Florian Aigner


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Charmed roots and the Kroweras complement 2024 Benjamin Dequêne
Gabriel Frieden
Alessandro Iraci
Florian Aigner
Hugh Thomas
Nathan Williams
+ Alternating sign matrices and totally symmetric plane partitions 2024 Ilse Fischer
Florian Aigner
+ Skew symplectic and orthogonal characters through lattice paths 2024 Seamus P. Albion
Ilse Fischer
Hans Höngesberg
Florian Aigner
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline" id="d1e36" altimg="si5.svg"><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mo linebreak="goodbreak" linebreakstyle="after">−</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math>-enumerations of arrowed Gelfand–Tsetlin patterns 2024 Ilse Fischer
Florian Aigner
+ PDF Chat Fully Complementary Higher Dimensional Partitions 2024 Florian Aigner
+ PDF Chat Growth diagram proofs for the Littlewood identities 2024 Florian Aigner
+ PDF Chat $qt$RSK${}^*$: A probabilistic dual RSK correspondence for Macdonald polynomials 2024 Gabriel Frieden
Florian Aigner
+ PDF Chat The relation between alternating sign matrices and descending plane partitions: n + 3 pairs of equivalent statistics 2023 Ilse Fischer
Florian Aigner
+ Fully complementary higher dimensional partitions 2023 Florian Aigner
+ (-1)-Enumerations of arrowed Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns 2023 Ilse Fischer
Florian Aigner
+ Skew symplectic and orthogonal characters through lattice paths 2023 Seamus P. Albion
Ilse Fischer
Hans Höngesberg
Florian Aigner
+ Alternating sign matrices and totally symmetric plane partitions 2022 Florian Aigner
Ilse Fischer
Matjaž Konvalinka
Philippe Nadeau
Vasu Tewari
+ Charmed roots and the Kroweras complement 2022 Benjamin Dequêne
Gabriel Frieden
Alessandro Iraci
Florian Aigner
Hugh Thomas
Nathan Williams
+ <i>q</i>R<i>St</i>: A Probabilistic Robinson–Schensted Correspondence for Macdonald Polynomials 2021 Florian Aigner
Gabriel Frieden
+ PDF Chat A new determinant for the Q-enumeration of alternating sign matrices 2021 Florian Aigner
+ $q{\rm RS}t$: A probabilistic Robinson--Schensted correspondence for Macdonald polynomials (extended abstract) 2021 Florian Aigner
Gabriel Frieden
+ The relation between alternating sign matrices and descending plane partitions: $n+3$ pairs of equivalent statistics 2021 Florian Aigner
Ilse Fischer
+ $q{\rm RS}t$: A probabilistic Robinson--Schensted correspondence for Macdonald polynomials. 2020 Florian Aigner
Gabriel Frieden
+ PDF Chat Fully packed loop configurations : polynomiality and nested arches 2020 Florian Aigner
+ $q{\rm RS}t$: A probabilistic Robinson--Schensted correspondence for Macdonald polynomials 2020 Florian Aigner
Gabriel Frieden
+ Refined enumerations of alternating sign triangles 2019 Florian Aigner
+ Refined enumerations of alternating sign triangles 2018 Florian Aigner
+ Refined enumerations of alternating sign triangles 2018 Florian Aigner
+ Fully packed loop configurations : polynomiality and nested arches 2016 Florian Aigner
+ PDF Chat Statistics of transmission eigenvalues in two-dimensional quantum cavities: Ballistic versus stochastic scattering 2007 Stefan Rotter
Florian Aigner
Joachim Burgdörfer
+ PDF Chat Shot Noise in the Chaotic-to-Regular Crossover Regime 2005 Florian Aigner
Stefan Rotter
Joachim Burgdörfer
+ PDF Chat Technical Remarks and Comments on the UV/IR-Mixing Problem of a Noncommutative Scalar Quantum Field Theory 2004 Florian Aigner
M. Hillbrand
Johanna Knapp
G. Milovanovic
R. Schöfbeck
M. Schweda
Volkmar Putz
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Constant term formulas for refined enumerations of Gog and Magog trapezoids 2018 Ilse Fischer
+ Determinants and alternating sign matrices 1986 David P. Robbins
Howard Rumsey
+ Plane partitions (III): The weak Macdonald conjecture 1979 George E. Andrews
+ Binomial determinants, paths, and hook length formulae 1985 Ira M. Gessel
Gérard Viennot
+ Self-complementary totally symmetric plane partitions 1986 W. H. Mills
David P. Robbins
Howard Rumsey
+ Proof of the Macdonald conjecture 1982 William Hobson Mills
David P. Robbins
Howard Rumsey
+ Proof of the Alternating Sign Matrix Conjecture 1995 Doron Zeilberger
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1997 Richard P. Stanley
