Sangita Vyas


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Practitioner’s Guide to Cluster-Robust Inference 2015 A. Colin Cameron
Douglas L. Miller
+ Measuring excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in low- and lower-middle income countries: the need for mobile phone surveys 2020 Vissého Adjiwanou
Nurul Alam
Leontine Alkema
Gershim Asiki
Ayaga A. Bawah
Donatien Béguy
Valeria Cetorelli
Albert Dube
Dennis M. Feehan
Ane Bærent Fisker
+ PDF Chat Age-specific mortality and immunity patterns of SARS-CoV-2 2020 Megan O’Driscoll
Gabriel Ribeiro dos Santos
Lin Wang
Derek A. T. Cummings
Andrew S. Azman
Juliette Paireau
Arnaud Fontanet
Simon Cauchemez
Henrik Salje
+ Estimating COVID-19‒ Related Mortality in India: An Epidemiological Challenge With Insufficient Data 2021 Lauren Zimmermann
Maxwell Salvatore
Giridhara R. Babu
Bhramar Mukherjee
+ PDF Chat Excess deaths reveal unequal impact of COVID-19 in Ecuador 2021 Leticia Cuéllar
Irene Torres
Ethan Romero-Severson
Riya Mahesh
Nathaniel Ortega
Sarah Pungitore
Ruian Ke
Nicolas Hengartner
+ PDF Chat Not the great equalizers: Covid-19, 1918–20 influenza, and the need for a paradigm shift in pandemic preparedness 2021 Svenn‐Erik Mamelund
Jessica Dimka
+ PDF Chat COVID mortality in India: National survey data and health facility deaths 2022 Prabhat Jha
Yashwant Deshmukh
Chinmay Tumbe
Wilson Suraweera
Aditi Bhowmick
Sankalp Sharma
Paul Novosad
Sze Hang Fu
Leslie Newcombe
Hellen Gelband
+ The effects of India's COVID-19 lockdown on critical non-COVID health care and outcomes: Evidence from dialysis patients 2022 Radhika Jain
Pascaline Dupas
+ PDF Chat An alternative estimation of the death toll of the Covid-19 pandemic in India 2022 Christophe Z. Guilmoto
+ PDF Chat The demographic and geographic impact of the COVID pandemic in Bulgaria and Eastern Europe in 2020 2022 Antoni Rangachev
Georgi K. Marinov
Младен Младенов
+ PDF Chat Covid-19’s Devastating Effect on Tuberculosis Care — A Path to Recovery 2022 Madhukar Pai
Tereza Kasaeva
Soumya Swaminathan
+ PDF Chat Assessing the burden of COVID-19 in developing countries: systematic review, meta-analysis and public policy implications 2022 Andrew Levin
Nana Owusu‐Boaitey
Sierra Pugh
Bailey K. Fosdick
Anthony B. Zwi
Anup Malani
Satej Soman
Lonni Besançon
Ilya Kashnitsky
Sachin Ganesh
+ Using household rosters from survey data to estimate all-cause excess death rates during the COVID pandemic in India 2022 Anup Malani
Sabareesh Ramachandran
+ PDF Chat The WHO estimates of excess mortality associated with the COVID-19 pandemic 2022 William Msemburi
Ariel Karlinsky
Victoria Knutson
Serge Aleshin‐Guendel
Somnath Chatterji
Jon Wakefield
+ PDF Chat Estimates of pandemic excess mortality in India based on civil registration data 2022 Murad Banaji
Aashish Gupta
+ PDF Chat Estimating global and country-specific excess mortality during the Covid-19 pandemic 2023 Victoria Knutson
Serge Aleshin‐Guendel
Ariel Karlinsky
William Msemburi
Jon Wakefield