Zhongxiao Jia


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The General Solution to a System of Tensor Equations over the Split Quaternion Algebra with Applications 2025 Zhongxiao Jia
Qing‐Wen Wang
+ A Skew-Symmetric Lanczos Bidiagonalization Method for Computing Several Extremal Eigenpairs of a Large Skew-Symmetric Matrix 2024 Jinzhi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat Preconditioning correction equations in Jacobi--Davidson type methods for computing partial singular value decompositions of large matrices 2024 Jinzhi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat An Augmented Matrix-Based CJ-FEAST SVDsolver for Computing a Partial Singular Value Decomposition with the Singular Values in a Given Interval 2024 Zhongxiao Jia
Kailiang Zhang
+ PDF Chat The Joint Bidiagonalization Method for Large GSVD Computations in Finite Precision 2023 Zhongxiao Jia
Haibo Li
+ An augmented matrix-based CJ-FEAST SVDsolver for computing a partial singular value decomposition with the singular values in a given interval 2023 Zhongxiao Jia
Kailiang Zhang
+ Refined and refined harmonic Jacobi--Davidson methods for computing several GSVD components of a large regular matrix pair 2023 Jinzhi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
+ A CJ-FEAST GSVDsolver for computing a partial GSVD of a large matrix pair with the generalized singular values in a given interval 2023 Zhongxiao Jia
Kailiang Zhang
+ PDF Chat A Cross-Product Free Jacobi–Davidson Type Method for Computing a Partial Generalized Singular Value Decomposition of a Large Matrix Pair 2022 Jinzhi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat Two Harmonic Jacobi–Davidson Methods for Computing a Partial Generalized Singular Value Decomposition of a Large Matrix Pair 2022 Jinzhi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat Theoretical and Computable Optimal Subspace Expansions for Matrix Eigenvalue Problems 2022 Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat A FEAST SVDsolver for the computation of singular value decompositions of large matrices based on the Chebyshev--Jackson series expansion 2022 Zhongxiao Jia
Kailiang Zhang
+ A FEAST SVDsolver based on Chebyshev--Jackson series for computing partial singular triplets of large matrices 2022 Zhongxiao Jia
Kailiang Zhang
+ An analysis of the Rayleigh-Ritz and refined Rayleigh-Ritz methods for nonlinear eigenvalue problems 2022 Zhongxiao Jia
Qingqing Zheng
+ A skew-symmetric Lanczos bidiagonalization method for computing several largest eigenpairs of a large skew-symmetric matrix 2022 Jinzhi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat The joint bidiagonalization process with partial reorthogonalization 2021 Zhongxiao Jia
Haibo Li
+ A comparison of eigenvalue-based algorithms and the generalized Lanczos trust-region algorithm for Solving the trust-region subproblem 2021 Zhongxiao Jia
Fa Wang
+ PDF Chat The Convergence of the Generalized Lanczos Trust-Region Method for the Trust-Region Subproblem 2021 Zhongxiao Jia
Fa Wang
+ PDF Chat On choices of formulations of computing the generalized singular value decomposition of a large matrix pair 2020 Jinzhi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat Regularization properties of LSQR for linear discrete ill-posed problems in the multiple singular value case and best, near best and general low rank approximations 2020 Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat A joint bidiagonalization based iterative algorithm for large scale general-form Tikhonov regularization 2020 Zhongxiao Jia
Yanfei Yang
+ PDF Chat Regularization properties of LSQR for linear discrete ill-posed problems in the multiple singular value case and best, near best and general low rank approximations 2020 Zhongxiao Jia
+ A cross-product free Jacobi-Davidson type method for computing a partial generalized singular value decomposition (GSVD) of a large matrix pair. 2020 Jinzhi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
