Simon Brendle


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A geometric approach to apriori estimates for optimal transport maps 2024 Simon Brendle
Flavien Léger
Robert J. McCann
Cale Rankin
+ A local noncollapsing estimate for mean curvature flow 2024 Simon Brendle
Keaton Naff
+ PDF Chat Systolic inequalities and the Horowitz-Myers conjecture 2024 Simon Brendle
Pei-Ken Hung
+ The Isoperimetric Inequality 2024 Simon Brendle
Michael Eichmair
+ PDF Chat Scalar Curvature Rigidity of Warped Product Metrics 2024 Christian Bär
Simon Brendle
Bernhard Hanke
Yipeng Wang
+ PDF Chat The isoperimetric inequality 2024 Simon Brendle
Michael Eichmair
+ Scalar curvature rigidity of convex polytopes 2023 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Michael–Simon–Sobolev inequality using optimal transport 2023 Simon Brendle
Michael Eichmair
+ PDF Chat A generalization of Geroch's conjecture 2023 Simon Brendle
Sven Hirsch
Florian Johne
+ PDF Chat Rotational symmetry of ancient solutions to the Ricci flow in higher dimensions 2023 Simon Brendle
Keaton Naff
+ PDF Chat Minimal hypersurfaces and geometric inequalities 2023 Simon Brendle
+ Rigidity of convex polytopes under the dominant energy condition 2023 Simon Brendle
Tsz-Kiu Aaron Chow
+ Scalar curvature rigidity of warped product metrics 2023 Christian Baer
Simon Brendle
Bernhard Hanke
Yipeng Wang
+ On Gromov's rigidity theorem for polytopes with acute angles 2023 Simon Brendle
Yanming Wang
+ A geometric approach to apriori estimates for optimal transport maps 2023 Simon Brendle
Flavien Léger
Robert J. McCann
Cale Rankin
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of compact ancient solutions to the higher-dimensional Ricci flow 2022 Simon Brendle
Panagiota Daskalopoulos
Keaton Naff
Nataša Šešum
+ PDF Chat Sobolev Inequalities in Manifolds with Nonnegative Curvature 2022 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Singularity Models in the Three-Dimensional Ricci Flow 2022 Simon Brendle
+ A generalization of Geroch's conjecture 2022 Simon Brendle
Sven Hirsch
Florian Johne
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of convex ancient solutions to mean curvature flow in higher dimensions 2021 Simon Brendle
Kyeongsu Choi
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of compact ancient solutions to three-dimensional Ricci flow 2021 Simon Brendle
Panagiota Daskalopoulos
Nataša Šešum
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of compact ancient solutions to the higher dimensional Ricci flow 2021 Simon Brendle
Panagiota Daskalopoulos
Keaton Naff
Nataša Šešum
+ A local noncollapsing estimate for mean curvature flow 2021 Simon Brendle
Keaton Naff
+ Uniqueness of compact ancient solutions to the higher dimensional Ricci flow 2021 Simon Brendle
Panagiota Daskalopoulos
Keaton Naff
Nataša Šešum
+ The isoperimetric inequality for a minimal submanifold in Euclidean space 2020 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Unique Asymptotics of Compact Ancient Solutions to <scp>Three‐Dimensional</scp> Ricci Flow 2020 Sigurd Angenent
Simon Brendle
Panagiota Daskalopoulos
Nataša Šešum
+ PDF Chat The Logarithmic Sobolev Inequality for a Submanifold in Euclidean Space 2020 Simon Brendle
+ The Michael-Simon inequality for manifolds with nonnegative curvature 2020 Simon Brendle
+ Uniqueness of compact ancient solutions to three-dimensional Ricci flow 2020 Simon Brendle
Panagiota Daskalopoulos
Nataša Šešum
+ Minimal hypersurfaces and geometric inequalities 2020 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Ancient solutions to the Ricci flow in dimension $3$ 2020 Simon Brendle
+ Rotational symmetry of ancient solutions to the Ricci flow in higher dimensions 2020 Simon Brendle
Keaton Naff
+ Unique Asymptotics of Compact Ancient Solutions to three-dimensional Ricci flow 2019 Sigurd Angenent
Simon Brendle
Panagiota Daskalopoulos
Nataša Šešum
+ PDF Chat Ricci flow with surgery on manifolds with positive isotropic curvature 2019 Simon Brendle
