David Pollard


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A fast particle-based approach for calibrating a 3-D model of the Antarctic ice sheet 2020 Ben Seiyon Lee
Murali Haran
Robert W. Fuller
David Pollard
Klaus Keller
+ Antarctic ice sheet - climate feedbacks under high future carbon emissions 2020 S. Rogstad
Alan Condron
Robert M. DeConto
David Pollard
+ Antarctic ice sheet - climate feedbacks under high future carbon emissions 2020 S. Rogstad
Alan Condron
Robert M. DeConto
David Pollard
+ A Fast Particle-Based Approach for Calibrating a 3-D Model of the Antarctic Ice Sheet 2019 Ben Seiyon Lee
Murali Haran
Robert J. Fuller
David Pollard
Klaus Keller
+ PDF Chat Evolving Understanding of Antarctic Ice‐Sheet Physics and Ambiguity in Probabilistic Sea‐Level Projections 2017 Robert E. Kopp
Robert M. DeConto
Daniel Bader
Carling C. Hay
Radley Horton
Scott Kulp
Michael Oppenheimer
David Pollard
Benjamin Strauss
+ PDF Chat Inferring ice thickness from a glacier dynamics model and multiple surface data sets 2017 Yawen Guan
Murali Haran
David Pollard
+ Implications of ice-shelf hydrofracturing and ice-cliff collapse mechanisms for sea-level projections 2017 Robert E. Kopp
Robert M. DeConto
Daniel Bader
Carling C. Hay
Radley Horton
Scott Kulp
Michael Oppenheimer
David Pollard
Benjamin Strauss
+ PDF Chat Assessing the Impact of Retreat Mechanisms in a Simple Antarctic Ice Sheet Model Using Bayesian Calibration 2017 Kelsey L. Ruckert
Gary Shaffer
David Pollard
Yawen Guan
Tony E. Wong
Chris E. Forest
Klaus Keller
+ Improving ice sheet model calibration using paleoclimate and modern data 2016 Won Chang
Murali Haran
P. J. Applegate
David Pollard
+ Inferring Ice Thickness from a Glacier Dynamics Model and Multiple Surface Datasets 2016 Yawen Guan
Murali Haran
David Pollard
+ PDF Chat Calibrating an Ice Sheet Model Using High-Dimensional Binary Spatial Data 2015 Won Chang
Murali Haran
P. J. Applegate
David Pollard
+ Calibrating an ice sheet model using high-dimensional non-Gaussian spatial data 2015 Won Chang
Murali Haran
P. J. Applegate
David Pollard
+ A dimension reduction approach to climate model calibration 2015 Won Chang
Murali Haran
P. J. Applegate
David Pollard
+ Improving Ice Sheet Model Calibration Using Paleoclimate and Modern Data 2015 Won Chang
Murali Haran
P. J. Applegate
David Pollard
+ Estimation in Functional Regression for General Exponential Families 2011 Winston Wei Dou
David Pollard
Harrison H. Zhou
+ A note on insufficiency and the preservation of Fisher information 2011 David Pollard
+ Les inégalités maximales et la méthode fondée sur l'entropie à crochets avec troncature adaptative 2002 David Pollard
+ Section 11: Least absolute deviations estimators for censored regression 1990 David Pollard
David Pollard
+ Weak Convergence of Measures. 1985 David Pollard
Harald Bergström
+ Aspects of dimensionally reduced field theories 1983 David Pollard
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Fixed-Width Output Analysis for Markov Chain Monte Carlo 2006 Galin L. Jones
Murali Haran
Brian Caffo
Ronald C. Neath
+ Fast dimension-reduced climate model calibration and the effect of data aggregation 2014 Won Chang
Murali Haran
Roman Olson
Klaus Keller
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic assessment of sea level during the last interglacial stage 2009 Robert E. Kopp
Frederik J. Simons
J. X. Mitrovica
Adam C. Maloof
Michael Oppenheimer
+ PDF Chat Computer model validation with functional output 2007 M. J. Bayarri
D.A. Walsh
James O. Berger
John A. Cafeo
Gonzalo García‐Donato
F. Liu
Jesús Palomo
Revathy Parthasarathy
Rui Paulo
J. Sacks
+ PDF Chat Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Can We Trust the Third Significant Figure? 2008 James M. Flegal
Murali Haran
Galin L. Jones
+ PDF Chat Modularization in Bayesian analysis, with emphasis on analysis of computer models 2009 M. J. Bayarri
James O. Berger
F. Liu
+ Sparse logistic principal components analysis for binary data 2010 Seokho Lee
Jianhua Z. Huang
Jianhua Hu
+ Optimization Transfer Using Surrogate Objective Functions 2000 Kenneth Lange
David R. Hunter
Ilsoon Yang
+ PDF Chat The Three Sigma Rule 1994 Friedrich Pukelsheim
+ PDF Chat A multivariate semiparametric Bayesian spatial modeling framework for hurricane surface wind fields 2007 Brian J. Reich
Montserrat Fuentes
+ PDF Chat Calibrating an Ice Sheet Model Using High-Dimensional Binary Spatial Data 2015 Won Chang
Murali Haran
P. J. Applegate
David Pollard
+ Comparison of Three Methods for Selecting Values of Input Variables in the Analysis of Output from a Computer Code 1979 Michael D. McKay
Richard J. Beckman
W. J. Conover
+ Improving ice sheet model calibration using paleoclimate and modern data 2016 Won Chang
Murali Haran