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ PDF Chat A new proof of the refined alternating sign matrix theorem 2006 Ilse Fischer
+ Alternating sign matrices and descending plane partitions 1983 W. H. Mills
David P. Robbins
Howard Rumsey
+ PDF Chat Vertically Symmetric Alternating Sign Matrices and a Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Identity 2015 Ilse Fischer
Lukas Riegler
+ Proof of the Razumov–Stroganov conjecture 2011 Luigi Cantini
Andrea Sportiello
+ The number of monotone triangles with prescribed bottom row 2006 Ilse Fischer
+ Another probabilistic method in the theory of young tableaux 1984 Curtis Greene
Albert Nijenhuis
Herbert S. Wilf
+ Plane partitions V: The TSSCPP conjecture 1994 George E. Andrews
+ PDF Chat $q$-randomized Robinson–Schensted–Knuth correspondences and random polymers 2016 К. А. Матвеев
Leonid Petrov
+ Bijective proofs of skew Schur polynomial factorizations 2020 Arvind Ayyer
Ilse Fischer
+ Nearest neighbor Markov dynamics on Macdonald processes 2016 Alexei Borodin
Leonid Petrov
+ Diagonally and antidiagonally symmetric alternating sign matrices of odd order 2017 Roger E. Behrend
Ilse Fischer
Matjaž Konvalinka
+ PDF Chat Hall–Littlewood RSK field 2018 Alexey Bufetov
К. А. Матвеев
+ PDF Chat A symmetry property for $$q$$ q -weighted Robinson–Schensted and other branching insertion algorithms 2014 Yuchen Pei
+ Enumeration of Lozenge Tilings of Hexagons with a Central Triangular Hole 2001 Mihai Ciucu
Theresia Eisenkölbl
Christian Krattenthaler
D. Zare
+ Combinatorial nature of ground state vector of O(1) loop model 2001 A. V. Razumov
Yu. G. Stroganov
+ Alternating sign trapezoids and a constant term approach 2018 Ilse Fischer
+ Another proof of the alternating sign matrix conjecture 1997 Greg Kuperberg
+ PDF Chat A $q$-weighted version of the Robinson-Schensted algorithm 2013 Neil O’Connell
Yuchen Pei
+ Generalized Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence 1988 Sergey Fomin
+ PDF Chat On the Counting of Fully Packed Loop Configurations: Some New Conjectures 2004 Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ PDF Chat Law of Large Numbers for infinite random matrices over a finite field 2015 Alexey Bufetov
Leonid Petrov
+ PDF Chat On the Number of Fully Packed Loop Configurations with a Fixed Associated Matching 2005 Fabrizio Caselli
Christian Krattenthaler
Bodo Lass
Philippe Nadeau
+ PDF Chat A new determinant for the Q-enumeration of alternating sign matrices 2021 Florian Aigner
+ PDF Chat Quantum Shot Noise 2003 C. W. J. Beenakker
Christian Schönenberger
+ Nonintersecting paths, pfaffians, and plane partitions 1990 John R. Stembridge
+ Counting paths in Young's lattice 1993 Ira M. Gessel
+ PDF Chat None 1995 Sergey Fomin
+ Multiply-refined enumeration of alternating sign matrices 2013 Roger E. Behrend
+ The operator formula for monotone triangles – simplified proof and three generalizations 2010 Ilse Fischer
+ A Randomq, t-Hook Walk and a Sum of Pieri Coefficients 1998 Adriano M. Garsia
Mark Haiman
+ Representation Theory: A First Course 1991 William Fulton
+ On some polynomials enumerating Fully Packed Loop configurations 2010 Tiago Fonseca
Philippe Nadeau
+ PDF Chat Determinantal Forms for Symplectic and Orthogonal Schur Functions 1997 Angèle M. Hamel
+ Young diagrammatic methods for the restriction of representations of complex classical Lie groups to reductive subgroups of maximal rank 1990 Kazuhiko Koike
Itaru Terada
+ The Enumeration of Totally Symmetric Plane Partitions 1995 John R. Stembridge
+ PDF Chat Shot Noise in Chaotic Systems: “Classical” to Quantum Crossover 2000 Oded Agam
I. L. Aleǐner
A. I. Larkin
+ PDF Chat Breakdown of Universality in Quantum Chaotic Transport: The Two-Phase Dynamical Fluid Model 2004 Philippe Jacquod
Eugene V. Sukhorukov
+ Schur operators and Knuth correspondences 1995 Sergey Fomin
+ A method for proving polynomial enumeration formulas 2005 Ilse Fischer
+ PDF Chat Shot noise and transport in small quantum cavities with large openings 2002 R. G. Nazmitdinov
H.-S. Sim
Henning Schomerus
I. Rotter
+ PDF Chat Noiseless scattering states in a chaotic cavity 2003 P. G. Silvestrov
Marlies C Goorden
C. W. J. Beenakker
+ PDF Chat Quantum-to-Classical Crossover in Full Counting Statistics 2005 Eugene V. Sukhorukov
O. M. Bulashenko