Sherman K. Stein


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Geometry of automorphisms of the complex field 2022 Sherman K. Stein
+ Adventures in Mathematical Reasoning 2016 Sherman K. Stein
+ Calculus in the First Three Dimensions 2016 Sherman K. Stein
+ What Distributes Over Exponentiation? 2015 Sherman K. Stein
+ Semigroup Identities, Proofs, and Artificial Intelligence 2012 Sherman K. Stein
+ Cutting a Polygon into Triangles of Equal fnAreas 2008 Sherman K. Stein
+ Conditions That Support The Development Of Mathematical Thinking 2006 K. Ann Renninger
Sherman K. Stein
John M. Koenig
A. Mabbot
+ Cutting a Polygon into Triangles of Equal Areas 2004 Sherman K. Stein
+ Latin transversals of rectangular arrays 2001 Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat A Generalized Conjecture about Cutting a Polygon into Triangles of Equal Areas 2000 Sherman K. Stein
+ Cutting a Polyomino into Triangles of Equal Areas 1999 Sherman K. Stein
+ Strength in numbers: discovering the joy and power of mathematics in everyday life 1997 Sherman K. Stein
+ Mathematische Modelle 1997 Sherman K. Stein
+ EinfĂŒhrungskurs Höhere Mathematik II 1997 Sherman K. Stein
+ Taylorsche Reihe und der Zuwachs einer Funktion 1997 Sherman K. Stein
+ Die HauptsÀtze der Infinitesimalrechnung 1997 Sherman K. Stein
+ EinfĂŒhrungskurs Höhere Mathematik 1997 Sherman K. Stein
+ Bestimmte Integrale ĂŒber ebene Gebiete 1997 Sherman K. Stein
+ Die Ableitung 1996 Sherman K. Stein
+ Algebra and Tiling: Homorphisms in the Service of Geometry 1994 Sherman K. Stein
SĂĄndor SzabĂł
+ Cyclotomic Polynomials 1994 Sherman K. Stein
SÃ¥ndor SzabÃ
+ Cubical Clusters 1994 Sherman K. Stein
SĂĄndor SzabĂł
+ RĂ©dei’s Theorem 1994 Sherman K. Stein
SÃ¥ndor SzabÃ
+ Minkowski’s Conjecture 1994 Sherman K. Stein
SÃ¥ndor SzabÃ
+ Elementary Infinite Sources of Non-Unique Factorization Rings 1994 Sherman K. Stein
SĂĄndor SzabĂł
+ More on Rectangles Tiled by Rectangles 1993 David Mead
Sherman K. Stein
+ More on Rectangles Tiled by Rectangles 1993 David Mead
Sherman K. Stein
+ Equidissections of polygons 1990 E. A. Kasimatis
Sherman K. Stein
+ When Quasinormal Implies Normal 1990 Dean Hickerson
Sherman K. Stein
Kenya Yamaoka
+ When Quasinormal Implies Normal 1990 Dean Hickerson
Sherman K. Stein
Kenya Yamaoka
+ The notched cube tiles Rn 1990 Sherman K. Stein
+ Equidissections of centrally symmetric octagons 1989 Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat Has Every Latin Square of Order n a Partial Latin Transversal of Size n - 1? 1988 PĂ©ter L. ErdƑs
Dean Hickerson
Donald A. Norton
Sherman K. Stein
+ Has Every Latin Square of Order <i>n</i> a Partial Latin Transversal of Size <i>n</i> - 1? 1988 P. ErdƑs
Dean Hickerson
Donald A. Norton
Sherman K. Stein
+ Splitting groups of prime order 1987 Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat Abelian groups and packing by semicrosses 1986 Dean Hickerson
Sherman K. Stein
+ Combinatorial packings of&amp;lt;tex&amp;gt;R^3&amp;lt;/tex&amp;gt;by certain error spheres 1984 W. Hamaker
Sherman K. Stein
+ Packings of&amp;lt;tex&amp;gt;R^n&amp;lt;/tex&amp;gt;by certain error spheres 1984 Sherman K. Stein
+ Calculus and analytic geometry / Sherman K. Stein 1982 Sherman K. Stein
+ Splittings of Abelian groups by integers 1981 Steven Galovich
Sherman K. Stein
+ Splittings of Abelian groups by integers 1981 Steven Galovich
Sherman K. Stein
+ Teachers, Clocks, and Students 1981 Sherman K. Stein
+ Die zwei Hauptprobleme der Infinitesimalrechnung 1981 Sherman K. Stein
+ Die HauptsÀtze der Infinitesimalrechnung 1981 Sherman K. Stein
+ Bestimmte Integrale ĂŒber ebene Gebiete 1981 Sherman K. Stein
+ Die Greensche Formel und ihre Verallgemeinerungen 1981 Sherman K. Stein
+ Taylorsche Reihe und der Zuwachs einer Funktion 1981 Sherman K. Stein
+ EinfĂŒhrungskurs Höhere Mathematik 1981 Sherman K. Stein
+ Mathematische Modelle 1981 Sherman K. Stein
+ Vektoralgebra 1981 Sherman K. Stein
