Yusuke Inome


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A new method of reconstructing images of gamma-ray telescopes applied to the LST-1 of CTAO 2024 K. Abe
S. Abe
A. Abhishek
F. Acero
Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
I. Agudo
Cyril Martin Alispach
Nuria Álvarez Crespo
D. Ambrosino
L. A. Antonelli
+ A detailed study of the very high-energy Crab pulsar emission with the LST-1 2024 K. Abe
S. Abe
A. Abhishek
F. Acero
Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
I. Agudo
Nuria Álvarez Crespo
L. A. Antonelli
C. Aramo
A. Arbet Engels
+ PDF Chat Performance of the joint LST-1 and MAGIC observations evaluated with Crab Nebula data 2023 Hyuga Abe
K. Abe
S. Abe
V. A. Acciari
Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
I. Agudo
Nuria Álvarez Crespo
T. Aniello
S. Ansoldi
L. A. Antonelli
+ PDF Chat Performance of the joint LST-1 and MAGIC observations evaluated with Crab Nebula data 2023 Hidetarƍ Abe
K. Abe
S. Abe
V.A Acciari
Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
I. Agudo
Nuria Álvarez Crespo
T. Aniello
S. Ansoldi
L. A. Antonelli
+ PDF Chat Performance of the Large-Sized Telescope prototype of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2023 Daniel Morcuende
Kazuki Abe
Shotaro Abe
Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
I. Agudo
Nuria Álvarez Crespo
L. A. Antonelli
C. Aramo
Axel Arbet-Engels
Cornelia Arcaro
+ PDF Chat Potential of the Cherenkov Telescope Array for studying the young nearby supernova remnants 2023 Dmitry A. Prokhorov
S.-H. Lee
Shigehiro Nagataki
Jacco Vink
Donald C. Ellison
Gilles Ferrand
Daniel Patnaude
F. K. Roepke
I. R. Seitenzahl
Patrick Slane
+ PDF Chat Variability studies of active galactic nuclei from the long-term monitoring program with the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2023 G. Grolleron
Josefa Becerra Gonzalez
J. Biteau
M. Cerruti
Roger Grau Haro
Lucas Gréaux
T. Hovatta
J.-P. Lenain
E. Lindfors
W. Max-Moerbeck
+ The Real Time Analysis framework of the Cherenkov Telescope Array's Large-Sized Telescope 2023 Sami Caroff
Kazuki Abe
Shotaro Abe
Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
I. Agudo
Nuria Álvarez Crespo
L. A. Antonelli
C. Aramo
Axel Arbet-Engels
Cornelia Arcaro
+ PDF Chat Chasing Gravitational Waves with the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2023 Jarred Gershon Green
A. Carosi
Lara Nava
B. Patricelli
F. SchĂŒĂŸler
M. Seglar-Arroyo
A. Stamerra
Kazuki Abe
Shotaro Abe
A. Acharyya
+ PDF Chat Interpolation of Instrument Response Functions for the Cherenkov Telescope Array in the Context of pyirf 2023 Rune Michael Dominik
Kazuki Abe
Shotaro Abe
A. Acharyya
R. Adam
Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
I. Agudo
Jorge Alfaro
Nuria Álvarez Crespo
Rafael Alves Batista
+ PDF Chat Dark matter searches in dwarf spheroidal galaxies with the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2023 Francesco Gabriele Saturni
Gonzalo RodrĂ­guez-FernĂĄndez
Kazuki Abe
Shotaro Abe
A. Acharyya
R. Adam
Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
I. Agudo
Jorge Alfaro
Nuria Álvarez Crespo
+ PDF Chat Characterization of SiPM and development of test bench modules for the next-generation cameras for Large-Sized Telescopes for Cherenkov Telescope Array 2023 T. Saito
