tian
+ On equality and proportionality of ordinary least squares, weighted least squares and best linear unbiased estimators in the general linear model 2006 Yongge Tian
Douglas P. Wiens
+ Extremal Ranks of Some Symmetric Matrix Expressions with Applications 2006 Yongge Tian
Yonghui Liu
+ An Equality for Trace of Matrix over a Generalized Quaternion Algebra 2006 Cheng Shi-zhen
Yongge Tian
+ The extremal ranks of $A_1 - B_1 X C_1$ subject to a pair of matrix equations 2006 Yongge Tian
Yonghui Liu
+ On common generalized inverses of a pair of matrices 2005 Yongge Tian
Yoshio Takane
+ Some rank equalities and inequalities for Kronecker products of matrices 2005 Yongge Tian
+ Cochran's statistical theorem for outer inverses of matrices and matrix quadratic forms 2005 Yongge Tian
George P. H. Styan
+ Rank equalities for idempotent matrices with applications 2005 Yongge Tian
George P. H. Styan
George P. H. Styan
Yongge Tian
+ Some inequalities for sums of nonnegative definite matrices in quaternions 2005 Yongge Tian
George PH Styan
+ The Moore–Penrose inverse for sums of matrices under rank additivity conditions 2005 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Special forms of generalized inverses of row block matrices 2005 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Schur complements and Banachiewicz-Schur forms 2005 Yongge Tian
Yoshio Takane
+ Cochran's statistical theorem revisited 2004 Yongge Tian
George P. H. Styan
+ Some identities for Moore–Penrose inverses of matrix products 2004 Yongge Tian
Cheng Shi-zhen
+ 04.2.1. A Range Equality for Block Matrices with Orthogonal Projectors 2004 Yongge Tian
+ Rank Equalities for Block Matrices and Their Moore-Penrose Inverses 2004 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat On mixed‐type reverse‐order laws for the Moore‐Penrose inverse of a matrix product 2004 Yongge Tian
+ A Note on Range Equalities for Block Matrices and Sums of Matrices 2004 Yongge Tian
+ More on maximal and minimal ranks of Schur complements with applications 2003 Yongge Tian
+ Ranks of Solutions of the Matrix Equation <i>AXB</i> = C 2003 Yongge Tian
+ The Equations — = , — = and = in Quaternions 2003 Yongge Tian
+ Characterizing Equalities for Orthogonal Projectors by Rank Formulas 2003 Cheng Shi-zhen
Yongge Tian
+ Rank equalities and inequalities for Kronecker products of matrices with applications 2003 Jianjun Chuai
Yongge Tian
+ Using rank formulas to characterize equalities for Moore–Penrose inverses of matrix products 2003 Yongge Tian
+ The maximal and minimal ranks of A − BXC with applications 2003 Yongge Tian
Cheng Shi-zhen
+ Uniqueness and independence of submatrices in solutions of matrix equations. 2003 Yongge Tian
+ Upper and lower bounds for ranks of matrix expressions using generalized inverses 2002 Yongge Tian
+ Generalized Inverses of Multiple Matrix Products 2002 Yongge Tian
+ The Maximal and Minimal Ranks of a Quadratic Matrix Expression with Applications 2002 Yongge Tian
+ The Maximal and Minimal Ranks of Some Expressions of Generalized Inverses of Matrices 2002 Yongge Tian
+ Squashing a Matrix by Adding an Imaginary Part: 10776 2002 Yongge Tian
David W. Carter
+ When does rank(ABC) = rank(AB) + rank(BC) - rank(B) hold? 2002 Yongge Tian
George P. H. Styan
+ The Minimum Rank of a 3 × 3 Partial Block Matrix 2002 Yongge Tian
+ When does rank(&lt;I&gt;ABC&lt;/I&gt;) = rank(&lt;I&gt;AB&lt;/I&gt;) + rank(&lt;I&gt;BC&lt;/I&gt;) - rank(&lt;I&gt;B&lt;/I&gt;) hold? 2002 Yongge Tian
George P. H. Styan
+ Rank equalities related to outer inverses of matrices and applications 2001 Yongge Tian
+ Rank equalities for idempotent and involutary matrices 2001 Yongge Tian
George P. H. Styan
+ How Characterize Equalities for the Moore-Penrose Inverse of a Matrix 2001 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat How to establish universal block-matrix factorizations 2001 Yongge Tian