+ The isoperimetric inequality for a minimal hypersurface in Euclidean space 2019 Simon Brendle
+ On the Structure of the Critical Spectrum of Strongly Continuous Semigroups 2019 Mark D. Blake
Simon Brendle
Rainer Nagel
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of convex ancient solutions to mean curvature flow in $${\mathbb {R}}^3$$ R 3 2019 Simon Brendle
Kyeongsu Choi
+ Rotational symmetry of ancient solutions to the Ricci flow in dimension $3$ -- The compact case 2019 Simon Brendle
+ The isoperimetric inequality for a minimal submanifold in Euclidean space 2019 Simon Brendle
+ A sharp inscribed radius estimate for fully nonlinear flows 2019 Simon Brendle
And Pei-Ken Hung
+ The logarithmic Sobolev inequality for a submanifold in Euclidean space 2019 Simon Brendle
+ Unique Asymptotics of Compact Ancient Solutions to three-dimensional Ricci flow 2019 Sigurd Angenent
Simon Brendle
Panagiota Daskalopoulos
Nataša Šešum
+ Mean curvature flow with surgery of mean convex surfaces in three-manifolds 2018 Simon Brendle
Gerhard Huisken
+ Ancient solutions to the Ricci flow in dimension 3 2018 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Ricci flow with surgery in higher dimensions 2017 Simon Brendle
+ Ricci flow on manifolds with positive isotropic curvature 2017 Simon Brendle
+ Rotational symmetry of ancient solutions to mean curvature flow in $\mathbb{R}^3$ 2017 Simon Brendle
Kyeongsu Choi
+ A fully nonlinear flow for two-convex hypersurfaces in Riemannian manifolds 2017 Simon Brendle
Gerhard Huisken
+ PDF Chat Area Bounds for Minimal Surfaces that Pass Through a Prescribed Point in a Ball 2017 Simon Brendle
Pei-Ken Hung
+ Ricci flow with surgery on manifolds with positive isotropic curvature 2017 Simon Brendle
+ Uniqueness of convex ancient solutions to mean curvature flow in $\mathbb{R}^3$ 2017 Simon Brendle
Kyeongsu Choi
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behavior of flows by powers of the Gaussian curvature 2017 Simon Brendle
Kyeongsu Choi
Panagiota Daskalopoulos
+ PDF Chat Gluing Eguchi‐Hanson Metrics and a Question of Page 2016 Simon Brendle
Nikolaos Kapouleas
+ PDF Chat An inscribed radius estimate for mean curvature flow in Riemannian manifolds 2016 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat A monotonicity formula for mean curvature flow with surgery 2016 Simon Brendle
+ Asymptotic behavior of flows by powers of the Gaussian curvature 2016 Simon Brendle
Kyeongsu Choi
Panagiota Daskalopoulos
+ A sharp inscribed radius estimate for fully nonlinear flows 2016 Simon Brendle
Pei‐Ken Hung
+ PDF Chat Embedded self-similar shrinkers of genus $0$ 2016 Simon Brendle
+ Ricci flow with surgery in higher dimensions 2016 Simon Brendle
+ Area bounds for minimal surfaces that pass through a prescribed point in a ball 2016 Simon Brendle
Pei-Ken Hung
+ A sharp inscribed radius estimate for fully nonlinear flows 2016 Simon Brendle
Pei‐Ken Hung
+ Asymptotic behavior of flows by powers of the Gaussian curvature 2016 Simon Brendle
Kyeongsu Choi
Panagiota Daskalopoulos
+ Mean curvature flow with surgery of mean convex surfaces in $$\mathbb {R}^3$$ R 3 2015 Simon Brendle
Gerhard Huisken
+ PDF Chat On the Maximum Curvature of Closed Curves in Negatively Curved Manifolds 2015 Simon Brendle
Otis Chodosh
+ PDF Chat A sharp bound for the inscribed radius under mean curvature flow 2015 Simon Brendle
+ A fully nonlinear flow for two-convex hypersurfaces 2015 Simon Brendle
Gerhard Huisken
+ PDF Chat A comparison principle for solutions to the Ricci flow 2015 Richard H. Bamler
Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat A Minkowski Inequality for Hypersurfaces in the Anti‐de Sitter‐Schwarzschild Manifold 2014 Simon Brendle
Pei‐Ken Hung
Mu‐Tao Wang
+ PDF Chat Rotational symmetry of Ricci solitons in higher dimensions 2014 Simon Brendle
+ Differentialgeometrie im Großen 2014 Olivier Biquard
Simon Brendle
Bernhard Leeb
+ PDF Chat A Volume Comparison Theorem for Asymptotically Hyperbolic Manifolds 2014 Simon Brendle
Otis Chodosh
