Andreas Paffenholz


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Existence of unimodular triangulations — positive results 2021 Christian Haase
Andreas Paffenholz
Lindsey Piechnik
Francisco Santos
+ PDF Chat Smooth polytopes with negative Ehrhart coefficients 2018 Federico Castillo
Fu Liu
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Toric geometry in polymake 2018 Lars Kastner
Benjamin Lorenz
Andreas Paffenholz
Anna-Lena Winz
+ Smooth polytopes with negative Ehrhart coefficients 2017 Federico Castillo
Fu Liu
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ polyDB: A Database for Polytopes and Related Objects 2017 Andreas Paffenholz
+ polyDB: A Database for Polytopes and Related Objects 2017 Andreas Paffenholz
+ Smooth polytopes with negative Ehrhart coefficients 2017 Federico Castillo
Fu Liu
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ PDF Chat Computing convex hulls and counting integer points with polymake 2016 Benjamin Assarf
Ewgenij Gawrilow
Katrin Herr
Michael Joswig
Benjamin Lorenz
Andreas Paffenholz
Thomas Rehn
+ Finiteness of the polyhedral ℚ-codegree spectrum 2015 Andreas Paffenholz
+ PDF Chat Finitely many smooth d-polytopes with n lattice points 2015 Tristram Bogart
Christian Haase
Milena Hering
Benjamin Lorenz
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
Günter Rote
Francisco Santos
Hal Schenck
+ PDF Chat Faces of Birkhoff Polytopes 2015 Andreas Paffenholz
+ PDF Chat On the equality case in Ehrhart’s volume conjecture 2014 Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Computing convex hulls and counting integer points with polymake 2014 Benjamin Assarf
Ewgenij Gawrilow
Katrin Herr
Michael Joswig
Benjamin Lorenz
Andreas Paffenholz
Thomas Rehn
+ polymake in Linear and Integer Programming 2014 Benjamin Assarf
Ewgenij Gawrilow
Katrin Herr
Michael Joswig
Benjamin Lorenz
Andreas Paffenholz
Thomas Rehn
+ PDF Chat Smooth Fano Polytopes with Many Vertices 2014 Benjamin Assarf
Michael Joswig
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Existence of unimodular triangulations - positive results 2014 Christian Haase
Andreas Paffenholz
Lindsay C. Piechnik
Francisco Santos
+ Computing convex hulls and counting integer points with polymake 2014 Benjamin Assarf
Ewgenij Gawrilow
Katrin Herr
Michael Joswig
Benjamin Lorenz
Andreas Paffenholz
Thomas Rehn
+ PDF Chat Polyhedral adjunction theory 2013 Sandra Di Rocco
Christian Haase
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Faces of Birkhoff Polytopes 2013 Andreas Paffenholz
+ Torische Geometrie mit polymake 2013 Michael Joswig
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Finiteness of the polyhedral Q-codegree spectrum 2013 Andreas Paffenholz
+ PDF Chat Polytopes associated to dihedral groups 2013 Barbara Baumeister
Christian Haase
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Finiteness of the polyhedral Q-codegree spectrum 2013 Andreas Paffenholz
+ Faces of Birkhoff Polytopes 2013 Andreas Paffenholz
+ PDF Chat On a Classification of Smooth Fano Polytopes 2013 Benjamin Assarf
Michael Joswig
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Polytopes associated to Dihedral Groups 2012 Barbara Baumeister
Christian Haase
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ On the equality case in Ehrhart's volume conjecture 2012 Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ PDF Chat Defect polytopes and counter-examples with polymake 2012 Michael Joswig
Andreas Paffenholz
+ PDF Chat Permutation Polytopes of Cyclic Groups 2012 Barbara Baumeister
Christian Haase
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ PDF Chat Permutation Polytopes of Cyclic Groups 2012 Barbara Baumeister
Christian Haase
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Polytopes associated to Dihedral Groups 2012 Barbara Baumeister
