Dmitriy Bilyk


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Regularizing random points by deleting a few 2025 Dmitriy Bilyk
Stefan Steinerberger
+ PDF Chat Positive definite singular kernels on two-point homogeneous spaces 2024 Dmitriy Bilyk
Peter J. Grabner
+ PDF Chat Geodesic Distance Riesz Energy on Projective Spaces 2024 Dmitriy Bilyk
Ryan Matzke
Joel Nathe
+ PDF Chat Optimizers of three-point energies and nearly orthogonal sets 2024 Dmitriy Bilyk
Damir Ferizović
Alexey Glazyrin
Ryan Matzke
Josiah Park
Oleksandr Vlasiuk
+ PDF Chat Single radius spherical cap discrepancy via gegenbadly approximable numbers 2024 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michelle Mastrianni
Stefan Steinerberger
+ Experimental Survey of Discrete Minimizers of the $p-\text{frame}$ Energy 2023 Dmitriy Bilyk
Alexey Glazyrin
Ryan Matzke
Josiah Park
Oleksandr Vlasiuk
+ PDF Chat Lower Bounds for the Directional Discrepancy with Respect to an Interval of Rotations 2023 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michelle Mastrianni
+ Polarization and Greedy Energy on the Sphere 2023 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michelle Mastrianni
Ryan Matzke
Stefan Steinerberger
+ Optimizers of three-point energies and nearly orthogonal sets 2023 Dmitriy Bilyk
Damir Ferizović
Alexey Glazyrin
Ryan Matzke
Josiah Park
Oleksandr Vlasiuk
+ Optimal Measures for Multivariate Geometric Potentials 2023 Dmitriy Bilyk
Damir Ferizović
Alexey Glazyrin
Ryan Matzke
Josiah Park
Oleksandr Vlasiuk
+ A random line intersects $\mathbb{S}^2$ in two probabilistically independent locations 2023 Dmitriy Bilyk
Alan Chang
Otte Heinävaara
Ryan Matzke
Stefan Steinerberger
+ Single radius spherical cap discrepancy via gegenbadly approximable numbers 2023 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michelle Mastrianni
Stefan Steinerberger
+ PDF Chat Positive definiteness and the Stolarsky invariance principle 2022 Dmitriy Bilyk
Ryan Matzke
Oleksandr Vlasiuk
+ PDF Chat Potential theory with multivariate kernels 2022 Dmitriy Bilyk
Damir Ferizović
Alexey Glazyrin
Ryan W. Matzke
Josiah Park
Oleksandr Vlasiuk
+ PDF Chat Optimal measures for $p$-frame energies on spheres 2022 Dmitriy Bilyk
Alexey Glazyrin
Ryan Matzke
Josiah Park
Oleksandr Vlasiuk
+ Lower bounds for the directional discrepancy with respect to an interval of rotations 2022 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michelle Mastrianni
+ PDF Chat Energy on spheres and discreteness of minimizing measures 2021 Dmitriy Bilyk
Alexey Glazyrin
Ryan Matzke
Josiah Park
Oleksandr Vlasiuk
+ Potential theory with multivariate kernels 2021 Dmitriy Bilyk
Damir Ferizović
Alexey Glazyrin
Ryan Matzke
Josiah Park
Oleksandr Vlasiuk
+ Positive definiteness and the Stolarsky invariance principle 2021 Dmitriy Bilyk
Ryan Matzke
Oleksandr Vlasiuk
+ 1. On some recent developments in uniform distribution and discrepancy theory 2020 Dmitriy Bilyk
+ Energy on spheres and discreteness of minimizing measures 2019 Dmitriy Bilyk
Alexey Glazyrin
Ryan Matzke
Josiah Park
Oleksandr Vlasiuk
+ Optimal measures for p-frame energies on spheres 2019 Dmitriy Bilyk
Alexey Glazyrin
Ryan Matzke
Josiah Park
Oleksandr Vlasiuk
+ Energy on spheres and discreteness of minimizing measures 2019 Dmitriy Bilyk
Alexey Glazyrin
Ryan Matzke
Josiah Park
Oleksandr Vlasiuk
+ Optimal measures for p-frame energies on spheres 2019 Dmitriy Bilyk
Alexey Glazyrin
Ryan Matzke
Josiah Park
Oleksandr Vlasiuk
+ Geodesic distance Riesz energy on the sphere 2018 Dmitriy Bilyk
