Tamás Makai


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Enumeration of regular multipartite hypergraphs 2025 Mikhail Isaev
Tamás Makai
Brendan D. McKay
+ Dispersion on the Complete Graph 2024 Umberto De Ambroggio
Tamás Makai
Konstantinos Panagiotou
+ PDF Chat Enumeration of dihypergraphs with specified degrees and edge types 2024 Catherine Greenhill
Tamás Makai
+ PDF Chat Bootstrap Percolation on the Binomial Random $k$-uniform Hypergraph 2024 Mihyun Kang
Christoph Koch
Tamás Makai
+ PDF Chat Limit Laws for Critical Dispersion on Complete Graphs 2024 Umberto De Ambroggio
Tamás Makai
Κωνσταντίνος Παναγιώτου
Annika Steibel
+ PDF Chat Do random initial degrees suppress concentration on preferential attachment graphs? 2024 Tamás Makai
Federico Polito
Laura Sacerdote
+ Dispersion on the Complete Graph 2023 Umberto De Ambroggio
Tamás Makai
Κωνσταντίνος Παναγιώτου
+ Dispersion on the Complete Graph 2023 Umberto De Ambroggio
Tamás Makai
Κωνσταντίνος Παναγιώτου
+ PDF Chat Degree sequences of sufficiently dense random uniform hypergraphs 2022 Catherine Greenhill
Mikhail Isaev
Tamás Makai
Brendan D. McKay
+ PDF Chat The Size of the Giant Joint Component in a Binomial Random Double Graph 2021 Mark Jerrum
Tamás Makai
+ Degree sequences of sufficiently dense random uniform hypergraphs 2021 Catherine Greenhill
Mikhail Isaev
Tamás Makai
Brendan D. McKay
+ PDF Chat Resolution of a conjecture on majority dynamics: Rapid stabilization in dense random graphs 2020 Nikolaos Fountoulakis
Mihyun Kang
Tamás Makai
+ Supersaturation problem for the bowtie 2020 Mihyun Kang
Tamás Makai
Oleg Pikhurko
+ The Size of the Giant Joint Component in a Binomial Random Double Graph. 2019 Mark Jerrum
Tamás Makai
+ PDF Chat The sharp threshold for jigsaw percolation in random graphs 2019 Oliver Cooley
Tobias Kapetanopoulos
Tamás Makai
+ Resolution of a conjecture on majority dynamics: rapid stabilisation in dense random graphs 2019 Nikolaos Fountoulakis
Mihyun Kang
Tamás Makai
+ The Size of the Giant Joint Component in a Binomial Random Double Graph 2019 Mark Jerrum
Tamás Makai
+ PDF Chat A phase transition regarding the evolution of bootstrap processes in inhomogeneous random graphs 2018 Nikolaos Fountoulakis
Mihyun Kang
Christoph Koch
Tamás Makai
+ PDF Chat Supersaturation Problem for the Bowtie 2017 Mihyun Kang
Tamás Makai
Oleg Pikhurko
+ Supersaturation Problem for the Bowtie 2017 Mihyun Kang
Tamás Makai
Oleg Pikhurko
+ A phase transition regarding the evolution of bootstrap processes in inhomogeneous random graphs 2016 Nikolaos Fountoulakis
Mihyun Kang
Christoph Koch
Tamás Makai
+ Bootstrap percolation on G(n,p) revisited 2016 Tamás Makai
Mihyun Kang
+ A simple proof of almost percolation on G(n;p) 2016 Mihyun Kang
Tamás Makai
+ A phase transition regarding the evolution of bootstrap processes in inhomogeneous random graphs 2016 Nikolaos Fountoulakis
Mihyun Kang
Christof Koch
Tamás Makai
+ PDF Chat Bootstrap percolation in random k -uniform hypergraphs 2015 Mihyun Kang
Christoph Koch
Tamás Makai
+ PDF Chat Properties of stochastic Kronecker graphs 2015 Mihyun Kang
Michał Karoński
Christoph Koch
Tamás Makai
+ The ReverseH-free Process for Strictly 2-Balanced Graphs 2014 Tamás Makai
+ Properties of stochastic Kronecker graphs 2014 Mihyun Kang
Michał Karoński
Christoph Koch
Tamás Makai
+ Random graph processes 2012 Tamás Makai
+ PDF Chat No Dense Subgraphs Appear in the Triangle-free Graph Process 2011 Stefanie Gerke
Tamás Makai
+ No Dense Subgraphs Appear in the Triangle-free Graph Process 2010 Stefanie Gerke
Tamás Makai
+ No Dense Subgraphs Appear in the Triangle-free Graph Process 2010 Stefanie Gerke
Tamás Makai
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Bootstrap percolation on the random graph $G_{n,p}$ 2012 Svante Janson
Tomasz Łuczak
Tatyana S. Turova
Thomas Vallier
+ Bootstrap percolation on a Bethe lattice 1979 J. Chalupa
P. L. Leath
Gary Reich
+ PDF Chat The sharp threshold for bootstrap percolation in all dimensions 2011 József Balogh
Béla Bollobás
Hugo Duminil‐Copin
Robert Morris
+ PDF Chat Bootstrap Percolation in Power-Law Random Graphs 2014 Hamed Amini
Nikolaos Fountoulakis
+ Threshold functions for small subgraphs 1981 Béla Bollobás