Christian Haase
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ On the equality case in Ehrhart's volume conjecture 2012 Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Permutation Polytopes 2011 Barbara Baumeister
Christian Haase
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Defect Polytopes and Counter-Examples With polymake 2011 Michael Joswig
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Examples of Kähler–Einstein toric Fano manifolds associated to non-symmetric reflexive polytopes 2011 Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Permutation Polytopes of Cyclic Groups 2011 Barbara Baumeister
Christian Haase
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Defect Polytopes and Counter-Examples With polymake 2011 Michael Joswig
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Generating Smooth Lattice Polytopes 2010 Christian Haase
Benjamin Lorenz
Andreas Paffenholz
+ On permutation polytopes 2009 Barbara Baumeister
Christian Haase
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Examples of non-symmetric K\ 2009 Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Examples of non-symmetric Kähler-Einstein toric Fano manifolds 2009 Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ PDF Chat Quadratic Gröbner bases for smooth 3×3 transportation polytopes 2009 Christian Haase
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Polymake and Lattice Polytopes 2009 Michael Joswig
Benjamin Müller
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Examples of non-symmetric Kähler-Einstein toric Fano manifolds 2009 Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ PDF Chat polymake and Lattice Polytopes 2009 Michael Joswig
Benjamin Müller
Andreas Paffenholz
+ Polymake and Lattice Polytopes 2009 Michael Joswig
Benjamin Müller
Andreas Paffenholz
+ PDF Chat Lattice Points in Minkowski Sums 2008 Christian Haase
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
Francisco Santos
+ On permutation polytopes 2007 Barbara Baumeister
Christian Haase
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ New polytopes from products 2006 Andreas Paffenholz
+ Groebner Bases for Transportation Polytopes 2006 Christian Haase
Andreas Paffenholz
+ PDF Chat Constructions for 4-polytopes and the cone of flag vectors 2006 Andreas Paffenholz
Axel Werner
+ Constructions for 4-Polytopes and the Cone of Flag Vectors 2005 Andreas Paffenholz
Axel Werner
+ PDF Chat Bier Spheres and Posets 2004 Anders Björner
Andreas Paffenholz
Jonas Sjöstrand
Günter M. Ziegler
+ PDF Chat The Et-Construction for Lattices, Spheres and Polytopes 2004 Andreas Paffenholz
G�nter M. Ziegler
+ New polytopes from products 2004 Andreas Paffenholz
+ Bier spheres and posets 2003 Anders Björner
Andreas Paffenholz
Jonas Sjöstrand
Günter M. Ziegler
+ The $E_t$-Construction for Lattices, Spheres and Polytopes 2003 Andreas Paffenholz
Günter M. Ziegler
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ polymake: a Framework for Analyzing Convex Polytopes 2000 Ewgenij Gawrilow
Michael Joswig
+ Lectures on Polytopes 1994 Günter M. Ziegler
+ Dual Polyhedra and Mirror Symmetry for Calabi-Yau Hypersurfaces in Toric Varieties 1993 Victor V. Batyrev
+ An algorithm for the classification of smooth Fano polytopes 2007 Mikkel Øbro
+ PDF Chat Ehrhart polynomials, simplicial polytopes, magic squares and a conjecture of Stanley 2005 Christos A. Athanasiadis
+ Permutation polytopes and indecomposable elements in permutation groups 2006 Robert M. Guralnick
David Perkinson
+ Introduction to Toric Varieties. 1993 William Fulton
+ On permutation polytopes 2009 Barbara Baumeister
Christian Haase
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ PDF Chat Gorenstein toric Fano varieties 2005 Benjamin Nill
+ Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry 1996 Günter Ewald
+ The combinatorics of permutation polytopes 1995 Louis J. Billera
A. Sarangarajan
+ PDF Chat polymake and Lattice Polytopes 2009 Michael Joswig
Benjamin Müller
Andreas Paffenholz
+ The Distribution of Values in the Quadratic Assignment Problem 2003 Alexander Barvinok
Tamon Stephen
+ Some facets of the polytope of even permutation matrices 2004 Jeffrey B. Hood
David Perkinson
+ Geometry, complexity, and combinatorics of permutation polytopes 1993 Shmuel Onn
+ PDF Chat Generalized Dehn-Sommerville relations for polytopes, spheres and Eulerian partially ordered sets 1985 Margaret M. Bayer
Louis J. Billera
+ PDF Chat The Et-Construction for Lattices, Spheres and Polytopes 2004 Andreas Paffenholz
G�nter M. Ziegler
+ PDF Chat Lattice points in lattice polytopes 2001 Oleg Pikhurko
+ PDF Chat Complete toric varieties with reductive automorphism group 2006 Benjamin Nill
+ Mini-Workshop: Projective Normality of Smooth Toric Varieties 2008 Christian Haase
Takayuki Hibi
Diane Maclagan
+ Gröbner bases and convex polytopes 1995 Bernd Sturmfels
+ Polymake and Lattice Polytopes 2009 Michael Joswig
Benjamin Müller
Andreas Paffenholz
+ PDF Chat On Volumes of Permutation Polytopes 2013 Katherine Burggraf
Jesús A. De Loera
Mohamed Omar
+ Computing the Continuous Discretely 2015 Matthias Beck
Sinai Robins
+ PDF Chat Lattice vertex polytopes with interior lattice points 1983 Douglas Hensley
+ PDF Chat On the Volume of a Certain Polytope 2000 Clara S. Chan
David P. Robbins
David S. Yuen
+ On Kodaira energy and adjoint reduction of polarized manifolds 1992 Takao Fujita
+ Unsolved problems in geometry 1991 H. T. Croft
K. J. Falconer
Richard K. Guy
+ PDF Chat On the Classification of Reflexive Polyhedra 1997 Maximilian Kreuzer
Harald Skarke
+ PDF Chat Permutation Polytopes of Cyclic Groups 2012 Barbara Baumeister
Christian Haase
Benjamin Nill
Andreas Paffenholz
+ The extended f-vectors of 4-polytopes 1987 Margaret M. Bayer
+ PDF Chat On the classification of toric Fano 4-folds 1999 Victor V. Batyrev
+ Convex polytopes all of whose reverse lexicographic initial ideals are squarefree 2001 Hidefumi Ohsugi
Takayuki Hibi
+ Simple 0/1-Polytopes 2000 Volker Kaibel
Martin Wolff
+ Face numbers of 4-Polytopes and 3-Spheres 2002 Günter M. Ziegler
+ PDF Chat Classification of pseudo-symmetric simplicial reflexive polytopes 2006 Benjamin Nill
+ Generating Smooth Lattice Polytopes 2010 Christian Haase
Benjamin Lorenz
Andreas Paffenholz
+ PDF Chat Problems from the Cottonwood Room 2005 Matthias Beck
Beifang Chen
Lenny Fukshansky
Christian Haase
Allen Knutson
Bruce Reznick
Sinai Robins
Annette Schürmann
+ On the Volume of Lattice Polyhedra 1957 J. E. Reeve
+ Normal polytopes, triangulations, and Koszul algebras. 1997 Winfried Bruns
Joseph Gubeladze
Viet Nguyen-Khac
+ On K�hler-Einstein metrics on certain K�hler manifolds withC 1 (M)>0 1987 Gang Tian
+ PDF Chat On the classification of toric fano varieties 1988 Günter Ewald
+ Decompositions of Rational Convex Polytopes 1980 Richard P. Stanley
+ The α-invariant on toric Fano manifolds 2005 Jian Song
+ Convex polyhedra of doubly stochastic matrices—IV 1976 Richard A. Brualdi
Peter M. Gibson
+ PDF Chat Bounds for Lattice Polytopes Containing a Fixed Number of Interior Points in a Sublattice 1991 Jeffrey C. Lagarias
Günter M. Ziegler
+ Extremal Properties of 0/1-Polytopes of Dimension 5 2000 Oswin Aichholzer
+ Combinatorial aspects of mirror symmetry 2008 Victor V. Batyrev
Benjamin Nill
+ Markov bases for noncommutative Fourier analysis of ranked data 2005 Persi Diaconis
Nicholas Eriksson
+ PDF Chat On the classification of smooth projective toric varieties 1991 Victor V. Batyrev