Joachim Wagner


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Statistik zwischen Data Science, Artificial Intelligence und Big Data: Beiträge aus dem Kolloquium „Make Statistics great again“ 2022 Ulrich Rendtel
Willi Seidel
Christine H. Müller
Florian Meinfelder
Joachim Wagner
Jürgen Chlumsky
Markus Zwick
+ gaBERT -- an Irish Language Model 2021 James Barry
Joachim Wagner
Lauren C. Cassidy
Alan Cowap
Teresa Lynn
Abigail Walsh
Mícheál J. Ó Meachair
Jennifer Foster
+ The DCU-EPFL Enhanced Dependency Parser at the IWPT 2021 Shared Task 2021 James Barry
Alireza Mohammadshahi
Joachim Wagner
Jennifer Foster
James Henderson
+ Treebank Embedding Vectors for Out-of-domain Dependency Parsing 2020 Joachim Wagner
James Barry
Jennifer Foster
+ Cross-lingual Parsing with Polyglot Training and Multi-treebank Learning: A Faroese Case Study 2019 James Barry
Joachim Wagner
Jennifer Foster
+ A Generalized Two-Part Model for Fractional Response Variables with Excess Zeros 2015 Jörg Schwiebert
Joachim Wagner
+ A Generalized Two-Part Model for Fractional Response Variables with Excess Zeros 2015 Jörg Schwiebert
Joachim Wagner
+ PDF Chat The Impact of R&D Activities on Exports of German Business Services Enterprises: First Evidence from a Continuous Treatment Approach 2014 Helmut Fryges
Alexander Vogel
Joachim Wagner
+ PDF Chat Robust Estimation of Linear Fixed Effects Panel Data Models with an Application to the Exporter Productivity Premium 2011 Vincenzo Verardi
Joachim Wagner
+ The Research Potential of New Types of Enterprise Data Based on Surveys from Official Statistics in Germany 2009 Joachim Wagner
+ Econometrics of Anonymized Micro Data 2005 Winfried Pohlmeier
Gerd Ronning
Joachim Wagner
+ Guest Editorial “Econometrics of Anonymized Micro Data” 2005 Winfried Pohlmeier
Gerd Ronning
Joachim Wagner
+ Econometrics of anonymized micro data 2005 Winfried Pohlmeier
Gerd Ronning
Sandra Gottschalk
Joachim Wagner
+ Swiss Unemployment Insurance Micro Data 2004 Joachim Wagner
+ Robust regression with a distributed intercept using least median of squares 1994 Peter J. Rousseeuw
Joachim Wagner
+ Robust Regression with a Distributed Intercept Using Least Median of Squares: Theory and Application to Earnings Functions with Dummy Variables for Sectors 1990 Peter J. Rousseeuw
Joachim Wagner
+ Robust Regression with a Distributed Intercept Using Least Median of Squares: Theory and Application to Earnings Functions with Dummy Variables for Sectors 1990 Peter J. Rousseeuw
Joachim Wagner
+ Bias correction and bootstrapping of error component models for panel data: Theory and applications 1989 Lutz Bellmann
Jörg Breitung
Joachim Wagner
+ Robust Estimation of Earnings Functions: Least Absolute Deviations vs. Reweighted Least Squares based on Least Median of Squares Regressions 1989 Joachim Wagner
+ Robust Estimation of Earnings Functions: Least Absolute Deviations vs. Reweighted Least Squares based on Least Median of Squares Regressions 1989 Joachim Wagner
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Robust Regression and Outlier Detection 1989 Gregory F. Piepel
Peter J. Rousseeuw
Annick M. Leroy
+ Robust Regression by Means of S-Estimators 1984 Peter J. Rousseeuw
V. J. Yohai
+ Robustness of the p-Subset Algorithm for Regression with High Breakdown Point 1991 Peter J. Rousseeuw
Gilbert W. Bassett
+ The Economics and Econometrics of Active Labor Market Programs 1999 James J. Heckman
Robert Lalonde
Jeffrey A. Smith
+ PDF Chat A Stata Package for the Estimation of the Dose-response Function through Adjustment for the Generalized Propensity Score 2008 Michela Bia
Alessandra Mattei
+ Statistik in Deutschland 2010 Heinz Grohmann
Walter Krämer
Almut Steger
+ Pooling 1981 Badi H. Baltagi
+ Cautionary Tails about Arbitrary Deletion of Observations; or, Throwing the Variance Out with the Bathwater 1985 Glenn MacDonald
Chris Robinson
+ The Use of Error Components Models in Combining Cross Section with Time Series Data 1969 T. D. Wallace
Ashiq Hussain
+ PDF Chat Zur Heinz-Grohmann-Vorlesung der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft 2012 Jürgen Chlumsky
+ PDF Chat The Bootstrap Method for Assessing Statistical Accuracy 1985 Bradley Efron
Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Min-Max Bias Robust Regression 1989 R. Douglas Martin
V. J. Yohai
Ruben H. Zamar
