K. E. Perry


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Paint cost spectrum of perfect $k$-ary trees 2024 Sonwabile Mafunda
Jonathan L. Merzel
K. E. Perry
Anna Varvak
+ PDF Chat Optimizing the trade-off between number of cops and capture time in Cops and Robbers 2022 Anthony Bonato
Jane Breen
Boris Brimkov
Joshua Carlson
Sean English
Jesse Geneson
Leslie Hogben
K. E. Perry
Carolyn Reinhart
+ Determining number and cost of generalized Mycielskian graphs 2021 Debra Boutin
Sally Cockburn
Lauren Keough
Sarah Loeb
K. E. Perry
Puck Rombach
+ PDF Chat Symmetry Parameters for Mycielskian Graphs 2021 Debra Boutin
Sally Cockburn
Lauren Keough
Sarah Loeb
K. E. Perry
Puck Rombach
+ PDF Chat Antimagic orientations of graphs with large maximum degree 2020 Donglei Yang
Joshua Carlson
Andrew Owens
K. E. Perry
Inne Singgih
Zi‐Xia Song
Fangfang Zhang
Xiaohong Zhang
+ Distinguishing Generalized Mycielskian Graphs 2020 Debra Boutin
Sally Cockburn
Lauren Keough
Sarah Loeb
K. E. Perry
Puck Rombach
+ An Extremal Problem on Rainbow Spanning Trees in Graphs 2020 Matthew DeVilbiss
Bradley Fain
A. H. Holmes
Paul Horn
Sonwabile Mafunda
K. E. Perry
+ Cop throttling number: Bounds, values, and variants 2019 Anthony Bonato
Jane Breen
Boris Brimkov
Joshua Carlson
Sean English
Jesse Geneson
Leslie Hogben
K. E. Perry
Carolyn Reinhart
+ Antimagic orientations of graphs with large maximum degree 2019 Donglei Yang
Joshua Carlson
Andrew Owens
K. E. Perry
Inne Singgih
Zi‐Xia Song
Fangfang Zhang
Xiaohong Zhang
+ Throttling for the game of Cops and Robbers on graphs 2018 Jane Breen
Boris Brimkov
Joshua Carlson
Leslie Hogben
K. E. Perry
Carolyn Reinhart
+ PDF Chat On the number of rainbow spanning trees in edge-colored complete graphs 2018 Hung‐Lin Fu
Yuan–Hsun Lo
K. E. Perry
C. A. Rodger
+ Throttling for the game of Cops and Robbers on graphs 2017 Jane Breen
Boris Brimkov
Joshua Carlson
Leslie Hogben
K. E. Perry
Carolyn Reinhart
+ Rainbow Spanning Trees in Edge-Colored Complete Graphs 2016 K. E. Perry
+ On the Number of Rainbow Spanning Trees in Edge-Colored Complete Graphs 2016 Hung‐Lin Fu
Yuan–Hsun Lo
K. E. Perry
C. A. Rodger
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The Game of Overprescribed Cops and Robbers Played on Graphs 2017 Anthony Bonato
Xavier PĂ©rez‐GimĂ©nez
PaweƂ PraƂat
Benjamin Reiniger
+ When does a random graph have constant cop number 2010 PaweƂ PraƂat
+ Edge-disjoint rainbow spanning trees in complete graphs 2016 James M. Carraher
Stephen G. Hartke
Paul Horn
+ PDF Chat Graphs of Large Linear Size Are Antimagic 2015 Tom Eccles
+ Dense graphs are antimagic 2003 Noga Alon
Gil Kaplan
Arieh Lev
Y. Roditty
Raphael Yuster
+ PDF Chat Regular Graphs of Odd Degree Are Antimagic 2014 Daniel W. Cranston
Yu‐Chang Liang
Xuding Zhu
+ PDF Chat Distinguishability of Infinite Groups and Graphs 2012 Simon M. Smith
Thomas W. Tucker
Mark E. Watkins
+ On Moore Graphs with Diameters 2 and 3 1960 Alan J. Hoffman
Robert R. Singleton
+ None 2010 AndrĂĄs GyĂĄrfĂĄs
Gåbor N. Sårközy
András SebƑ
Stanley M. Selkow
+ Parallel concepts in graph theory 1993 Frank Harary
+ None 2001 Felix Lazebnik
Andrew J. Woldar
+ Multiple Coloring of Cone Graphs 2010 Zhishi Pan
Xuding Zhu
+ A retraction problem in graph theory 1985 Alain Quilliot
+ PDF Chat Zero forcing parameters and minimum rank problems 2010 Francesco Barioli
Wayne Barrett
Shaun Fallat
H. Tracy Hall
Leslie Hogben
Bryan L. Shader
P. van den Driessche
Hein van der Holst
+ Several parameters of generalized Mycielskians 2005 Wensong Lin
Jianzhuan Wu
Peter Che Bor Lam
Guohua Gu