Kazuki Abe
Shotaro Abe
Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
I. Agudo
Nuria Álvarez Crespo
L. A. Antonelli
C. Aramo
Axel Arbet-Engels
Cornelia Arcaro
+ PDF Chat Detection of the 2021 Outburst of RS Ophiuchi with the LST-1 2023 Yukiho Kobayashi
Kazuki Abe
Shotaro Abe
Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
I. Agudo
Nuria Álvarez Crespo
L. A. Antonelli
C. Aramo
Axel Arbet-Engels
Cornelia Arcaro
+ PDF Chat LST-1 observations of an enormous flare of BL Lacertae in 2021 2023 S. Nozaki
Kazuki Abe
Shotaro Abe
Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
I. Agudo
Nuria Álvarez Crespo
L. A. Antonelli
Carla Aramo
Axel Arbet-Engels
Cornelia Arcaro
+ Observation of the galactic PeVatron candidate LHAASO J2108+5157 with the Large-Sized Telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2023 Jakub JurĂœĆĄek
Hyuga Abe
Kazuki Abe
Shotaro Abe
Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
I. Agudo
Nuria Álvarez Crespo
L. A. Antonelli
C. Aramo
Axel Arbet-Engels
+ Rapid Analysis of $\mathrm{^{226}Ra}$ in Ultrapure Gadolinium Sulfate Octahydrate 2023 Y. Sakakieda
K. Hosokawa
F Nakanishi
Y. Hino
Yusuke Inome
A. Sakaguchi
Y. Takaku
M. Ikeda
H. Sekiya
+ Chasing Gravitational Waves with the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2023 Jarred Gershon Green
M. Seglar-Arroyo
CTA Consortium
Kazuki Abe
Shotaro Abe
A. Acharyya
R. Adam
Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
I. Agudo
+ PDF Chat Deep-learning-driven event reconstruction applied to simulated data from a single Large-Sized Telescope of CTA 2021 Pietro Grespan
R. LĂłpez-Coto
Daniel Nieto-Castaño
Hyuga Abe
Arnau Aguasca
I. Agudo
L. A. Antonelli
C. Aramo
T. P. Armstrong
Manuel Artero
+ PDF Chat First follow-up of transient events with the CTA Large Size Telescope prototype 2021 A. Carosi
Hyuga Abe
Arnau Aguasca
I. Agudo
L. A. Antonelli
Carla Aramo
T. P. Armstrong
Manuel Artero
Katsuaki Asano
Halim Ashkar
+ PDF Chat Commissioning of the camera of the first Large Size Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2021 Takayuki Saito
Ivana Batković
Josefa Becerra Gonzalez
Irene Jiménez Martínez
Ruben Lopez-Coto
Manel Martinez
S. Mičanović
Hyuga Abe
Arnau Aguasca
I. Agudo
+ PDF Chat Status and results of the prototype LST of CTA 2021 D. Mazin
Hyuga Abe
Arnau Aguasca
I. Agudo
L. A. Antonelli
C. Aramo
T. P. Armstrong
Manuel Artero
Katsuaki Asano
Halim Ashkar
+ PDF Chat Analysis of the Cherenkov Telescope Array first Large Size Telescope real data using convolutional neural networks 2021 Mathieu de Bony de Lavergne
Hyuga Abe
Arnau Aguasca
I. Agudo
L. A. Antonelli
C. Aramo
T. P. Armstrong
Manuel Artero
Katsuaki Asano
Halim Ashkar
+ PDF Chat Monitoring the pointing of the Large Size Telescope prototype using star reconstruction in the Cherenkov camera 2021 Luca Foffano
A. Carosi
Domenico Della Volpe
M. Dalchenko
Matthieu Heller
T. Montaruli
Hyuga Abe
Arnau Aguasca
I. Agudo
L. A. Antonelli
+ PDF Chat Reconstruction of extensive air shower images of the Large Size Telescope prototype of CTA using a novel likelihood technique 2021 Gabriel Emery
Cyril Martin Alispach
