Paola Pozzi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Stability analysis for the anisotropic curve shortening flow of planar networks 2024 Michael Gößwein
Matteo Novaga
Paola Pozzi
+ PDF Chat On an elastic flow for parametrized curves in $$\mathbb {R}^{n}$$ suitable for numerical purposes 2023 Paola Pozzi
+ Parametric Approaches for Geometric Evolution Equations and Interfaces 2023 Eberhard Bänsch
Klaus Deckelnick
Harald Garcke
Paola Pozzi
+ Stability analysis for the anisotropic curve shortening flow of planar networks 2023 Michael Gößwein
Matteo Novaga
Paola Pozzi
+ PDF Chat Convergence of a scheme for an elastic flow with tangential mesh movement 2022 Paola Pozzi
Björn Stinner
+ Convergence of a scheme for elastic flow with tangential mesh movement 2022 Paola Pozzi
Björn Stinner
+ On an elastic flow for parametrized curves in $\mathbb{R}^n$ suitable for numerical purposes 2022 Paola Pozzi
+ PDF Chat Anisotropic Curvature Flow of Immersed Networks 2021 Heiko Kröner
Matteo Novaga
Paola Pozzi
+ Anisotropic curvature flow of immersed networks 2020 Heiko Kroener
Matteo Novaga
Paola Pozzi
+ PDF Chat Elastic flow of networks: short-time existence result 2020 Anna Dall’Acqua
Chun-Chi Lin
Paola Pozzi
+ Uniqueness for a Second Order Gradient Flow of Elastic Networks 2020 Matteo Novaga
Paola Pozzi
+ PDF Chat A Second Order Gradient Flow of p-Elastic Planar Networks 2020 Matteo Novaga
Paola Pozzi
+ Anisotropic curvature flow of immersed networks 2020 Heiko Kroener
Matteo Novaga
Paola Pozzi
+ Elastic flow of networks: short-time existence result 2019 Anna Dall’Acqua
Chunchi Lin
Paola Pozzi
+ A converging finite element scheme for motion by curvature of a network with a triple junction. 2019 Paola Pozzi
Björn Stinner
+ PDF Chat A gradient flow for the p-elastic energy defined on closed planar curves 2019 Shinya Okabe
Paola Pozzi
Glen Wheeler
+ A second order gradient flow of p-elastic planar networks 2019 Matteo Novaga
Paola Pozzi
+ PDF Chat Anisotropic curvature flow of immersed curves 2019 Gwenaël Mercier
Matteo Novaga
Paola Pozzi
+ PDF Chat Elastic flow of networks: long-time existence result 2019 Anna Dall’Acqua
Chunchi Lin
Paola Pozzi
+ Elastic flow of networks: short-time existence result 2019 Anna Dall’Acqua
Chunchi Lin
Paola Pozzi
+ A second order gradient flow of p-elastic planar networks 2019 Matteo Novaga
Paola Pozzi
+ A converging finite element scheme for motion by curvature of a network with a triple junction 2019 Paola Pozzi
Björn Stinner
+ Approximation of minimal surfaces with free boundaries 2018 Ulrich Dierkes
Tristan Jenschke
Paola Pozzi
+ PDF Chat The elastic flow of curves on the sphere 2018 Anna Dall’Acqua
Tim Laux
Lin -
Paola Pozzi
Adrian Spener
+ PDF Chat Elastic flow interacting with a lateral diffusion process: the one-dimensional graph case 2018 Paola Pozzi
Björn Stinner
+ A gradient flow for the p-elastic energy defined on closed planar curves 2018 Shinya Okabe
Paola Pozzi
Glen Wheeler
+ Flow of elastic networks: long-time existence result 2018 Anna Dall’Acqua
Chunchi Lin
Paola Pozzi
+ A gradient flow for open elastic curves with fixed length and clamped ends 2017 Anna Dall’Acqua
Chun-Chi Lin
Paola Pozzi
+ Elastic flow interacting with a lateral diffusion process: The one-dimensional graph case 2017 Paola Pozzi
Björn Stinner
+ Elastic flow interacting with a lateral diffusion process: The one-dimensional graph case 2017 Paola Pozzi
Björn Stinner
+ PDF Chat Curve shortening flow coupled to lateral diffusion 2016 Paola Pozzi
Björn Stinner
+ Anisotropic curvature flow of immersed curves 2016 Gwenaël Mercier
Matteo Novaga
Paola Pozzi
