Darren Crowdy


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Generalization of waving‐plate theory to multiple interacting swimmers 2023 Peter J. Baddoo
Nicholas J. Moore
Anand U. Oza
Darren Crowdy
+ Exact solutions for submerged von Kármán point vortex streets cotravelling with a wave on a linear shear current 2023 Jack S. Keeler
Darren Crowdy
+ PDF Chat Harmonic-measure distribution functions for a class of multiply connected symmetrical slit domains 2022 Christopher C. Green
Marie A. Snipes
Lesley A. Ward
Darren Crowdy
+ PDF Chat Zeros of the isomonodromic tau functions in constructive conformal mapping of polycircular arc domains: the n-vertex case 2021 Bruno Carneiro da Cunha
Salman Abarghouei Nejad
Tiago Anselmo
Rhodri Nelson
Darren Crowdy
+ PDF Chat A new approach to the complex Helmholtz equation with applications to diffusion wave fields, impedance spectroscopy and unsteady Stokes flow 2021 Jordan C. Hauge
Darren Crowdy
+ PDF Chat Liouville chains: new hybrid vortex equilibria of the two-dimensional Euler equation 2021 Vikas S. Krishnamurthy
Miles H. Wheeler
Darren Crowdy
Adrian Constantin
+ Liouville chains: new hybrid vortex equilibria of the 2D Euler equation 2021 Darren Crowdy
Adrian Constantin
Miles H. Wheeler
+ Generalization of waving-plate theory to multiple interacting swimmers 2021 Peter J. Baddoo
Nicholas J. Moore
Anand U. Oza
Darren Crowdy
+ PDF Chat Schwarz–Christoffel accessory parameter for quadrilaterals via isomonodromy 2020 Tiago Anselmo
Bruno Carneiro da Cunha
Rhodri Nelson
Darren Crowdy
+ Chapter 8: Loxodromic functions 2020 Darren Crowdy
+ Chapter 7: Schwarz–Christoffel mappings 2020 Darren Crowdy
+ Chapter 13: Schwarz problems in multiply connected domains 2020 Darren Crowdy
+ Chapter 9: Automorphic functions 2020 Darren Crowdy
+ Chapter 4: What is the prime function? 2020 Darren Crowdy
+ Exact Solutions for Flows in Periodic Domains 2019 Peter J. Baddoo
Darren Crowdy
+ PDF Chat Analytical solutions for two-dimensional singly periodic Stokes flow singularity arrays near walls 2019 Darren Crowdy
Elena Luca
+ PDF Chat Periodic Schwarz–Christoffel mappings with multiple boundaries per period 2019 Peter J. Baddoo
Darren Crowdy
+ PDF Chat Steady point vortex pair in a field of Stuart-type vorticity 2019 Vikas S. Krishnamurthy
Miles H. Wheeler
Darren Crowdy
Adrian Constantin
+ Analytical solutions for two-dimensional singly periodic Stokes flow singularity arrays near walls 2019 Darren Crowdy
Elena Luca
+ PDF Chat Accessory parameters in conformal mapping: exploiting the isomonodromic tau function for Painlevé VI 2018 Tiago Anselmo
Rhodri Nelson
Bruno Carneiro da Cunha
Darren Crowdy
+ PDF Chat Finite Gap Jacobi Matrices and the Schottky–Klein Prime Function 2016 Darren Crowdy
+ A constructive method for plane-wave representations of special functions 2015 Darren Crowdy
+ PDF Chat Hybrid basis scheme for computing electrostatic fields exterior to close-to-touching discs 2015 Darren Crowdy
S. Tanveer
Thomas K. DeLillo
+ PDF Chat Secondary Schottky–Klein prime functions associated with multiply connected planar domains 2014 Giovani L. Vasconcelos
J. S. Marshall
Darren Crowdy
+ PDF Chat Solving Wiener–Hopf problems without kernel factorization 2014 Darren Crowdy
Elena Luca
+ Vortex patch equilibria of the Euler equation and random normal matrices 2014 Darren Crowdy
+ Hybrid Basis Scheme for computing Electrostatic fields exterior to close-to-touching discs 2014 Darren Crowdy
S. Tanveer
Thomas K. DeLillo
+ Conformal slit maps in applied mathematics 2012 Darren Crowdy
+ Conformal Mappings to Multiply Connected Polycircular Arc Domains 2012 Darren Crowdy