Hyuga Abe
Arnau Aguasca
I. Agudo
L. A. Antonelli
C. Aramo
T. P. Armstrong
Manuel Artero
Katsuaki Asano
+ PDF Chat Cross-calibration and combined analysis of the CTA-LST prototype and the MAGIC telescopes 2021 Yoshiki Ohtani
A. Berti
Davide Depaoli
F. Di Pierro
Jarred Gershon Green
Lea Heckmann
Moritz HĂŒtten
Tomohiro Inada
R. LĂłpez-Coto
Elisabetta Medina
+ PDF Chat Camera Calibration of the CTA-LST prototype 2021 Yukiho Kobayashi
A. Okumura
F. Cassol-Brunner
H. Katagiri
J. Sitarek
PaweƂ Gliwny
S. Nozaki
Hyuga Abe
Arnau Aguasca
I. Agudo
+ PDF Chat Calibration and performance of the readout system based on switched capacitor arrays for the Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2020 S. Nozaki
Kyosuke Awai
Aya Bamba
J. A. Barrio
M. Bernardos
O. Blanch
J. Boix
F. Cassol-Brunner
Yuuki Choushi
C. Delgado Mendez
+ PDF Chat The calibration of the first Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2019 Shunsuke Sakurai
Davide Depaoli
Ruben Lopez-Coto
J. Becerra GonzĂĄlez
A. Berti
O. Blanch
F. Casso
A. Chiavassa
Daniele Corti
A. De Angelis
+ PDF Chat Coherent radio emission from the electron beam sudden appearance 2018 K. D. de Vries
M. A. DuVernois
M. Fukushima
Romain GaĂŻor
K. Hanson
D. Ikeda
Yusuke Inome
A. Ishihara
T. Kuwabara
Keiichi Mase
+ PDF Chat A technique for estimating the absolute gain of a photomultiplier tube 2018 Mitsunari Takahashi
Yusuke Inome
Shigeo Yoshii
Aya Bamba
S. Gunji
D. Hadasch
M. Hayashida
H. Katagiri
Y. Konno
H. Kubo
+ PDF Chat Science with the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2018 Imen Al Samarai
Rafael Alves Batista
U. Barres de Almeida
R. C. dos Anjos
E. M. de Gouveia Dal Pino
R. de los Reyes
E. de Oña Wilhelmi
D. Dominis Prester
LluĂ­s Freixas Coromina
Rebeca LĂłpez
+ submitter : Science with the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2017 B. S. Acharya
S. Yoshiike
F. De Persio
M. Mohammed
D. Tonev
M. Chernyakova
M. Servillat
G. Bonanno
G. Martı́nez
H. Schoorlemmer
+ PDF Chat Coherent radio emission from the electron beam sudden appearance 2017 Krijn de Vries
Pavel Motloch
Florian Partous
Romain GaĂŻor
Thomas Meures
A. Ishihara
T. Kuwabara
Keiichi Mase
S. Yoshida
Shunsuke Ueyama
+ PDF Chat Prospects for Cherenkov Telescope Array Observations of the Young Supernova Remnant RX J1713.7−3946 2017 F. Acero
Roberto Aloisio
J.-P. Amans
Elena Amato
L. A. Antonelli
C. Aramo
T. P. Armstrong
F. Arqueros
Katsuaki Asano
M. C. B. Ashley
+ Cherenkov Telescope Array Contributions to the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2017) 2017 F. Acero
B. S. Acharya
V. AcĂ­n Portella
C. B. Adams
I. Agudo
F. Aharonian
I. Al Samarai
A. Alberdi
Miguel Alcubierre
R. Alfaro
+ Contributions of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) to the 6th International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (Gamma 2016) 2016 A. Abchiche
A. U. Abeysekara
Ó. Abril
F. Acero
B. S. Acharya
C. B. Adams
G. Agnetta
F. Aharonian
A. G. Akhperjanian
A. Albert
+ PDF Chat Development of the photomultiplier tube readout system for the first Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2016 Shu Masuda
Y. Konno
J. A. Barrio
O. Blanch
C. Delgado Mendez
LluĂ­s Freixas Coromina
