Lorenzo Coviello


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Anti-Distillation: Improving Reproducibility of Deep Networks 2021 Gil I. Shamir
Lorenzo Coviello
+ PDF Chat Superintelligence Cannot be Contained: Lessons from Computability Theory 2021 Manuel Alfonseca
Manuel Cebrián
Antonio Fernández Anta
Lorenzo Coviello
Andrés Abeliuk
Iyad Rahwan
+ Smooth activations and reproducibility in deep networks 2020 Gil I. Shamir
Dong Lin
Lorenzo Coviello
+ Anti-Distillation: Improving reproducibility of deep networks 2020 Gil I. Shamir
Lorenzo Coviello
+ Predicting and containing epidemic risk using on-line friendship networks 2019 Lorenzo Coviello
Massimo Franceschetti
Manuel García–Herranz
Iyad Rahwan
+ PDF Chat Weather impacts expressed sentiment 2018 Patrick Baylis
Nick Obradovich
Yury Kryvasheyeu
Haohui Chen
Lorenzo Coviello
Esteban Moro
Manuel Cebrián
James H. Fowler
+ PDF Chat Predicting and containing epidemic risk using friendship networks 2016 Lorenzo Coviello
Massimo Franceschetti
Manuel García–Herranz
Iyad Rahwan
+ Group buying with bundle discounts: computing efficient, stable and fair solutions 2015 Lorenzo Coviello
Yiling Chen
Massimo Franceschetti
+ Matching markets with bundle discounts: computing efficient, stable and fair solutions. 2015 Lorenzo Coviello
Massimo Franceschetti
+ Limits of Friendship Networks in Predicting Epidemic Risk 2015 Lorenzo Coviello
Massimo Franceschetti
Manuel García–Herranz
Iyad Rahwan
+ Group buying with bundle discounts: computing efficient, stable and fair solutions 2015 Lorenzo Coviello
Yiling Chen
Massimo Franceschetti
+ PDF Chat Distributed team formation in multi-agent systems: Stability and approximation 2012 Lorenzo Coviello
Massimo Franceschetti
+ Distributed team formation in multi-agent systems: stability and approximation 2012 Lorenzo Coviello
Massimo Franceschetti
+ Finding red balloons with split contracts 2012 Manuel Cebrián
Lorenzo Coviello
Andrea Vattani
Panagiotis Voulgaris
+ Distributed team formation in multi-agent systems: stability and approximation 2012 Lorenzo Coviello
Massimo Franceschetti
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The scaling laws of human travel 2006 Dirk Brockmann
Lars Hufnagel
T. Geisel
+ PDF Chat Contact Patterns in a High School: A Comparison between Data Collected Using Wearable Sensors, Contact Diaries and Friendship Surveys 2015 Rossana Mastrandrea
Julie Fournet
Alain Barrat
+ PDF Chat Strategies for containing an emerging influenza pandemic in Southeast Asia 2005 Neil M. Ferguson
Derek A. T. Cummings
Simon Cauchemez
Christophe Fraser
Steven Riley
Aronrag Meeyai
Sopon Iamsirithaworn
Donald S. Burke
+ Assessing the International Spreading Risk Associated with the 2014 West African Ebola Outbreak 2014 Marcelo Ferreira da Costa Gomes
Ana Pastore y Piontti
Luca Rossi
Dennis L. Chao
Ira M. Longini
M. Elizabeth Halloran
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Social Network Sensors for Early Detection of Contagious Outbreaks 2010 Nicholas A. Christakis
James H. Fowler
+ PDF Chat Network reachability of real-world contact sequences 2005 Petter Holme
+ PDF Chat A high-resolution human contact network for infectious disease transmission 2010 Marcel Salathé
Maria Kazandjieva
Jungwoo Lee
Philip Levis
Marcus W. Feldman
James H. Jones
+ PDF Chat Mathematical models: A key tool for outbreak response 2014 Eric Lofgren
M. Elizabeth Halloran
Caitlin Rivers
John M. Drake
Travis C. Porco
Bryan Lewis
Wan Yang
Alessandro Vespignani
Jeffrey Shaman
Joseph N. S. Eisenberg
+ PDF Chat Generalized master equations for non-Poisson dynamics on networks 2012 Till Hoffmann
Mason A. Porter
Renaud Lambiotte
+ PDF Chat Information content of contact-pattern representations and predictability of epidemic outbreaks 2015 Petter Holme
+ PDF Chat Modeling Infection Transmission 2004 Jim Koopman
+ PDF Chat Adaptive coevolutionary networks: a review 2007 Thilo Groß
Bernd Blasius
+ Forecast and control of epidemics in a globalized world 2004 Lars Hufnagel
Dirk Brockmann
T. Geisel
+ PDF Chat Simulated Epidemics in an Empirical Spatiotemporal Network of 50,185 Sexual Contacts 2011 Luis E. C. Rocha
Fredrik Liljeros
Petter Holme
+ PDF Chat Ebola: Mobility data 2014 M. Elizabeth Halloran
Alessandro Vespignani
Nita Bharti
Leora R. Feldstein
Kathleen A. Alexander
Matthew J. Ferrari
Jeffrey Shaman
John M. Drake
Travis C. Porco
Joseph N. S. Eisenberg
+ PDF Chat Controlling Contagion Processes in Activity Driven Networks 2014 Suyu Liu
Nicola Perra
Márton Karsai
Alessandro Vespignani
+ Deterministic Implementations for Reproducibility in Deep Reinforcement Learning 2018 Prabhat Nagarajan
Garrett Warnell
Peter Stone
+ Large scale distributed neural network training through online distillation 2018 Rohan Anil
Gabriel Pereyra
Alexandre Passos
Róbert Ormándi
George E. Dahl