+ PDF Chat An existence theorem for the Yamabe problem on manifolds with boundary 2014 Simon Brendle
Szu-Yu Sophie Chen
+ PDF Chat Two-point functions and their applications in geometry 2014 Simon Brendle
+ Ancient solutions to the Ricci flow in dimension $4$ and a question of Page 2014 Simon Brendle
Nicolaos Kapouleas
+ Embedded Weingarten tori in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2014 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat A Gibbons–Penrose Inequality for Surfaces in Schwarzschild Spacetime 2014 Simon Brendle
Mu‐Tao Wang
+ PDF Chat Large outlying stable constant mean curvature spheres in initial data sets 2014 Simon Brendle
Michael Eichmair
+ Uniqueness results for minimal surfaces and constant mean curvature surfaces in Riemannian manifolds 2014 Simon Brendle
+ Gluing Eguchi-Hanson metrics and a question of Page 2014 Simon Brendle
Nicolaos Kapouleas
+ Two-point functions and their applications in geometry 2014 Simon Brendle
+ Embedded self-similar shrinkers of genus 0 2014 Simon Brendle
+ Uniqueness results for minimal surfaces and constant mean curvature surfaces in Riemannian manifolds 2013 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Isoperimetric and Weingarten surfaces in the Schwarzschild manifold 2013 Simon Brendle
Michael Eichmair
+ A note on Weingarten surfaces in S^3 2013 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Minimal surfaces in $$S^3$$ : a survey of recent results 2013 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Rotational symmetry of self-similar solutions to the Ricci flow 2013 Simon Brendle
+ A monotonicity formula for mean curvature flow with surgery 2013 Simon Brendle
+ An inscribed radius estimate for mean curvature flow in Riemannian manifolds 2013 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Alexandrov immersed minimal tori in $S^3$ 2013 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Embedded minimal tori in S3 and the Lawson conjecture 2013 Simon Brendle
+ Mean curvature flow with surgery of mean convex surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^3$ 2013 Simon Brendle
Gerhard Huisken
+ Embedded Weingarten tori in S^3 2013 Simon Brendle
+ A sharp bound for the inscribed radius under mean curvature flow 2013 Simon Brendle
+ Minimal surfaces in S^3: a survey of recent results 2013 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat On the Lagrangian minimal surface equation and related problems 2013 Simon Brendle
+ Ramification theory for varieties over a local field . A variational approach to complex monge-ampère equations . Constant mean curvature surfaces in warped product manifolds . Shifted symplectic structures . Geometric phantom categories 2013 和也 加藤
毅 斎藤
Robert J. Berman
Simon Brendle
Tony Pantev
Sergey Gorchinskiy
Dmitri Olegovich Orlov
+ PDF Chat Constant mean curvature surfaces in warped product manifolds 2012 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Ricci Flat Kähler Metrics with Edge Singularities 2012 Simon Brendle
+ Isoperimetric and Weingarten surfaces in the Schwarzschild manifold 2012 Simon Brendle
Michael Eichmair
+ PDF Chat A sharp bound for the area of minimal surfaces in the unit ball 2012 Simon Brendle
+ Uniqueness of embedded minimal tori in S^3 2012 Simon Brendle
+ Rotational symmetry of Ricci solitons in higher dimensions 2012 Simon Brendle
+ Alexandrov immersed minimal tori in S^3 2012 Simon Brendle
+ A Minkowski inequality for hypersurfaces in the Anti-deSitter-Schwarzschild manifold 2012 Simon Brendle
Pei‐Ken Hung
Mu‐Tao Wang
+ Embedded minimal tori in S^3 and the Lawson conjecture 2012 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Rigidity phenomena involving scalar curvature 2012 Simon Brendle
+ Isoperimetric and Weingarten surfaces in the Schwarzschild manifold 2012 Simon Brendle
Michael Eichmair
+ PDF Chat Evolution equations in Riemannian geometry 2011 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Scalar Curvature Rigidity of Geodesic Balls in $S^n$ 2011 Simon Brendle
