Tim Hsu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Grand canonical generative diffusion model for crystalline phases and grain boundaries 2024 Bo Lei
Enze Chen
Hyuna Kwon
Tim Hsu
Babak Sadigh
Vincenzo Lordi
Timofey Frolov
Fei Zhou
+ PDF Chat Cascading blackout severity prediction with statistically-augmented graph neural networks 2024 Joe Gorka
Tim Hsu
Wenting Li
Yury Maximov
Line Roald
+ PDF Chat Ice phase classification made easy with score-based denoising 2024 Hongchun Sun
SĂ©bastien Hamel
Tim Hsu
Babak Sadigh
Vince Lordi
Fei Zhou
+ PDF Chat Cascading Blackout Severity Prediction with Statistically-Augmented Graph Neural Networks 2024 Joe Gorka
Tim Hsu
Wenting Li
Yury Maximov
Line Roald
+ Challenges and approaches to privacy preserving post-click conversion prediction 2022 Conor Cruise O’Brien
Arvind Thiagarajan
Sourav Das
Rafael Ferreira Barreto
Chetan Verma
Tim Hsu
James Neufield
Jonathan J. Hunt
+ Quantifying Disorder One Atom at a Time Using an Interpretable Graph Neural Network Paradigm 2022 James Chapman
Tim Hsu
Xiao Dong Chen
Tae Wook Heo
Brandon C. Wood
+ Score-based denoising for atomic structure identification 2022 Tim Hsu
Babak Sadigh
Nicolas Bertin
Cheol Woo Park
James Chapman
Vasily V. Bulatov
Fei Zhou
+ Efficient, Interpretable Graph Neural Network Representation for Angle-dependent Properties and its Application to Optical Spectroscopy 2021 Tim Hsu
Tuan Anh Pham
Nathan Keilbart
Stephen E. Weitzner
James Chapman
Penghao Xiao
S. Roger Qiu
Xiao Dong Chen
Brandon C. Wood
+ Change Comes from Without: Lessons Learned in a Chaotic Year 2020 Wes Maciejewski
John Bragelman
Marion Campisi
Tim Hsu
Andrea Gottlieb
Jordan Schettler
Trisha Bergthold
Bem Cayco
+ Microstructure Generation via Generative Adversarial Network for Heterogeneous, Topologically Complex 3D Materials 2020 Tim Hsu
William K. Epting
Hokon Kim
Harry Abernathy
Gregory Hackett
Anthony D. Rollett
A. Salvador
Elizabeth A. Holm
+ Rational Nonaxis Points on the Unit Circle Have Irrational Angles 2016 Tim Hsu
+ Cubulating malnormal amalgams 2014 Tim Hsu
Daniel T. Wise
+ A non-residually finite square of finite groups 2013 Tim Hsu
Daniel T. Wise
+ Cubulating graphs of free groups with cyclic edge groups 2010 Tim Hsu
Daniel T. Wise
+ Methods for nesting rank 3 normalized matching rank-unimodal posets 2008 Tim Hsu
Mark J. Logan
Shahriar Shahriari
+ PDF Chat Artin HNN-extensions virtually embed in Artin groups 2008 Tim Hsu
Ian J. Leary
+ The generalized FĂŒredi conjecture holds for finite linear lattices 2006 Tim Hsu
Mark J. Logan
Shahriar Shahriari
+ Groups with infinitely many types of fixed subgroups 2004 Tim Hsu
Daniel T. Wise
+ Ascending HNN extensions of polycyclic groups are residually finite 2003 Tim Hsu
Daniel T. Wise
+ Partitioning the Boolean lattice into a minimal number of chains of relatively uniform size 2003 Tim Hsu
Mark J. Logan
Shahriar Shahriari
Christopher Towse
+ Separating quasiconvex subgroups of right-angled Artin groups 2002 Tim Hsu
Daniel T. Wise
+ Partitioning the Boolean Lattice into Chains of Large Minimum Size 2002 Tim Hsu
Mark J. Logan
Shahriar Shahriari
Christopher Towse
+ Explicit constructions of code loops as centrally twisted products 2000 Tim Hsu
+ Moufang loops of class 2 and cubic forms 2000 Tim Hsu
+ Some results on the structure problem 2000 Tim Hsu
+ PDF Chat On linear and residual properties of graph products. 1999 Tim Hsu
Daniel T. Wise
+ Quilts, the 3-string braid group, and braid actions on finite groups: an introduction 1998 Tim Hsu
+ Embedding theorems for non-positively curved polygons of finite groups 1998 Tim Hsu
Daniel T. Wise