+ Die Ableitung einer Vektorfunktion 1981 Sherman K. Stein
+ The Planes Obtainable by Gluing Regular Tetrahedra 1978 Sherman K. Stein
+ “Mean Distance” in Kepler's Third Law 1977 Sherman K. Stein
Thomas E. Elsner
+ Modified linear dependence and the capacity of a cyclic graph 1977 Sherman K. Stein
+ The Error of the Trapezoidal Method for a Concave Curve 1976 Sherman K. Stein
+ An Inequality in Two Monotonic Functions 1976 Sherman K. Stein
+ Calculus and Analytic Geometry. 1976 Charles L. Phillips
Jean Chan Stanek
Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat Transversals of Latin squares and their generalizations 1975 Sherman K. Stein
+ Two combinatorial covering theorems 1974 Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat Splitting groups by integers 1974 W. Hamaker
Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat The Cardinalities of <i>A+A</i> and <i>A-A</i> 1973 Sherman K. Stein
+ Mathematics for the Captured Student 1972 Sherman K. Stein
+ A symmetric star body that tiles but not as a lattice 1972 Sherman K. Stein
+ Mathematics, the Man-Made Universe. An Introduction to the Spirit of Mathematics. 1970 Harold Engelsohn
Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat Averages over a pair of convex surfaces. 1968 Sherman K. Stein
+ Mathematical Notes 1968 Dorca Nyamusi Stephen
G. O. Peters
C. E. Maley
Norman Levine
Efraim P. Armendariz
Chester E. Tsai
Nai–Kuan Tsao
Donald E. Catlin
Sherman K. Stein
A. Arcese
+ Calculus for the natural and social sciences 1968 Sherman K. Stein
+ The Functional Equation f(a + b, b) = f(a, a + b) 1967 Sherman K. Stein
+ An Incomplete Laplace Transform (P. J. Short) 1967 Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat Some intersection properties of convex bodies 1967 G. D. Chakerian
Sherman K. Stein
+ Bisected chords of a convex body 1966 G. D. Chakerian
Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat On Measures of Symmetry of Convex Bodies 1965 G. D. Chakerian
Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat On the centroid of a homogeneous wire. 1964 G. D. Chakerian
Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat On the symmetry of convex bodies 1964 G. D. Chakerian
Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat Sums of distinct unit fractions 1963 Paul ErdƑs
Sherman K. Stein
+ 3046. On a theorem of Besicovitch concerning curves on the sphere 1963 Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat Finite models of identities 1963 Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat The intersection of Fibonacci sequences. 1962 Sherman K. Stein
+ The Mathematician as an Explorer 1961 Sherman K. Stein
+ Parallelograms Inscribed in Convex Curves 1960 Curtis M. Fulton
Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat Left-distributive quasi-groups 1959 Sherman K. Stein
+ A continuous mapping defined by a convex curve (addendum) 1958 Sherman K. Stein
+ Unions of arithmetic sequences 1958 Sherman K. Stein
+ A continuous mapping defined by a convex curve 1957 Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat On the Foundations of Quasigroups 1957 Sherman K. Stein
+ The passage from geometry to algebra 1957 Curtis M. Fulton
Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat On the foundations of quasigroups 1957 Sherman K. Stein
+ An application of topology to convex bodies 1956 Sherman K. Stein
+ An Integer Associated with Latin Squares 1956 Donald A. Norton
Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat The symmetry function in a convex body 1956 Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat Cycles in algebraic systems 1956 Donald A. Norton
Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat An integer associated with Latin squares 1956 Donald A. Norton
Sherman K. Stein
+ The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 1954 Sherman K. Stein
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On Dividing A Square Into Triangles 1970 Paul Monsky