Fernando C. Marcques
+ Der Sphärensatz in der Riemannschen Geometrie 2011 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Ancient solutions to the Ricci flow with pinched curvature 2011 Simon Brendle
Gerhard Huisken
Carlo Sinestrari
+ Hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature in deSitter-Schwarzschild space 2011 Simon Brendle
+ Riemannian Manifolds of Positive Curvature 2011 Simon Brendle
Richard Schoen
+ PDF Chat Einstein metrics and preserved curvature conditions for the Ricci flow 2011 Simon Brendle
+ On the Lagrangian minimal surface equation and related problems 2011 Simon Brendle
+ Ricci flat Kahler metrics with edge singularities 2011 Simon Brendle
+ Constant mean curvature surfaces in warped product manifolds 2011 Simon Brendle
+ A sharp bound for the area of minimal surfaces in the unit ball 2011 Simon Brendle
+ Evolution equations in Riemannian geometry 2011 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of gradient Ricci solitons 2011 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Deformations of the hemisphere that increase scalar curvature 2010 Simon Brendle
Fernando C. Marques
André Neves
+ PDF Chat Curvature, Sphere Theorems, and the Ricci flow 2010 Simon Brendle
Richard Schoen
+ PDF Chat A note on Ricci flow and optimal transportation 2010 Simon Brendle
+ Area‐minimizing projective planes in 3‐manifolds 2010 Hubert L. Bray
Simon Brendle
Michael Eichmair
André Neves
+ PDF Chat A boundary value problem for minimal Lagrangian graphs 2010 Simon Brendle
Micah Warren
+ Ricci Flow and the Sphere Theorem 2010 Simon Brendle
+ Convergence of evolving metrics 2010 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat A survey of sphere theorems in geometry 2010 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Pointwise curvature estimates 2010 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Preserved curvature conditions in higher dimensions 2010 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Ricci flow on 𝑆² 2010 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Hamilton’s Ricci flow 2010 Simon Brendle
+ Curvature pinching in dimension 3 2010 Simon Brendle
+ Recent progress on the Yamabe problem 2010 Simon Brendle
Fernando C. Marques
+ Scalar curvature rigidity of geodesic balls in S^n 2010 Simon Brendle
Fernando C. Marques
+ Rigidity phenomena involving scalar curvature 2010 Simon Brendle
+ Curvature, sphere theorems, and the Ricci flow 2010 Simon Brendle
Richard Schoen
+ Uniqueness of gradient Ricci solitons 2010 Simon Brendle
+ Rigidity of area-minimizing two-spheres in three-manifolds 2010 Hubert L. Bray
Simon Brendle
André Neves
+ PDF Chat Rigidity of area-minimizing two-spheres in three-manifolds 2010 Hubert L. Bray
Simon Brendle
André Neves
+ PDF Chat Einstein manifolds with nonnegative isotropic curvature are locally symmetric 2009 Simon Brendle
+ A Prekopa-Leindler-type inequality for Ricci flow 2009 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat A generalization of Hamilton's differential Harnack inequality for the Ricci flow 2009 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Blow-up phenomena for the Yamabe equation II 2009 Simon Brendle
Fernando C. Marques
+ A note on Ricci flow and optimal transportation 2009 Simon Brendle
+ An existence theorem for the Yamabe problem on manifolds with boundary 2009 Simon Brendle
S. Chen
+ Sphere Theorems in Geometry 2009 Simon Brendle
Richard Schoen
+ Blow-up phenomena for the Yamabe equation 2009 Simon Brendle
+ Area-minimizing projective planes in three-manifolds 2009 Hubert L. Bray
Simon Brendle
Michael Eichmair
André Neves
+ Blow-up phenomena for the Yamabe equation II 2009 Simon Brendle
Fernando C. Marques
+ PDF Chat A general convergence result for the Ricci flow in higher dimensions 2008 Simon Brendle
+ Minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms between domains in the hyperbolic plane 2008 Simon Brendle
+ Manifolds with 1/4-pinched curvature are space forms 2008 Simon Brendle
Richard Schoen