A. S. Fokas
Christopher C. Green
+ PDF Chat A two-dimensional model of low-Reynolds number swimming beneath a free surface 2011 Darren Crowdy
Sungyon Lee
Ophir Samson
Eric Lauga
Anette Hosoi
+ to Multiply Connected Polycircular Arc Domains 2011 Conformal Mappings
Darren Crowdy
A. S. Fokas
Christopher C. Green
+ Uniformizing Real Hyperelliptic M-Curves Using the Schottky–Klein Prime Function 2010 Darren Crowdy
J. S. Marshall
+ Diffusion-Limited Aggregation on Curved Surfaces 2010 Jaehyuk Choi
Darren Crowdy
Martin Z. Bazant
+ PDF Chat Diffusion-limited aggregation on curved surfaces 2010 Jaehyuk Choi
Darren Crowdy
Martin Z. Bazant
+ The Schottky-Klein Prime Function on the Schottky Double of Planar Domains 2010 Darren Crowdy
+ Explicit solution of a class of Riemann-Hilbert problems 2009 Darren Crowdy
+ Multiply Connected Quadrature Domains and the Bergman Kernel Function 2008 Darren Crowdy
J. S. Marshall
+ Geometric function theory: a modern view of a classical subject 2008 Darren Crowdy
+ The Schwarz problem in multiply connected domains and the Schottky–Klein prime function 2008 Darren Crowdy
+ Conformal maps to generalized quadrature domains 2008 Darren Crowdy
J. S. Marshall
+ Contour dynamics in complex domains 2007 Darren Crowdy
Amit Surana
+ Conformal mappings from annuli to canonical doubly connected Bell representations 2007 Darren Crowdy
+ Uniformizing the boundaries of multiply connected quadrature domains using Fuchsian groups 2007 Darren Crowdy
J. S. Marshall
+ Riemann–Hilbert Problem for Automorphic Functions and the Schottky–Klein Prime Function 2007 Y. A. Antipov
Darren Crowdy
+ Schwarz–Christoffel mappings to unbounded multiply connected polygonal regions 2007 Darren Crowdy
+ Conformal Mappings between Canonical Multiply Connected Domains 2006 Darren Crowdy
J. S. Marshall
+ Point vortex motion on the surface of a sphere with impenetrable boundaries 2006 Darren Crowdy
+ The Schwarz–Christoffel mapping to bounded multiply connected polygonal domains 2005 Darren Crowdy
+ Conformal Mapping Methods for Interfacial Dynamics 2005 Martin Z. Bazant
Darren Crowdy
+ Exact solutions for uniform vortex layers attached to corners and wedges 2004 Darren Crowdy
+ The Effect of Finiteness in the Saffman–Taylor Viscous Fingering Problem 2004 Darren Crowdy
S. Tanveer
+ Compressible bubbles in Stokes flow 2003 Darren Crowdy
+ General solutions to the 2D Liouville equation 1997 Darren Crowdy
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Schwarz–Christoffel mapping to bounded multiply connected polygonal domains 2005 Darren Crowdy
+ Theta functions, kernel functions, and Abelian integrals 1972 Dennis A. Hejhal
+ Conformal Mappings between Canonical Multiply Connected Domains 2006 Darren Crowdy
J. S. Marshall
+ Schwarz-Christoffel mapping of multiply connected domains 2004 Thomas K. DeLillo
Alan R. Elcrat
J. A. Pfaltzgraff
+ PDF Chat Schwarz-Christoffel Mapping 2002 Tobin A. Driscoll
Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ Abelian Functions: Abel's Theorem and the Allied Theory of Theta Functions 2008 H. F. Baker
+ Geometric Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable 1969 G. Goluzin
+ A primer on Riemann surfaces 1984 Alan F. Beardon
+ Schwarz–Christoffel mappings to unbounded multiply connected polygonal regions 2007 Darren Crowdy
+ PDF Chat The Schwarz Function and Its Applications 1974 Philip J. Davis
+ Quadrature identities and the schottky double 1983 Björn Gustafsson
+ PDF Chat On Functions determined from their Discontinuities and a certain form of Boundary Condition 1890 W. Burnside