Shuichi Gunji
D. Hadasch
K. Hatanaka
M. Ikeno
+ Contributions of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) to the 6th International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (Gamma 2016) 2016 the CTA Consortium
A. Abchiche
A. U. Abeysekara
Ó. Abril
F. Acero
B. S. Acharya
C. B. Adams
G. Agnetta
F. Aharonian
+ Development of the photomultiplier tube readout system for the first Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2015 Shu Masuda
Y. Konno
J. A. Barrio
O. Blanch
C. Delgado Mendez
LluĂ­s Freixas Coromina
Shuichi Gunji
D. Hadasch
K. Hatanaka
M. Ikeno
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Simulation of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes with CORSIKA and sim_telarray 2008 K. Bernlöhr
+ PDF Chat Observations of the Crab Nebula and Pulsar with the Large-sized Telescope Prototype of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2023 Hidetarƍ Abe
K. Abe
S. Abe
Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
I. Agudo
Nuria Álvarez Crespo
L. A. Antonelli
C. Aramo
A. Arbet Engels
C. Arcaro
+ PDF Chat Gammapy - A prototype for the CTA science tools 2017 Julien Lefaucheur
Christoph Deil
R. Zanin
C. Boisson
B. Khélifi
R. Terrier
Matthew Wood
L. Mohrmann
Nachiketa Chakraborty
Jason Watson
+ PDF Chat The major upgrade of the MAGIC telescopes, Part II: A performance study using observations of the Crab Nebula 2015 J. Aleksić
S. Ansoldi
L. A. Antonelli
P. Antoranz
A. Babic
P. Bangale
M. BarcelĂł
J. A. Barrio
J. Becerra GonzĂĄlez
W. Bednarek
+ Measurement of the Crab Nebula spectrum over three decades in energy with the MAGIC telescopes 2015 J. Aleksić
S. Ansoldi
L. A. Antonelli
P. Antoranz
A. Babic
P. Bangale
J. A. Barrio
J. Becerra GonzĂĄlez
W. Bednarek
E. Bernardini
+ PDF Chat The major upgrade of the MAGIC telescopes, Part I: The hardware improvements and the commissioning of the system 2015 J. Aleksić
S. Ansoldi
L. A. Antonelli
P. Antoranz
A. Babic
P. Bangale
M. BarcelĂł
J. A. Barrio
J. Becerra GonzĂĄlez
W. Bednarek
+ PDF Chat Development of the photomultiplier tube readout system for the first Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2016 Shu Masuda
Y. Konno
J. A. Barrio
O. Blanch
C. Delgado Mendez
LluĂ­s Freixas Coromina
Shuichi Gunji
D. Hadasch
K. Hatanaka
M. Ikeno
+ PDF Chat Prototype Open Event Reconstruction Pipeline for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2021 Maximilian Noethe
K. Kosack
Lukas Nickel
M. Peresano
+ PDF Chat Analysis techniques and performance of the Domino Ring Sampler version 4 based readout for the MAGIC telescopes 2013 J. Sitarek
M. Gaug
D. Mazin
R. Paoletti
D. Tescaro
M. Ajello
W. B. Atwood
L. Baldini
J. Ballet
G. Barbiellini
D. Bastieri
J. Becerra GonzĂĄlez
R. Bellazzini
E. Bissaldi
+ PDF Chat Calibration and performance of the readout system based on switched capacitor arrays for the Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2020 S. Nozaki
Kyosuke Awai
Aya Bamba
J. A. Barrio
M. Bernardos
O. Blanch
J. Boix
F. Cassol-Brunner
Yuuki Choushi
C. Delgado Mendez
+ Multiwavelength study of the galactic PeVatron candidate LHAASO J2108+5157 2023 S. Abe
Arnau Aguasca-Cabot
I. Agudo
Nuria Álvarez Crespo
L. A. Antonelli
C. Aramo
