Antoine Bourget


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Classification of Minimal Abelian Coulomb Branches 2024 Antoine Bourget
Quentin Lamouret
Sinan Moura SoysĂŒren
Marcus Sperling
+ PDF Chat Higgs branch RG flows via decay and fission 2024 Antoine Bourget
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Decay and Fission of Magnetic Quivers 2024 Antoine Bourget
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ Higgs branch RG-flows via Decay and Fission 2024 Antoine Bourget
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat A tale of N cones 2023 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Rudolph Kalveks
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ A tale of N cones 2023 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Rudolph Kalveks
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat FI-flows of 3d N=4 theories 2023 Antoine Bourget
Simone Giacomelli
Julius F. Grimminger
+ FI-flows of 3d N=4 Theories 2023 Antoine Bourget
Simone Giacomelli
Julius F. Grimminger
+ FI-flows of 3d N=4 Theories 2023 Antoine Bourget
Simone Giacomelli
Julius F. Grimminger
+ FI-flows of 3d N=4 Theories 2023 Antoine Bourget
Simone Giacomelli
Julius F. Grimminger
+ The Geometry of Quivers 2023 Antoine Bourget
+ Generalized Toric Polygons, T-branes, and 5d SCFTs 2023 Antoine Bourget
Andrés Collinucci
Sakura SchĂ€fer‐Nameki
+ FI-flows of 3d N=4 Theories 2023 Antoine Bourget
Simone Giacomelli
Julius F. Grimminger
+ A Tale of N Cones 2023 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Rudolph Kalveks
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Branes, quivers, and the affine Grassmannian 2023 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ Decay and Fission of Magnetic Quivers 2023 Antoine Bourget
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Fibrations and Hasse diagrams for 6d SCFTs 2022 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
+ PDF Chat The Hasse diagram of the moduli space of instantons 2022 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Higgs branches of U/SU quivers via brane locking 2022 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Rudolph Kalveks
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Partial implosions and quivers 2022 Antoine Bourget
Andrew Dancer
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Magnetic quivers for rank 2 theories 2022 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Mario Martone
Gabi Zafrir
+ Magnetic quivers for rank 2 theories 2022 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Mario Martone
Gabi Zafrir
+ Fibrations and Hasse diagrams for 6d SCFTs 2022 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
+ PDF Chat Folding orthosymplectic quivers 2021 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Rudolph Kalveks
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Magnetic quivers for rank 2 theories 2021 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Mario Martone
Gabi Zafrir
+ PDF Chat Magnetic quivers for rank 2 theories 2021 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Mario Martone
Gabi Zafrir
+ Magnetic quivers for rank 2 theories 2021 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Mario Martone
Gabi Zafrir
+ Magnetic quivers for rank 2 theories 2021 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Mario Martone
Gabi Zafrir
+ PDF Chat Discrete gauging and Hasse diagrams 2021 Guillermo Arias-Tamargo
Antoine Bourget
Alessandro Pini
+ PDF Chat Orthosymplectic implosions 2021 Antoine Bourget
Andrew Dancer
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Frances Kirwan
Zhenghao Zhong
+ Folding Orthosymplectic Quivers 2021 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Rudolph Kalveks
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat (5d RG-flow) trees in the tropical rain forest 2021 Marieke van Beest
Antoine Bourget
Julius Eckhard
Sakura SchĂ€fer‐Nameki
+ PDF Chat S-fold magnetic quivers 2021 Antoine Bourget
Simone Giacomelli
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Quiver origami: discrete gauging and folding 2021 Antoine Bourget
Amihay Hanany
Dominik Miketa
+ Branes, Quivers, and the Affine Grassmannian 2021 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ Partial Implosions and Quivers 2021 Antoine Bourget
Andrew Dancer
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Classification of all $\mathcal{N}\geq 3$ moduli space orbifold geometries at rank 2 2020 Philip C. Argyres
Antoine Bourget
Mario Martone
+ PDF Chat Magnetic lattices for orthosymplectic quivers 2020 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Rudolph Kalveks
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat (Symplectic) leaves and (5d Higgs) branches in the Poly(go)nesian Tropical Rain Forest 2020 Marieke van Beest
Antoine Bourget
Julius Eckhard
Sakura SchĂ€fer‐Nameki
+ PDF Chat Magnetic quivers for rank 1 theories 2020 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Marcus Sperling