+ Optimal Subspace Expansion for Matrix Eigenvalue Problems. 2020 Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat Regularization properties of Krylov iterative solvers CGME and LSMR for linear discrete ill-posed problems with an application to truncated randomized SVDs 2020 Zhongxiao Jia
+ Approximation accuracy of the Krylov subspaces for linear discrete ill-posed problems 2020 Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat The low rank approximations and Ritz values in LSQR for linear discrete ill-posed problem 2020 Zhongxiao Jia
+ Theoretical and Computable Optimal Subspace Expansions for Matrix Eigenvalue Problems 2020 Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat On Inner Iterations of Jacobi--Davidson Type Methods for Large SVD Computations 2019 Jinzhi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
+ The convergence of the Generalized Lanczos Trust-Region Method for the Trust-Region Subproblem 2019 Zhongxiao Jia
Wang Fa
+ The joint bidiagonalization method for large GSVD computations in finite precision 2019 Zhongxiao Jia
Haibo Li
+ A transformation approach that makes SPAI, PSAI and RSAI procedures efficient for large double irregular nonsymmetric sparse linear systems 2018 Zhongxiao Jia
Wenjie Kang
+ PDF Chat Modified truncated randomized singular value decomposition (MTRSVD) algorithms for large scale discrete ill-posed problems with general-form regularization 2018 Zhongxiao Jia
Yanfei Yang
+ PDF Chat On regularizing effects of MINRES and MR-II for large scale symmetric discrete ill-posed problems 2017 Yi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
+ The regularization theory of the Krylov iterative solvers LSQR and CGLS for linear discrete ill-posed problems, part I: the simple singular value case 2017 Zhongxiao Jia
+ On inner iterations of Jacobi-Davidson type methods for large SVD computations 2017 Jinzhi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat A residual based sparse approximate inverse preconditioning procedure for large sparse linear systems 2016 Zhongxiao Jia
Wenjie Kang
+ PDF Chat Some results on the regularization of LSQR for large-scale discrete ill-posed problems 2016 Yi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
+ The Regularization Theory of the Krylov Iterative Solvers LSQR, CGLS, LSMR and CGME For Linear Discrete Ill-Posed Problems 2016 Zhongxiao Jia
+ Iterative Regularization of Minimum-Residual Methods for Large-Scale Symmetric Discrete Ill-Posed Problems 2015 Yi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
Yuquan Sun
+ Harmonic and refined harmonic shift-invert residual Arnoldi and Jacobi–Davidson methods for interior eigenvalue problems 2015 Zhongxiao Jia
Cen Li
+ Some Results on the Regularization of LSQR for Large-Scale Discrete Ill-Posed Problems 2015 Yi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
+ A Residual Based Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioning Procedure for Large Sparse Linear Systems 2015 Zhongxiao Jia
Wenjie Kang
+ A Transformation Approach that Makes SPAI, PSAI and RSAI Procedures Efficient for Large Double Irregular Nonsymmetric Sparse Linear Systems 2015 Zhongxiao Jia
Wenjie Kang
+ On Regularizing Effects of MINRES and MR-II for Large-Scale Symmetric Discrete Ill-Posed Problems 2015 Yi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
Yuquan Sun
+ A positivity preserving inexact Noda iteration for computing the smallest eigenpair of a large irreducible $$M$$ M -matrix 2014 Zhongxiao Jia
Wen‐Wei Lin
Ching-Sung Liu
+ PDF Chat A posteriori error estimates of krylov subspace approximations to matrix functions 2014 Zhongxiao Jia
Hui Lv
+ PDF Chat Inner iterations in the shift-invert residual Arnoldi method and the Jacobi-Davidson method 2014 Zhongxiao Jia
Cen Li
+ Some Results on Regularization of LSQR and CGLS for Large-Scale Discrete Ill-Posed Problems 2014 Yi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
Wen‐Wei Lin
Ching-Sung Liu
