Sergio A. Yuhjtman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Walraswap: a solution to uniform price batch auctions 2023 Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ PDF Chat Classical Particles in the Continuum Subjected to High Density Boundary Conditions 2022 Aldo Procacci
Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Random Permutation and the Boson Point Process 2021 Inés Armendáriz
Pablo A. Ferrari
Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ Classical particles in the continuum subjected to high density boundary conditions. 2020 Aldo Procacci
Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ Classical particles in the continuum subjected to high density boundary conditions 2020 Aldo Procacci
Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ Gaussian random permutation and the boson point process 2019 Inés Armendáriz
Pablo A. Ferrari
Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ Gaussian random permutation and the boson point process 2019 Inés Armendáriz
Pablo A. Ferrari
Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ PDF Chat On Absolutely Normal and Continued Fraction Normal Numbers 2017 Verónica Becher
Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ On absolutely normal and continued fraction normal numbers 2017 Verónica Becher
Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ On absolutely normal and continued fraction normal numbers 2017 Verónica Becher
Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Mayer and Virial expansions and the Penrose tree-graph identity 2016 Aldo Procacci
Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ Perfect Necklaces 2016 Nicolás Álvarez
Verónica Becher
Pablo A. Ferrari
Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ Perfect Necklaces 2016 Nicolás Álvarez
Verónica Becher
Pablo A. Ferrari
Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ PDF Chat On Stable Pair Potentials with an Attractive Tail, Remarks on Two Papers by A. G. Basuev 2015 Bernardo N. B. de Lima
Aldo Procacci
Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ PDF Chat A Sensible Estimate for the Stability Constant of the Lennard-Jones Potential 2015 Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ A sensible estimate for the stability constant of the Lennard-Jones potential 2015 Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ The quasi-state space of a C ∗ -algebra is a topological quotient of the representation space 2015 Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ A sensible estimate for the stability constant of the Lennard-Jones potential 2015 Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ The quasi-state space of a C*-algebra is a topological quotient of the representation space 2013 Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ Teoremas de dualidad para C*-álgebras, álgebra de multiplicadores en los contextos de dualidad, teorema de extensión de Tietze y resultados relacionados 2013 Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ A construction of 2-cofiltered bilimits of topoi 2011 Eduardo J. Dubuc
Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ A construction of 2-cofiltered bilimits of topoi 2011 Eduardo J. Dubuc
Sergio A. Yuhjtman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Statistical Mechanics: Rigorous Results 1969 David Ruelle
+ Convergence of Fugacity Expansions for Fluids and Lattice Gases 1963 O. Penrose
+ PDF Chat The Mayer Series of the Lennard–Jones Gas: Improved Bounds for the Convergence Radius 2014 Bernardo N. B. de Lima
Aldo Procacci
+ The free energy of a macroscopic system 1964 Michael E. Fisher
+ New results for molecular formation under pairwise potential minimization 2007 Werner Schachinger
Bernardetta Addis
Immanuel M. Bomze
Fabio Schoen
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Virial Expansions 1964 J. L. Lebowitz
O. Penrose
+ Statistical Mechanics: A Short Treatise 1999 Giovanni Gallavotti
+ PDF Chat On Lennard–Jones Type Potentials and Hard-Core Potentials with an Attractive Tail 2014 Thiago Morais
Aldo Procacci
Benedetto Scoppola
+ Investigation of Conditions for the Asymptotic Existence of the Configuration Integral of Gibbs’ Distribution 1964 R. L. Dobrushin
