Isaac Newton


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Newton: Principia Mathematica 2024 Isaac Newton
+ Title: Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica 2022 Isaac Newton
+ Integrability 2021 Isaac Newton
+ Principia - The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy by Isaac Newton Geometry 2019 Isaac Newton
+ Isaaci Newtoni opera quæ exstant omnia 2018 Isaac Newton
Samuel Horsley
+ Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy and his System of the World 2016 Isaac Newton
+ Geometrical Lectures; Explaining the Generation, Nature, and Properties of Curve Lines 2013 Isaac Newton
+ Charge tunable laterally coupled InAs quantum dots 2011 Miquel Royo
Juan I. Climente
Josep Canet‐Ferrer
D. Fuster
F. Briones
Benito Alén
Isaac Newton
+ Newton's Principia Sections I., II., III.: With Notes and Illustrations: Also a Collection of Problems Principally Intended as Examples of Newton's Methods 2010 Isaac Newton
+ Analysis per quantitatum series, fluxiones, ac differentias: cum enumeratione linearum tertii ordinis. 2010 Isaac Newton
+ Principes mathématiques de la philosophie naturelle. 2010 Isaac Newton
Gabrielle Emilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil Du Châtelet
Roger Cotes
+ Training statistical software: Minitab, misconceptions, and expenses 2009 Isaac Newton
+ Principia Mathematica, De Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Les principes mathématiques de la philosophie naturelle 1986 Isaac Newton
S. W. Hawking
F. Biarnais
+ The Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton, Volume VIII: 1697-1722 1984 D. T. Whiteside
Isaac Newton
+ Les Principia de Newton. Genèse et structure des chapitres fondamentaux avec traduction nouvelle 1982 Isaac Newton
Marie Françoise. Biarnais
+ Lettre de Newton à Aston 1981 Isaac Newton
+ On Absolute Space and Absolute Motion 1976 Isaac Newton
+ Universal arithmetick : or, A treatise of arithmetical composition and resolution : to which is added, Dr. Halley's method of finding the roots of aequations arithmetically 1973 Isaac Newton
Edmond Halley
Joseph Raphson
+ The method of fluxions and infinite series : with its application to the geometry of curve-lines : ... to which is subjoin'd, a perpetual comment upon the whole work, consisting of annotations, illustrations, and supplements in order to make this treatise a compleat institution for the use of learners. by John Colson 1971 Isaac Newton
John Colson
+ Sir Isaac Newton's Two treatises : of the quadrature of curves, and Analysis by equations of an infinite number of terms, explained : ... with a large commentary; ... 1970 Isaac Newton
+ Opuscula mathematica, philosophica et philologica ... 1970 Isaac Newton
+ Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy 1968 Isaac Newton
Robert Thorpe
+ The mathematical papers of Isaac Newton 1967 Isaac Newton
D. T. Whiteside
Michael Hoskin
A. Prag
+ The mathematical works of Isaac Newton 1964 Isaac Newton
D. T. Whiteside
+ 192. A Manuscript by Newton on Quadratures, [? 1676] 1960 Isaac Newton
+ Traité d'optique 1955 Isaac Newton
+ Principii di filosofia naturale; teoria della gravitazione, con note critiche sullo sviluppo dei concetti della meccanica, per cura di F. Enriques e U. Forti 1925 Isaac Newton
+ Newtons Abhandlung über die Quadratur der Kurven (1704) 1908 Isaac Newton
Gerhard Kowalewski
+ Sir Isaac Newton's Enumeration of lines of the third order, generation of curves by shadows, organic description of curves, and construction of equations by curves. Translated from the Latin. With notes and examples, by C.R.M. Talbot 1860 Isaac Newton
+ La méthode des fluxions et des suites infinies 1811 Isaac Newton
Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon
+ PDF Chat Opuscula mathematica, philosophica et philologica / collegit partimque latine vertit ac recensuit Joh. Castillioneus. In Tres Tomos Distributa. 1744 Isaac Newton
+ PDF Chat Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica 1687 Isaac Newton
+ Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica 1687 Isaac Newton
+ Separatio elementorum ; Reductio et sublimatio 1660 Isaac Newton
Bern Dibner