David Ellerman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A Fundamental Duality in the Mathematical and Natural Sciences: From Logic to Biology 2025 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat A Fundamental Duality in the Mathematical and Natural Sciences: From Logic to Biology 2024 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat The Heteromorphic Approach to Adjunctions: Theory and History 2024 David Ellerman
+ The Yoga of Linearization 2024 David Ellerman
+ Partitions: The Logical Concept to Describe Indefiniteness and Definiteness 2024 David Ellerman
+ The Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics: The Partition Analysis 2024 David Ellerman
+ The Heteromorphic Approach to Adjunctions: Theory and History 2023 David Ellerman
+ The new partitional approach to (literally) interpreting quantum mechanics 2023 David Ellerman
+ The new partitional approach to (literally) interpreting quantum mechanics 2023 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat The New Partitional Approach to (Literally) Interpreting Quantum Mechanics 2023 David Ellerman
+ Where does the Born Rule come from? Superposition 2023 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat Follow the Math!: The Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics as the Mathematics of Set Partitions Linearized to (Hilbert) Vector Spaces 2022 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat Introduction to logical entropy and its relationship to Shannon entropy 2022 David Ellerman
+ Follow the Math!: The mathematics of quantum mechanics as the mathematics of set partitions linearized to (Hilbert) vector spaces 2022 David Ellerman
+ Generative Mechanisms: The mechanisms that implement codes. 2021 David Ellerman
+ The Logical Theory of Canonical Maps: The Elements & Distinctions Analysis of the Morphisms, Duality, Canonicity, and Universal Constructions in Set 2021 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat On Abstraction in Mathematics and Indefiniteness in Quantum Mechanics 2021 David Ellerman
+ Introduction to Logical Entropy and its Relationship to Shannon Entropy 2021 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Logical Entropy and its Relationship to Shannon Entropy 2021 David Ellerman
+ Generative Mechanisms: The mechanisms that implement codes 2021 David Ellerman
+ The Logical Theory of Canonical Maps: The Elements & Distinctions Analysis of the Morphisms, Duality, Canonicity, and Universal Constructions in Set 2021 David Ellerman
+ How Category Theory Works: The Elements & Distinctions Analysis of the Morphisms, Duality, and Universal Constructions in Sets 2020 David Ellerman
+ Negation and Implication in Partition Logic 2020 David Ellerman
+ Probability Theory with Superposition Events: A Classical Generalization in the Direction of Quantum Mechanics 2020 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat Probability Theory with Superposition Events: A Classical Generalization in the Direction of Quantum Mechanics 2020 David Ellerman
+ Negation and Implication in Partition Logic 2020 David Ellerman
+ Probability Theory with Superposition Events: A Classical Generalization in the Direction of Quantum Mechanics 2020 David Ellerman
+ How Category Theory Works: The Elements & Distinctions Analysis of the Morphisms, Duality, and Universal Constructions in Sets 2020 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat A graph-theoretic method to define any Boolean operation on partitions 2019 David Ellerman
+ New Light on the Objective Indefiniteness or Literal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 2018 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat New Light on the Objective Indefiniteness or Literal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 2018 David Ellerman
+ New Light on the Objective Indefiniteness or Literal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 2018 David Ellerman
+ Introduction to Quantum Logical Information Theory 2017 David Ellerman
+ New Logical Foundations for Quantum Information Theory: Introduction to Quantum Logical Information Theory 2017 David Ellerman
+ From Abstract Entities in Mathematics to Superposition States in Quantum Mechanics 2017 David Ellerman
+ New Logical Foundations for Quantum Information Theory: Introduction to Quantum Logical Information Theory 2017 David Ellerman
+ What can logic contribute to information theory 2016 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat Quantum mechanics over sets: a pedagogical model with non-commutative finite probability theory as its quantum probability calculus 2016 David Ellerman
+ Category Theory and Set Theory as Theories about Complementary Types of Universals 2016 David Ellerman
