Irving Glicksberg


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Stone-Čech Compactifications of Products 1993 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat An analogue of Liapounoff’s convexity theorem for Birnbaum-Orlicz spaces and the extreme points of their unit balls 1985 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Transition operator characterizations of compact and maximally almost periodic locally compact groups. 1984 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat The strong conclusion of the F. and M. Riesz theorem on groups 1984 Irving Glicksberg
+ A controlled approach to Liapounoff convexity 1983 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Indicator functions with large Fourier transforms 1983 Gavin Brown
Irving Glicksberg
Edwin Hewitt
+ PDF Chat Spectra of invariant uniform and transform algebras 1983 Irving Glicksberg
+ Algebras containing a divisible unimodular sequence with dense self adjoint span 1982 Irving Glicksberg
Donald E. Marshall
+ PDF Chat Equivalence of certain representing measures 1981 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat An application of Wermer’s subharmonicity theorem 1981 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Reflexive invariant subspaces of $L^\infty(G)$ are finite dimensional. 1980 Irving Glicksberg
+ Jensen measures and a theorem of Radó 1980 Brian J. Cole
Irving Glicksberg
+ Two remarks on Fourier-Stieltjes transforms 1979 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Boundary continuity of some holomorphic functions 1979 Irving Glicksberg
+ Julia’s lemma for function algebras 1976 Irving Glicksberg
+ A Remark on Rouché's Theorem 1976 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Removable discontinuities of<i>A</i>-holomorphic functions 1975 Irving Glicksberg
+ Weakly almost periodic functions and generators of invariant filters 1975 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat More on Phragmén-Lindelöf for function algebras 1974 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Interpolation by cones 1974 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on absolute continuity on groups 1973 Irving Glicksberg
+ The range of Fourier-Stieltjes transforms of parts of measures 1972 Irving Glicksberg
Ingemar Wik
+ Fourier-Stieltjes transforms with an isolated value 1972 Irving Glicksberg
+ When Is μ∗ L 1 Closed? 1971 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Multipliers of quotients of<i>L</i><sub>1</sub> 1971 Irving Glicksberg
Ingemar Wik
+ Some remarks on ideals in function algebras 1970 Irving Glicksberg
+ Extensions of the F. and M. Riesz theorem 1970 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Compactness in Hom(<i>G</i>, <i>H</i>) 1970 H. H. Corson
Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Semi-square-summable Fourier-Stieltjes transforms 1969 Irving Glicksberg
+ A remark on eigenvalues of certain positive operators 1969 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat On Two Consequences of a Theorem of Hoffman and Wermer. 1968 Irving Glicksberg
+ Lectures on Invariant Subspaces. 1968 Irving Glicksberg
Henry Helson
+ PDF Chat Dominant representing measures and rational approximation 1968 Irving Glicksberg
+ Algebras with the same multiplicative measures 1967 John B. Garnett
Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat A Phragmén-Lindelöf theorem for function algebras 1967 Irving Glicksberg
+ The abstract F. and M. Riesz theorem 1967 Irving Glicksberg
+ The decomposition of certain group representations 1965 K. de Leeuw
Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Fourier-stieltjes transforms with small supports 1965 Irving Glicksberg
+ A remark on almost periodic transition operators 1965 Irving Glicksberg
+ Errata: Remark on “Measures orthogonal to a Dirichlet algebra,” vol 30 (1963), pp. 661–666 1964 Irving Glicksberg
John Wermer
+ PDF Chat Maximal algebras and a theorem of Radó 1964 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Some uncomplemented function algebras 1964 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat A remark on analyticity of function algebras 1963 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat On convex hulls of translates 1963 Irving Glicksberg
+ Function algebras with closed restrictions 1963 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Quasi-invariance and analyticity of measures on compact groups 1963 K. de Leeuw
Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Analytic measures on compact groups 1963 K. de Leeuw
Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Bishop’s generalized Stone-Weierstrass theorem for the strict topology. 1963 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Uniform Boundedness for Groups 1962 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Measures orthogonal to algebras and sets of antisymmetry 1962 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Banach algebras with scattered structure spaces 1961 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Weak compactness and separate continuity 1961 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Banach Algebras with Scattered Structure Spaces 1961 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Almost periodic functions on semigroups 1961 Karel DeLeeuw
Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Applications of almost periodic compactifications 1961 Karel DeLeeuw
Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Some Special Transformation Groups 1960 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Homomorphisms of certain algebras of measures 1960 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat A remark on some almost periodic compactifications. 1960 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Some special transformation groups 1960 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat A Remark on a Theorem of Beurling and Helson 1959 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Convolution semigroups of measures 1959 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat A remark on a theorem of Beurling and Helson 1959 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Almost periodic compactifications 1959 Karel DeLeeuw
Irving Glicksberg
+ Some geometric properties of the spheres in a normed linear space 1958 Ky Fan
Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Systems of Inequalities Involving Convex Functions 1957 Ky Fan
Irving Glicksberg
A. J. Hoffman
+ PDF Chat Systems of inequalities involving convex functions 1957 Ky Fan
Irving Glicksberg
Alan J. Hoffman
Irving Glicksberg
+ On the Optimal Inventory Equation 1955 Richard Bellman
Irving Glicksberg
Oliver Gross
+ A Further Generalization of the Kakutani Fixed Point Theorem, with Application to Nash Equilibrium Points 1952 Irving Glicksberg
+ A Bibliography of the Theory and Application of Differential-Difference, Renewal, and Related Functional Equations 1951 Richard Bellman
John M. Danskin
Irving Glicksberg
+ On measurable functions K which satisfy . 1950 Irving Glicksberg
Oliver Gross
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Measures orthogonal to algebras and sets of antisymmetry 1962 Irving Glicksberg
+ L'integration dans les groupes topologiques et ses applications 1951 André Weil
+ Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions. 1964 Garrett Johnson
Kenneth A. Hoffman
+ PDF Chat Applications of almost periodic compactifications 1961 Karel DeLeeuw
Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat A minimal boundary for function algebras 1959 Errett Bishop
+ General Theory of Banach Algebras. 1961 E. H. Batho
C. E. Rickart
+ Fourier Analysis on Groups 2006 Walter Rudin
L. Bers
R. Courant
J. J. Stoker
Dagmar Renate Henney
+ PDF Chat A general Rudin-Carleson theorem 1962 Errett Bishop
+ PDF Chat Maximal algebras and a theorem of Radó 1964 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Almost periodic compactifications 1959 Karel DeLeeuw
Irving Glicksberg
+ Fourier analysis on groups 1963 Ye.A. Gorin
+ PDF Chat The spectral theory of bounded functions 1960 Carl Herz
+ PDF Chat Boundary values of continuous analytic functions 1956 Walter Rudin
+ PDF Chat Convolution semigroups of measures 1959 Irving Glicksberg
+ The abstract F. and M. Riesz theorem 1967 Irving Glicksberg
+ Locally compact transformation groups 1957 Robert Ellis
+ PDF Chat A generalization of the Stone-Weierstrass theorem 1961 Errett Bishop
+ PDF Chat The representations of linear functionals by measures on sets of extreme points 1959 Errett Bishop
K. de Leeuw
+ PDF Chat Isomorphisms of abelian group algebras 1953 Henry Helson
+ PDF Chat Quasi-invariance and analyticity of measures on compact groups 1963 K. de Leeuw
Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Abstract ergodic theorems and weak almost periodic functions 1949 W. F. Eberlein
+ PDF Chat Generalized analytic functions 1956 Richard Arens
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat Bounded continuous functions on a locally compact space. 1958 R. Creighton Buck
+ PDF Chat Generalized Analytic Functions 1956 Richard Arens
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat Measure algebras on abelian groups 1959 Walter Rudin
+ PDF Chat A General Rudin-Carleson Theorem 1962 Errett Bishop
+ PDF Chat Boundary Values of Continuous Analytic Functions 1956 Walter Rudin
+ PDF Chat The Spectral Theory of Bounded Functions 1960 Carl Herz
+ PDF Chat Contributions to harmonic analysis 1956 H. Reiter
+ PDF Chat On the generalized F. and M. Riesz theorem 1965 Patrick Ahern
+ The Local Maximum Modulus Principle 1960 Hugo Rossi
+ On Some Hypo-Dirichlet Algebras of Analytic Functions 1967 Patrick Ahern
Donald Sarason
+ Analytic Functions of Several Banach Algebra Elements 1955 Richard Arens
A. P. Calderón
+ �ber eine nicht fortsetzbare Riemannsche Mannigfaltigkeit 1924 Tibor Rad�
+ PDF Chat Left centralizers and isomorphisms of group algebras 1952 J. G. Wendel
+ Boundary Values of Analytic Functions in Several Variables and of Almost Periodic Functions 1944 S. Bochner
+ PDF Chat On the point spectrum of positive operators 1964 Helmut Schaefer
+ PDF Chat Some boundary properties of function algebras 1960 H. S. Bear
+ Functional Analysis and Semi-groups 1996 Einar Hille
Robert A. Phillips
+ PDF Chat Maximal algebras of continuous functions 1960 Kenneth A. Hoffman
I. M. Singer
+ The Spectral Characterization of a Class of Almost Periodic Functions 1960 L. H. Loomis
+ Potential theory in modern function theory 1959 正次 辻
+ PDF Chat A remark on analyticity of function algebras 1963 Irving Glicksberg
+ Jensen measures and a theorem of Radó 1980 Brian J. Cole
Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Analytic functions and logmodular Banach algebras 1962 Kenneth A. Hoffman
+ PDF Chat Continuous functions on compact spaces without perfect subsets 1957 Walter Rudin
+ PDF Chat The Hp spaces of a class of function algebras 1967 Patrick Ahern
Donald Sarason
+ The decomposition of certain group representations 1965 K. de Leeuw
Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat On the eigenvalues of positive operators 1961 Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ PDF Chat On invariant means over compact semigroups 1956 William G. Rosen