George P. H. Styan
+ Completing triangular block matrices with maximal and minimal ranks 2000 Yongge Tian
+ The solvability of two linear matrix equations 2000 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Matrix representations of octonions and their applications 2000 Yongge Tian
+ Matrix Theory over the Complex Quaternion Algebra 2000 Yongge Tian
+ Rank Equalities Related to Generalized Inverses of Matrices and Their Applications 2000 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Universal Similarity Factorization Equalities Over Complex Clifford Algebras 2000 Yongge Tian
+ Universal Similarity Factorization Equalities over Real Clifford Algebras 2000 Yongge Tian
+ Matrix Representations of Octonions and Their Applications 2000 Yongge Tian
+ Similarity and Consimilarity of Elements in Real Cayley-Dickson Algebras 2000 Yongge Tian
+ Universal Similarity Factorization Equalities over Complex Clifford Algebras 2000 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Similarity and consimilarity of elements in the real Cayley-Dickson algebras 1999 Yongge Tian
+ On projectors with respect to seminorms 1999 Yongge Tian
Yoshio Takane
+ Universal Factorization Equalities for Quaternion Matrices and Their Applications 1999 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Universal similarity factorization equalities over real Clifford algebras 1998 Yongge Tian
+ The Moore-Penrose inverses of m × n block matrices and their applications 1998 Yongge Tian
+ Reverse order laws for the generalized inverses of multiple matrix products 1994 Yongge Tian
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Equalities and Inequalities for Ranks of Matrices<sup>†</sup> 1974 George Matsaglia
George P. H. Styan
+ Generalized Inverse of Matrices and Its Applications 1973 K. S. Banerjee
+ Upper and lower bounds for ranks of matrix expressions using generalized inverses 2002 Yongge Tian
+ More on maximal and minimal ranks of Schur complements with applications 2003 Yongge Tian
+ The Maximal and Minimal Ranks of Some Expressions of Generalized Inverses of Matrices 2002 Yongge Tian
+ Representations of best linear unbiased estimators in the Gauss-Markoff model with a singular dispersion matrix 1973 C. Radhakrishna Rao
+ The maximal and minimal ranks of A − BXC with applications 2003 Yongge Tian
Cheng Shi-zhen
+ Equalities and inequalities for inertias of hermitian matrices with applications 2010 Yongge Tian
+ Rank equalities for idempotent and involutary matrices 2001 Yongge Tian
George P. H. Styan
+ Extremal Ranks of Some Symmetric Matrix Expressions with Applications 2006 Yongge Tian
Yonghui Liu
+ Unified theory of linear estimation 1971 C. Radhakrishna Rao
+ More on extremal ranks of the matrix expressions <i>A</i> − <i>BX</i> ± <i>X</i><sup>*</sup><i>B</i><sup>*</sup> with statistical applications 2007 Yonghui Liu
Yongge Tian
+ Reverse order laws for the generalized inverses of multiple matrix products 1994 Yongge Tian
+ Max-Min Problems on the Ranks and Inertias of the Matrix Expressions A−BXC±(BXC)∗ with Applications 2010 Yonghui Liu
Yongge Tian
+ Hermitian and Nonnegative Definite Solutions of Linear Matrix Equations 1976 C. G. Khatri
Sujit Kumar Mitra
+ Using rank formulas to characterize equalities for Moore–Penrose inverses of matrix products 2003 Yongge Tian
+ Generalized Inverse of Matrices and its Applications 1972 Alan J. Mayne
+ PDF Chat Some Decompositions of OLSEs and BLUEs Under a Partitioned Linear Model 2007 Yongge Tian
+ Rank equalities related to outer inverses of matrices and applications 2001 Yongge Tian
+ The solvability of two linear matrix equations 2000 Yongge Tian
+ The reverse order law revisited 1986 Robert E. Hartwig
+ The Restricted Singular Value Decomposition: Properties and Applications 1991 Bart L. R. De Moor
Gene H. Golub
+ The Equality of the Ordinary Least Squares Estimator and the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator 1989 Simo Puntanen
