Tomasz Rychlik


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Bounds of expectations of order statistics for distributions possessing monotone reversed failure rates 2024 Agnieszka Goroncy
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Analytic Inequalities and Other Tools 2024 Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan
Tomasz Rychlik
+ IID Samples from Shape Restricted Families 2024 Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Sampling from Finite Populations 2024 Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan
Tomasz Rychlik
+ General, Symmetric and Life IID Samples 2024 Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan
Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Conditions for finiteness and bounds on moments of generalized order statistics 2023 Mariusz Bieniek
Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Conditions for finiteness and bounds on moments of record values from iid continuous life distributions 2022 Tomasz Rychlik
Magdalena Szymkowiak
+ Bounds on the Expectations of $$\boldsymbol{L}$$-Statistics Based on iid Life Distributions 2022 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Preservation of distributional properties of component lifetimes by system lifetimes 2022 Barry C. Arnold
Tomasz Rychlik
Magdalena Szymkowiak
+ Signature Conditions for Distributional Properties of System Lifetimes if Component Lifetimes are I.I.D. Exponential 2021 Tomasz Rychlik
Magdalena Szymkowiak
+ Bounds on the Expectations of $$\boldsymbol{L}$$-statistics from Iid Symmetric Populations in Various Scale Units 2021 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Variation of the expectation and quantiles of the mixture of ordered distributions under imprecise choice of prior 2021 Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Bounds on the Lifetime Expectations of Series Systems with IFR Component Lifetimes 2021 Tomasz Rychlik
Magdalena Szymkowiak
+ Load-Sharing Reliability Models with Different Component Sensitivities to Other Components’ Working States 2021 Tomasz Rychlik
Fabio Spizzichino
+ Properties of System Lifetime in the Classical Model with I.I.D. Exponential Component Lifetimes 2020 Tomasz Rychlik
Magdalena Szymkowiak
+ Conditions on marginals and copula of component lifetimes for signature representation of system lifetime 2020 Jorge Navarro
Tomasz Rychlik
Fabio Spizzichino
+ PDF Chat Comparisons of the Expectations of System and Component Lifetimes in the Failure Dependent Proportional Hazard Model 2019 Mariusz Bieniek
Marco Burkschat
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Effective procedure of verifying stochastic ordering of system lifetimes 2018 Tomasz Rychlik
Jorge Navarro
Rafael Rubio
+ PDF Chat Sharp bounds on distribution functions and expectations of mixtures of ordered families of distributions 2018 Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Sharp bounds on the expectations of linear combinations of kth records expressed in the Gini mean difference units 2018 Paweł Marcin Kozyra
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Conditions on unimodality and logconcavity for densities of coherent systems with an application to Bernstein operators 2018 Mariusz Bieniek
Marco Burkschat
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Refined solution to upper-bound problem for the expectations of order statistics from decreasing density on the average distributions 2017 Agnieszka Goroncy
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Sharp inequalities for quantiles of system lifetime distributions from failure-dependent proportional hazard model 2017 Marco Burkschat
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Upper and lower bounds on the variances of linear combinations of the<i>k</i>th records 2017 Paweł Marcin Kozyra
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Evaluations of quantiles of system lifetime distributions 2016 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Sharp bounds on the expectations of <i>L</i>-statistics expressed in the Gini mean difference units 2016 Paweł Marcin Kozyra
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Inequalities for variances of order statistics originating from urn models 2016 Krzysztof Jasiński
Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Evaluations of expectations of order statistics and spacings based on IFR distributions 2015 Agnieszka Goroncy
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Lower and upper bounds on the variances of spacings 2015 Paweł Marcin Kozyra
Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Extreme Dispersions of Semicoherent and Mixed System Lifetimes 2015 Patryk Miziuła
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Extreme Dispersions of Semicoherent and Mixed System Lifetimes 2015 Patryk Miziuła
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Maximal dispersion of order statistics in dependent samples 2014 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Sharp Bounds for Lifetime Variances of Reliability Systems With Exchangeable Components 2014 Patryk Miziuła
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Optimal bounds on expectations of order statistics and spacings from nonparametric families of distributions generated by convex transform order 2014 Agnieszka Goroncy
