Christophe Marsala


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A Robust Autoencoder Ensemble-Based Approach for Anomaly Detection in Text 2024 Jérémie Pantin
Christophe Marsala
+ Achieving Diversity in Counterfactual Explanations: a Review and Discussion 2023 Thibault Laugel
Adulam Jeyasothy
Marie‐Jeanne Lesot
Christophe Marsala
Marcin Detyniecki
+ Norms and Discrete Choquet Integrals Induced by Submodular Fuzzy Measures: A Discussion 2023 Agnès Rico
Marie‐Jeanne Lesot
Christophe Marsala
+ Dynamic Interpretability for Model Comparison via Decision Rules 2023 Adam Rida
Marie‐Jeanne Lesot
Xavier Renard
Christophe Marsala
+ Integrating Prior Knowledge in Post-hoc Explanations 2022 Adulam Jeyasothy
Thibault Laugel
Marie‐Jeanne Lesot
Christophe Marsala
Marcin Detyniecki
+ Integrating Prior Knowledge in Post-hoc Explanations 2022 Adulam Jeyasothy
Thibault Laugel
Marie‐Jeanne Lesot
Christophe Marsala
Marcin Detyniecki
+ PDF Chat Interpretable Monotonicities for Entropies of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets or Interval-valued Fuzzy Sets 2021 Christophe Marsala
Bernadette Bouchon‐Meunier
+ PDF Chat Polar Representation of Bipolar Information: A Case Study to Compare Intuitionistic Entropies 2020 Christophe Marsala
Bernadette Bouchon‐Meunier
+ The Dangers of Post-hoc Interpretability: Unjustified Counterfactual Explanations 2019 Thibault Laugel
Marie‐Jeanne Lesot
Christophe Marsala
Xavier Renard
Marcin Detyniecki
+ PDF Chat Detecting Potential Local Adversarial Examples for Human-Interpretable Defense 2019 Xavier Renard
Thibault Laugel
Marie‐Jeanne Lesot
Christophe Marsala
Marcin Detyniecki
+ Issues with post-hoc counterfactual explanations: a discussion 2019 Thibault Laugel
Marie‐Jeanne Lesot
Christophe Marsala
Marcin Detyniecki
+ The Dangers of Post-hoc Interpretability: Unjustified Counterfactual Explanations 2019 Thibault Laugel
Marie‐Jeanne Lesot
Christophe Marsala
Xavier Renard
Marcin Detyniecki
+ PDF Chat Detecting Potential Local Adversarial Examples for Human-Interpretable Defense 2018 Xavier Renard
Thibault Laugel
Marie‐Jeanne Lesot
Christophe Marsala
Marcin Detyniecki
+ Defining Locality for Surrogates in Post-hoc Interpretablity 2018 Thibault Laugel
Xavier Renard
Marie‐Jeanne Lesot
Christophe Marsala
Marcin Detyniecki
+ Fuzzy decision tree and fuzzy gradual decision tree: Application to job satisfaction 2017 Christophe Marsala
Maria Rifqi
+ Inverse Classification for Comparison-based Interpretability in Machine Learning 2017 Thibault Laugel
Marie‐Jeanne Lesot
Christophe Marsala
Xavier Renard
Marcin Detyniecki
+ PDF Chat Fuzzy data mining and management of interpretable and subjective information 2015 Christophe Marsala
Bernadette Bouchon‐Meunier
+ Monotone Classification with Decision Trees 2013 Christophe Marsala
Davide Petturiti
+ Hierarchical Model for Rank Discrimination Measures 2013 Christophe Marsala
Davide Petturiti
+ PDF Chat Double-linear fuzzy interpolation method 2011 Marcin Detyniecki
Christophe Marsala
Maria Rifqi
+ Measures of information for inductive learning 2004 Thanh Ha Dang
Bernadette Bouchon‐Meunier
Christophe Marsala
+ Interpolative model for fuzzy arithmetic 2002 Arthur Ramer
B. Bouchon-Meunier
Maria do Carmo Nicoletti
Christophe Marsala
M. Rifqi
+ Conditional Possibility and Necessity 2002 Bernadette Bouchon‐Meunier
Giulianella Coletti
Christophe Marsala
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A Unified Approach to Interpreting Model Predictions 2017 Scott Lundberg
Su‐In Lee
+ PDF Chat A Survey of Methods for Explaining Black Box Models 2018 Riccardo Guidotti
Anna Monreale
Salvatore Ruggieri
Franco Turini
Fosca Giannotti
Dino Pedreschi
+ PDF Chat Generalized Inverse Classification 2017 Michael T. Lash
Qihang Lin
W. Nick Street
Jennifer G. Robinson
Jeffrey W. Ohlmann
+ Please Stop Explaining Black Box Models for High Stakes Decisions. 2018 Cynthia Rudin
+ “Why Should I Trust You?”: Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier 2016 Marco Ribeiro
Sameer Singh
Carlos Guestrin
+ Defining Locality for Surrogates in Post-hoc Interpretablity 2018 Thibault Laugel
Xavier Renard
Marie‐Jeanne Lesot
Christophe Marsala
Marcin Detyniecki
+ On the entropy for Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets: An interpretation from the perspective of amount of knowledge 2014 Kaihong Guo
Song Qi
+ PDF Chat Entropy measures for Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy sets based on divergence 2018 Ignacio Montes
Nikhil R. Pal
Susana Montes
+ PDF Chat FACE 2020 Rafael Poyiadzi
Kacper Sokol
Raúl Santos‐Rodríguez
Tijl De Bie
Peter Flach
+ Making Tree Ensembles Interpretable 2016 Satoshi Hara
Kohei Hayashi
+ PDF Chat Counterfactual Explanations Without Opening the Black Box: Automated Decisions and the GDPR 2017 Sandra Wachter
