Bernd Luderer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Integralrechnung 2024 Bernd Luderer
Uwe Würker
+ Integralrechnung 2024 Bernd Luderer
Uwe Würker
Cornelia Kalkschmid-Paape
+ A Duo Taming Uncertainty: The Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem 2021 Ralf Korn
Bernd Luderer
+ How Do You Catch a Lion? Finding a Zero by Halving the Interval 2021 Ralf Korn
Bernd Luderer
+ “Have I Learned to Calculate Correctly?” Why Dr. X. from Gifhorn Was Wrong 2021 Ralf Korn
Bernd Luderer
+ Fibonacci and His Rabbits. A Few Words About Technical Analysis 2021 Ralf Korn
Bernd Luderer
+ Millions Every Week, but Not for Me. Six Numbers in the Lottery 2021 Ralf Korn
Bernd Luderer
+ Komplexe Zahlen 2021 Bernd Luderer
+ »Bäumchen, wechsel dich!« Wie viele Nullstellen besitzt ein Polynom? 2018 Ralf Korn
Bernd Luderer
+ Ein Millionen-Roulette am Finanz- und Versicherungsmarkt? Die Monte-Carlo-Methode 2018 Ralf Korn
Bernd Luderer
+ Jede Woche Millionen, aber nicht für mich. Sechs Richtige im Lotto 2018 Ralf Korn
Bernd Luderer
+ Zahlenfolgen und -reihen 2017 Bernd Luderer
+ Ein Kredit à la Tschechow 2017 Bernd Luderer
+ Mengenlehre 2017 Bernd Luderer
+ Integralrechnung 2015 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Mathematische Symbole und Konstanten 2015 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Zahlensysteme und ihre Arithmetik 2015 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Finanzmathematik 2014 Bernd Luderer
Uwe Würker
+ Integralrechnung 2014 Bernd Luderer
Uwe Würker
+ »Bäumchen, wechsel dich!« Wie viele positive Nullstellen besitzt ein Polynom? 2013 Bernd Luderer
+ Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Finanzmathematik 2012 Günter Hettich
Helmut Jüttler
Bernd Luderer
+ Mathematische Symbole und Konstanten 2011 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Differentialrechnung für Funktionen mehrerer Variabler 2011 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Integralrechnung 2011 Bernd Luderer
Conny Paape
Uwe Würker
+ Integralrechnung 2011 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Zahlensysteme und ihre Arithmetik 2011 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Integralrechnung 2011 Bernd Luderer
Uwe Würker
+ Algorithms of Quasidifferentiable Optimization for the Separation of Point Sets 2010 Bernd Luderer
Denny Wagner
+ Functions of one Variable: Integral Calculus 2009 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Calculus of Probability 2009 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Functions of one Independent Variable 2009 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Differential Calculus for Functions of Several Variables 2009 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Number Systems and Their Arithmetic 2009 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Combinatorial Analysis 2009 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Identification of point sets by quasidifferentiable functions 2005 Anja Herklotz
Bernd Luderer
+ Zahlensysteme und ihre Arithmetik 2005 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Integralrechnung 2005 Bernd Luderer
Conny Paape
Uwe Würker
+ Differentialrechnung für Funktionen mehrerer Variabler 2005 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ None 2003 Bernd Luderer
J. Weigelt
+ Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung 2003 Bernd Luderer
+ Analysis der Funktionen mehrerer Veränderlicher 2003 Bernd Luderer
+ First and Second Order Sensitivity Analysis of Perturbed Mathematical Programming Problems 2002 Bernd Luderer
Л. И. Минченко
Tatyana Satsura
+ Topological and Differential Properties of Multivalued Mappings 2002 Bernd Luderer
Л. И. Минченко
Tatyana Satsura
+ Mathematische Symbole und Konstanten 2002 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Directional Derivatives of Marginal Functions 2002 Bernd Luderer
