Brian Alspach


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the k-Spanning Cyclability of 4-Valent Cayley Graphs on Abelian Groups 2024 Brian Alspach
Aditya Joshi
+ On the 2-spanning cyclability of honeycomb toroidal graphs 2024 Brian Alspach
Aditya Joshi
+ Cubic factor-invariant graphs of cycle quotient type—The alternating case 2024 Brian Alspach
Primož Šparl
+ PDF Chat On the k-spanning cyclability of 4-valent Cayley graphs on Abelian groups 2024 Brian Alspach
Aditya Joshi
+ Cubic factor-invariant graphs of cycle quotient type -- the alternating case 2023 Brian Alspach
Primož Šparl
+ On The 2-Spanning Cyclability Of Honeycomb Toroidal Graphs 2023 Brian Alspach
Aditya Joshi
+ PDF Chat On factor-invariant graphs with two cycles 2022 Brian Alspach
Ted Dobson
Afsaneh Khodadadpour
Primož Šparl
+ PDF Chat On the chromatic index of generalized truncations 2022 Brian Alspach
Aditya Joshi
+ On the chromatic index of generalized truncations 2021 Brian Alspach
Aditya Joshi
+ On Factor-Invariant Graphs With Two Cycles 2021 Brian Alspach
Ted Dobson
Afsaneh Khodadadpour
Primož Šparl
+ Corrigendum to “Cycle decompositions of K and K − I” [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 81 (1) (2001) 77–99] 2020 Brian Alspach
Heather Jordon
+ Some graph theoretical aspects of generalized truncations 2020 Brian Alspach
Joshua B. Connor
+ Honeycomb Toroidal Graphs 2020 Brian Alspach
+ PDF Chat Sequencing partial Steiner triple systems 2019 Brian Alspach
Donald L. Kreher
Adrián Pastine
+ Sequencing Partial Steiner Triple Systems 2019 Brian Alspach
Donald L. Kreher
Adrián Pastine
+ On factor-invariant graphs 2019 Brian Alspach
Afsaneh Khodadadpour
Donald L. Kreher
+ Sequencing Partial Steiner Triple Systems 2019 Brian Alspach
Donald L. Kreher
Adrián Pastine
+ PDF Chat Pancyclicity and Cayley graphs on generalized dihedral groups 2016 Brian Alspach
Alexander Muir
+ PDF Chat On factorisations of complete graphs into circulant graphs and the Oberwolfach problem 2015 Brian Alspach
Darryn Bryant
Daniel Horsley
Barbara Maenhaut
Victor Scharaschkin
+ PDF Chat On automorphism groups of graph truncations 2014 Brian Alspach
Edward Dobson
+ On factorisations of complete graphs into circulant graphs and the Oberwolfach Problem 2014 Brian Alspach
Darryn Bryant
Daniel Horsley
Barbara Maenhaut
Victor Scharaschkin
+ On factorisations of complete graphs into circulant graphs and the Oberwolfach Problem 2014 Brian Alspach
Darryn Bryant
Daniel Horsley
Barbara Maenhaut
Victor Scharaschkin
+ Vertex‐Transitive Graphs of Prime‐Squared Order Are Hamilton‐Decomposable 2013 Brian Alspach
Darryn Bryant
Donald L. Kreher
+ Orthogonal projection and liftings of Hamilton-decomposable Cayley graphs on abelian groups 2013 Brian Alspach
Cafer Çalışkan
Donald L. Kreher
+ Paley graphs have Hamilton decompositions 2011 Brian Alspach
Darryn Bryant
Danny Dyer
+ Cayley graphs 2010 Brian Alspach
+ PDF Chat Hamilton paths in Cayley graphs on generalized dihedral groups 2010 Brian Alspach
C. C. Chen
Matthew Dean
+ Honeycomb toroidal graphs are Cayley graphs 2009 Brian Alspach
Matthew Dean
+ On the Hamilton connectivity of generalized Petersen graphs 2009 Brian Alspach
Jiping Liu
+ Symmetries of Graphs and Networks 2009 Brian Alspach
+ Hamilton paths in vertex-transitive graphs 2008 Brian Alspach
+ PDF Chat On isomorphic factorizations of circulant graphs 2005 Brian Alspach
Danny Dyer
Donald L. Kreher
+ PDF Chat Suborbit Structure of Permutation <i>p</i>-Groups and an Application to Cayley Digraph Isomorphism 2004 Brian Alspach
Shaofei Du
+ Enumeration of Cayley graphs and digraphs 2002 Brian Alspach
Marni Mishna
+ Hamilton-Connected Cayley Graphs on Hamiltonian Groups 2001 Brian Alspach
Yusheng Qin
+ Elementary Proofs thatZp2andZp3are CI-groups 1999 Brian Alspach
Lewis A. Nowitz
+ Self-complementary circulant graphs. 1999 Brian Alspach
Joy Morris
V. Vilfred