A. Arbet-Engels
M. Artero
Katsuaki Asano
P. Aubert
+ Development of the photomultiplier tube readout system for the first Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2015 Shu Masuda
Y. Konno
J. A. Barrio
O. Blanch
C. Delgado Mendez
LluĂ­s Freixas Coromina
Shuichi Gunji
D. Hadasch
K. Hatanaka
M. Ikeno
+ PDF Chat Searching for Galactic Cosmic-Ray Pevatrons with Multi-TeV Gamma Rays and Neutrinos 2007 S. Gabici
F. Aharonian
+ PDF Chat High-energy particle acceleration in the shell of a supernova remnant 2004 F. Aharonian
A. G. Akhperjanian
K. M. Aye
A. R. Bazer‐Bachi
M. Beilicke
W. Benbow
D. Berge
P. Berghaus
K. Bernlöhr
O. Bolz
+ PDF Chat Status and results of the prototype LST of CTA 2021 D. Mazin
Hyuga Abe
Arnau Aguasca
I. Agudo
L. A. Antonelli
C. Aramo
T. P. Armstrong
Manuel Artero
Katsuaki Asano
Halim Ashkar
+ Observation of the Crab Nebula with the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory 2017 A. U. Abeysekara
A. Albert
R. Alfaro
C. Álvarez
J. D. Álvarez
R. Arceo
J. C. Arteaga‐Velázquez
H. A. Ayala Solares
A. S. Barber
N. Bautista-Elivar
+ PDF Chat Status of the Large Size Telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2019 J. Cortina
+ PDF Chat Design concepts for the Cherenkov Telescope Array CTA: an advanced facility for ground-based high-energy gamma-ray astronomy 2011 Marcos Daniel Actis
G. Agnetta
F. Aharonian
A. G. Akhperjanian
J. Aleksić
E. Aliu
D. Allan
I. Allekotte
F.C. Antico
L. A. Antonelli
+ PDF Chat End-to-end data acquisition pipeline for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2017 E. Lyard
R. Walter
+ PDF Chat Detection of Small Flares from the Crab Nebula with Fermi-LAT 2020 Masanori Arakawa
M. Hayashida
D. Khangulyan
Y. Uchiyama
+ PDF Chat Deep learning with photosensor timing information as a background rejection method for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2021 S. Spencer
T. P. Armstrong
J. R. Watson
S. Mangano
Y. Renier
G. Cotter
+ A Tiled-Table Convention for Compressing FITS Binary Tables 2012 W. D. Pence
R. L. Seaman
R. L. White
+ PDF Chat Gammapy: A Python package for gamma-ray astronomy 2023 Axel Donath
R. Terrier
Quentin RĂ©my
A. Sinha
Cosimo Nigro
Fabio Pintore
B. Khélifi
Laura Olivera-Nieto
José Enrique Ruiz
Kai BrĂŒgge
+ Development of Slow Control Boards for the Large Size Telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2015 D. Hadasch
Y. Konno
H. Kubo
D. Nakajima
H. Ohoka
T. Y. Saito
M. Teshima
the LST team
Daniel Patnaude
Patrick Slane
J. C. Raymond
+ PDF Chat The calibration of the first Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2019 Shunsuke Sakurai
Davide Depaoli
Ruben Lopez-Coto
J. Becerra GonzĂĄlez
A. Berti
O. Blanch
F. Casso
A. Chiavassa
Daniele Corti
A. De Angelis
+ PDF Chat Fermi establishes classical novae as a distinct class of gamma-ray sources 2014 M. Ackermann
M. Ajello
A. Albert
L. Baldini
J. Ballet
D. Bastieri
R. Bellazzini
E. Bissaldi
R. D. Blandford
E. D. Bloom
+ PDF Chat Implementation of the Random Forest method for the Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope MAGIC 2008 J. Albert
E. Aliu
H. Anderhub
P. Antoranz
A. Armada
M. Asensio
C. Baixeras
J. A. Barrio
H. Bartko
D. Bastieri