+ PDF Chat Robust estimators for the fixed effects panel data model 2007 Maria Caterina Bramati
Christophe Croux
+ PDF Chat On the Asymptotic Accuracy of Efron's Bootstrap 1981 Kesar Singh
+ Vom potenziellen Datenangreifer zum zertifizierten Wissenschaftler – Für eine Neugestaltung des Wissenschaftsprivilegs beim Datenzugang 2014 Ulrich Rendtel
+ Perspektiven für die amtliche Statistik 2012 Roderich Egeler
Thomas Wöll
Markus Zwick
+ Statistik und �konometrie an wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakult�ten ? Ergebnisse einer Befragung 2004 Joachim Frohn
+ The Relation of Different Concepts of Causality Used in Time Series and Microeconometrics 2010 Michael Lechner
+ PDF Chat Maximum Likelihood and Decision Theory 1982 Bradley Efron
+ PDF Chat Some Asymptotic Theory for the Bootstrap 1981 Peter J. Bickel
David A. Freedman
+ Verifying the Solution from a Nonlinear Solver: A Case Study 2003 B. D. McCullough
Hrishikesh D. Vinod
+ A robust scale estimator based on the shortest half 1988 Peter J. Rousseeuw
Annick M. Leroy
+ Causal Inference With General Treatment Regimes 2004 Kosuke Imai
David A. van Dyk
+ PDF Chat Evaluating Continuous Training Programmes by Using the Generalized Propensity Score 2011 Jochen Kluve
Hilmar Schneider
Arne Uhlendorff
Zhong Zhao
+ Estimating the Effects of Length of Exposure to Instruction in a Training Program: The Case of Job Corps 2011 Carlos A. Flores
Alfonso Flores‐Lagunes
Arturo González
Todd C. Neumann
+ Data Science: an Action Plan for Expanding the Technical Areas of the Field of Statistics 2001 William S. Cleveland
+ The Propensity Score with Continuous Treatments 2004 Keisuke Hirano
Guido W. Imbens
+ Beware of ‘Good’ Outliers and Overoptimistic Conclusions* 2009 Catherine Dehon
Marjorie Gassner
Vincenzo Verardi
+ PDF Chat The central role of the propensity score in observational studies for causal effects 1983 Paul R. Rosenbaum
Donald B. Rubin
+ Least Median of Squares Regression 1984 Peter J. Rousseeuw
+ Estimation of Limited Dependent Variable Models With Dummy Endogenous Regressors 2001 Joshua D. Angrist
+ Robust Regression and Outlier Detection 1987 Peter J. Rousseeuw
Annick M. Leroy
+ Statistik, Data Science und Big Data 2016 Göran Kauermann
Helmut Küchenhoff
+ Statistikausbildung in Zeiten von Big Data 2016 Markus Zwick
+ Bedingungen für hohe Publikationsraten von Ländern in hochrangigen internationalen Statistik-Fachzeitschriften 2017 Sebastian Szugat
Ivan Bakhtin
Leo Fechtel
Marc Hüsch
Julian Riehl
Carsten Tegethoff
Christine H. Müller
+ Data Science: a proposal for a curriculum 2018 Göran Kauermann
Thomas Seidl
+ Data Science – Einige Gedanken aus Sicht eines Statistikers 2019 Göran Kauermann
+ Ein Framework für Data Literacy 2019 Katharina Schüller
+ PDF Chat Vorwort zum Sonderheft „Statistical Literacy“ des Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistischen Archivs 2019 Walter Krämer
Katharina Schüller
Andreas Quatember
+ PDF Chat Does subsidised temporary employment get the unemployed back to work? Aneconometric analysis of two different schemes 2004 Michael Gerfin
Michael Lechner
Heidi Steiger
+ PDF Chat Robust Regression in Stata 2009 Vincenzo Verardi
Christophe Croux
+ PDF Chat Econometric methods for fractional response variables with an application to 401(k) plan participation rates 1996 Leslie E. Papke
Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
+ Estimation of Limited-Dependent Variable Models with Dummy Endogenous Regressors: Simple Strategies for Empirical Practice 2000 Joshua D. Angrist
+ PDF Chat The role of the propensity score in estimating dose-response functions 2000 Guido W. Imbens
+ PDF Chat A Microeconometric Evaluation of the Active Labour Market Policy in Switzerland 2002 Michael Gerfin
Michael Lechner
+ PDF Chat Ein neues Web-basiertes Verfahren zur Darstellung der Corona-Inzidenzen in Raum und Zeit 2021 Ulrich Rendtel
Andreas Neudecker
Lukas Fuchs
+ Die „Frankfurter Schule“ in der Statistik und ihre Folgen 2013 Peter von der Lippe
+ PDF Chat Die Erforschung der Dynamik der Corona-Pandemie in Deutschland: Survey-Konzepte und eine exemplarische Umsetzung mit dem Sozio-oekonomischen Panel (SOEP) 2021 Ulrich Rendtel
Stefan Liebig
Reinhard Meister
Gert G. Wagner
Sabine Zinn
+ Least Median of Squares Regression 1984 Peter J. Rousseeuw
+ Econometric Causality 2008 James J. Heckman