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Maximal Expectations of Extreme Order Statistics from Increasing Density and Failure Rate Populations 2014 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Quantile Inequalities for the Expectations of Generalized<i>L</i>-Statistics 2014 Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Non-positive upper bounds on expectations of small order statistics from DDA and DFRA populations 2013 Tomasz Rychlik
+ The Ryszard Zielinski's works on nonparametric quantile estimators and their use in robust statistics 2012 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Bounds on dispersion of order statistics based on dependent symmetrically distributed random variables 2012 Krzysztof Jasiński
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Maximum variance of order statistics from symmetric populations revisited 2012 Krzysztof Jasiński
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Applications of Samaniego Signatures to Bounds on Variances of Coherent and Mixed System Lifetimes 2011 Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Mixed systems with minimal and maximal lifetime variances 2011 Marek Beśka
Krzysztof Jasiński
Tomasz Rychlik
Marcin Spryszyński
+ Sharp Negative Bounds On Differences of Small Quantiles and Means of Distributions from Nonparametric Families 2011 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Lower bounds on the expectations of upper record values 2011 Agnieszka Goroncy
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Comparisons and bounds for expected lifetimes of reliability systems 2010 Jorge Navarro
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Bounds for the mean residual life function of a k-out-of-n system 2010 Mohammad Z. Raqab
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Copulae in Reliability Theory (Order Statistics, Coherent Systems) 2010 Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Bounds on Variances of Lifetimes of Coherent and Mixed Systems 2009 Krzysztof Jasiński
Jorge Navarro
Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Bounds on Variances of Lifetimes of Coherent and Mixed Systems 2009 Krzysztof Jasiński
Jorge Navarro
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Lower Bounds on Spacings Based on With-Replacement Model 2009 Agnieszka Goroncy
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Tight evaluations for expectations of small order statistics from symmetric and symmetric unimodal populations 2009 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Non-positive upper bounds on expectations of low rank order statistics from DFR populations 2009 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Evaluations of generalized order statistics from bounded populations 2008 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Bounds on expectations of small order statistics from decreasing density populations 2008 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Lower bounds on expectations of positive L-statistics from without-replacement models 2008 Agnieszka Goroncy
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Sharp upper bounds for the expected values of non-extreme order statistics from discrete distributions 2008 Fernando López-Blázquez
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Distributions and moments of record values in a sequence of maximally dependent random variables 2008 Ch. A. Charalambides
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Extreme variances of order statistics in dependent samples 2008 Tomasz Rychlik
+ On distributions of order statistics for absolutely continuous copulas with applications to reliability 2008 Piotr Jaworski
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Best Bounds on Expectations of L-Statistics from Bounded Samples 2007 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Are the Order Statistics Ordered? A Survey of Recent Results 2007 Jorge Navarro
Tomasz Rychlik
Moshe Shaked
+ Comparison of Records and Maxima 2007 Agnieszka Impert
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Reliability and expectation bounds for coherent systems with exchangeable components 2007 Jorge Navarro
Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Optimal bounds for linear functionals on monotone functions 2007 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Lower bounds on expectations of positive<i>L</i>-statistics based on samples drawn with replacement 2006 Agnieszka Goroncy
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Evaluating expectations of L-statistics by the Steffensen inequality 2006 N. Balakrishnan
Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat How deviant can you be? The complete solution 2006 Agnieszka Goroncy
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Reliability and expectation bounds for coherent systems with exchangeable components 2005 Jorge Navarro
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Reconstruction of previous failure times and records 2005 Monika Klimczak
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Maximum variance of Kth records 2004 Monika Klimczak
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Optimal bounds on<i>l</i>-statistics based on samples drawn with replacement from finite populations 2004 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Unimodality of uniform generalized order statistics, with applications to mean bounds 2004 Erhard Cramer
Udo Kamps
Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Sharp bounds for expectations of spacings from decreasing density and failure rate families 2004 Katarzyna Danielak
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Sharp bounds on the expectations of second record values from symmetric populations 2003 Mohammad Z. Raqab
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Sharp bounds for expectations of spacings from DDA and DFRA families 2003 Katarzyna Danielak
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Bounds on expectations of L-statistics from without replacement samples 2003 Nickos Papadatos
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Theory &amp; Methods: Exact Bounds for the Bias of Trimmed Means 2003 Katarzyna Danielak
Tomasz Rychlik
Tomasz Rychlik
Dominik Szynal
+ Sharp Mean-Variance Inequalities for Quantiles of Distributions Determined by Convex and Star Orders 2003 Tomasz Rychlik
+ On the existence of moments of generalized order statistics 2002 Erhard Cramer
Udo Kamps
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Best upper quantile evaluations for NWU distributions 2002 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Exact rates of Prokhorov convergence under three moment conditions 2002 George A. Anastassiou
Tomasz Rychlik
Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Evaluations of expected generalized order statistics in various scale units 2002 Erhard Cramer
Udo Kamps
Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Optimal mean-variance bounds on order statistics from families determined by star ordering 2002 Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Sharp mean-variance inequalities for quantiles of distributions determined by convex and star orders 2002 Tomasz Rychlik
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Sharp distribution-free bounds on the bias in estimating quantiles via order statistics 2001 Andrzej Okolewski
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Predictions of Order and Record Statistics 2001 Tomasz Rychlik
+ None 2001 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Mean-variance bounds for order statistics from dependent DFR, IFR, DFRA and IFRA samples 2001 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Records and kth Records 2001 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Further Research Directions 2001 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Introduction and Notation 2001 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Order Statistics of Independent Samples 2001 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Order Statistics of Dependent Observations 2001 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Projecting Statistical Functionals 2001 Tomasz Rychlik
+ None 2000 George A. Anastassiou
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Upper bounds for the expected Jefferson rounding under mean-variance-skewness conditions 2000 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Rates of uniform Prokhorov convergence of probability measures with given three moments to a Dirac one 1999 George A. Anastassiou
Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Error reduction in density estimation under shape restrictions 1999 Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Refined rates of bias convergence for generalized L-Statistics in the i.i.d. case 1999 George A. Anastassiou
Tomasz Rychlik
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Error reduction in density estimation under shape restrictions 1999 Tomasz Rychlik
+ 6 Bounds for expectations of L-estimates 1998 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Randomized unbiased nonparametric estimates of nonestimable functionals 1997 Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Evaluating improvements of records 1997 Tomasz Rychlik
+ The Complete Solution of a Rounding Problem Under Two Moment Conditions 1997 Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Order statistics of variables with given marginal distributions 1996 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Bounds for order statistics based on dependent variables with given nonidentical distributions 1995 Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat A class of unbiased kernel estimates of a probability density function 1995 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Distributions and expectations of order statistics for possibly dependent random variables 1994 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Bias-robustness of l-estimates of location against dependence 1993 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Sharp bounds on l-estimates and their expectations for dependent samples 1993 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Stochastically extremal distributions of order statistics for dependent samples 1992 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Unbiased nonparametric estimation of the derivative of the mean 1990 Tomasz Rychlik
+ An asymptotically most bias–stable estimator of location parameter 1987 Tomasz Rychlik
+ An asymptotically most Bias-Robust invariant estimator of location 1987 Tomasz Rychlik
Ryszard Zieliński
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Modification of Schwarz's Inequality with Applications to Distributions 1953 Sigeiti Moriguti
+ Projecting Statistical Functionals 2001 Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat On the application and extension of system signatures in engineering reliability 2008 Jorge Navarro