+ PDF Chat On the convergence of Ritz pairs and refined Ritz vectors for quadratic eigenvalue problems 2013 Tsung‐Ming Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
Wen‐Wei Lin
+ PDF Chat Robust dropping criteria for F-norm minimization based sparse approximate inverse preconditioning 2013 Zhongxiao Jia
Qian Zhang
+ PDF Chat On the condition number of the total least squares problem 2013 Zhongxiao Jia
Bingyu Li
+ PDF Chat On convergence of the inexact Rayleigh quotient iteration with the Lanczos method used for solving linear systems 2013 Zhongxiao Jia
Yuquan Sun
+ PDF Chat An Approach to Making SPAI and PSAI Preconditioning Effective for Large Irregular Sparse Linear Systems 2013 Zhongxiao Jia
Qian Zhang
+ A positivity preserving inexact Noda iteration for computing the smallest eigenpair of a large irreducible M-matrix 2013 Zhongxiao Jia
Wen‐Wei Lin
Ching-Sung Liu
+ On convergence of the inexact Rayleigh quotient iteration with MINRES 2012 Zhongxiao Jia
+ Robust Selection Criteria for Dropping Tolerances in Power Sparse Approximate Inverse (PSAI) Preconditioning and Static SAI Preconditioning 2012 Zhongxiao Jia
Qian Zhang
+ An Approach to Making SPAI and PSAI Preconditioning Effective for Large Irregular Sparse Linear Systems 2012 Zhongxiao Jia
Qian Zhang
+ Subspace Expansion in the Shift-Invert Residual Arnoldi Method and the Jacobi--Davidson Method: Theory and Algorithms 2011 Zhongxiao Jia
Cen Li
+ The Shift-Invert Residual Arnoldi Method and the Jacobi-Davidson Method: Theory and Algorithms ∗ 2011 Zhongxiao Jia
Cen Li
+ PDF Chat A Global Arnoldi Method for Large Non-Hermitian Eigenproblems with Special Applications to Multiple Eigenproblems 2011 Congying Duan
Zhongxiao Jia
+ A Global Arnoldi Method for Large Non-Hermitian Eigenproblems with Special Applications to Multiple Eigenproblems 2011 Congying Duan
Zhongxiao Jia
+ A contribution to the condition number of the total least squares problem 2011 Zhongxiao Jia
Bingyu Li
+ A Refined Second-order Arnoldi (RSOAR) Method for the Quadratic Eigenvalue Problem and Implicitly Restarted Algorithms ∗ 2011 Zhongxiao Jia
Yuquan Sun
+ The Rayleigh–Ritz method, refinement and Arnoldi process for periodic matrix pairs 2010 Eric King‐wah Chu
Hung‐Yuan Fan
Zhongxiao Jia
Tiexiang Li
Wen‐Wei Lin
+ Some results on condition numbers of the scaled total least squares problem 2010 Bingyu Li
Zhongxiao Jia
+ Some properties of LSQR for large sparse linear least squares problems 2010 Zhongxiao Jia
+ A global harmonic Arnoldi method for large non-Hermitian eigenproblems with an application to multiple eigenvalue problems 2010 Congying Duan
Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat A Refined Harmonic Lanczos Bidiagonalization Method and an Implicitly Restarted Algorithm for Computing the Smallest Singular Triplets of Large Matrices 2010 Zhongxiao Jia
Datian Niu
+ Implicitly Restarted Generalized Second-order Arnoldi Type Algorithms for the Quadratic Eigenvalue Problem 2010 Zhongxiao Jia
Yuquan Sun
+ On Convergence of the Inexact Rayleigh Quotient Iteration without and with MINRES 2009 Zhongxiao Jia
+ A Refined Harmonic Lanczos Bidiagonalization Method and an Implicitly Restarted Algorithm for Computing the Smallest Singular Triplets of Large Matrices 2009 Zhongxiao Jia
Datian Niu
+ On Convergence of the Inexact Rayleigh Quotient Iteration with MINRES 2009 Zhongxiao Jia
+ A convergence analysis of the inexact Rayleigh quotient iteration and simplified Jacobi-Davidson method for the large Hermitian matrix eigenproblem 2008 Zhongxiao Jia
Zhen Wang
+ A refined Jacobi-Davidson method for the quadratic eigenvalue problem 2006 Zhongxiao Jia
Yuquan Sun
+ Using cross-product matrices to compute the SVD 2006 Zhongxiao Jia
+ A refined harmonic Rayleigh-Ritz procedure and an explicitly restarted refined harmonic Arnoldi algorithm 2005 Guizhi Chen
Zhongxiao Jia
+ A refined jacobi-davidson method and its correction equation 2005 Shaoqiang Feng
Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat The convergence of harmonic Ritz values, harmonic Ritz vectors and refined harmonic Ritz vectors 2004 Zhongxiao Jia