Chang‐Feng Dai
+ PDF Chat General and refined Montgomery Lemmata 2018 Dmitriy Bilyk
Chang‐Feng Dai
Stefan Steinerberger
+ On the Fejes Tóth problem about the sum of angles between lines 2018 Dmitriy Bilyk
Ryan Matzke
+ PDF Chat BMO and exponential Orlicz space estimates of the discrepancy function in arbitrary dimension 2018 Dmitriy Bilyk
Lev Markhasin
+ On the Fejes T\'oth Problem about the Sum of Angles Between Lines 2018 Dmitriy Bilyk
Ryan Matzke
+ General and Refined Montgomery Lemmata 2018 Dmitriy Bilyk
Chang‐Feng Dai
Stefan Steinerberger
+ PDF Chat The Stolarsky Principle and Energy Optimization on the Sphere 2018 Dmitriy Bilyk
Feng Dai
Ryan Matzke
+ PDF Chat Tusnády’s Problem, the Transference Principle, and Non-uniform QMC Sampling 2018 Christoph Aistleitner
Dmitriy Bilyk
Aleksandar Nikolov
+ On the Fejes Tóth Problem about the Sum of Angles Between Lines 2018 Dmitriy Bilyk
Ryan Matzke
+ General and Refined Montgomery Lemmata 2018 Dmitriy Bilyk
Dai Feng
Stefan Steinerberger
+ One-bit sensing, discrepancy and Stolarsky's principle 2017 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
+ Tusn\'ady's problem, the transference principle, and non-uniform QMC sampling 2017 Christoph Aistleitner
Dmitriy Bilyk
Aleksandar Nikolov
+ One-bit sensing, discrepancy and Stolarsky's principle 2017 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
+ Tusnády's problem, the transference principle, and non-uniform QMC sampling 2017 Christoph Aistleitner
Dmitriy Bilyk
Aleksandar Nikolov
+ Stolarsky principle and energy optimization on the sphere 2016 Dmitriy Bilyk
Feng Dai
Ryan Matzke
+ PDF Chat The Two-Dimensional Small Ball Inequality and Binary Nets 2016 Dmitriy Bilyk
Naomi Feldheim
+ Geodesic distance Riesz energy on the sphere 2016 Dmitriy Bilyk
Chang‐Feng Dai
+ Stolarsky principle and energy optimization on the sphere 2016 Dmitriy Bilyk
Dai Feng
Ryan Matzke
+ The two-dimensional small ball inequality and binary nets 2015 Dmitriy Bilyk
Naomi Feldheim
+ Diophantine approximations and directional discrepancy of rotated lattices 2015 Dmitriy Bilyk
Xiaomin Ma
Jill Pipher
Craig Spencer
+ One Bit Sensing, Discrepancy, and Stolarsky Principle 2015 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
+ Random Tessellations, Restricted Isometric Embeddings, and One Bit Sensing 2015 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
+ The two-dimensional small ball inequality and binary nets 2015 Dmitriy Bilyk
Naomi Feldheim
+ BMO and exponential Orlicz space estimates of the discrepancy function in arbitrary dimension 2014 Dmitriy Bilyk
Lev Markhasin
+ PDF Chat BMO and exponential Orlicz space estimates of the discrepancy function in arbitrary dimension 2014 Dmitriy Bilyk
Lev Markhasin
+ Discrepancy theory and harmonic analysis 2014 Dmitriy Bilyk
+ Roth’s Orthogonal Function Method in Discrepancy Theory and Some New Connections 2014 Dmitriy Bilyk
+ Discrepancy theory and harmonic analysis. 2014 Dmitriy Bilyk
+ BMO and exponential Orlicz space estimates of the discrepancy function in arbitrary dimension 2014 Dmitriy Bilyk
Lev Markhasin
+ Dichotomy results for the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>L</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>norm of the discrepancy function 2013 Gagik Amirkhanyan
Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
+ Estimates of the Discrepancy Function in Exponential Orlicz Spaces 2013 Gagik Amirkhanyan
Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