Л. И. Минченко
Tatyana Satsura
+ Differential Calculus for Functions of one Variable 2002 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Basic Concepts and Problems of Multivalued Analysis 2002 Bernd Luderer
Л. И. Минченко
Tatyana Satsura
+ Integral Calculus for Functions of one Variable 2002 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Calculus of Probability 2002 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Funktionen einer unabhängigen Variablen 2002 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Zahlensysteme und ihre Arithmetik 2002 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Differentialrechnung für Funktionen mehrerer Variabler 2002 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Number Systems and their Arithmetic 2002 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Functions of one Independent Variable 2002 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Multivalued Analysis and Nonlinear Programming Problems with Perturbations 2002 Bernd Luderer
Л. И. Минченко
Tatyana Satsura
+ Some remarks on sufficient conditions for nonsmooth functions 2001 Karsten Eppler
Bernd Luderer
+ Mathematische Symbole und Konstanten 2000 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Differentialrechnung für Funktionen mehrerer Variabler 2000 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Zahlensysteme und ihre Arithmetik 2000 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Funktionen einer unabhängigen Variablen 2000 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Zahlensysteme und ihre Arithmetik 1999 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Differentialrechnung für Funktionen mehrerer Variabler 1999 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Funktionen einer unabhängigen Variablen 1998 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Mathematische Symbole und Konstanten 1998 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Zahlensysteme und ihre Arithmetik 1998 Bernd Luderer
Volker Nollau
Klaus Vetters
+ Integralrechnung 1996 Bernd Luderer
Conny Paape
Uwe Würker
+ Logik und Mengenlehre 1995 Bernd Luderer
Uwe Würker
+ A generalized steepest descent method for continuously subdifferentiable functions 1994 Bernd Luderer
J. Weigelt
+ The Optimal Value Function in Quasidifferentiable Programming 1992 Bernd Luderer
+ Does the Special Choice of Quasidifferentials Influence Necessary Minimum Conditions? 1992 Bernd Luderer
+ Directional derivative estimates for the optimal value function of a quasidifferentiable programming problem 1991 Bernd Luderer
+ On Shapiro's results in quasidifferential calculus 1990 Bernd Luderer
Roland Rösiger
+ The quasidifferential of an optimal value function in nonsmooth programming 1989 Bernd Luderer
+ On the quasidifferential of a continual maximum function 1986 Bernd Luderer
+ Subdifferential representation of implicitly defined functions 1982 Bernd Luderer
+ Notwendige und hinreichende Bedingungen eines schwachen lokalen Minimums 1977 Bernd Luderer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Quasidifferential calculus and first-order optimality conditions in nonsmooth optimization 1986 Alexander Shapiro
+ Nondifferentiable Optimization 1985 Jochem Zowe
+ A characterization of continuously codifferentiable functions and some consequences 1991 Ludwig Kuntz
+ Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis 1990 Frank H. Clarke
+ None 2003 Bernd Luderer
J. Weigelt
+ PDF Chat Constrained Optimization and Lagrange Multiplier Methods 1982 Dimitri P. Bertsekas
+ PDF Chat An algorithm for minimizing a certain class of quasidifferentiable functions 1986 V. F. Demyanov
S. Gamidov
T. I. Sivelina
+ On quasidifferentiable mappings 1983 V. F. Demyanov
A. M. Rubinov
+ The method of common descent for a certain class of quasidifferentiable functions 1991 Ludwig Kuntz
A. Pielczyk
