Stefanie Russ


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Percolation model for a selective response of the resistance of composite semiconducting<mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>systems with respect to reducing gases 2014 Stefanie Russ
+ PDF Chat Ising-like dynamics and frozen states in systems of ultrafine magnetic particles 2007 Stefanie Russ
Armin Bunde
+ PDF Chat Pore opening effects and transport diffusion in the Knudsen regime in comparison to self- (or tracer-) diffusion 2007 Stephan Zschiegner
Stefanie Russ
Armin Bunde
Jörg Kärger
+ Pore opening effects and transport diffusion in the Knudsen regime in comparison to self- (or tracer-) diffusion 2007 Stephan Zschiegner
Stefanie Russ
Armin Bunde
Jörg Kärger
+ PDF Chat Monte Carlo simulations of frozen metastable states in ordered systems of ultrafine magnetic particles 2006 Stefanie Russ
Armin Bunde
+ PDF Chat Application of the trace formula in pseudointegrable systems 2006 Stefanie Russ
Jesper Mellenthin
+ PDF Chat Periodic orbit theory in fractal drums 2005 Stefanie Russ
Jesper Mellenthin
+ New simple properties of a few irregular systems 2005 Marc Sapoval
José S. Andrade
Andrea Baldassarri
A. Desolneux
F. Devreux
Marcel Filoche
Denis S. Grebenkov
Stefanie Russ
+ PDF Chat Periodic orbit theory and spectral rigidity in pseudointegrable systems 2004 Jesper Mellenthin
Stefanie Russ
+ PDF Chat Renormalization approach for the two-dimensional Anderson model at the band edge: Scaling of the localization volume 2004 Stefanie Russ
+ PDF Chat Level dynamics in pseudointegrable billiards: an experimental study 2004 Yuriy Hlushchuk
Ulrich Kuhl
Stefanie Russ
+ PDF Chat Localized low-frequency Neumann modes in 2d systems with rough boundaries 2004 Stefanie Russ
Y Hlushchuk
+ PDF Chat A new interpretation of the dynamic structure model of ion transport in molten and solid glasses 2004 Armin Bunde
Malcolm D. Ingram
Stefanie Russ
+ A renormalization approach for the 2D Anderson model at the band edge: Scaling of the localization length 2003 Stefanie Russ
+ PDF Chat Level statistics and eigenfunctions of pseudointegrable systems: Dependence on energy and genus number 2003 Yuriy Hlushchuk
Stefanie Russ
+ PDF Chat Scaling of the localization length in linear electronic and vibrational systems with long-range correlated disorder 2002 Stefanie Russ
+ PDF Chat Excess modes in the vibrational spectrum of disordered systems and the boson peak 2001 Jan W. Kantelhardt
Stefanie Russ
Armin Bunde
+ Anomalous Viscous Damping of Vibrations of Fractal Percolation Clusters 1994 Stefanie Russ
B. Sapoval
+ Vibrational density of states of general two-component random mixtures near percolation thresholds 1991 Stefanie Russ
H. Eduardo Roman
Armin Bunde
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Level statistics and eigenfunctions of pseudointegrable systems: Dependence on energy and genus number 2003 Yuriy Hlushchuk
Stefanie Russ
+ PDF Chat Extended Fractons and Localized Phonons on Percolation Clusters 1998 Jan W. Kantelhardt
Armin Bunde
L. Schweitzer
+ PDF Chat Periodic orbits and spectral statistics of pseudointegrable billiards 1996 Debabrata Biswas
+ Statistical Theory of the Energy Levels of Complex Systems. IV 1963 Freeman J. Dyson
Madan Lal Mehta
+ Analytically solvable dynamical systems which are not integrable 1984 Bruno Eckhardt
Joseph Ford
Franco Vivaldi
+ PDF Chat Monte Carlo Simulation with Time Step Quantification in Terms of Langevin Dynamics 2000 U. Nowak
R.W. Chantrell
E. C. Kennedy
+ <i>Spectra of Finite Systems</i> 1977 H. P. Baltes
Eberhard R. Hilf
John L. Challifour
+ PDF Chat Periodic orbits in polygonal billiards 1997 Debabrata Biswas
+ PDF Chat Random-matrix theories in quantum physics: common concepts 1998 Thomas Guhr
Axel Müller–Groeling
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ Billiards in polygons 1986 Eugène Gutkin
+ PDF Chat Density of states on fractals : « fractons » 1982 S. Alexander
R. Orbach
+ PDF Chat Periodic orbit theory and spectral rigidity in pseudointegrable systems 2004 Jesper Mellenthin
Stefanie Russ
+ PDF Chat The Laplacian on a random one-dimensional lattice 1984 E. Gardner
C. Itzykson
Bernard Derrida
