Simon Coste


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Random eigenvalues of graphenes and the triangulation of plane 2024 Artur Bille
Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
Simon Coste
Satoshi Kuriki
Evgeny Spodarev
+ PDF Chat The Characteristic Polynomial of Sums of Random Permutations and Regular Digraphs 2023 Simon Coste
Gaultier Lambert
Yizhe Zhu
+ PDF Chat Sparse matrices: convergence of the characteristic polynomial seen from infinity 2023 Simon Coste
+ Efficient Training of Energy-Based Models Using Jarzynski Equality 2023 Davide Carbone
Mengjian Hua
Simon Coste
Eric Vanden‐Eijnden
+ Random eigenvalues of graphenes and the triangulation of plane 2023 Artur Bille
Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
Simon Coste
Satoshi Kuriki
Evgeny Spodarev
+ PDF Chat Wavelet Score-Based Generative Modeling 2022 Florentin Guth
Simon Coste
Valentin De Bortoli
Stéphane Mallat
+ PDF Chat Detection Thresholds in Very Sparse Matrix Completion 2022 Charles Bordenave
Simon Coste
Raj Rao Nadakuditi
+ The characteristic polynomial of sums of random permutations and regular digraphs 2022 Simon Coste
Gaultier Lambert
Yizhe Zhu
+ Wavelet Score-Based Generative Modeling 2022 Florentin Guth
Simon Coste
Valentin De Bortoli
Stéphane Mallat
+ PDF Chat Sparse matrices: convergence of the characteristic polynomial seen from infinity 2021 Simon Coste
+ PDF Chat The spectral gap of sparse random digraphs 2021 Simon Coste
+ PDF Chat Emergence of extended states at zero in the spectrum of sparse random graphs 2021 Simon Coste
Justin Salez
+ A simpler spectral approach for clustering in directed networks 2021 Simon Coste
Ludovic Stephan
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues of the non-backtracking operator detached from the bulk 2020 Simon Coste
Yizhe Zhu
+ Detection thresholds in very sparse matrix completion 2020 Charles Bordenave
Simon Coste
Raj Rao Nadakuditi
+ Grandes valeurs propres de graphes aléatoires dilués 2019 Simon Coste
+ PDF Chat High eigenvalues of sparse random graphs 2019 Simon Coste
+ Graphs with prescribed local neighborhoods of their universal coverings 2019 Charles Bordenave
Simon Coste
+ Emergence of extended states at zero in the spectrum of sparse random graphs 2018 Simon Coste
Justin Salez
+ Emergence of extended states at zero in the spectrum of sparse random graphs 2018 Simon Coste
Justin Salez
+ Graphs with prescribed local neighborhoods of their universal coverings 2017 Charles Bordenave
Simon Coste
+ The Spectral Gap of Sparse Random Digraphs 2017 Simon Coste
+ Graphs with prescribed local neighborhoods of their universal coverings 2017 Charles Bordenave
Simon Coste
+ The Spectral Gap of Sparse Random Digraphs 2017 Simon Coste
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The eigenvalues of random symmetric matrices 1981 ZoltĂĄn FĂŒredi
JĂĄnos KomlĂłs
+ Community detection thresholds and the weak Ramanujan property 2014 Laurent Massoulié
+ PDF Chat A new proof of Friedman's second eigenvalue theorem and its extension to random lifts 2020 Charles Bordenave
+ PDF Chat Around the circular law 2012 Charles Bordenave
Djalil ChafaĂŻ
+ On the second eigenvalue of a graph 1991 A. Nilli
+ PDF Chat The circular law for sparse non-Hermitian matrices 2019 Anirban Basak
Mark Rudelson
+ Every totally real algebraic integer is a tree eigenvalue 2014 Justin Salez
+ PDF Chat Community detection in the sparse hypergraph stochastic block model 2021 Soumik Pal
Yizhe Zhu
+ PDF Chat Absolutely Continuous Spectrum for Multi-type Galton Watson Trees 2012 Matthias Keller
+ Extremal eigenvalues of critical Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi graphs 2019 Johannes Alt
Raphaël Ducatez
Antti Knowles
+ PDF Chat On the Second Eigenvalue of Random Bipartite Biregular Graphs 2022 Yizhe Zhu
+ PDF Chat Graph Powering and Spectral Robustness 2020 Emmanuel Abbé
Enric Boix-AdserĂ 
Peter Ralli
Colin Sandon
+ Random Graphs 2001 BĂ©la BollobĂĄs
+ PDF Chat Mean quantum percolation 2017 Charles Bordenave
Arnab Sen
BĂĄlint VirĂĄg
+ PDF Chat Non-backtracking Spectrum of Random Graphs: Community Detection and Non-regular Ramanujan Graphs 2015 Charles Bordenave
