Д. А. Шапиро


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Special Functions 2024 I. V. Kolokolov
E. A. Kuznetsov
A. I. Milstein
Evgeny V. Podivilov
A. I. Chernykh
Д. А. Шапиро
Е. Г. Шапиро
+ Linear Operators 2024 I. V. Kolokolov
E. A. Kuznetsov
A. I. Milstein
Evgeny V. Podivilov
A. I. Chernykh
Д. А. Шапиро
Е. Г. Шапиро
+ PDF Chat Analyzing Near-Field Intensity Distribution in Subwavelength Gratings through Cylindrical Wave Decomposition 2024 A. S. Bereza
A. E. Chernyavsky
S. V. Perminov
Д. А. Шапиро
+ PDF Chat Modeling of Subwavelength Gratings: Near-Field Behavior 2023 A. S. Chernyavsky
A. S. Bereza
Л. Л. Фрумин
Д. А. Шапиро
+ Modeling of Subwavelength Gratings: Near-Field Behavior 2023 Alexander I. Chernyavsky
A. S. Bereza
Л. Л. Фрумин
Д. А. Шапиро
+ PDF Chat Light Scattering by a Subwavelength Plasmonic Array: Anisotropic Model 2022 Anton Nemykin
Л. Л. Фрумин
Д. А. Шапиро
+ Correlative analysis of structure and chemistry of LixFePO4 platelets using 4D-STEM and X-ray ptychography 2021 L. A. Hughes
Benjamin H. Savitzky
Haitao Deng
Norman Jin
Eder G. Lomeli
Young‐Sang Yu
Д. А. Шапиро
Patrick Herring
Abraham Anapolsky
William C. Chueh
+ Effects of imperfect angular adjustment on plasmonic force 2017 Л. Л. Фрумин
Aleksandr Tusnin
О. В. Белай
Д. А. Шапиро
+ PDF Chat Light scattering by dielectric bodies in the Born approximation 2017 A. S. Bereza
Anton Nemykin
S. V. Perminov
Л. Л. Фрумин
Д. А. Шапиро
+ Efficient numerical method for solving the direct Zakharov–Shabat scattering problem 2015 Л. Л. Фрумин
О. В. Белай
Eugeny V. Podivilov
Д. А. Шапиро
+ PDF Chat Plasmons excited by an evanescent wave in a periodic array of nanowires 2013 Л. Л. Фрумин
Anton Nemykin
S. V. Perminov
Д. А. Шапиро
+ PDF Chat Scattering of evanescent wave by two cylinders near a flat boundary 2012 О. В. Белай
Л. Л. Фрумин
S. V. Perminov
Д. А. Шапиро
+ PDF Chat Accuracy of one-dimensional collision integral in the rigid-sphere approximation 2007 О. В. Белай
O. Y. Schwartz
Д. А. Шапиро
+ PDF Chat Efficient numerical method of the fiber Bragg grating synthesis 2007 О. В. Белай
Л. Л. Фрумин
E. V. Podivilov
Д. А. Шапиро
+ PDF Chat Group delay in Bragg grating with linear chirp 2006 О. В. Белай
E. V. Podivilov
Д. А. Шапиро
+ Strong nonlinear regime of resonant four-wave mixing in a gas 1997 С. А. Бабин
E. V. Podivilov
Д. А. Шапиро
+ PDF Chat Giant Coulomb broadening and Raman lasing in ionic transitions 1997 A. A. Apolonsky
Sergey A. Babin
A. I. Chernykh
S. I. Kablukov
S. Khorev
E. V. Podivilov
Д. А. Шапиро
+ Strong nonlinear regime of resonant four-wave mixing in a gas 1997 С. А. Бабин
E. V. Podivilov
Д. А. Шапиро
+ Theory of a knudsen layer for strongly nonequilibrium processes on a surface 1996 А. В. Богданов
Vladimir V. Mareev
В. А. Павлов
Д. А. Шапиро
+ PDF Chat Narrowing of the Bennett Hole In Collisional Plasma 1995 E. V. Podivilov
Д. А. Шапиро
М. Г. Степанов
+ Diffusion component of the profile of a nonlinear resonance in a three-level system 1988 S. G. Rautian
Д. А. Шапиро
+ Four-dimensional theory of interaction of two decaying states 1985 Yu. I. Geller
В. С. Малиновский
Д. А. Шапиро
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Plasmons excited by an evanescent wave in a periodic array of nanowires 2013 Л. Л. Фрумин
Anton Nemykin
S. V. Perminov
Д. А. Шапиро
+ Scattering of s-polarized electromagnetic waves by a 2d obstacle near an interface 1989 Jean‐Jacques Greffet
+ PDF Chat Scattering of evanescent wave by two cylinders near a flat boundary 2012 О. В. Белай
Л. Л. Фрумин
S. V. Perminov
Д. А. Шапиро
+ An exact recursion for the composite nearest-neighbor degeneracy for a 2×<i>N</i> lattice space 1984 R. B. McQuistan
J.L. Hock
+ An efficient algorithm for solving Zakharov-Shabat inverse scattering problem 2002 Gaobiao Xiao
K. Yashiro
+ An Algorithm for the Inversion of Finite Toeplitz Matrices 1964 William F. Trench
+ PDF Chat Proof-of-concept implementation of the massively parallel algorithm for simulation of dispersion-managed WDM optical fiber systems 2011 A. O. Korotkevich
Pavel M. Lushnikov
+ PDF Chat Light scattering and surface plasmons on small spherical particles 2014 Xiaofeng Fan
Weitao Zheng
David J. Singh
+ The Milne problem: A study of the mass dependence 1983 Michael J. Lindenfeld
Bernie D. Shizgal
+ PDF Chat Mesoscopic Self-Collimation and Slow Light in All-Positive Index Layered Photonic Crystals 2012 Julien Arlandis