Brent Mittelstadt
Chris Russell
+ PDF Chat Interpretable Counterfactual Explanations Guided by Prototypes 2021 Arnaud Van Looveren
Janis Klaise
+ How to Explain Individual Classification Decisions 2009 David Baehrens
Timon Schroeter
Stefan Harmeling
Motoaki Kawanabe
Katja Hansen
Klaus‐Robert Müller
+ Entropy on intuitionistic fuzzy sets and on interval-valued fuzzy sets 1996 P. Burillo
Humberto Bustince
+ PDF Chat Efficient Search for Diverse Coherent Explanations 2019 Chris Russell
+ On conditional possibility distributions 1978 Hung T. Nguyen
+ Deep Inside Convolutional Networks: Visualising Image Classification Models and Saliency Maps 2013 Karen Simonyan
Andrea Vedaldi
Andrew Zisserman
+ On decompositional algorithms for uniform sampling from <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si10.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:math>-spheres and <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si11.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:math>-balls 2010 Radoslav Harman
Vladimı́r Lacko
+ PDF Chat Nonadditive conditional entropy and its significance for local realism 2001 Sumiyoshi Abe
A. K. Rajagopal
+ Probability measures of Fuzzy events 1968 Lotfi A. Zadeh
+ PDF Chat Fuzzy sets in machine learning and data mining 2008 Eyke Hüllermeier
+ PDF Chat Finitely Additive Conditional Probabilities, Conglomerability and Disintegrations 1975 Lester E. Dubins
+ Distances defined by Choquet integral 2007 Yasuo Narukawa
+ On the Optimization of T-norm parameters within Fuzzy Decision Trees 2007 Keeley Crockett
Zuhair Bandar
David McLean
+ On confirmation and rational betting 1955 Robert S. Lehman
+ Discrete Choquet Integral as a Distance Metric 2008 J. Bolton
Paul Gader
Joseph N. Wilson
+ PDF Chat Mitigating Evasion Attacks to Deep Neural Networks via Region-based Classification 2017 Xiaoyu Cao
Neil Zhenqiang Gong
+ PDF Chat The Limitations of Deep Learning in Adversarial Settings 2016 Nicolas Papernot
Patrick McDaniel
Somesh Jha
Matt Fredrikson
Z. Berkay Celik
Ananthram Swami
+ The Bayesian Case Model: A Generative Approach for Case-Based Reasoning and Prototype Classification 2015 Been Kim
Cynthia Rudin
Julie Shah
+ Using Visual Analytics to Interpret Predictive Machine Learning Models 2016 Josua Krause
Adam Perer
Enrico Bertini
+ Choquistic Regression: Generalizing Logistic Regression using the Choquet Integral 2011 Ali Fallah Tehrani
Weiwei Cheng
Eyke Hüllermeier
+ A theory of fuzzy measures: Representations, the Choquet integral, and null sets 1991 Toshiaki Murofushi
Michio Sugeno
+ Characterization of weighted maximum and some related operations 1995 János Fodor
Marc Roubens
+ Interpolation of fuzzy data: Analytical approach and overview 2010 Irina Perfilieva
Didier Dubois
Henri Prade
Francesc Esteva
Lluı́s Godo
Petra Hoďáková
+ A Unified Approach to Interpreting Model Predictions 2017 Scott Lundberg
Su‐In Lee
+ Dimensionality Reduction as a Defense against Evasion Attacks on Machine Learning Classifiers. 2017 Arjun Nitin Bhagoji
Daniel Cullina
Prateek Mittal
+ Interpolative reasoning with insufficient evidence in sparse fuzzy rule bases 1993 LászlóT. Kóczy
Kaoru Hirota
+ PDF Chat Practical Black-Box Attacks against Machine Learning 2017 Nicolas Papernot
Patrick McDaniel
Ian Goodfellow
Somesh Jha
Z. Berkay Celik
Ananthram Swami
+ SmoothGrad: removing noise by adding noise 2017 Daniel Smilkov
Nikhil Thorat
Been Kim
Fernanda Viégas
Martin Wattenberg
+ Learning Cost-Effective and Interpretable Treatment Regimes 2017 Himabindu Lakkaraju
Cynthia Rudin
+ Enhancing Robustness of Machine Learning Systems via Data Transformations 2017 Arjun Nitin Bhagoji
Daniel Cullina
Chawin Sitawarin
Prateek Mittal
+ On the Use of Divergences for Defining Entropies for Atanassov Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets 2017 Ignacio Montes
Susana Montes
Nikhil R. Pal
+ Towards A Rigorous Science of Interpretable Machine Learning 2017 Finale Doshi‐Velez
Been Kim
+ Accountability of AI Under the Law: The Role of Explanation 2017 Finale Doshi‐Velez
Mason A. Kortz
+ A Survey Of Methods For Explaining Black Box Models 2018 Riccardo Guidotti
Anna Monreale
Franco Turini
Dino Pedreschi
Fosca Giannotti
+ Local Rule-Based Explanations of Black Box Decision Systems. 2018 Riccardo Guidotti
Anna Monreale
Salvatore Ruggieri
Dino Pedreschi
Franco Turini
Fosca Giannotti
+ To Trust Or Not To Trust A Classifier 2018 Heinrich Jiang
Been Kim
Melody Y. Guan
Maya R. Gupta
+ Using Real Life Examples to Teach Abstract Statistical Concepts 2011 Nyaradzo Mvududu
Gibbs Y. Kanyongo
+ Independence concepts in possibility theory: Part I 1999 Luis M. de Campos
Juan F. Huete
+ Complex intuitionistic fuzzy classes 2016 Mumtaz Ali
Dan E. Tamir
Naphtali Rishe
Abraham Kandel