+ An analogue of the results of Saad and Stewart for harmonic Ritz vectors 2004 Guizhi Chen
Zhongxiao Jia
+ Some theoretical comparisons of refined Ritz vectors and Ritz vectors 2004 Zhongxiao Jia
+ A refined shift-and-invert arnoldi algorithm for large unsymmetric generalized eigenproblems 2002 Zhongxiao Jia
Yong Zhang
+ The refined harmonic Arnoldi method and an implicitly restarted refined algorithm for computing interior eigenpairs of large matrices 2002 Zhongxiao Jia
+ Some Problems in Large Scale Non-Hermitian Matrix Computations 2002 Zhongxiao Jia
+ The Convergence of Harmonic Ritz Values, Harmonic Ritz Vectors and Refined Harmonic Ritz Vectors 2001 Zhongxiao Jia
+ A Refined Shift-and-Invert Arnoldi Algorithm for Large Unsymmetric Generalized Eigenproblems 2001 Zhongxiao Jia
+ Using Cross-Product Matrices to Compute the Svd 2001 Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat An analysis of the Rayleigh--Ritz method for approximating eigenspaces 2000 Zhongxiao Jia
G. W. Stewart
+ Some recursions on Arnoldi's method and IOM for large non-Hermitian linear systems 2000 Zhongxiao Jia
+ A refined subspace iteration algorithm for large sparse eigenproblems 2000 Zhongxiao Jia
+ Polynomial characterizations of the approximate eigenvectors by the refined Arnoldi method and an implicitly restarted refined Arnoldi algorithm 1999 Zhongxiao Jia
+ On IGMRES: An incomplete generalized minimal residual method for large unsymmetric linear systems 1998 Zhongxiao Jia
+ A variation on the block Arnoldi method for large unsymmetric matrix eigenproblems 1998 Zhongxiao Jia
+ The convergence of Krylov subspace methods for large unsymmetric linear systems 1998 Zhongxiao Jia
+ A refined iterative algorithm based on the block arnoldi process for large unsymmetric eigenproblems 1998 Zhongxiao Jia
+ Refined iterative algorithms based on Arnoldi's process for large unsymmetric eigenproblems 1997 Zhongxiao Jia
+ On IOM(q): The Incomplete Orthogonalization Method for Large Unsymmetric Linear Systems 1996 Zhongxiao Jia
+ A block incomplete orthogonalization method for large nonsymmetric eigenproblems 1995 Zhongxiao Jia
+ The Convergence of Generalized Lanczos Methods for Large Unsymmetric Eigenproblems 1995 Zhongxiao Jia
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem 1998 Beresford Ν. Parlett
+ The Convergence of Generalized Lanczos Methods for Large Unsymmetric Eigenproblems 1995 Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat An analysis of the Rayleigh--Ritz method for approximating eigenspaces 2000 Zhongxiao Jia
G. W. Stewart
+ Refined iterative algorithms based on Arnoldi's process for large unsymmetric eigenproblems 1997 Zhongxiao Jia
+ Computational methods for large eigenvalue problems 2002 H VANDERVORST
+ Numerical methods for least squares problems 1996 Åke Björck
+ Templates for the Solution of Algebraic Eigenvalue Problems: A Practical Guide 1987 James Demmel
Jack Dongarra
Axel Ruhe
Henk van der Vorst
Zhaojun Bai
+ A Jacobi–Davidson Iteration Method for Linear Eigenvalue Problems 1996 Gérard L. G. Sleijpen
H.A. van der Vorst
+ PDF Chat LSQR: An Algorithm for Sparse Linear Equations and Sparse Least Squares 1982 Christopher C. Paige
Michael A. Saunders
+ Rank-Deficient and Discrete Ill-Posed Problems: Numerical Aspects of Linear Inversion 1987 Per Christian Hansen
+ The refined harmonic Arnoldi method and an implicitly restarted refined algorithm for computing interior eigenpairs of large matrices 2002 Zhongxiao Jia
+ Numerical Methods for Least Squares Problems 1996 Åke Björck
+ Polynomial characterizations of the approximate eigenvectors by the refined Arnoldi method and an implicitly restarted refined Arnoldi algorithm 1999 Zhongxiao Jia
+ A refined subspace iteration algorithm for large sparse eigenproblems 2000 Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat A Refined Harmonic Lanczos Bidiagonalization Method and an Implicitly Restarted Algorithm for Computing the Smallest Singular Triplets of Large Matrices 2010 Zhongxiao Jia