+ On the quasidifferential of a continual maximum function 1986 Bernd Luderer
+ Directional derivative estimates for the optimal value function of a quasidifferentiable programming problem 1991 Bernd Luderer
+ On Shapiro's results in quasidifferential calculus 1990 Bernd Luderer
Roland Rösiger
+ Differential properties of the marginal function in mathematical programming 1982 Jacques Gauvin
François Dubeau
+ PDF Chat On the Steepest-Descent Method for a Class of Quasi-Differentiable Optimization Problems 1985 Diethard Pallaschke
Peter Recht
+ The Gradient Projection Method for Nonlinear Programming. Part I. Linear Constraints 1960 J. B. Rosen
+ PDF Chat Directional differentiability of a continual maximum function of quasidifferentiable functions 1986 V. F. Demyanov
I. S. Zabrodin
+ The Gradient Projection Method for Nonlinear Programming. Part II. Nonlinear Constraints 1961 J. B. Rosen
+ Exact penalty functions in nonlinear programming 1973 James P. Evans
F. J. Gould
Jon W. Tolle
+ Springer-Taschenbuch der Mathematik 2012 Eberhard Zeidler
+ Nonlinear programming: theory and algorithms 1993 1
+ Approximate methods in optimization problems 1970 В. Ф. Демьянов
Aleksandr Moiseevich Rubinov
+ Identification of point sets by quasidifferentiable functions 2005 Anja Herklotz
Bernd Luderer
+ Input optimization: I. Optimal realizations of mathematical models 1985 S. Zlobec
+ Theorie analytique des probabilites 1812 Pierre-Simon Marquis de Laplace
+ The quasidifferential of an optimal value function in nonsmooth programming 1989 Bernd Luderer
+ Descent methods for quasidifferentiable minimization 1988 Krzysztof C. Kiwiel
+ Directional derivative of the marginal function in nonlinear programming 1984 Robert Janin
+ A generalized steepest descent method for continuously subdifferentiable functions 1994 Bernd Luderer
J. Weigelt
+ Exploring Interior-Point Linear Programming Algorithms and Software. 1996 Robert Daniel
Ami Arbel
+ PDF Chat Approximate subdifferentials and applications. I. The finite-dimensional theory 1984 A. D. Ioffe
+ The eclipsing concept to approximate a multi-valued mapping 1991 Claude Lemaréchal
Jochem Zowe
+ Perturbation theory for abstract optimization problems 1981 Bernhard Gollan
+ Differential Stability in Nonlinear Programming 1977 Jacques Gauvin
Jon W. Tolle
+ Directional derivative of a minimax function 1985 Rafaël Correa
Alberto Seeger
+ A linearization method for minimizing certain quasidifferentiable functions 1986 Krzysztof C. Kiwiel
+ Mathematical Programming 2004 Jon W. Tolle
+ Augmented Lagrangians and Applications of the Proximal Point Algorithm in Convex Programming 1976 R. T. Rockafellar
+ Newton-Type Methods for Quasidifferentiable Equations 2001 L. W. Zhang
Zhouwu Xia
+ The Generalized Gradient of a Marginal Function in Mathematical Programming 1979 Jacques Gauvin
+ Harmonic Function Theory 1992 Sheldon Axler
Paul Bourdon
Wade Ramey
+ Dynamical hierarchical control 1977 M.G. Singh
+ Quasidifferentiability and Related Topics 2000 V. F. Demyanov
A. M. Rubinov
+ The Doctrine of Chances: Or, a Method of Calculating the Probability of Events in Play 2008 Abraham de Moivre
+ Differentiable stability in non convex and non differentiable programming 1979 A. Auslender
+ PDF Chat Quasidifferentiable functions: Necessary conditions and descent directions 1986 V. F. Demyanov
+ Stability in Mathematical Programming with Nondifferentiable Data 1984 Alfred Auslender
+ Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Isolated Local Minima of Nonsmooth Functions 1986 Marcin Studniarski
+ Lagrange multipliers and subderivatives of optimal value functions in nonlinear programming 1982 R. T. Rockafellar
+ Nonsmooth Problems in Mathematical Diagnostics 2001 V. F. Demyanov
Annabella Astorino
Manlio Gaudioso
+ On Optimality Conditions in Quasidifferentiable Optimization 1984 Alexander Shapiro