Marc Lelarge
Laurent Massoulié
+ PDF Chat Spectral radii of sparse random matrices 2016 Florent Benaych-Georges
Charles Bordenave
Antti Knowles
+ PDF Chat Reconstruction and estimation in the planted partition model 2014 Elchanan Mossel
Joseph Neeman
Allan Sly
+ A note on the characterization of digraphic sequences 2013 Annabell Berger
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues and expanders 1986 Ilan Alon
+ Some relations between the spectra of simple and non-backtracking random walks 2017 Nalini Anantharaman
+ PDF Chat Largest eigenvalues of sparse inhomogeneous ErdƑs–RĂ©nyi graphs 2019 Florent Benaych-Georges
Charles Bordenave
Antti Knowles
+ Asymmetry Helps: Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Analyses of Asymmetrically Perturbed Low-Rank Matrices 2018 Yuxin Chen
Cheng Chen
Jianqing Fan
+ A proof of Alon’s second eigenvalue conjecture and related problems 2008 Joel Friedman
+ PDF Chat Non-backtracking spectra of weighted inhomogeneous random graphs 2022 Ludovic Stephan
Laurent Massoulié
+ PDF Chat Large deviations of empirical neighborhood distribution in sparse random graphs 2014 Charles Bordenave
Pietro Caputo
+ PDF Chat Random incidence matrices: moments of the spectral density 2001 Michel Bauer
O. Golinelli
+ PDF Chat Exactly Solvable Model with Two Conductor-Insulator Transitions Driven by Impurities 2001 Michel Bauer
O. Golinelli
+ PDF Chat The spectral gap of sparse random digraphs 2021 Simon Coste
+ Random Walks, Interacting Particles, Dynamic Networks: Randomness Can Be Helpful 2011 Colin Cooper
+ Spectral redemption in clustering sparse networks 2013 Florent KrząkaƂa
Cristopher Moore
Elchanan Mossel
Joe Neeman
Allan Sly
Lenka ZdeborovĂĄ
Pan Zhang
+ The non-backtracking spectrum of the universal cover of a graph 2014 Omer Angel
Joel Friedman
Shlomo Hoory
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalue Bounds on Convergence to Stationarity for Nonreversible Markov Chains, with an Application to the Exclusion Process 1991 James Allen Fill
+ PDF Chat Stability of the Absolutely Continuous Spectrum of Random Schrödinger Operators on Tree Graphs 2005 Michael Aizenman
Robert Sims
Simone Warzel
+ A Generalization of Wigner’s Law 2006 Inna Zakharevich
+ On the second eigenvalue of random regular graphs 1989 Joel Friedman
J. Kahn
Endre Szemerédi
+ Graph Zeta Function in the Bethe Free Energy and Loopy Belief Propagation 2010 Yusuke Watanabe
Kenji Fukumizu
+ The expected eigenvalue distribution of a large regular graph 1981 Brendan D. McKay
+ PDF Chat Processes on Unimodular Random Networks 2007 David Aldous
Russell Lyons
+ Circular law for the sum of random permutation matrices 2018 Anirban Basak
Nicholas A. Cook
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Random graphs with arbitrary degree distributions and their applications 2001 M. E. J. Newman
Steven H. Strogatz
Duncan J. Watts
+ PDF Chat Sparse random graphs: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors 2012 Linh V. Tran
Van H. Vu
Ke Wang
+ PDF Chat The spectral gap of dense random regular graphs 2018 Konstantin Tikhomirov
Pierre Youssef
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalue distribution of large weighted random graphs 2004 O. Khorunzhy
Mariya Shcherbina
Valentin Vengerovsky
+ The Size of the Largest Strongly Connected Component of a Random Digraph with a Given Degree Sequence 2004 Colin Cooper
Alan Frieze
+ PDF Chat Neighborhood degree lists of graphs 2017 Michael D. Barrus
Elizabeth A. Donovan
+ PDF Chat The sparse circular law under minimal assumptions 2019 Mark Rudelson
Konstantin Tikhomirov
+ PDF Chat Uncovering latent structure in valued graphs: A variational approach 2010 Mahendra Mariadassou
Stéphane Robin
Corinne Vacher
+ PDF Chat High values of disorder-generated multifractals and logarithmically correlated processes 2014 Yan V. Fyodorov
Olivier Giraud
+ PDF Chat OptShrink: An Algorithm for Improved Low-Rank Signal Matrix Denoising by Optimal, Data-Driven Singular Value Shrinkage 2014 Raj Rao Nadakuditi
+ PDF Chat The Quadratic Eigenvalue Problem 2001 Françoise Tisseur
Karl Meerbergen