Emmanuel Centeno
Rémi Pollès
A. Moreau
Julien Campos
Olivier Gauthier‐Lafaye
Antoine Monmayrant
+ Heat transfer between parallel plates: An approach based on the linearized Boltzmann equation for a binary mixture of rigid-sphere gases 2007 R.D.M. Garcia
C. E. Siewert
+ PDF Chat Narrowing of the Bennett Hole In Collisional Plasma 1995 E. V. Podivilov
Д. А. Шапиро
М. Г. Степанов
+ A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions. 1923 Matthew Porter
G. N. Watson
+ Nonlinear inverse synthesis for high spectral efficiency transmission in optical fibers 2014 Son Thai Le
Jaroslaw E. Prilepsky
Sergei K. Turitsyn
+ Onsager-Casimir reciprocal relations based on the Boltzmann equation and gas-surface interaction: Single gas 2006 Felix Sharipov
Igor I Sobel'man
+ Numerical Algorithms for the Direct Spectral Transform with Applications to Nonlinear Schrödinger Type Systems 1998 Sergey Burtsev
Roberto Camassa
Ilya Timofeyev
+ PDF Chat Discrete-dipole approximation for periodic targets: theory and tests 2008 B. T. Draine
Piotr J. Flatau
+ PDF Chat Information Transmission Using the Nonlinear Fourier Transform, Part II: Numerical Methods 2014 Mansoor I. Yousefi
Frank R. Kschischang
+ PDF Chat Theory of surface plasmons and surface-plasmon polaritons 2006 J. M. Pitarke
V. M. Silkin
Е. В. Чулков
P. M. Échenique
+ Viscous-slip, thermal-slip, and temperature-jump coefficients as defined by the linearized Boltzmann equation and the Cercignani–Lampis boundary condition 2003 C. E. Siewert
+ PDF Chat Negative index of refraction in optical metamaterials 2005 Vladimir M. Shalaev
Wenshan Cai
Uday K. Chettiar
Hsiao-Kuan Yuan
Andrey K. Sarychev
Vladimir P. Drachev
Alexander V. Kildishev
+ A numerical solution to the Zakharov-Shabat inverse scattering problem 1991 Panayiotis Frangos
D.L. Jaggard
+ PDF Chat Fully parallel algorithm for simulating dispersion-managed wavelength-division-multiplexed optical fiber systems 2002 Pavel M. Lushnikov
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i>: Light scattering by particle and hole arrays 2007 F. Javier Garcı́a de Abajo
+ PDF Chat The discrete dipole approximation: An overview and recent developments 2007 Maxim A. Yurkin
Alfons G. Hoekstra
+ PDF Chat Transmission and diffraction properties of a narrow slit in a perfect metal 2010 B. Sturman
E. V. Podivilov
M. V. Gorkunov
+ PDF Chat Resonant-state-expansion Born approximation for waveguides with dispersion 2016 M. B. Doost
+ PDF Chat On Brownian motion, Boltzmann’s equation, and the Fokker-Planck equation 1952 Julian Keilson
James E. Storer
+ PDF Chat Light scattering by dielectric bodies in the Born approximation 2017 A. S. Bereza
Anton Nemykin
S. V. Perminov
Л. Л. Фрумин
Д. А. Шапиро
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic Metamaterials 2018 Igor I. Smolyaninov
+ Quantum mechanics (non relativistic theory) 1977 D. ter Haar
+ PDF Chat Quantum nanophotonics using hyperbolic metamaterials 2012 Cristian L. Cortes
Ward D. Newman
Sean Molesky
Zubin Jacob
+ PDF Chat 3D simulations of electromagnetic fields in nanostructures using the time-harmonic finite-element method 2007 Sven Burger
Lin Zschiedrich
Frank Schmidt
Roderick Köhle
Thomas Henkel
Bernd Küchler
Christoph Nölscher
+ PDF Chat Light Scattering by a Subwavelength Plasmonic Array: Anisotropic Model 2022 Anton Nemykin
Л. Л. Фрумин
Д. А. Шапиро
+ PDF Chat The diffusion approximation in the problem of migration of particles in a gas 1991 Sergei G Rautian
+ Integral Equation Methods in Scattering Theory 2013 David Colton
Rainer Kreß
+ Asymptotic Expansion of Integrals 1999 Carl M. Bender
Steven A. Orszag
+ PDF Chat Efficient numerical method of the fiber Bragg grating synthesis 2007 О. В. Белай
Л. Л. Фрумин
E. V. Podivilov
Д. А. Шапиро
+ The diffusion approximation in the problem of migration of particles in a gas 1991 Sergei G Rautian
+ Self-structure factor of hard-sphere gases for arbitrary ratio of bath to test particle masses 1980 Michael J. Lindenfeld
+ PDF Chat Past achievements and future challenges in the development of three-dimensional photonic metamaterials 2011 Costas M. Soukoulis
Martin Wegener
+ Electromagnetic subsurface prospecting by a multifocusing inexact Newton method within the second-order Born approximation 2014 Marco Salucci
Giacomo Oliveri
Andrea Randazzo
Matteo Pastorino
Andrea Massa