+ On Classical and Quantum Logical Entropy: The analysis of measurement. 2016 David Ellerman
+ On Classical and Quantum Logical Entropy 2016 David Ellerman
+ The Quantum Logic of Direct-Sum Decompositions 2016 David Ellerman
+ The number of direct-sum decompositions of a finite vector space 2016 David Ellerman
+ What can (partition) logic contribute to information theory? 2016 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat The Quantum Logic of Direct-Sum Decompositions 2016 David Ellerman
+ The Quantum Logic of Direct-Sum Decompositions 2016 David Ellerman
+ On Classical and Quantum Logical Entropy: The analysis of measurement 2016 David Ellerman
+ The number of direct-sum decompositions of a finite vector space 2016 David Ellerman
+ On Adjoint and Brain Functors 2015 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat On Adjoint and Brain Functors 2015 David Ellerman
+ On classical finite probability theory as a quantum probability calculus 2015 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat Mac Lane, Bourbaki, and Adjoints: A Heteromorphic Retrospective 2015 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat On Adjoint and Brain Functors 2015 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat On Self-Predicative Universals in Category Theory 2015 David Ellerman
+ On classical finite probability theory as a quantum probability calculus 2015 David Ellerman
+ On Adjoint and Brain Functors 2015 David Ellerman
+ Four Ways from Universal to Particular: How Chomsky's Language-Acquisition Faculty is Not Selectionist 2014 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat On Double-Entry Bookkeeping: The Mathematical Treatment 2014 David Ellerman
+ In Quantum Computing Speedup Illusory?: The False Coin of "Counting Function Evaluations" 2014 David Ellerman
+ On Double-Entry Bookkeeping: The Mathematical Treatment 2014 David Ellerman
+ On Self-Predicative Universals in Category Theory 2014 David Ellerman
+ On Concrete Universals: A Modern Treatment using Category Theory 2014 David Ellerman
+ Partitions and Objective Indefiniteness in Quantum Mechanics 2014 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat Partitions and Objective Indefiniteness in Quantum Mechanics 2014 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat On Double-Entry Bookkeeping: The Mathematical Treatment 2014 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat Four Ways from Universal to Particular: How Chomsky's Language-Acquisition Faculty Is Not Selectionist 2014 David Ellerman
+ On Double-Entry Bookkeeping: The Mathematical Treatment 2014 David Ellerman
+ In Quantum Computing Speedup Illusory?: The False Coin of "Counting Function Evaluations" 2014 David Ellerman
+ Four Ways from Universal to Particular: How Chomsky's Language-Acquisition Faculty is Not Selectionist 2014 David Ellerman
+ Partitions and Objective Indefiniteness in Quantum Mechanics 2014 David Ellerman
+ On Self-Predicative Universals in Category Theory 2014 David Ellerman
+ Quantum mechanics over sets 2013 David Ellerman
+ Determination through Universals: An Application of Category Theory in the Life Sciences 2013 David Ellerman
+ Information as Distinctions: New Foundations for Information Theory 2013 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat Quantum Mechanics Over Sets 2013 David Ellerman
+ Quantum mechanics over sets 2013 David Ellerman
+ The Objective Indefiniteness Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 2012 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat The Objective Indefiniteness Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 2012 David Ellerman
+ The Objective Indefiniteness Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 2012 David Ellerman
+ A Very Common Fallacy in Quantum Mechanics: Superposition, Delayed Choice, Quantum Erasers, Retrocausality, and All That 2011 David Ellerman
+ Counting Distinctions: On the Conceptual Foundations of Shannon's Information Theory 2009 David Ellerman
+ Category Theory and Universal Models: Adjoints and Brain Functors 2009 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat The Logic of Partitions: Introduction to the Dual of the Logic of Subsets 2009 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat Series-Parallel Duality in the Mathematics of Appraisal 2009 David Ellerman
+ Counting Distinctions: On the Conceptual Foundations of Shannon's Information Theory 2009 David Ellerman
+ The Logic of Partitions: Introduction to the Dual of the Logic of Subsets 2009 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat Counting distinctions: on the conceptual foundations of Shannon’s information theory 2008 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat Adjoints and emergence: applications of a new theory of adjoint functors 2007 David Ellerman