+ Equidissections of centrally symmetric octagons 1989 Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat Dissections of regular polygons into triangles of equal areas 1989 E. A. Kasimatis
+ PDF Chat Dissection of the hypercube into simplexes 1979 David Mead
+ PDF Chat On the foundations of quasigroups 1957 Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat The symmetry function in a convex body 1956 Sherman K. Stein
+ A conjecture of Stein on plane dissections 1990 Paul Monsky
+ PDF Chat Splitting groups by integers 1974 W. Hamaker
Sherman K. Stein
+ On Dividing a Square Into Triangles 1970 Paul Monsky
+ An Integer Associated with Latin Squares 1956 Donald A. Norton
Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat Transversals of Latin squares and their generalizations 1975 Sherman K. Stein
+ Cutting a Polyomino into Triangles of Equal Areas 1999 Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat Characters With Preassigned Values 1963 William Hobson Mills
+ PDF Chat Structure of abelian quasi-groups 1941 D. C. Murdoch
+ Groups as groupoids with one law 2022 Graham Higman
B. H. Neumann
+ Some functional equations related with the associative law 2022 M. HosszĂș
+ PDF Chat Sur une Ă©quivalence pour les fonctions 1949 BronisƂaw Knaster
+ PDF Chat Postulates for Abelian Groups and Fields in Terms of Non-Associative Operations 1938 B. A. Bernstein
+ Algebraic topology 1942 Solomon Lefschetz
+ Splittings of Abelian groups by integers 1981 Steven Galovich
Sherman K. Stein
+ Independent Sets of Postulates for Abelian Groups and Fields in Terms of the Inverse Operations 1937 David G. Rabinow
+ On the Integral Divisors of a n - b n 1904 Geo. D. Birkhoff
H. S. Vandiver
+ Quasi-Groups Which Satisfy Certain Generalized Associative Laws 1939 D. C. Murdoch
+ A Theory of Normality for Quasigroups 1948 Fred Kiokemeister
+ PDF Chat On the Foundations of Quasigroups 1957 Sherman K. Stein
+ Euler Squares 1922 Harris F. MacNeish
+ PDF Chat An integer associated with Latin squares 1956 Donald A. Norton
Sherman K. Stein
+ Taylorsche Reihe und der Zuwachs einer Funktion 1981 Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat On loops with a special property 1955 R. Artzy
+ Der zentralsymmetrische Kern und die zentralsymmetrische HĂŒlle von konvexen Körpern 1950 IstvĂĄn FĂĄry
L. RĂ©dei
+ A symmetric star body that tiles but not as a lattice 1972 Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat A note on homomorphic mappings of quasigroups into multiplicative systems 1948 Grace E. Bates
Fred Kiokemeister
+ Homomorphisms of Non-Associative Systems 1949 Trevor Evans
+ Note on Invariant Complexes of a Quasigroup 1946 G. N. Garrison
+ A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory 1982 Kenneth Ireland
Michael Rosen
+ PDF Chat Packing and covering by translates of certain nonconvex bodies 1979 Hugh Everett
Dean Hickerson
+ Fourteen Proofs of a Result About Tiling a Rectangle 1987 Stan Wagon
+ PDF Chat Groups of orthogonal row-latin squares 1952 Donald A. Norton
+ PDF Chat Cycles in algebraic systems 1956 Donald A. Norton
Sherman K. Stein
+ Permutable subgroups of infinite groups 1972 S. E. Stonehewer
+ Equidissections of polygons 1990 E. A. Kasimatis
Sherman K. Stein
+ PDF Chat Splittings of finite groups 1983 Dean Hickerson
+ Introduction to p-adic Numbers and Valuation Theory. 1966 William W. Adams
George Bachman
+ Splittings of Abelian groups by integers 1981 Steven Galovich
Sherman K. Stein
+ On a Certain Algebra of Quantum Mechanics 1934 A. A. Albert
+ PDF Chat Note on normality in quasi-groups 1941 D. C. Murdoch
+ Algebra and Tiling: Homorphisms in the Service of Geometry 1994 Sherman K. Stein
SĂĄndor SzabĂł
+ PDF Chat On Some Special Factorizations of (1-xn)/(1-x) 1966 L. Carlitz
Leo Moser
+ PDF Chat On conjugate Banach spaces with the Radon-NikodĂœm property 1975 Tsang Hai Kuo
+ PDF Chat <i>K</i>-spaces, their antispaces and related mappings 1975 Norman Liden