+ PDF Chat A high performance likelihood reconstruction of Îł-rays for imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes 2009 M. de Naurois
LoĂŻc Rolland
+ PDF Chat Analytical models of probability distribution and excess noise factor of solid state photomultiplier signals with crosstalk 2011 Sergey Vinogradov
+ PDF Chat Detection of the Characteristic Pion-Decay Signature in Supernova Remnants 2013 M. Ackermann
M. Ajello
A. Allafort
L. Baldini
J. Ballet
Guido Barbiellini
M. G. Baring
D. Bastieri
K. Bechtol
R. Bellazzini
+ PDF Chat Observations of the Crab nebula with HESS 2006 F. Aharonian
A. G. Akhperjanian
A. R. Bazer‐Bachi
M. Beilicke
W. Benbow
D. Berge
K. Bernlöhr
C. Boisson
O. Bolz
V. Borrel
+ PDF Chat Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition 2016 Kaiming He
Xiangyu Zhang
Shaoqing Ren
Jian Sun
+ PDF Chat Camera Calibration of the CTA-LST prototype 2021 Yukiho Kobayashi
A. Okumura
F. Cassol-Brunner
H. Katagiri
J. Sitarek
PaweƂ Gliwny
S. Nozaki
Hyuga Abe
Arnau Aguasca
I. Agudo
+ IceCube-Gen2 - The Next Generation Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole: Contributions to ICRC 2015 2015 The IceCube-Gen Collaboration
M. G. Aartsen
K. Abraham
M. Ackermann
J. Adams
J. A. Aguilar
M. Ahlers
M. Ahrens
D. Altmann
Siming Liu
Xiao-Jun Bi
+ PDF Chat The association of GRB 060218 with a supernova and the evolution of the shock wave 2006 S. Campana
V. Mangano
A. J. Blustin
P. J. Brown
D. N. Burrows
G. Chincarini
J. R. Cummings
G. Cusumano
M. Della Valle
D. Malesani
+ Dark Matter in the Galactic Dwarf Spheroidal Satellites 2013 Matthew G. Walker
+ Recent VERITAS Results on VHE Gamma-ray Sources in Cygnus 2013 R. A. Ong
+ Particle Acceleration and gamma-ray emission due to magnetic reconnection around the core region of radio galaxies 2015 B. Khiali
E. M. de Gouveia Dal Pino
Dal Pino
H. Sol
+ A High Angular Resolution View of Hot Gas in Clusters, Groups, and Galaxies 2003 W. Forman
E. Churazov
L. David
F. Durret
C. Jones
M. Markevitch
S. S. Murray
Ming Sun
A. Vikhlinin
+ The IceCube Neutrino Observatory - Contributions to ICRC 2015 Part I: Point Source Searches 2015 The IceCube Collaboration
M. G. Aartsen
K. Abraham
M. Ackermann
J. Adams
J. A. Aguilar
M. Ahlers
M. Ahrens
D. Altmann
T. Anderson
+ PDF Chat Constraining extended gamma-ray emission from galaxy clusters 2012 Jiaxin Han
Carlos S. Frenk
V. R. Eke
Liang Gao
Simon D. M. White
Alexey Boyarsky
D. Malyshev
Oleg Ruchayskiy
Vasily Belokurov
G. Torrealba
N. W. Evans
+ PDF Chat The acceleration of cosmic-ray protons in the supernova remnant RX J1713.7–3946 2002 R. Enomoto
T. Tanimori
T. Naito
T. Yoshida
S. Yanagita
M. Mori
P. G. Edwards
A. Asahara
G. V. Bicknell
S. Gunji
Frank Rieger
F. Aharonian
+ PDF Chat On the Magnetic Fields and Particle Acceleration in Cassiopeia A 2003 Jacco Vink
J. M. Laming
+ PDF Chat Constraints on dark matter annihilation in clusters of galaxies with the Fermi large area telescope 2010 M. Ackermann
M. Ajello
A. Allafort
L. Baldini
J. Ballet
G. Barbiellini
D. Bastieri
K. Bechtol
R. Bellazzini
R. D. Blandford
+ Four Years of Fermi LAT Observations of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies 2013 F. D’Ammando
J. Finke
G. Tosti
M. Orienti