+ PDF Chat The Supremum Norm of the Discrepancy Function: Recent Results and Connections 2013 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
+ The L 2 Discrepancy of Irrational Lattices 2013 Dmitriy Bilyk
+ Estimates of the Discrepancy Function in Exponential Orlicz Spaces 2013 Gagik Amirkhanyan
Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
+ The L 2 Discrepancy of Two-Dimensional Lattices 2012 Dmitriy Bilyk
Vladimir Temlyakov
Rui Yu
+ On the Scientific Work of Konstantin Ilyich Oskolkov 2012 Dmitriy Bilyk
Laura De Carli
Alexander Petukhov
Alexander M. Stokolos
Brett D. Wick
+ PDF Chat Directional discrepancy in two dimensions 2011 Dmitriy Bilyk
Xiaomin Ma
Jill Pipher
Craig Spencer
+ Fibonacci sets and symmetrization in discrepancy theory 2011 Dmitriy Bilyk
Vladimir Temlyakov
Rui Yu
+ PDF Chat Exponential Squared Integrability of the Discrepancy Function in Two Dimensions 2009 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
Ioannis Parissis
Armen Vagharshakyan
+ PDF Chat Cyclic shifts of the van der Corput set 2009 Dmitriy Bilyk
+ PDF Chat Composition of Haar paraproducts: the random case 2009 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
Xiaochun Li
Brett D. Wick
+ A Three Dimensional Signed Small Ball Inequality 2009 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
Ioannis Parissis
Armen Vagharshakyan
+ On the signed small ball inequality 2008 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
Armen Vagharshakyan
+ PDF Chat On the small ball inequality in three dimensions 2008 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
+ Cyclic shifts of the van der Corput set 2008 Dmitriy Bilyk
+ On the Small Ball Inequality in all dimensions 2007 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
Armen Vagharshakyan
+ On the Signed Small Ball Inequality 2007 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
Armen Vagharshakyan
+ Distributional estimates for the bilinear Hilbert transform 2006 Dmitriy Bilyk
Loukas Grafakos
Loukas Grafakos
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On irregularities of distribution 1954 K. F. Roth
+ Irregularities of Distribution 1987 József Beck
William Chen
+ On the Small Ball Inequality in all dimensions 2007 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
Armen Vagharshakyan
+ PDF Chat Irregularities of distribution, VII 1972 Wolfgang Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Sums of Distances Between Points on a Sphere 1972 Kenneth B. Stolarsky
+ None 2003 John J. Benedetto
Matthew Fickus
+ PDF Chat On the small ball inequality in three dimensions 2008 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
+ PDF Chat Some upper bounds in the theory of irregularities of distribution 1984 József Beck
+ Explicit constructions in the classical mean squares problem in irregularities of point distribution 2002 William Chen
M. M. Skriganov
+ PDF Chat The Small Ball Problem for the Brownian Sheet 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ Uniform distribution of sequences 1974 L. Kuipers
Harald Niederreiter
+ Note on irregularities of distribution 1956 H. Davenport
+ Sums of distances between points on a sphere — an application of the theory of irregularities of distribution to discrete Geometry 1984 József Beck
+ PDF Chat On irregularities of distribution, III 1979 K. Roth
+ PDF Chat Minimization of the probabilistic p-frame potential 2011 Martin Ehler
Kasso A. Okoudjou
+ A simple proof of Stolarsky’s invariance principle 2013 Johann S. Brauchart