+ Adjoint Functors and Heteromorphisms 2007 David Ellerman
+ A Theory of Adjoint Functors--with some Thoughts about their Philosophical Significance 2005 David Ellerman
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Counting distinctions: on the conceptual foundations of Shannon’s information theory 2008 David Ellerman
+ Sets for Mathematics 2003 F. William Lawvere
Robert Rosebrugh
+ PDF Chat Categories for the Working Mathematician 1971 Saunders Mac Lane
+ PDF Chat Modal Quantum Theory 2012 Benjamin Schumacher
Michael Westmoreland
+ PDF Chat Quantum mechanics over sets: a pedagogical model with non-commutative finite probability theory as its quantum probability calculus 2016 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat Measurement of Diversity 1949 Edward Simpson
+ Sets for Mathematics 2003 F. William Lawvere
Robert Rosebrugh
+ PDF Chat On universal mappings and free topological groups 1948 P Samuel
+ Some operations on the family of equivalence relations 2001 Thomas Britz
Matteo Mainetti
L. Pezzoli
+ On One-Parameter Unitary Groups in Hilbert Space 1932 M. H. Stone
+ PDF Chat Discrete quantum theories 2014 Andrew J. Hanson
Gerardo OrtĂ­z
Amr Sabry
Yu-Tsung Tai
+ Combinatorial foundations of information theory and the calculus of probabilities 1983 A. N. Kolmogorov
+ PDF Chat Adjoints and emergence: applications of a new theory of adjoint functors 2007 David Ellerman
+ Quantum mechanics over sets 2013 David Ellerman
+ PDF Chat A categorical semantics of quantum protocols 2004 Samson Abramsky
Bob Coecke
+ Basic concepts of enriched category theory 1982 G. M. Kelly
+ Studies in the History of Probability and Statistics. XXXVII A. M. Turing's statistical work in World War II 1979 I. J. Good
+ PDF Chat Some mutant forms of quantum mechanics 2012 Tatsu Takeuchi
Lay Nam Chang
Zachary Lewis
Djordje Minić
+ The representation group and its application to space groups 1985 Jinquan Chen
Mei-Juan Gao
Ma Guang-qun
+ Conceptual mathematics: a first introduction to categories 1998 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Combinatorics: The Rota Way 2009 Joseph P. S. Kung
Gian‐Carlo Rota
Catherine H. Yan
+ Logical Entropy for Quantum States 2014 Boaz Tamir
Eliahu Cohen
+ PDF Chat Decoherence, einselection, and the quantum origins of the classical 2003 Wojciech H. Zurek
+ Elementary Categories, Elementary Toposes 1992 Colin McLarty
+ Sheaves in Geometry and Logic: A First Introduction to Topos Theory 2018 Saunders MacLane GaldĂłs
Ieke Moerdijk
+ How Polish Mathematicians Deciphered the Enigma 1981 Marian Rejewski
+ Symmetry and equivalence 2003 Elena Castellani
+ PDF Chat Linear entropy as an entanglement measure in two-fermion systems 2007 Fabrizio Buscemi
Paolo Bordone
Andrea Bertoni
+ The Influence of Heraclitus on Modern Mathematics 1981 J. Lambek
+ PDF Chat A Holevo-Type Bound for a Hilbert Schmidt Distance Measure 2015 Boaz Tamir
Eliahu Cohen
+ Structure in Mathematics and Logic: A Categorical Perspective 1996 Steve Awodey
+ PDF Chat Categories in Context: Historical, Foundational, and Philosophical 2005 Elaine Landry
+ Foundations of the Theory of Probability 1951 B. C. Brookes
A. N. Kolmogorov
+ PDF Chat Quantum logical entropy: fundamentals and general properties 2022 Boaz Tamir
Ismael L. Paiva
Zohar Schwartzman-Nowik
Eliahu Cohen
+ PDF Chat Unsharp Quantum Reality 2010 Paul Busch
Gregg Jaeger
+ PDF Chat Functors involving c.s.s. complexes 1958 Daniel M. Kan
+ Intrinsic co-Heyting boundaries and the Leibniz rule in certain toposes 1991 F. William Lawvere
+ The Mathematical Papers 1993 George W. Mackey
+ Category Theory as a Framework for an in re Interpretation of Mathematical Structuralism 2006 Elaine Landry
+ On the curious historical coincidence of algebra and double-entry bookkeeping 2011 Albrecht Heeffer
+ "The Role of Negative Numbers in the Development of Double Entry Bookkeeping": A Comment 1989 Michael E. Scorgie
+ Saunders Mac Lane (1909-2005): His Mathematical Life and Philosophical Works 2005 Colin McLarty
+ Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics 2013 Peter Aczel
Benedikt Ahrens
Thorsten Altenkirch
Steve Awodey
Bruno Barras
Andrej Bauer
Yves Bertot
Marc Bezem
Thierry Coquand
Eric Finster
+ Higher Topos Theory (AM-170) 2009 Jacob Lurie
+ Modern Algebra and the Rise of Mathematical Structures 2004 Leo Corry
+ PDF Chat A category theory approach to cognitive development 1980 Graeme S. Halford
William H. Wilson
+ The Theory of Partitions 1984 George E. Andrews
+ The development of logic 1962 William Kneale
Martha Kneale
+ Topoi - The Categorial Analysis of Logic 1984 Robert Goldblatt