Marco Cardace


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The space optical clocks project: Development of high-performance transportable and breadboard optical clocks and advanced subsystems 2012 S. Schiller
Axel Görlitz
A. Nevsky
S. Alighanbari
Sergey Vasilyev
C. Abou-Jaoudeh
G. Mura
Tobias Franzen
U. Sterr
Stephan Falke
+ PDF Chat Force-insensitive optical cavity 2011 S. A. Webster
P. Gill
+ PDF Chat Locking the frequency of lasers to an optical cavity at the 1.6×10−17 relative instability level 2012 Q.-F. Chen
A. Nevsky
S. Schiller
+ PDF Chat Ultrastable lasers based on vibration insensitive cavities 2009 Jacques Millo
Daniel Varela Magalhães
C. Mandache
Yann Le Coq
Elizabeth English
Philip G. Westergaard
Jérôme Lodewyck
S. Bize
P. Lemonde
G. Santarelli
+ PDF Chat Thermal noise in optical cavities revisited 2011 Thomas Kessler
Thomas Legero
U. Sterr
+ PDF Chat Quantum physics exploring gravity in the outer solar system: the SAGAS project 2008 Peter Wolf
Ch. J. Bordé
A. Clairon
L. Duchayne
Arnaud Landragin
P. Lemonde
G. Santarelli
W. Ertmer
E. Rasel
F. S. Cataliotti
+ PDF Chat Tuning the thermal expansion properties of optical reference cavities with fused silica mirrors 2010 Thomas Legero
Thomas Kessler
U. Sterr
+ PDF Chat Demonstration of a transportable 1 Hz-linewidth laser 2011 Stefan Vogt
Christian Lisdat
Thomas Legero
U. Sterr
I. Ernsting
A. Nevsky
S. Schiller
+ Field-test of a robust, portable, frequency-stable laser 2011 David R. Leibrandt
Michael J. Thorpe
Jonas Bergquist
T. Rosenband