+ PDF Chat Cluster Expansion for Abstract Polymer Models. New Bounds from an Old Approach 2007 Roberto Fernández
Aldo Procacci
+ A theorem on trees 2009 Arthur Cayley
+ On the continued fraction expansion of absolutely normal numbers 2017 Adrian-Maria Scheerer
+ PDF Chat Limit Distributions for Euclidean Random Permutations 2019 Dor Elboim
Ron Peled
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Cluster and Virial expansions for Repulsive Classical Gases 2020 Tong Xuan Nguyen
Roberto Fernández
+ PDF Chat A Sensible Estimate for the Stability Constant of the Lennard-Jones Potential 2015 Sergio A. Yuhjtman
+ PDF Chat Random Permutations of a Regular Lattice 2014 Volker Betz
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Ergodic Theorem 1931 George D. Birkhoff
+ A generalization to the non-separable case of Takesaki's duality theorem forC *-algebras 1969 Klaus Bichteler
+ PDF Chat Finite Cycle Gibbs Measures on Permutations of $${{\mathbb Z}^d}$$ Z d 2014 Inés Armendáriz
Pablo A. Ferrari
Pablo Groisman
Florencia Leonardi
+ Representation for Ursell functions and cluster estimates 1979 A. G. Basuev
+ PDF Chat Spatial Random Permutations and Infinite Cycles 2008 Volker Betz
Daniel Ueltschi
+ PDF Chat On a Model of Random Cycles 2007 Daniel Gandolfo
Jean Ruiz
Daniel Ueltschi
+ A New Group Algebra for Locally Compact Groups 1964 John Ernest
+ A Duality in the Representation Theory of C ∗ -Algebras 1967 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Random walk loop soup 2006 Gregory F. Lawler
José A. Trujillo Ferreras
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic free energy of a system with periodic boundary conditions 1970 Michael E. Fisher
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ PDF Chat Vacant set of random interlacements and percolation 2010 Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ A dimension gap for continued fractions with independent digits 2001 Yuri Kifer
Yuval Peres
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for statistics of combinatorial partitions with applications to mean field Bose gas 2005 G. Benfatto
M. Cassandro
Immacolata Merola
E. Presutti
+ Estimate of the remainder term in the limit theorem for denominators of continued fractions 1981 Gintautas Misevičius
+ PDF Chat Old and new results on normality 2006 Martine Quefféec
+ PDF Chat Correlation functions and the uniqueness of the state in classical statistical mechanics 1973 Andrew Lenard
+ On the Position Distribution of the Ideal Bose Gas 1991 Karl‐Heinz Fichtner
+ The coincidence approach to stochastic point processes 1975 Odile Macchi
+ PDF Chat Infinite volume limits of the canonical free Bose gas states on the Weyl algebra 1973 John T. Cannon
+ PDF Chat Local limit theorem and distribution of periodic orbits of Lasota-Yorke transformations with infinite Markov partition 1994 Takehiko Morita
+ PDF Chat Markov loops and renormalization 2010 Yves Le Jan
+ A construction of a normal number for the continued fraction transformation 1981 Roy L. Adler
Michaël Keane
Meir Smorodinsky
+ PDF Chat The Brownian loop soup 2004 Gregory F. Lawler
Wendelin Werner
+ PDF Chat A Cox Process Involved in the Bose–Einstein Condensation 2008 Nathalie Eisenbaum
+ PDF Chat Continued fraction algorithms, functional operators, and structure constants 1998 Philippe Flajolet
Brigitte Vallée
+ Theorem on the minimal specific energy for classical systems 1978 A. G. Basuev
+ Representations of the Canonical Commutation Relations Describing a Nonrelativistic Infinite Free Bose Gas 1963 H. Araki
E. J. Woods
+ PDF Chat Percolation transition in the Bose gas: II 2002 András Sütö
+ A random point field related to Bose–Einstein condensation 2006 Hiroshi Tamura
Keiichi R. Ito
+ Random point fields associated with certain Fredholm determinants I: fermion, Poisson and boson point processes 2003 Tomoyuki Shirai
Yōichirō Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Statistical Inference and Simulation for Spatial Point Processes 2003 Jesper Møller
Rasmus Waagepetersen
+ PDF Chat The equivalence of ensembles for classical systems of particles 1995 Hans-Otto Georgii
+ Statistical mechanics of systems of unbounded spins 1976 Joel L. Lebowitz
Errico Presutti
+ None 1999 E. Pechersky
Yu. V. Zhukov