+ PDF Chat The Capture Time of the Hypercube 2013 Anthony Bonato
PrzemysƂaw Gordinowicz
Bill Kinnersley
PaweƂ PraƂat
+ None 2006 Noga Alon
Radoơ Radoičić
Benny Sudakov
J. VondrĂĄk
+ Hamiltonicity, diameter, domination, packing, and biclique partitions of Mycielski's graphs 1998 David Fisher
Patricia A. McKenna
Elizabeth D. Boyer
+ Asymmetric trees with two prescribed degrees 1977 LĂĄszlĂł Babai
+ PDF Chat Propagation time for zero forcing on a graph 2012 Leslie Hogben
My Huynh
Nicole Kingsley
Sarah Meyer
Shanise Walker
Michael Young
+ 4-chromatic graphs with large odd girth 1995 Nguyễn Văn Ngọc
Ćčsolt Tuza
+ The capture time of grids 2010 Abbas Mehrabian
+ PDF Chat Antimagic Labeling of Regular Graphs 2015 Fei-Huang Chang
Yu‐Chang Liang
Zhishi Pan
Xuding Zhu
+ Throttling positive semidefinite zero forcing propagation time on graphs 2018 Joshua Carlson
Leslie Hogben
JĂŒrgen Kritschgau
Kate Lorenzen
Michael S. Ross
Seth Selken
Vicente Valle Martinez
+ Multicolored Isomorphic Spanning Trees in Complete Graphs 2014 Hung‐Lin Fu
Yuan Hsun Lo
+ Bounds on the burning number 2017 Stéphane Bessy
Anthony Bonato
Jeannette Janssen
Dieter Rautenbach
Elham Roshanbin
+ PDF Chat Antimagic orientations of even regular graphs 2018 Tong Li
Zi‐Xia Song
Guanghui Wang
Donglei Yang
Cun‐Quan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Cops and Robbers on Planar‐Directed Graphs 2017 Po‐Shen Loh
Siyoung Oh
+ PDF Chat Symmetry breaking in planar and maximal outerplanar graphs 2018 ‎Saeid Alikhani
Samaneh Soltani
+ Throttling for the game of Cops and Robbers on graphs 2018 Jane Breen
Boris Brimkov
Joshua Carlson
Leslie Hogben
K. E. Perry
Carolyn Reinhart
+ PDF Chat Topological directions in Cops and Robbers 2019 Anthony Bonato
Bojan Mohar
+ On bridged graphs and cop-win graphs 1988 R.P. Anstee
Michael FĂ€rber
+ Many edge-disjoint rainbow spanning trees in general graphs 2017 Paul Horn
Lauren M. Nelsen
+ Rainbow spanning trees in properly coloured complete graphs 2017 JĂłzsef Balogh
Hong Liu
Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Linearly many rainbow trees in properly edge-coloured complete graphs 2018 Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat Rainbow spanning trees in complete graphs colored by one‐factorizations 2017 Paul Horn
+ A theorem on trees 2009 Arthur Cayley
+ Regular Graphs are Antimagic 2015 KristĂłf BĂ©rczi
Attila BernĂĄth
Måté Vizer
+ Cops and robber on grids and tori 2017 Fabrizio Luccio
Linda Pagli
+ On the Construction of Sets of Integers with Equal Power Sums 1995 Mike Jacroux
+ PDF Chat Edge Colorings of Complete Multipartite Graphs Forbidding Rainbow Cycles 2017 Peter D. Johnson
Andrew Owens
+ PDF Chat Decompositions into spanning rainbow structures 2019 Richard Montgomery
Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov
+ Determining Number of Generalized and Double Generalized Petersen Graph 2020 Angsuman Das
+ Throttling for Zero Forcing and Variants 2018 Joshua Carlson
+ Decompositions into isomorphic rainbow spanning trees. 2019 Stefan Glock
Daniela KĂŒhn
Richard Montgomery
Deryk Osthus
+ PDF Chat Dense graphs are antimagic 2004 Noga Alon
Gil Kaplan
Arieh Lev
Y. Roditty
Raphael Yuster
+ Multicolored Parallelisms of Isomorphic Spanning Trees 2006 Saieed Akbari
A. Alipour
Hung‐Lin Fu
Yuan–Hsun Lo
+ None 2009 Armen S. Asratian
Carl Johan Casselgren
Jennifer Vandenbussche
Douglas B. West
+ Positive semidefinite propagation time 2015 Nathan Warnberg
+ Linearly many rainbow trees in properly edge-coloured complete graphs 2017 Alexey Pokrovskiy
Benny Sudakov