+ PDF Chat Bootstrap Percolation in Living Neural Networks 2010 Hamed Amini
+ Connected Components in Random Graphs with Given Expected Degree Sequences 2002 Fan Chung
Linyuan Lü
+ Sudden Emergence of a Giantk-Core in a Random Graph 1996 Boris Pittel
Joel Spencer
Nicholas Wormald
+ Stretched Exponential Fixation in Stochastic Ising Models at Zero Temperature 2002 Luiz Renato Fontes
Roberto H. Schonmann
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ The triangle-free process 2009 Tom Bohman
+ PDF Chat Jigsaw percolation on random hypergraphs 2017 Béla Bollobás
Oliver Cooley
Mihyun Kang
Christof Koch
+ Bootstrap percolation with inhibition 2014 Hafsteinn Einarsson
Johannes Lengler
Κωνσταντίνος Παναγιώτου
Frank Mousset
Angelika Steger
+ PDF Chat Counting substructures I: Color critical graphs 2010 Dhruv Mubayi
+ The number of cliques in graphs of given order and size 2010 Vladimir Nikiforov
+ On the number of complete subgraphs of a graph II 1983 László Lovász
Miklós Simonovits
+ Lower bounds on the number of triangles in a graph 1989 David Fisher
+ Supersaturation problem for color-critical graphs 2016 Oleg Pikhurko
Zelealem B. Yilma
+ PDF Chat Sharp metastability threshold for two-dimensional bootstrap percolation 2003 Alexander E. Holroyd
+ PDF Chat Nucleation scaling in jigsaw percolation 2017 Janko Gravner
David Sivakoff
+ PDF Chat Multi-coloured jigsaw percolation on random graphs 2020 Oliver Cooley
Abraham Gutiérrez
+ PDF Chat Jigsaw percolation: What social networks can collaboratively solve a puzzle? 2015 Charles D. Brummitt
Shirshendu Chatterjee
Partha S. Dey
David Sivakoff
+ Szemeredi''s Regularity Lemma and its applications in graph theory 1995 János Komlós
Miklós Simonovits
+ Bootstrap Percolation on Homogeneous Trees Has 2 Phase Transitions 2008 Luiz Renato Fontes
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ On the Minimal Density of Triangles in Graphs 2008 Alexander Razborov
+ The Threshold for Jigsaw Percolation on Random Graphs 2017 Béla Bollobás
Oliver Riordan
Erik Slivken
Paul Smith
+ On the number of complete subgraphs contained in certain graphs 1981 Ron Evans
John R. Pulham
J. Sheehan
+ PDF Chat The clique density theorem 2016 Christian Reiher
+ PDF Chat Catastrophic cascade of failures in interdependent networks 2010 Sergey V. Buldyrev
Roni Parshani
Gerald Paul
H. Eugene Stanley
Shlomo Havlin
+ Bootstrap percolation on the random regular graph 2006 József Balogh
Boris Pittel
+ A lower bound for the critical probability in a certain percolation process 1960 T. E. Harris
+ On the size of a random maximal graph 1995 Paul Erdős
Stephen Suen
Peter Winkler
+ PDF Chat Bootstrap percolation on the hypercube 2005 József Balogh
Béla Bollobás
+ Bootstrap percolation and the geometry of complex networks 2015 Elisabetta Candellero
Nikolaos Fountoulakis
+ PDF Chat Bootstrap Percolation on Infinite Trees and Non-Amenable Groups 2006 József Balogh
Yuval Peres
Gábor Pete
+ PDF Chat The early evolution of the H-free process 2010 Tom Bohman
Peter Keevash
+ PDF Chat No Dense Subgraphs Appear in the Triangle-free Graph Process 2011 Stefanie Gerke
Tamás Makai
+ New versions of Suen's correlation inequality 1998 Svante Janson
+ Proof of Straley's argument for bootstrap percolation 1987 Aernout C. D. van Enter
+ On the logarithimic calculus and Sidorenko's conjecture 2011 J. L. Xiang Li
Balázs Szegedy
+ A note on the independence number of triangle-free graphs 1983 James B. Shearer
+ PDF Chat Internal Diffusion Limited Aggregation 1992 Gregory F. Lawler
Maury Bramson
David Griffeath
+ PDF Chat Bowtie-free graphs have a Ramsey lift 2018 Jan Hubička
Jaroslav Nešetřil
+ PDF Chat Graph norms and Sidorenko’s conjecture 2010 Hamed Hatami
+ PDF Chat Zero-temperature Glauber dynamics on $${\mathbb{Z}^d}$$ 2009 Robert Morris
+ PDF Chat On Random Greedy Triangle Packing 1997 David A. Grable
+ PDF Chat General formalism for inhomogeneous random graphs 2002 Bo Söderberg
+ None 2008 Stefanie Gerke
Dirk Schlatter
Angelika Steger
Anusch Taraz
+ PDF Chat Constrained graph processes 2000 Béla Bollobás
Oliver Riordan
+ PDF Chat The Average Distance in a Random Graph with Given Expected Degrees 2004 Fan Chung
Linyuan Lü
+ Stochastic kronecker graphs 2010 Mohammad Mahdian
Ying Xu