Geoffrey E. Hinton
+ PDF Chat Using Friends as Sensors to Detect Global-Scale Contagious Outbreaks 2014 Manuel García–Herranz
Esteban Moro
Manuel Cebrián
Nicholas A. Christakis
James H. Fowler
+ PDF Chat Small but slow world: How network topology and burstiness slow down spreading 2011 Márton Karsai
Mikko Kivelä
Raj Kumar Pan
Kimmo Kaski
János Kertész
Albert‐László Barabási
Jari Saramäki
+ Distilling the Knowledge in a Neural Network 2015 Geoffrey E. Hinton
Oriol Vinyals
Jay B. Dean
+ Understanding metropolitan patterns of daily encounters 2013 Lijun Sun
Kay W. Axhausen
Der‐Horng Lee
Xianfeng Huang
+ Simple and Scalable Predictive Uncertainty Estimation using Deep Ensembles 2016 Balaji Lakshminarayanan
Alexander Pritzel
Charles Blundell
+ Modeling complex systems with adaptive networks 2013 Hiroki Sayama
Irène Pestov
Jeffrey Schmidt
Benjamin James Bush
Chun K. Wong
Junichi Yamanoi
Thilo Groß
+ PDF Chat Predictability and epidemic pathways in global outbreaks of infectious diseases: the SARS case study 2007 Vittoria Colizza
Alain Barrat
Marc Barthélemy
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Assessing the impact of travel restrictions on international spread of the 2014 West African Ebola epidemic 2014 Chiara Poletto
Marcelo Ferreira da Costa Gomes
Ana Pastore y Piontti
Luca Rossi
Livio Bioglio
Dennis L. Chao
Ira M. Longini
M. Elizabeth Halloran
Vittoria Colizza
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Epidemic Contact Tracing via Communication Traces 2014 Katayoun Farrahi
Rémi Emonet
Manuel Cebrián
+ Critical Learning Periods in Deep Neural Networks 2017 Alessandro Achille
Matteo Rovere
Stefano Soatto
+ PDF Chat Epidemic Spreading in Scale-Free Networks 2001 Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Modelling disease outbreaks in realistic urban social networks 2004 Stephen Eubank
Hasan Güçlü
V. S. Anil Kumar
Madhav Marathe
Aravind Srinivasan
Zoltán Toroczkai
Nan Wang
+ PDF Chat Containing Pandemic Influenza at the Source 2005 Ira M. Longini
Azhar Nizam
Shufu Xu
Kumnuan Ungchusak
Wanna Hanshaoworakul
Derek A. T. Cummings
M. Elizabeth Halloran
+ PDF Chat Simulation of an SEIR infectious disease model on the dynamic contact network of conference attendees 2011 Juliette Stehlé
Nicolas Voirin
Alain Barrat
Ciro Cattuto
Vittoria Colizza
Lorenzo Isella
Corinne Régis
Jean-François Pinton
Nagham Khanafer
Wouter Van den Broeck
+ PDF Chat The dynamics of a mobile phone network 2008 César A. Hidalgo
Carlos Rodríguez‐Sickert
+ PDF Chat Who mixes with whom? A method to determine the contact patterns of adults that may lead to the spread of airborne infections 1997 W. John Edmunds
Christopher J. O’Callaghan
D. James Nokes
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: Model Building, Analysis and Interpretation 2001 Andrew Roddam
+ Transmission of influenza A in human beings 2007 Gabrielle Brankston
Leah Gitterman
Zahir Hirji
Camille Lemieux
Michael Gardam
+ Mathematical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: Model Building, Analysis and Interpretation 2000 Odo Diekmann
Hans Heesterbeek
+ Multiscale mobility networks and the spatial spreading of infectious diseases 2009 Duygu Balcan
Vittoria Colizza
Bruno Gonçalves
Hao Hu
José J. Ramasco
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat A Tale of Many Cities: Universal Patterns in Human Urban Mobility 2012 Anastasios Noulas
Salvatore Scellato
Renaud Lambiotte
Massimiliano Pontil
Cecilia Mascolo
+ PDF Chat Constrained Consensus and Optimization in Multi-Agent Networks 2010 A. Nedić
Asuman Ozdaglar
Pablo A. Parrilo
+ Understanding individual human mobility patterns 2008 Marta C. González
César A. Hidalgo
Albert‐László Barabási
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of complex networks 2002 Réka Albert
Albert‐László Barabási
+ Generalization of Epidemic Theory: An Application to the Transmission of Ideas 1964 William Goffman
Vaun A. Newill
+ PDF Chat Finding and evaluating community structure in networks 2004 Michelle G. Newman
Michelle Girvan
+ PDF Chat Epidemic processes in complex networks 2015 Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Claudio Castellano
Piet Van Mieghem
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Social contacts of school children and the transmission of respiratory-spread pathogens 2007 Rafael Mikolajczyk
Manas K. Akmatov
Mirjam Kretzschmar
+ PDF Chat Impact of Non-Poissonian Activity Patterns on Spreading Processes 2007 Alexei Vázquez
Balázs Rácz
András Lukács
Albert‐László Barabási
+ Community structure in social and biological networks 2002 Michelle Girvan
M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat The Structure and Function of Complex Networks 2003 Michael Newman
+ PDF Chat Matching with couples revisited 2011 Itai Ashlagi
Mark Braverman
Avinatan Hassidim