+ PDF Chat On non-convex anisotropic surface energy regularized <i>via</i> the Willmore functional: The two-dimensional graph setting 2016 Paola Pozzi
Philipp Reiter
+ The Łojasiewicz–Simon gradient inequality for open elastic curves 2016 Anna Dall’Acqua
Paola Pozzi
Adrian Spener
+ Anisotropic curvature flow of immersed curves 2016 Gwenaël Mercier
Matteo Novaga
Paola Pozzi
+ On a Willmore-Helfrich $L^{2}$-flow of open curves in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ : a different approach (Shapes and other properties of the solutions of PDEs) 2015 Anna Dall’Acqua
Paola Pozzi
+ Curve shortening flow coupled to lateral diffusion 2015 Paola Pozzi
Björn Stinner
+ Curve shortening flow coupled to lateral diffusion 2015 Paola Pozzi
Björn Stinner
+ Evolution of open elastic curves in ℝn subject to fixed length and natural boundary conditions 2014 Anna Dall’Acqua
Chunchi Lin
Paola Pozzi
+ PDF Chat A Willmore-Helfrich $L^2$-flow of curves with natural boundary conditions 2014 Anna Dall’Acqua
Paola Pozzi
+ A Nested Variational Time Discretization for Parametric Anisotropic Willmore Flow 2013 Ricardo Perl
Paola Pozzi
Martin Rumpf
+ Willmore-type regularization of mean curvature flow in the presence of a non-convex anisotropy. The graph setting: analysis of the stationary case and numerics for the evolution problem 2013 Paola Pozzi
Philipp Reiter
+ Willmore-Helfrich L^{2}-flow of curves with natural boundary conditions 2012 Anna Dall’Acqua
Paola Pozzi
+ Willmore-Helfrich L^{2}-flow of curves with natural boundary conditions 2012 Anna Dall’Acqua
Paola Pozzi
+ On the gradient flow for the anisotropic area functional 2011 Paola Pozzi
+ PDF Chat Anisotropic mean curvature flow for two-dimensional surfaces in higher codimension: a numerical scheme 2008 Paola Pozzi
+ PDF Chat Anisotropic mean curvature flow in higher codimension 2008 Paola Pozzi
+ Anisotropic curve shortening flow in higher codimension 2007 Paola Pozzi
+ Concentration of measure and the approximation of functions of many variables 2005 Markus Hegland
Paola Pozzi
+ 𝐿²-estimate for the discrete Plateau Problem 2003 Paola Pozzi
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Evolution of Elastic Curves in $\Rn$: Existence and Computation 2002 Gerhard Dziuk
Ernst Kuwert
Reiner Schätzle
+ On three-phase boundary motion and the singular limit of a vector-valued Ginzburg-Landau equation 1993 Lia Bronsard
Fernando Reitich
+ PDF Chat A Willmore-Helfrich $L^2$-flow of curves with natural boundary conditions 2014 Anna Dall’Acqua
Paola Pozzi
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>L</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>-flow of elastic curves with clamped boundary conditions 2012 Chun-Chi Lin
+ Computation of geometric partial differential equations and mean curvature flow 2005 Klaus Deckelnick
Gerhard Dziuk
Charles M. Elliott
+ Lecture Notes on Mean Curvature Flow 2011 Carlo Mantegazza
+ Evolution of networks with multiple junctions 2016 Carlo Mantegazza
Matteo Novaga
Alessandra Pluda
Felix Schulze
+ Anisotropic curve shortening flow in higher codimension 2007 Paola Pozzi
+ PDF Chat The motion of elastic planar closed curves under the area-preserving condition 2007 Shinya Okabe
+ Discrete Anisotropic Curve Shortening Flow 1999 Gerhard Dziuk
+ L2 flow of curve straightening in the plane 1993 Yingzhong Wen
+ Finite elements on evolving surfaces 2006 Gerhard Dziuk
Charles M. Elliott
+ The Łojasiewicz–Simon gradient inequality for open elastic curves 2016 Anna Dall’Acqua
Paola Pozzi
Adrian Spener
+ A gradient flow for open elastic curves with fixed length and clamped ends 2017 Anna Dall’Acqua
Chun-Chi Lin
Paola Pozzi
+ An algorithm for evolutionary surfaces 1990 Gerhard Dziuk