Francisco J. Samaniego
N. Balakrishnan
Debasis Bhattacharya
+ On Closure of the IFR Class Under Formation of Coherent Systems 1985 Francisco J. Samaniego
+ p-Norm bounds on the expectation of the maximum of a possibly dependent sample 1985 Barry C. Arnold
+ PDF Chat The Maxima of the Mean Largest Value and of the Range 1954 E. J. Gumbel
+ PDF Chat Universal Bounds for Mean Range and Extreme Observation 1954 H. O. Hartley
H. A. David
+ 6 Bounds for expectations of L-estimates 1998 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Sharp bounds on l-estimates and their expectations for dependent samples 1993 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Maximum variance of order statistics 1995 Nickos Papadatos
+ Sharp upper mean-variance bounds for trimmed means from restricted families 2003 Katarzyna Danielak
+ Mean-variance bounds for order statistics from dependent DFR, IFR, DFRA and IFRA samples 2001 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Relations, Bounds and Approximations for Order Statistics 1989 Barry C. Arnold
N. Balakrishnan
+ Distributions and expectations of order statistics for possibly dependent random variables 1994 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Sharp bounds for expectations of spacings from DDA and DFRA families 2003 Katarzyna Danielak
Tomasz Rychlik
+ PDF Chat Optimal mean-variance bounds on order statistics from families determined by star ordering 2002 Tomasz Rychlik
+ The Signature of a Coherent System and Its Applications in Reliability 2004 Philip J. Boland
Francisco J. Samaniego
+ Reliability and expectation bounds for coherent systems with exchangeable components 2005 Jorge Navarro
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Bounds based on greatest convex minorants for moments of record values 1997 Mohammad Z. Raqab
+ PDF Chat Extremal Properties of Extreme Value Distributions 1951 Sigeiti Moriguti
+ A Note on Maximum Variance of Order Statistics from Symmetric Populations 1997 Nickos Papadatos
+ PDF Chat Computations of Signatures of Coherent Systems with Five Components 2009 Jorge Navarro
Rafael Rubio
+ Signatures of indirect majority systems 2001 Philip J. Boland
+ PDF Chat Sharp bounds for expectations of spacings from decreasing density and failure rate families 2004 Katarzyna Danielak
Tomasz Rychlik
+ ON THE EXPECTED VALUES OF RECORD VALUES<sup>1</sup> 1978 Haikady N. Nagaraja
+ PDF Chat A concept of generalized order statistics 1995 Udo Kamps
+ Variances of sample medians 1989 Gwo Dong Lin
J. S. Huang
+ PDF Chat Inequalities for Linear Combinations of Order Statistics from Restricted Families 1966 Richard E. Barlow
Frank Proschan
+ PDF Chat Bounds on Variances of Lifetimes of Coherent and Mixed Systems 2009 Krzysztof Jasiński
Jorge Navarro
Tomasz Rychlik
+ The ?signature? of a coherent system and its application to comparisons among systems 1999 Subhash C. Kochar
Hari Mukerjee
Francisco J. Samaniego
+ Extreme variances of order statistics in dependent samples 2008 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Bounds on expectations of small order statistics from decreasing density populations 2008 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Lower Bounds on Positive<i>L</i>-Statistics 2009 Agnieszka Goroncy
+ Reliability and expectation bounds for coherent systems with exchangeable components 2007 Jorge Navarro
Tomasz Rychlik
+ Marginal distributions of sequential and generalized order statistics 2003 Erhard Cramer
Udo Kamps
+ A simple application of binomial—negative binomial relationship in the derivation of sharp bounds for moments of order statistics based on greatest convex minorants 1993 N. Balakrishnan
+ Non-positive upper bounds on expectations of low rank order statistics from DFR populations 2009 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Projection bounds on expectations of generalized order statistics from DD and DDA families 2007 Mariusz Bieniek
+ On the Comparison of Reliability Experiments Based on the Convolution Order 2003 Moshe Shaked
Alfonso Suárez‐Llorens
+ Bounds on expectation of order statistics from a finite population 2003 N. Balakrishnan
Ch. A. Charalambides
Nickos Papadatos
+ Maximally dependent random variables 1976 Tze Leung Lai
Herbert Robbins
+ Tight evaluations for expectations of small order statistics from symmetric and symmetric unimodal populations 2009 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Stochastically extremal distributions of order statistics for dependent samples 1992 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Optimal bounds on<i>l</i>-statistics based on samples drawn with replacement from finite populations 2004 Tomasz Rychlik
+ Optimal bounds on expectations of order statistics and spacings from nonparametric families of distributions generated by convex transform order 2014 Agnieszka Goroncy
Tomasz Rychlik
+ On Families of Distributions for Which Optimal Bounds on Expectations of GOS Can be Derived 2008 Mariusz Bieniek
+ Bounds for the expected value of spacings from discrete distributions 2000 Fernando López-Blázquez
+ Projection bounds on expectations of generalized order statistics from DFR and DFRA families 2006 Mariusz Bieniek
+ Exact Bounds for the Expectations of Order Statistics from Non-Negative Populations 1997 Nickos Papadatos
+ Stochastic orders and their applications 1994 Moshe Shaked
J. George Shanthikumar