+ Level density fluctuations and random matrix theory 1975 O. Bohigas
M.J. Giannoni
+ Semiclassical theory of spectral rigidity 1985 Michael Berry
+ PDF Chat Transition from Knudsen to molecular diffusion in activity of absorbing irregular interfaces 2003 José S. Andrade
H. F. da Silva
M. Baquil
B. Sapoval
+ PDF Chat Universal Attractors of Reversible Aggregate-Reorganization Processes 2002 Stefan Großkinsky
Marc Timme
Björn Naundorf
+ PDF Chat Complete Identification of Alkali Sites in Ion Conducting Lithium Silicate Glasses: A Computer Study of Ion Dynamics 2003 Heiko Lammert
Magnus Kunow
Andreas Heuer
+ Barrier billiards-a simple pseudo-integrable system 1990 J H Hannay
R J McCraw
+ Lyapounov exponents of products of random matrices : weak disorder expansion. - Application to localisation 1987 Bernard Derrida
K. Mecheri
J.‐L. Pichard
+ On the Distortion of Boundary Sets Under Conformal Mappings 1985 Nikolai Makarov
+ Exact distribution of eigenvalue curvatures of chaotic quantum systems 1994 Felix von Oppen
+ Experimental investigation of a regime of Wigner ergodicity in microwave rough billiards 2001 Yuriy Hlushchuk
Leszek Sirko
Ulrich Kuhl
Michael Barth
H.-J. Stöckmann
+ Transport properties of continuum systems near the percolation threshold 1987 Shechao Feng
Bertrand I. Halperin
Parongama Sen
+ PDF Chat Scale anomaly and quantum chaos in billiards with pointlike scatterers 1996 Taksu Cheon
Takaomi Shigehara
+ PDF Chat Spectral properties of quantized barrier billiards 2002 Jan Wiersig
+ Exact result for the effective conductivity of a continuum percolation model 1994 Leonid Berlyand
Kenneth M. Golden
+ PDF Chat Self-Stabilized Fractality of Seacoasts through Damped Erosion 2004 B. Sapoval
Andrea Baldassarri
Andrea Gabrielli
+ PDF Chat Scaling of the localization length in linear electronic and vibrational systems with long-range correlated disorder 2002 Stefanie Russ
+ Anomalous Diffusion on Percolating Clusters 1983 Yuval Gefen
Amnon Aharony
Shlomo Alexander
+ PDF Chat Surface hardening and self-organized fractality through etching of random solids 2000 Andrea Gabrielli
Andrea Baldassarri
B. Sapoval
+ PDF Chat Periodic orbit theory in fractal drums 2005 Stefanie Russ
Jesper Mellenthin
+ Determination of percolation probability from the use of a concentration gradient 1985 Michel Rosso
J. F. Gouyet
B. Sapoval
+ Quantization of chaos 1991 Martin Sieber
Frank Steiner
+ Random walks in percolating networks with two jump frequencies 1990 Joseph P. Straley
+ Fractal interfaces in the self-stabilized etching of random systems 1998 B. Sapoval
S. B. Santra
P. Barboux
+ PDF Chat Defect Turbulence in Inclined Layer Convection 2002 Karen E. Daniels
Eberhard Bodenschatz
+ PDF Chat Geometrical theory of diffraction and spectral statistics 1999 Martin Sieber
+ Are Random Fractal Clusters Isotropic? 1985 Fereydoon Family
Tamás Vicsek
Paul Meakin
+ PDF Chat Aging and memory effects in superparamagnets and superspin glasses 2005 M. Sasaki
Petra E. Jönsson
Hajime Takayama
Hiroaki Mamiya
+ PDF Chat Diffusion-Reorganized Aggregates: Attractors in Diffusion Processes? 2000 Marcel Filoche
B. Sapoval
+ Superlocalization, correlations and random walks on fractals 1990 Amnon Aharony
A. B. Harris
+ PDF Chat The fractal nature of a diffusion front and the relation to percolation 1985 B. Sapoval
Michel Rosso
J. F. Gouyet
+ PDF Chat Short-range plasma model for intermediate spectral statistics 2001 E. Bogomolny
Ulrich Gerland
C. Schmit
+ <i>The Fractal Geometry of Nature</i> 1983 Benoît B. Mandelbrot
John Wheeler
+ PDF Chat Characterization of the complex ion dynamics in lithium silicate glasses via computer simulations 2002 Andreas Heuer
Magnus Kunow
M. Vogel
Radha D. Banhatti
+ PDF Chat Proximity-Induced Subgaps in Andreev Billiards 2002 J. Cserti
Andor Kormányos
Z. Kaufmann
János Koltai
Colin J. Lambert
+ An iteration method for the solution of the eigenvalue problem of linear differential and integral operators 1950 Cornelius Lanczos
+ PDF Chat Method for generating long-range correlations for large systems 1996 Hernán A. Makse
Shlomo Havlin
Moshe Schwartz
H. Eugene Stanley
+ Periodic orbits in magnetic billiards 2000 Luis G. G. V. Dias da Silva
Marcus A. M. de Aguiar