Datian Niu
+ PDF Chat The principle of minimized iterations in the solution of the matrix eigenvalue problem 1951 Walter E. Arnoldi
+ Regularization Tools version 4.0 for Matlab 7.3 2007 Per Christian Hansen
+ Using cross-product matrices to compute the SVD 2006 Zhongxiao Jia
+ Rank-Deficient and Discrete Ill-Posed Problems 1998 Per Christian Hansen
+ None 2001 Martin Hanke
+ PDF Chat The convergence of harmonic Ritz values, harmonic Ritz vectors and refined harmonic Ritz vectors 2004 Zhongxiao Jia
+ A Test Matrix Collection for Non-Hermitian Eigenvalue Problems 1997 A. Bai
David Day
Jack Dongarra
+ Some theoretical comparisons of refined Ritz vectors and Ritz vectors 2004 Zhongxiao Jia
+ Numerical Methods for Large Eigenvalue Problems 2011 Yousef Saad
+ A refined iterative algorithm based on the block arnoldi process for large unsymmetric eigenproblems 1998 Zhongxiao Jia
+ Conjugate Gradient Type Methods for Ill-Posed Problems 2017 Martin Hanke
+ PDF Chat Inner iterations in the shift-invert residual Arnoldi method and the Jacobi-Davidson method 2014 Zhongxiao Jia
Cen Li
+ Regularization of Inverse Problems 1996 Heinz W. Engl
Martin Hanke
Andreas B. Neubauer
+ PDF Chat Harmonic and Refined Extraction Methods for the Singular Value Problem, with Applications in Least Squares Problems 2004 Michiel E. Hochstenbach
+ Inexact inverse iteration for symmetric matrices 2006 Jörg Berns-Müller
Ivan G. Graham
A. Spence
+ PDF Chat Iterative regularization with minimum-residual methods 2007 Tine K. Jensen
Per Christian Hansen
+ PDF Chat A Bidiagonalization-Regularization Procedure for Large Scale Discretizations of Ill-Posed Problems 1981 Dianne P. O’Leary
John A. Simmons
+ Approximate solutions and eigenvalue bounds from Krylov subspaces 1995 Chris Paige
Beresford Ν. Parlett
H.A. van der Vorst
+ Harmonic projection methods for large non-symmetric eigenvalue problems 1998 Ronald B. Morgan
Min Zeng
+ PDF Chat Choosing Regularization Parameters in Iterative Methods for Ill-Posed Problems 2001 Misha E. Kilmer
Dianne P. O’Leary
+ Statistical and Computational Inverse Problems 2005 Jari P. Kaipio
Erkki Somersalo
+ Inheritance of the discrete Picard condition in Krylov subspace methods 2015 Silvia Gazzola
Paolo Novati
+ The regularizing effect of the Golub-Kahan iterative bidiagonalization and revealing the noise level in the data 2009 Iveta Hnětýnková
Martin Plešinger
Zdeněk Strakoš
+ PDF Chat Chebyshev acceleration techniques for solving nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems 1984 Yousef Saad
+ PDF Chat Inexact Inverse Subspace Iteration with Preconditioning Applied to Non-Hermitian Eigenvalue Problems 2009 Mickaël Robbé
Miloud Sadkane
A. Spence
+ Implicitly Restarted GMRES and Arnoldi Methods for Nonsymmetric Systems of Equations 2000 Ronald B. Morgan
+ On Krylov projection methods and Tikhonov regularization 2015 Silvia Gazzola
Paolo Novati
Maria Rosaria Russo
+ PDF Chat Inexact Inverse Iteration with Variable Shift for Nonsymmetric Generalized Eigenvalue Problems 2006 Jörg Berns‐Müller
A. Spence
+ PDF Chat Controlling Inner Iterations in the Jacobi–Davidson Method 2009 Michiel E. Hochstenbach
Yvan Notay
+ PDF Chat Some results on the regularization of LSQR for large-scale discrete ill-posed problems 2016 Yi Huang
Zhongxiao Jia
+ PDF Chat A Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioner for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems 1998 Michele Benzi
Miroslav Tůma
+ An inexact inverse iteration for large sparse eigenvalue problems 1997 Yu-Ling Lai
Kun-Yi Lin
Wen‐Wei Lin
+ An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Inverse Problems 2021 Andreas Kirsch
+ Towards a Generalized Singular Value Decomposition 1981 Christopher C. Paige
Michael A. Saunders
+ An iteration method for the solution of the eigenvalue problem of linear differential and integral operators 1950 Cornelius Lanczos