+ PDF Chat On a Class of Automorphic Functions 1891 W. Burnside
+ The Schottky-Klein Prime Function on the Schottky Double of Planar Domains 2010 Darren Crowdy
+ Schwarz--Christoffel Mapping of the Annulus 2001 Thomas K. DeLillo
Alan R. Elcrat
J. A. Pfaltzgraff
+ Algebro-geometric approach to nonlinear integrable equations 1994 E. D. Belokolos
+ Geometric function theory: a modern view of a classical subject 2008 Darren Crowdy
+ Schwarz-Christoffel Mapping of Bounded, Multiply Connected Domains 2006 Thomas K. DeLillo
+ The Schwarz function and its generalization to higher dimensions 1992 Harold S. Shapiro
+ The Kernel Function and Conformal Mapping 1951 H. G. Eggleston
Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 785 1998 Chenglie Hu
+ The Schwarz problem in multiply connected domains and the Schottky–Klein prime function 2008 Darren Crowdy
+ PDF Chat Zur Theorie der Abel'schen Functionen 1890 Félix Klein
+ PDF Chat Theta Functions on Riemann Surfaces 1973 John D. Fay
+ Vortices, Liouville's equation and the Bergman kernel function 1980 S. M. Richardson
+ Monodromy preserving deformation of linear ordinary differential equations with rational coefficients 1981 Michio Jimbo
Tetsuji Miwa
Kimio Ueno
+ Elements of the Theory of Elliptic Functions 1990 Н. И. Ахиезер
+ Ueber eine specielle Function, welche bei einer bestimmten linearen Transformation ihres Arguments unverändert bleibt. 1887 F. Schottky
+ Conformal slit maps in applied mathematics 2012 Darren Crowdy
+ Stuart-type vortices on a rotating sphere 2019 Adrian Constantin
Vikas S. Krishnamurthy
+ PDF Chat Studies on the Painlevé equations 1986 Kazuo Okamoto
+ PDF Chat Exact solution to a Liouville equation with Stuart vortex distribution on the surface of a torus 2019 Takashi Sakajo
+ PDF Chat Monodromy Problem and the Boundary Condition for Some Painlevé Equations 1982 Michio Jimbo
+ PDF Chat Equilibrium of charges and differential equations solved by polynomials 2004 Igor Loutsenko
+ PDF Chat Conformal field theory of Painlevé VI 2012 Oleksandr Gamayun
N. Z. Iorgov
O. Lisovyy
+ Conformal Mappings to Multiply Connected Polycircular Arc Domains 2012 Darren Crowdy
A. S. Fokas
Christopher C. Green
+ <i>Slow Viscous Flow</i> 1966 W. E. Langlois
L. Talbot
+ Point vortex motion on the surface of a sphere with impenetrable boundaries 2006 Darren Crowdy
+ PDF Chat On steady compressible flows with compact vorticity; the compressible Stuart vortex 2000 D. I. Meiron
Dennis W. Moore
D. I. Pullin
+ General solutions to the 2D Liouville equation 1997 Darren Crowdy
+ Conformal Mapping of Circular Arc Polygons 1987 Petter E. Bjørstad
Eric H. Grosse
+ On a transform method for the Laplace equation in a polygon 2003 A. S. Fokas
+ PDF Chat How instanton combinatorics solves Painlevé VI, V and IIIs 2013 Oleksandr Gamayun
N. Z. Iorgov
O. Lisovyy
+ Prime Form and Schottky Model 2008 Андрей Борисович Богатырев
+ Equivalence problem for annuli and Bell representations in the plane 2006 Moonja Jeong
Jong‐Won Oh
Masahiko Taniguchi
+ PDF Chat Diffusion limited aggregation and iterated conformal maps 1999 Benny Davidovitch
H. G. E. Hentschel
Zeev Olami
Itamar Procaccia
Leonard M. Sander
Ellák Somfai
+ PDF Chat Method of automorphic functions in the study of flow around a stack of porous cylinders 2007 Y. A. Antipov
V. V. Silvestrov
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Conformal Maps for a Class of Non-Laplacian Growth Phenomena 2003 Martin Z. Bazant
Jaehyuk Choi
Benny Davidovitch
+ Domains on which analytic functions satisfy quadrature identities 1976 Dov Aharonov
Harold S. Shapiro