Michael J. Loeffelholz


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Ryan F. Relich 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Detection of Zika Virus in Urine 2014 Ann-Claire Gourinat
Olivia O’Connor
Elodie Calvez
Cyrille Goarant
Myrielle Dupont‐Rouzeyrol
+ PDF Chat Zika Virus Outbreak on Yap Island, Federated States of Micronesia 2009 Mark R. Duffy
Tai-Ho Chen
W. Thane Hancock
Ann M. Powers
Jacob L. Kool
Robert S. Lanciotti
Moses Pretrick
Maria Marfel
Stacey Holzbauer
Christine Dubray
+ PDF Chat Predicting the global spread of H5N1 avian influenza 2006 A. Marm Kilpatrick
Aleksei A. Chmura
David W. Gibbons
Robert C. Fleischer
Peter P. Marra
Peter Daszak
+ PDF Chat Evolutionary Dynamics and Emergence of Panzootic H5N1 Influenza Viruses 2008 Dhanasekaran Vijaykrishna
Justin Bahl
Steven Riley
Lian Duan
Jin Xia Zhang
Honglin Chen
Malik Peiris
Gavin J. D. Smith
Yi Guan
+ PDF Chat Human Infection with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) in Northern Vietnam, 2004–2005 2008 Nguyễn Đức Hiền
Nguyen Hong Ha
Nguyễn Tường Vân
Nguyen Thi Minh Ha
Trinh Thi Minh Lien
Nguyen Quoc Thai
Van Dinh Trang
Takuro Shimbo
Yoshimitsu Takahashi
Yasuyuki Kato
+ PDF Chat Zika Virus Spreads to New Areas — Region of the Americas, May 2015–January 2016 2016 Morgan Hennessey
Marc Fischer
J. Erin Staples
+ Confirmed Zika virus infection in a Belgian traveler returning from Guatemala, and the diagnostic challenges of imported cases into Europe 2016 Birgit De Smet
Dorien Van den Bossche
Charlotte van de Werve
Jacques Mairesse
Jonas Schmidt‐Chanasit
Jo Michiels
Kevin K. Ariën
Marjan Van Esbroeck
Lieselotte Cnops
+ PDF Chat Zika Virus Outbreak in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Clinical Characterization, Epidemiological and Virological Aspects 2016 Patrícia Brasil
Guilherme Amaral Calvet
André M. Siqueira
Mayumi Duarte Wakimoto
Patrícia Carvalho de Sequeira
Aline Araújo Nobre
Marcel de Souza Borges Quintana
Marco Cesar Lima de Mendonça
Otília Lupi
Rogério Valls de Souza
+ PDF Chat Zika virus, vectors, reservoirs, amplifying hosts, and their potential to spread worldwide: what we know and what we should investigate urgently 2016 Rengina Vorou
+ PDF Chat Interim Guidance for Interpretation of Zika Virus Antibody Test Results 2016 Ingrid B. Rabe
J. Erin Staples
Julie Villanueva
Kimberly B. Hummel
Jeffrey A. Johnson
Laura Rose
Susan L. Hills
Annemarie Wasley
Marc Fischer
Ann M. Powers