Josef Dick
+ Digital Nets and Sequences 2010 Josef Dick
Friedrich Pillichshammer
+ On irregularities of distribution 1980 William Chen
+ Harmonic analysis on totally disconnected groups and irregularities of point distributions 2006 M. M. Skriganov
+ PDF Chat Exponential Squared Integrability of the Discrepancy Function in Two Dimensions 2009 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
Ioannis Parissis
Armen Vagharshakyan
+ Über eine Punktverteilung auf der Kugel 1959 László Tóth
+ PDF Chat Sums of distances between points on a sphere. II 1973 Kenneth B. Stolarsky
+ An Inequality for Trigonometric Polynomials and Its Application for Estimating the Entropy Numbers 1995 Vladimir Temlyakov
+ PDF Chat The Stolarsky Principle and Energy Optimization on the Sphere 2018 Dmitriy Bilyk
Feng Dai
Ryan Matzke
+ Positive definite functions on spheres 1942 I. J. Schoenberg
+ Geometric Discrepancy 1999 Jiřı́ Matoušek
+ PDF Chat Irregularities of distribution. I 1987 József Beck
+ Multiparameter operators and sharp weighted inequalities 1997 Robert Fefferman
Jill Pipher
+ Geometry of minimizers for the interaction energy with mildly repulsive potentials 2016 José A. Carrillo
Alessio Figalli
Francesco S. Patacchini
+ PDF Chat Symmetric informationally complete positive-operator-valued measures: A new computer study 2010 A.J. Scott
Markus Grassl
+ Geodesic distance Riesz energy on the sphere 2018 Dmitriy Bilyk
Chang‐Feng Dai
+ A two-dimensional van Aardenne-Ehrenfest theorem in irregularities of distribution 1989 József Beck
+ The extreme and L2 discrepancies of some plane sets 1969 John H. Halton
S. K. Zaremba
+ Some weighted norm inequalities concerning the schrödinger operators 1985 Sun Chang
Jeremy M. Wilson
Thomas Wolff
+ PDF Chat On the Support of Minimizers of Causal Variational Principles 2013 Felix Finster
Daniela Schiefeneder
+ Number Theory and Algebra 1995 Rajeev Motwani
Prabhakar Raghavan
+ PDF Chat On the discrepancy function in arbitrary dimension, close to L 1 2008 Michael T. Lacey
+ On the Signed Small Ball Inequality 2007 Dmitriy Bilyk
Michael T. Lacey
Armen Vagharshakyan
+ Cubature formulas, discrepancy, and nonlinear approximation 2003 Vladimir Temlyakov
+ Orthogonality and Digit Shifts in the Classical Mean Squares Problem in Irregularities of Point Distribution 2008 William Chen
M. M. Skriganov
+ Universally optimal distribution of points on spheres 2006 Henry Cohn
Abhinav Kumar
+ PDF Chat Kinetic equilibration rates for granular media and related equations: entropy dissipation and mass transportation estimates 2003 José A. Carrillo
Robert J. McCann
Cédric Villani
+ PDF Chat Sharp square-function inequalities for conditionally symmetric martingales 1991 Gang Wang
+ PDF Chat Nonlocal Interaction Equations in Environments with Heterogeneities and Boundaries 2015 Lijiang Wu
Dejan Slepčev
+ Ten Lectures on the Interface between Analytic Number Theory and Harmonic Analysis 1994 Hugh L. Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Symmetric informationally complete quantum measurements 2004 Joseph M. Renes
Robin Blume-Kohout
A.J. Scott
Carlton M. Caves
+ Spherical codes and designs 1977 P. Delsarte
J.-M. Goethals
J.J. Seidel
+ Mutual interactions, potentials, and individual distance in a social aggregation 2003 Alex Mogilner
L. Bent
Äthan Spiros
Leah Edelstein‐Keshet
+ PDF Chat Nonlocal interactions by repulsive–attractive potentials: Radial ins/stability 2012 D. Balagué
José A. Carrillo
Thomas Laurent
Gaël Raoul