+ 1-factorizations of Cayley graphs on solvable groups 1998 Brian Alspach
Margaret Morton
Yusheng Qin
+ Isomorphism and Cayley graphs on abelian groups 1997 Brian Alspach
+ On a class of Hamiltonian laceable 3-regular graphs 1996 Brian Alspach
C. C. Chen
K Mcavaney
+ Nowhere-Zero 4-Flows and Cayley Graphs on Solvable Groups 1996 Brian Alspach
Yiping Liu
Cun‐Quan Zhang
+ PDF Chat None 1996 Brian Alspach
Marston Conder
Dragan Marušič
Mingyao Xu
+ Nonseparable graphs with a given number of cycles 1994 Ranko Šćepanović
Gerhard Ringel
Dragan Marušič
Gek L. Chia
Brian Alspach
+ PDF Chat Graphs with the Circuit Cover Property 1994 Brian Alspach
Luis Goddyn
Cun‐Quan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Constructing graphs which are ½-transitive 1994 Brian Alspach
Dragan Marušič
Lewis A. Nowitz
+ PDF Chat None 1994 Brian Alspach
Mingyao Xu
+ Even cycle decompositions of complete graphs minus a 1‐factor 1994 Brian Alspach
Susan Marshall
+ Cycle covers of cubic multigraphs 1993 Brian Alspach
Cun‐Quan Zhang
+ An Introduction to Combinatorics (Alan Slomson) 1992 Brian Alspach
+ Cayley graphs with optimal fault tolerance 1992 Brian Alspach
+ Characterization of a class of triangle‐free graphs with a certain adjacency property 1991 Brian Alspach
C. C. Chen
Katherine Heinrich
+ The hamilton spaces of cayley graphs on abelian groups 1990 Brian Alspach
Stephen C. Locke
Dave Witte
+ PDF Chat A note on Hamilton cycles in block-intersection graphs 1990 Brian Alspach
Katherine Heinrich
Bojan Mohar
+ Paths and cycles in matroid base graphs 1989 Brian Alspach
Guizhen Liu
+ The Oberwolfach problem and factors of uniform odd length cycles 1989 Brian Alspach
P. J. Schellenberg
Douglas R. Stinson
David G. Wagner
+ Hamilton Cycles in Metacirculant Graphs with Prime Power Cardinal Blocks 1988 Brian Alspach
+ On Hamilton decompositions of prisms over simple 3-polytopes 1986 Brian Alspach
Moshe Rosenfeld
+ Some observations on the oberwolfach problem 1985 Brian Alspach
Roland Häggkvist
+ Hamilton Cycles in Metacirculant Graphs with Prime Cardinality Blocks 1985 Brian Alspach
Erich Durnberger
T. D. Parsons
+ The classification of hamiltonian generalized Petersen graphs 1983 Brian Alspach
+ PDF Chat A Construction for Vertex-Transitive Graphs 1982 Brian Alspach
T. D. Parsons
+ On Hamiltonian Cycles in Metacirculant Graphs 1982 Brian Alspach
T. D. Parsons
+ A result on Hamiltonian cycles in generalized Petersen graphs 1981 Brian Alspach
Peter J. Robinson
Moshe Rosenfeld
+ Edge partitions of the complete symmetric directed graph and related designs 1981 Brian Alspach
Katherine Heinrich
Moshe Rosenfeld
+ Perfect Magic Cubes of Order 4 <i>m</i> 1981 Brian Alspach
Katherine Heinrich
+ PDF Chat Decompositions of complete symmetric digraphs into the oriented pentagons 1979 Brian Alspach
Katherine Heinrich
Badri N. Varma
+ Isomorphism of circulant graphs and digraphs 1979 Brian Alspach
T. D. Parsons
+ Degree frequencies in digraphs and tournaments 1978 Brian Alspach
K. B. Reid
+ On the Density of Sets Containing No <i>k</i> -Element Arithmetic Progression of a Certain Kind 1976 Brian Alspach
Tom C. Brown
Pavol Hell
+ Bypasses in asymmetric digraphs 1974 Brian Alspach
K. B. Reid
David P. Roselle
+ Point-symmetric graphs and digraphs of prime order and transitive permutation groups of prime degree 1973 Brian Alspach
+ PDF Chat On the Determination of the Maximum Order of the Group of a Tournament 1973 Brian Alspach
J. L. Berggren
+ PDF Chat On Point-Symmetric Tournaments 1970 Brian Alspach
+ PDF Chat A Combinatorial Proof of a Conjecture of Goldberg and Moon 1968 Brian Alspach
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Point-symmetric graphs with a prime number of points 1967 James Turner
+ PDF Chat Finite Permutation Groups 1964 6
+ Finite Permutation Groups. 1966 Franklin Haimo
Helmut Wielandt
+ PDF Chat A Construction for Vertex-Transitive Graphs 1982 Brian Alspach
T. D. Parsons