P. J. Applegate
David Pollard
+ A Tutorial on MM Algorithms 2004 David R. Hunter
Kenneth Lange
+ PDF Chat Parameter Estimation of Partial Differential Equation Models 2013 Xiaolei Xun
Jiguo Cao
Bani K. Mallick
Arnab Maity
Raymond J. Carroll
+ The Multiple-Try Method and Local Optimization in Metropolis Sampling 2000 Jun S. Liu
Faming Liang
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat The central limit theorem and the law of iterated logarithm for empirical processes under local conditions 1988 Niels Trolle Andersen
Evarist Giné
Mina Ossiander
Joel Zinn
+ PDF Chat Law of the iterated logarithm for set-indexed partial sum processes with finite variance 1985 Richard F. Bass
+ Novel approach to nonlinear/non-Gaussian Bayesian state estimation 1993 Neil Gordon
David Salmond
A. F. M. Smith
+ PDF Chat Ensemble samplers with affine invariance 2010 Jonathan Goodman
Jonathan Weare
+ PDF Chat Spatial correlations in bed load transport: Evidence, importance, and modeling 2014 Joris Heyman
Hongbin Ma
François Mettra
Christophe Ancey
+ PDF Chat Data cloning: easy maximum likelihood estimation for complex ecological models using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo methods 2007 Subhash R. Lele
Brian Dennis
Frithjof Lutscher
+ PDF Chat Local Gaussian Process Approximation for Large Computer Experiments 2014 Robert B. Gramacy
Daniel W. Apley
+ None 2000 Arnaud Doucet
Simon Godsill
Christophe Andrieu
+ On the convergence of adaptive sequential Monte Carlo methods 2016 Alexandros Beskos
Ajay Jasra
Nikolas Kantas
Alexandre H. Thiéry
+ Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice 1995 Walter R. Gilks
Sylvia Richardson
David J. Spiegelhalter
+ Monte Carlo sampling methods using Markov chains and their applications 1970 W. Keith Hastings
+ PDF Chat Sequential Monte Carlo Samplers 2006 Pierre Del Moral
Arnaud Doucet
Ajay Jasra
+ PDF Chat Inference from Iterative Simulation Using Multiple Sequences 1992 Andrew Gelman
Donald B. Rubin
+ Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis. 1975 Joseph B. Kadane
George E. P. Box
George C. Tiao
+ PDF Chat Robust adaptive Metropolis algorithm with coerced acceptance rate 2011 Matti Vihola
+ Combined Parameter and State Estimation in Simulation-Based Filtering 2001 Jane Liu
West Mike
+ PDF Chat Rates of convergence in the central limit theorem for empirical processes 1986 Pascal Massart
+ PDF Chat Effective sample size for importance sampling based on discrepancy measures 2016 Luca Martino
Vı́ctor Elvira
Francisco Louzada
+ PDF Chat Sequential importance sampling for structural reliability analysis 2016 Iason Papaioannou
Costas Papadimitriou
Dániel Straub
+ Frontiers of Statistical Decision Making and Bayesian Analysis 2010 Ming‐Hui Chen
Peter Müller
Dongchu Sun
Keying Ye
Dipak K. Dey
+ Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis 1992 George E. P. Box
George C. Tiao
+ Covariance inequalities for strongly mixing processes 1993 Emmanuel Rio
+ Importance Sampling: Intrinsic Dimension and Computational Cost 2017 Sergios Agapiou
Omiros Papaspiliopoulos
Daniel Sanz-Alonso
Andrew M. Stuart
+ PDF Chat Assessing the Impact of Retreat Mechanisms in a Simple Antarctic Ice Sheet Model Using Bayesian Calibration 2017 Kelsey L. Ruckert
Gary Shaffer
David Pollard
Yawen Guan
Tony E. Wong
Chris E. Forest
Klaus Keller
+ PDF Chat Iterative Importance Sampling Algorithms for Parameter Estimation 2018 Matthias Morzfeld
Marc Day
Ray Grout
George Shu Heng Pau
Stefan Finsterle
John B. Bell
+ PDF Chat A review of multiple try MCMC algorithms for signal processing 2018 Luca Martino
+ PDF Chat Particle Filtering for Stochastic Navier--Stokes Signal Observed with Linear Additive Noise 2018 Francesc Pons Llopis
Nikolas Kantas
Alexandros Beskos
Ajay Jasra
+ PDF Chat A Computational Framework for Infinite-Dimensional Bayesian Inverse Problems, Part II: Stochastic Newton MCMC with Application to Ice Sheet Flow Inverse Problems 2014 Noémi Petra
James L. Martin
Georg Stadler
Omar Ghattas
+ PDF Chat Using direct policy search to identify robust strategies in adapting to uncertain sea-level rise and storm surge 2018 Gregory G. Garner
Klaus Keller
+ PDF Chat Dimension Reduction for Gaussian Process Emulation: An Application to the Influence of Bathymetry on Tsunami Heights 2017 Xiaoyu Liu
Serge Guillas
+ PDF Chat A fast particle-based approach for calibrating a 3-D model of the Antarctic ice sheet 2020 Ben Seiyon Lee
Murali Haran
Robert W. Fuller
David Pollard
Klaus Keller
+ Nonasymptotic analysis of adaptive and annealed Feynman–Kac particle models 2016 François Giraud
Pierre Del Moral
+ On Particle Methods for Parameter Estimation in State-Space Models 2015 Nikolas Kantas
Arnaud Doucet
Sumeetpal S. Singh
J.M. Maciejowski
Nicolás Chopin