Gabi Zafrir
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Magnetic quivers from brane webs with O5 planes 2020 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Brane webs and magnetic quivers for SQCD 2020 Antoine Bourget
Santiago Cabrera
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Report on 1904.10969v1 2020 Philip C. Argyres
Antoine Bourget
Mario Martone
+ PDF Chat The Higgs mechanism — Hasse diagrams for symplectic singularities 2020 Antoine Bourget
Santiago Cabrera
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Marcus Sperling
Anton Zajac
Zhenghao Zhong
+ On the moduli spaces of 4d $\mathcal{N} = 3$ SCFTs I: triple special K\"ahler structure 2019 Philip C. Argyres
Antoine Bourget
Mario Martone
+ Discrete gauge theories of charge conjugation 2019 Guillermo Arias-Tamargo
Antoine Bourget
Alessandro Pini
Diego Rodrı́guez-GĂłmez
+ Gauge theories from principally extended disconnected gauge groups 2019 Antoine Bourget
Alessandro Pini
Diego Rodrı́guez-GĂłmez
+ PDF Chat Universality of Toda equation in $$ \mathcal{N}=2 $$ superconformal field theories 2019 Antoine Bourget
Diego Rodrı́guez-GĂłmez
Jorge G. Russo
+ On the moduli spaces of 4d $\mathcal{N} = 3$ SCFTs I: triple special KĂ€hler structure 2019 Philip C. Argyres
Antoine Bourget
Mario Martone
+ PDF Chat A limit for large R-charge correlators in $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 2 theories 2018 Antoine Bourget
Diego Rodrı́guez-GĂłmez
Jorge G. Russo
+ The Importance of Being Disconnected, A Principal Extension for Serious Groups 2018 Antoine Bourget
Diego Rodrı́guez-GĂłmez
Alessandro Pini
+ PDF Chat The conformal characters 2018 Antoine Bourget
Jan Troost
+ PDF Chat Towards deconstruction of the Type D (2,0) theory 2017 Antoine Bourget
Alessandro Pini
Diego Rodrı́guez-GĂłmez
+ PDF Chat Non-connected gauge groups and the plethystic program 2017 Antoine Bourget
Alessandro Pini
+ PDF Chat Permutations of massive vacua 2017 Antoine Bourget
Jan Troost
+ Vides et modularité dans les théories de jauge supersymétriques N = 1* 2016 Antoine Bourget
+ PDF Chat The arithmetic of supersymmetric vacua 2016 Antoine Bourget
Jan Troost
+ PDF Chat Modularity and vacua in N = 1* supersymmetric gauge theory 2016 Antoine Bourget
+ PDF Chat The covariant chiral ring 2016 Antoine Bourget
Jan Troost
+ PDF Chat On the N = 1 ∗ $$ \mathcal{N}={1}^{\ast } $$ gauge theory on a circle and elliptic integrable systems 2016 Antoine Bourget
Jan Troost
+ PDF Chat Counting the massive vacua of N = 1 ∗ $$ \mathcal{N}={1}^{\ast } $$ super Yang-Mills theory 2015 Antoine Bourget
Jan Troost
+ PDF Chat Duality and Modularity in Elliptic Integrable Systems and Vacua of N = 1 * Gauge Theories 2015 Antoine Bourget
Jan Troost
+ PDF Chat Duality and modularity in elliptic integrable systems and vacua of N = 1 ∗ $$ \mathcal{N}={1}^{\ast } $$ gauge theories 2015 Antoine Bourget
Jan Troost
+ Counting the massive vacua ofN = 1 super Yang-Mills theory 2015 Antoine Bourget
Jan Troost
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Tropical geometry and five dimensional Higgs branches at infinite coupling 2019 Santiago Cabrera
Amihay Hanany
Futoshi Yagi
+ PDF Chat Monopole operators and Hilbert series of Coulomb branches of 3d $ \mathcal{N} $ = 4 gauge theories 2014 Stefano Cremonesi
Amihay Hanany
Alberto Zaffaroni
+ PDF Chat Brane webs and magnetic quivers for SQCD 2020 Antoine Bourget
Santiago Cabrera
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Magnetic quivers from brane webs with O5 planes 2020 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Quiver subtractions 2018 Santiago Cabrera
Amihay Hanany
+ PDF Chat $S$-duality of boundary conditions in ${\mathcal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory 2009 Davide Gaiotto
Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Hasse diagrams for 3d $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 4 quiver gauge theories — Inversion and the full moduli space 2020 Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
+ Type IIB superstrings, BPS monopoles, and three-dimensional gauge dynamics 1997 Amihay Hanany
Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat The moduli space of vacua of N = 2 SUSY QCD and duality in N = 1 SUSY QCD 1996 Philip C. Argyres
M. Ronen Plesser
Nathan Seiberg
+ PDF Chat S-fold magnetic quivers 2021 Antoine Bourget
Simone Giacomelli
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Towards a mathematical definition of Coulomb branches of $3$-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=4$ gauge theories, I 2016 Hiraku Nakajima
+ PDF Chat Magnetic quivers, Higgs branches, and 6d $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = (1, 0) theories — orthogonal and symplectic gauge groups 2020 Santiago Cabrera
Amihay Hanany
Marcus Sperling
+ PDF Chat The Higgs mechanism — Hasse diagrams for symplectic singularities 2020 Antoine Bourget
Santiago Cabrera