+ A boundary value problem for the Lagrangian minimal surface equation in arbitrary dimension 2008 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Classification of manifolds with weakly 1/4-pinched curvatures 2008 Simon Brendle
Richard Schoen
+ On the conformal scalar curvature equation and related problems 2008 Simon Brendle
+ Minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms between domains in the hyperbolic plane 2008 Simon Brendle
+ A boundary value problem for minimal Lagrangian graphs 2008 Simon Brendle
Micah Warren
+ PDF Chat Sphere theorems in geometry 2008 Simon Brendle
Richard Schoen
+ Convergence of the Yamabe flow in dimension 6 and higher 2007 Simon Brendle
+ A generalization of Hamilton's Harnack inequality for the Ricci flow 2007 Simon Brendle
+ Blow-up phenomena for the Yamabe equation 2007 Simon Brendle
+ Elliptic and parabolic problems in conformal geometry 2007 Simon Brendle
+ A generalization of Hamilton's differential Harnack inequality for the Ricci flow 2007 Simon Brendle
+ A general convergence result for the Ricci flow in higher dimensions 2007 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat A Short Proof for the Convergence of the Yamabe Flow on Sn 2007 Simon Brendle
+ Classification of manifolds with weakly 1/4-pinched curvatures 2007 Simon Brendle
Richard Schoen
+ Manifolds with 1/4-pinched Curvature are Space Forms 2007 Simon Brendle
Richard Schoen
+ PDF Chat On the conformal scalar curvature equation and related problems 2007 Simon Brendle
+ Convergence of the Q-curvature flow on <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2005 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Convergence of the Yamabe flow for arbitrary initial energy 2005 Simon Brendle
+ A variational characterization for $\sigma_{n/2}$ 2004 Simon Brendle
JeffA. Viaclovsky
+ Global existence and convergence for a higher order flow in conformal geometry 2004 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Global existence and convergence for a higher order flow in conformal geometry 2003 Simon Brendle
+ On solutions to the Ginzburg-Landau equations in higher dimensions 2003 Simon Brendle
+ On the construction of solutions to the Yang-Mills equations in higher dimensions 2003 Simon Brendle
+ Complex anti-self-dual instantons and Cayley submanifolds 2003 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Prescribing a Higher Order Conformal Invariant on S&lt;sup&gt;n&lt;/sup&gt; 2003 Simon Brendle
+ A family of curvature flows on surfaces with boundary 2002 Simon Brendle
+ Curvature flows on surfaces with boundary 2002 Simon Brendle
+ Hypersurfaces in Minkowski space with vanishing mean curvature 2002 Simon Brendle
+ A generalization of the Yamabe flow for manifolds with boundary 2002 Simon Brendle
+ PFDE with nonautonomous past 2002 Simon Brendle
Rainer Nagel
+ On the Asymptotic Behavior of Perturbed Strongly Continuous Semigroups 2001 Simon Brendle
+ None 2001 Simon Brendle
+ On the spectral mapping theorem for perturbed strongly continuous semigroups 2000 Simon Brendle
Rainer Nagel
Jan Poland
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications 2002 Grisha Perelman
+ PDF Chat Three-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature 1982 Richard S. Hamilton
+ PDF Chat Four-manifolds with positive curvature operator 1986 Richard S. Hamilton
+ PDF Chat Four-manifolds with positive isotropic curvature 1997 Richard S. Hamilton
+ Ricci Flow and the Sphere Theorem 2010 Simon Brendle
+ Manifolds with 1/4-pinched curvature are space forms 2008 Simon Brendle
Richard Schoen
+ PDF Chat Rotational symmetry of self-similar solutions to the Ricci flow 2013 Simon Brendle
+ Minimal Two-Spheres and the Topology of Manifolds with Positive Curvature on Totally Isotropic Two-Planes 1988 Mario Micallef
John Douglas Moore
+ Sobolev and mean‐value inequalities on generalized submanifolds of R<sup>n</sup> 1973 J. H. Michael
L. Simon
+ The nature of singularities in mean curvature flow of mean-convex sets 2002 Brian White