+ Hamiltonian cycles in generalized petersen graphs 1978 Kozo Bannai
+ Graphs with circulant adjacency matrices 1970 B. Elspas
James Turner
+ Algebraic Graph Theory 1974 Norman Biggs
+ On a class of Hamiltonian laceable 3-regular graphs 1996 Brian Alspach
C. C. Chen
K Mcavaney
+ PDF Chat An algebraic characterization of symmetric graphs with a prime number of vertices 1972 J. L. Berggren
+ Hamiltonian decomposition of Cayley graphs of degree 4 1989 J.-C. Bermond
Odile Favaron
Maryvonne Mahéo
+ Honeycomb toroidal graphs are Cayley graphs 2009 Brian Alspach
Matthew Dean
+ The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language 1997 Wieb Bosma
John Cannon
Catherine Playoust
+ Self-complementary circulant graphs. 1999 Brian Alspach
Joy Morris
V. Vilfred
+ On vertex symmetric digraphs 1981 Dragan Marušič
+ The groups of the generalized Petersen graphs 1971 Roberto Frucht
Jack E. Graver
Mark E. Watkins
+ Hamiltonian circuits in some maps on the torus 1972 Amos Altshuler
+ Point-symmetric graphs and digraphs of prime order and transitive permutation groups of prime degree 1973 Brian Alspach
+ Isomorphism problem for Cayley graphs of Zp3 1995 Edward Dobson
+ A non-Cayley-invariant Cayley graph of the elementary Abelian group of order 64 1992 Lewis A. Nowitz
+ On 1-factorizability of Cayley graphs 1985 Richard Stong
+ PDF Chat On a class of fixed-point-free graphs 1958 Gert Sabidussi
+ Honeycomb Toroidal Graphs 2020 Brian Alspach
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Mathematics VIII 1981 3
+ PDF Chat Variations on the Hamiltonian Theme 1972 J. A. Bondy
+ PDF Chat On the Maximum Order of the Group of a Tournament 1966 Myron Goldberg
J. W. Moon
+ 6-regular Cayley graphs on abelian groups of odd order are hamiltonian decomposable 2009 Erik E. Westlund
Jiuqiang Liu
Donald L. Kreher
+ Connectivity in Graphs 1966 W. T. Tutte
+ Some observations on the oberwolfach problem 1985 Brian Alspach
Roland Häggkvist
+ The Oberwolfach problem and factors of uniform odd length cycles 1989 Brian Alspach
P. J. Schellenberg
Douglas R. Stinson
David G. Wagner
+ Hamiltonian circuits in Cayley graphs 1983 Dragan Marušič
+ PDF Chat Tournaments With a Given Automorphism Group 1964 J. W. Moon
+ Hamilton cycle decomposition of 6‐regular circulants of odd order 2006 Matthew Dean
+ PDF Chat Generalized packing designs 2011 Robert F. Bailey
Andrea C. Burgess
+ Transversals and matroid partition 1965 Jack Edmonds
D.R. Fulkerso
+ Common circulant homogeneous factorisations of the complete digraph 2008 Cheryl E. Praeger
Cai Heng Li
Linda Stringer
+ Isomorphisms of Cayley graphs. II 1979 László Babai
Péter Frankl
+ The Transitive Graphs with at Most 26 Vertices 1990 Brendan D. McKay
Gordon Royle
+ PDF Chat The Maximum Order of the Group of a Tournament 1967 John D. Dixon
+ The isomorphism problem for Cayley digraphs on groups of prime-squared order 1995 Anne M. Joseph
+ A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory 1982 Kenneth Ireland
Michael Rosen
+ Decomposition de la somme cartesienne d'un cycle et de l'union de deux cycles hamiltoniens en cycles hamiltoniens 1982 Jacques Aubert
Bernadette Schneider
+ Hamiltonian decompositions of Cayley graphs on abelian groups of even order 2003 Jiuqiang Liu
+ Hamilton-Connected Cayley Graphs on Hamiltonian Groups 2001 Brian Alspach
Yusheng Qin
+ Hamiltonian decompositions of Cayley graphs on Abelian groups 1994 Jiuqiang Liu
+ A packing problem its application to Bose's families 1996 Marco Buratti
+ Flows and generalized coloring theorems in graphs 1979 F. M. Jaeger
+ PDF Chat On the classification of symmetric graphs with a prime number of vertices 1971 Chong-Yun Chao
+ Some results on the Oberwolfach problem 1975 Pavol Hell
Anton Kotzig
Alexander Rosa
+ On a variation of the Oberwolfach problem 1979 Charlotte Huang
Anton Kotzig
Alexander Rosa
+ Which generalized petersen graphs are cayley graphs? 1995 Roman Nedela
Martin Škoviera