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Marcus Sperling
Anton Zajac
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Expanding the landscape of N $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 2 rank 1 SCFTs 2016 Philip C. Argyres
Matteo Lotito
Yongchao LĂŒ
Mario Martone
+ PDF Chat Branes and the Kraft-Procesi transition 2016 Santiago Cabrera
Amihay Hanany
+ PDF Chat Magnetic quivers for rank 1 theories 2020 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Marcus Sperling
Gabi Zafrir
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat 3d Coulomb branch and 5d Higgs branch at infinite coupling 2018 Giulia Ferlito
Amihay Hanany
Noppadol Mekareeya
Gabi Zafrir
+ PDF Chat Magnetic lattices for orthosymplectic quivers 2020 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Rudolph Kalveks
Marcus Sperling
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Chat Reading between the lines of four-dimensional gauge theories 2013 Ofer Aharony
Nathan Seiberg
Yuji Tachikawa
+ Magnetic quivers for rank 2 theories 2022 Antoine Bourget
Julius F. Grimminger
Mario Martone
Gabi Zafrir
+ On the geometry of conjugacy classes in classical groups 1982 Hanspeter Kraft
Claudio Procesi
+ PDF Chat Coulomb and Higgs branches from canonical singularities. Part 0 2021 Cyril Closset
Sakura SchĂ€fer‐Nameki
Yi-Nan Wang
+ PDF Chat Discrete gauging in six dimensions 2018 Amihay Hanany
Gabi Zafrir
+ PDF Chat Symplectic singularities 2000 Arnaud Beauville
+ PDF Chat Instanton operators and the Higgs branch at infinite coupling 2017 Stefano Cremonesi
Giulia Ferlito
Amihay Hanany
Noppadol Mekareeya
+ PDF Chat Branes and the Kraft-Procesi transition: classical case 2018 Santiago Cabrera
Amihay Hanany
+ PDF Chat Highest weight generating functions for Hilbert series 2014 Amihay Hanany
Rudolph Kalveks
+ PDF Chat Five-brane webs, Higgs branches and unitary/orthosymplectic magnetic quivers 2020 Mohammad Akhond
Federico Carta
Siddharth Dwivedi
Hirotaka Hayashi
Sung-Soo Kim
Futoshi Yagi
+ PDF Chat HyperkÀhler metrics and supersymmetry 1987 Nigel Hitchin
A. Karlhede
Ulf Lindström
M. Roček
+ PDF Chat Quiver origami: discrete gauging and folding 2021 Antoine Bourget
Amihay Hanany
Dominik Miketa
+ PDF Chat (Symplectic) leaves and (5d Higgs) branches in the Poly(go)nesian Tropical Rain Forest 2020 Marieke van Beest
Antoine Bourget
Julius Eckhard
Sakura SchĂ€fer‐Nameki
+ PDF Chat Towards a mathematical definition of Coulomb branches of $3$-dimensional $\mathcal{N} = 4$ gauge theories, II 2018 Alexander Braverman
Michael Finkelberg
Hiraku Nakajima
+ PDF Chat Ungauging schemes and Coulomb branches of non-simply laced quiver theories 2020 Amihay Hanany
Anton Zajac
+ PDF Chat 4d N $$ \mathcal{N} $$ =2 theories with disconnected gauge groups 2017 Philip C. Argyres
Mario Martone
+ Complete graphs, Hilbert series, and the Higgs branch of the 4d <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">N</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math> <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si2.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>A</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><
 2015 Michele Del Zotto
Amihay Hanany
+ PDF Chat The small E8 instanton and the Kraft Procesi transition 2018 Amihay Hanany
Noppadol Mekareeya
+ PDF Chat Mirror symmetry in three dimensional gauge theories 1996 Kenneth Intriligator
Nathan Seiberg
+ PDF Chat Coulomb branch and the moduli space of instantons 2014 Stefano Cremonesi
Giulia Ferlito
Amihay Hanany
Noppadol Mekareeya
+ PDF Chat Coulomb branches with complex singularities 2018 Philip C. Argyres
Mario Martone
+ Minimal singularities inGL n 1980 Hanspeter Kraft
Claudio Procesi
+ PDF Chat Counting BPS operators in gauge theories: quivers, syzygies and plethystics 2007 Sergio Benvenuti
Bo Feng
Amihay Hanany
Yang‐Hui He
+ PDF Chat S-folds and 4d N $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 3 superconformal field theories 2016 Ofer Aharony
Yuji Tachikawa
+ Quiver theories and Hilbert series of classical Slodowy intersections 2020 Amihay Hanany
Rudolph Kalveks
+ PDF Chat Monopoles, duality and chiral symmetry breaking in N = 2 supersymmetric QCD 1994 Nathan Seiberg
Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Erratum to: Magnetic quivers, Higgs branches and 6d $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = (1, 0) theories 2019 Santiago Cabrera
Amihay Hanany
Marcus Sperling
+ 4d $\cN$=2 theories with disconnected gauge groups 2016 Philip C. Argyres
Mario Martone
+ Generic singularities of nilpotent orbit closures 2016 Baohua Fu
Daniel Juteau
Paul LĂ©vy
Eric Sommers
+ A tale of two cones: the Higgs Branch of Sp(n) theories with 2n flavours 2016 Giulia Ferlito
Amihay Hanany
+ PDF Chat N = 3 $$ \mathcal{N}=3 $$ four dimensional field theories 2016 Iñaki GarcĂ­a‐Etxebarria
Diego Regalado
+ PDF Chat Quiver theories for moduli spaces of classical group nilpotent orbits 2016 Amihay Hanany
Rudolph Kalveks