George P. H. Styan
+ On equalities of estimations of parametric functions under a general linear model and its restricted models 2009 Yongge Tian
+ Note on the Generalized Inverse of a Matrix Product 1966 T. N. E. Greville
+ On the natural restrictions in the singular Gauss–Markov model 2006 Yongge Tian
Mary Beisiegel
E. Dagenais
Christina Haines
+ On Sum Decompositions of Weighted Least-Squares Estimators for the Partitioned Linear Model 2007 Yongge Tian
Yoshio Takane
+ Solutions to 18 constrained optimization problems on the rank and inertia of the linear matrix function <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>A</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>B</mml:mi><mml:mi>X</mml:mi><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>B</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>∗</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2011 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat On mixed‐type reverse‐order laws for the Moore‐Penrose inverse of a matrix product 2004 Yongge Tian
+ Ranks of Hermitian and skew-Hermitian solutions to the matrix equation <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">AXA</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>∗</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mi>B</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math> 2009 Yonghui Liu
Yongge Tian
Yoshio Takane
George P. H. Styan
Yongge Tian
+ Solving optimization problems on ranks and inertias of some constrained nonlinear matrix functions via an algebraic linearization method 2011 Yongge Tian
+ Extremal ranks of submatrices in an Hermitian solution to the matrix equation AXA *=B with applications 2009 Yonghui Liu
Yongge Tian
+ Nonnegative definite and positive definite solutions to the matrix equation<b>AXA</b><sup>*</sup>=<b>B</b> 1984 Jerzy K. Baksalary
+ The Coordinate-Free Approach to Gauss-Markov Estimation 1970 Hilmar Drygas
+ Rank Equalities for Block Matrices and Their Moore-Penrose Inverses 2004 Yongge Tian
+ On an additive decomposition of the BLUE in a multiple-partitioned linear model 2008 Yongge Tian
+ Maximization and minimization of the rank and inertia of the Hermitian matrix expression <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>A</mml:mi><mml:mo>-</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">BX</mml:mi><mml:mo>-</mml:mo><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">BX</mml:mi><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>*</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math> … 2011 Yongge Tian
+ On equality and proportionality of ordinary least squares, weighted least squares and best linear unbiased estimators in the general linear model 2006 Yongge Tian
Douglas P. Wiens
+ Necessary and sufficient conditions for nonlinear matrix identities to always hold 2018 Bo Jiang
Yongge Tian
+ A property of partitioned generalized regression 1992 Markku Nurhonen
Simo Puntanen
+ Determination of the inertia of a partitioned Hermitian matrix 1968 Emilie V. Haynsworth
+ Nonnegative-definite and positive-definite solutions to the matrix equationAXA∗=B – revisited 2000 Jürgen Groß
+ On the inertia of some classes of partitioned matrices 1968 Emilie V. Haynsworth
Alexander Ostrowski
+ Estimation under a general partitioned linear model 2000 Jürgen Groß
Simo Puntanen
+ PDF Chat All about the ⊥ with its applications in the linear statistical models 2014 Augustyn Markiewicz
Simo Puntanen
+ Minimal rank completions for block matrices 1989 Hugo J. Woerdeman
+ A simultaneous decomposition of a matrix triplet with applications 2010 Yonghui Liu
Yongge Tian
+ Projections under seminorms and generalized Moore Penrose inverses 1974 Sujit Kumar Mitra
C. Radhakrishna Rao
+ Extremal ranks of a quadratic matrix expression with applications 2011 Yongge Tian