+ The dynamics of elastic closed curves under uniform high pressure 2008 Shinya Okabe
+ PDF Chat Anisotropic motion by mean curvature in the context of Finsler geometry 1996 Giovanni Bellettini
Maurizio Paolini
+ PDF Chat Convergence to equilibrium of gradient flows defined on planar curves 2015 Matteo Novaga
Shinya Okabe
+ PDF Chat Elastic flow of networks: short-time existence result 2020 Anna Dall’Acqua
Chun-Chi Lin
Paola Pozzi
+ PDF Chat Elastic flow of networks: long-time existence result 2019 Anna Dall’Acqua
Chunchi Lin
Paola Pozzi
+ Willmore flow of planar networks 2018 Harald Garcke
Julia Menzel
Alessandra Pluda
+ Global analysis of the generalised Helfrich flow of closed curves immersed in ℝⁿ 2014 Glen Wheeler
+ Existence and uniqueness of the motion by curvature of regular networks 2022 Michael Gößwein
Julia Menzel
Alessandra Pluda
+ Boundary value problems of mathematical physics 1967 O. A. Ladyzhenskai︠a︡
+ PDF Chat Modelling cell motility and chemotaxis with evolving surface finite elements 2012 Charles M. Elliott
Björn Stinner
Chandrasekhar Venkataraman
+ PDF Chat A note on quasilinear parabolic equations on manifolds 2012 Carlo Mantegazza
Luca Martinazzi
+ Evolving plane curves by curvature in relative geometries 1993 Michael E. Gage
+ On the curve straightening flow of inextensible, open, planar curves 2011 Dietmar Oelz
+ PDF Chat The Second-Order L 2-Flow of Inextensible Elastic Curves with Hinged Ends in the Plane 2015 Chun-Chi Lin
Yang-Kai Lue
Hartmut Schwetlick
+ PDF Chat Flow by mean curvature of convex surfaces into spheres 1984 Gerhard Huisken
+ PDF Chat Convergence of the penalty method applied to a constrained curve straightening flow 2014 Dietmar Oelz
+ PDF Chat Error Analysis of a Space-Time Finite Element Method for Solving PDEs on Evolving Surfaces 2014 Maxim A. Olshanskii
Arnold Reusken
+ PDF Chat The heat equation shrinking convex plane curves 1986 Michael E. Gage
Richard S. Hamilton
+ Parabolic Equations for Curves on Surfaces Part I. Curves with p-Integrable Curvature 1990 Sigurd Angenent
+ PDF Chat A Survey of the Elastic Flow of Curves and Networks 2021 Carlo Mantegazza
Alessandra Pluda
Marco Pozzetta
+ Some Applications 1999 Giuseppe Buttazzo
Mariano Giaquinta
Stefan Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Anisotropic curvature flow of immersed curves 2019 Gwenaël Mercier
Matteo Novaga
Paola Pozzi
+ Curve shortening–straightening flow for non-closed planar curves with infinite length 2013 Matteo Novaga
Shinya Okabe
+ Parabolic Boundary Value Problems 1998 Samuil D. Eidelman
Nicolae V. Zhitarashu
+ PDF Chat Numerical approximation of gradient flows for closed curves in Rd 2009 John W. Barrett
Harald Garcke
Robert Nürnberg
+ PDF Chat Stiffest elastic networks 2014 Gérald Gurtner
Marc Durand
+ Willmore blowups are never compact 2009 Ralph Chill
Eva Fašangová
Reiner Schätzle
+ PDF Chat A Simple, Fast and Stabilized Flowing Finite Volume Method for Solving General Curve Evolution Equations 2009 Karol Mikula
Daniel Ševčovič
Martin Balažovjech
+ Nash-Moser techniques for nonlinear boundary-value problems. 2003 Markus Poppenberg
+ PDF Chat Modeling Cell Movement and Chemotaxis Using Pseudopod-Based Feedback 2011 Matthew P. Neilson
J.A. Mackenzie
Steven D. Webb
Robert H. Insall
+ Stable and unstable manifolds for quasilinear parabolic systems with fully nonlinear boundary conditions 2006 Yuri Latushkin
Jan Prüß
Roland Schnaubelt
+ PDF Chat Motion by curvature of planar networks II 2016 Annibale Magni
Carlo Mantegazza
Matteo Novaga
+ PDF Chat Anisotropic mean curvature flow for two-dimensional surfaces in higher codimension: a numerical scheme 2008 Paola Pozzi