+ Blow-up phenomena for the Yamabe equation 2007 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat A distance comparison principle for evolving curves 1998 Gerhard Huisken
+ The Harnack estimate for the Ricci flow 1993 Richard S. Hamilton
+ Finite extinction time for the solutions to the Ricci flow on certain three-manifolds 2003 Grisha Perelman
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behavior for singularities of the mean curvature flow 1990 Gerhard Huisken
+ PDF Chat Embedded minimal tori in S3 and the Lawson conjecture 2013 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Conformal deformation of a Riemannian metric to constant scalar curvature 1984 Richard Schoen
+ Ricci flow with surgery on three-manifolds 2003 Grisha Perelman
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ Remarks concerning the conformal deformation of riemannian structures on compact manifolds 1968 Neil S. Trudinger
+ PDF Chat On the proof of the positive mass conjecture in general relativity 1979 Richard Schoen
Shing-Tung Yau
+ The Penrose inequality in general relativity and volume comparison theorems involving scalar curvature 1997 Hubert L. Bray
+ PDF Chat A sharp bound for the inscribed radius under mean curvature flow 2015 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Ricci deformation of the metric on a Riemannian manifold 1985 Gerhard Huisken
+ Subsequent Singularities in Mean-Convex Mean Curvature Flow 2011 Brian White
+ The Ricci flow on surfaces 1988 Richard S. Hamilton
+ Metrics with nonnegative isotropic curvature 1993 Mario Micallef
McKenzie Y. Wang
+ Asymptotics for a Class of Non-Linear Evolution Equations, with Applications to Geometric Problems 1983 Leon Simon
+ PDF Chat Ancient solutions to the Ricci flow with pinched curvature 2011 Simon Brendle
Gerhard Huisken
Carlo Sinestrari
+ PDF Chat A general convergence result for the Ricci flow in higher dimensions 2008 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat The size of the singular set in mean curvature flow of mean-convex sets 2000 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Definition of center of mass for isolated physical systems and unique foliations by stable spheres with constant mean curvature 1996 Gerhard Huisken
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Complete Minimal Surfaces in S 3 1970 H. Blaine Lawson
+ PDF Chat Deforming metrics in the direction of their Ricci tensors 1983 Dennis DeTurck
+ PDF Chat Fundamental groups of manifolds with positive isotropic curvature 2003 Ailana Fraser
+ PDF Chat Flow by mean curvature of convex surfaces into spheres 1984 Gerhard Huisken
+ PDF Chat Blow-up phenomena for the Yamabe equation II 2009 Simon Brendle
Fernando C. Marques
+ PDF Chat Unique asymptotics of ancient convex mean curvature flow solutions 2019 Sigurd Angenent
Panagiota Daskalopoulos
Nataša Šešum
+ On the First Variation of a Varifold 1972 William K. Allard
+ PDF Chat Eternal solutions to the Ricci flow 1993 Richard S. Hamilton
+ PDF Chat Mean curvature flow with surgeries of two–convex hypersurfaces 2008 Gerhard Huisken
Carlo Sinestrari
+ PDF Chat The mass of an asymptotically flat manifold 1986 Robert Bartnik
+ PDF Chat A sharp characterization of the smooth 4-sphere in curvature terms 1998 Christophe Margerin
+ PDF Chat Classification of manifolds with weakly 1/4-pinched curvatures 2008 Simon Brendle
Richard Schoen
+ PDF Chat Classification of ancient compact solutions to the Ricci flow on surfaces 2012 Panagiota Daskalopoulos
Richard S. Hamilton
Nataša Šešum
+ PDF Chat A generalization of Hamilton's differential Harnack inequality for the Ricci flow 2009 Simon Brendle
+ The motion of a surface by its mean curvature 1978 Kenneth A. Brakke
+ Über Riemannsche Mannigfaltigkeiten mit positiver Krümmung 1961 Wilhelm Klingenberg
+ PDF Chat Two-point functions and their applications in geometry 2014 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Singularity Profile in the Mean Curvature Flow 2009 Weimin Sheng
Xu‐Jia Wang