N. Visciglia


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Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
N. Burq 2
N. Tzvetkov 2
Vladimir Georgiev 2
Nikolay Tzvetkov 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Construction of a Gibbs measure associated to the periodic Benjamin–Ono equation 2009 Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ Strichartz inequalities and the nonlinear Schrodinger equation on compact manifolds 2004 Nicolas Burq
Patrick GĂ©rard
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ Nonlinear Schrödinger evolution equations 1980 Haı̈m Brezis
Thierry Gallouët
+ PDF Chat Almost Conservation Laws and Global Rough Solutions to a Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation 2002 J. Colliander
M. Keel
Gigliola Staffilani
Hideo Takaoka
Terence Tao
+ On smooth solutions to the initial-boundary value problem for the nonlinear schrödinger equation in two space dimensions 1989 Masayoshi Tsutsumi
+ Renormalization of the two-dimensional stochastic nonlinear wave equations 2017 Massimiliano Gubinelli
Herbert Koch
Tadahiro Oh
+ Probabilistic local well-posedness of the cubic nonlinear wave equation in negative Sobolev spaces 2019 Tadahiro Oh
Oana Pocovnicu
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ PDF Chat Solution to the stochastic Schrödinger equation on the full space 2019 Arnaud Debussche
Jörg Martin
+ PDF Chat An improvement on the BrĂ©zis–GallouĂ«t technique for 2D NLS and 1D half-wave equation 2015 Tohru Ozawa
Nicola Visciglia
+ PDF Chat On the growth of Sobolev norms for NLS on 2- and 3-dimensional manifolds 2017 Fabrice Planchon
Nikolay Tzvetkov
Nicola Visciglia
+ PDF Chat A simple construction of the continuum parabolic Anderson model on $\mathbf{R}^2$ 2015 Martin Hairer
Cyril Labbé