+ Permutation techniques for coset representations of modular subgroups 1997 Tim Hsu
+ PDF Chat Identifying congruence subgroups of the modular group 1996 Tim Hsu
+ Class 2 Moufang loops, small Frattini Moufang loops, and code loops 1996 Tim Hsu
+ Some quilts for the Mathieu groups 1996 Tim Hsu
+ Quilts and T-Systems 1995 John H. Conway
Tim Hsu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On linear and residual properties of graph products. 1999 Tim Hsu
Daniel T. Wise
+ Combinatorics of Finite Sets. 1989 Daniel J. Kleitman
Ian Anderson
+ Combinatorial Group Theory 1990 Roger C. Lyndon
Paul E. Schupp
+ Partitioning the Boolean Lattice into Chains of Large Minimum Size 2002 Tim Hsu
Mark J. Logan
Shahriar Shahriari
Christopher Towse
+ Metric Spaces of Non-Positive Curvature 1999 Martin R. Bridson
André Haefliger
+ Problems on chain partitions 1988 Jerrold R. Griggs
+ Sufficient Conditions for a Symmetric Chain Order 1977 Jerrold R. Griggs
+ Matchings, cutsets, and chain partitions in graded posets 1995 Jerrold R. Griggs
+ Partitioning the Boolean lattice into a minimal number of chains of relatively uniform size 2003 Tim Hsu
Mark J. Logan
Shahriar Shahriari
Christopher Towse
+ The geometry of cube complexes and the complexity of their fundamental groups 1998 Graham A. Niblo
L. D. Reeves
+ Proof of a conjecture on partitions of a Boolean lattice 1991 Zbigniew Lonc
+ Codimension-1 Subgroups and Splittings of Groups 1997 Michah Sageev
+ Strong versions of Sperner's theorem 1976 Curtis Greene
Daniel J. Kleitman
+ Special Cube Complexes 2007 Frédéric Haglund
Daniel T. Wise
+ Normalized Matching in Direct Products of Partial Orders 1973 Wan-Hsin Hsieh
Daniel J. Kleitman
+ Morse theory and finiteness properties of groups 1997 Mladen Bestvina
Noel Brady
+ Combinatorial group theory 1978 Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ Subgroups of graph groups 1987 Carl Droms
+ PDF Chat Isomorphisms of graph groups 1987 Carl Droms
+ On the set of divisors of a number 1951 de Ng Dick Bruijn
van C Ebbenhorst Tengbergen
D. Kruyswijk
+ Combinatorial Group Theory. 1967 P. M. Cohn
Wilhelm Magnus
A. Karrass
D. Solitar
+ Cubulating small cancellation groups 2004 Daniel T. Wise
+ Generalized Free Products of Linear Groups 1973 B. A. F. Wehrfritz
+ Ends of Group Pairs and Non-Positively Curved Cube Complexes 1995 Michah Sageev
+ Partitioning Boolean lattices into chains of subsets 1987 Jerrold R. Griggs
Roger K. Yeh
Charles M. Grinstead
+ Graph groups are biautomatic 1994 Leonard Van Wyk
+ Right-angled Artin groups are commensurable with right-angled Coxeter groups 2000 Michael W. Davis
Tadeusz Januszkiewicz
+ Algorithms and Geometry for Graph Products of Groups 1995 Susan Hermiller
John Meier
+ Graph products of groups 1990 Elisabeth Ruth Green
+ PDF Chat Coset representations in free groups 1949 Marshall Hall
+ On Representations of Artin Groups and the Tits Conjecture 1994 Stephen P. Humphries
+ PDF Chat A combination theorem for negatively curved groups 1992 Mladen Bestvina
Mark Feighn
+ Cubular tubular groups 2014 Daniel T. Wise
+ PDF Chat The cusp amplitudes of the congruence subgroups of the classical modular group 1982 H. Larcher
+ Nested Chain Partitions of Hamiltonian Filters 1998 David G. C. Horrocks
+ PDF Chat On polygonal products of finitely generated abelian groups 1992 Goansu Kim
+ The Group of Primitive Pythagorean Triangles 1984 Ernest J. Eckert
+ Lecture Notes on Nilpotent Groups 2007 Gilbert Baumslag
+ PDF Chat An extension of F. Klein's level concept 1964 Klaus Wohlfahrt
+ Noneuclidean Tesselations and Their Groups 1974 Wilhelm Magnus
+ PDF Chat Cubulating spaces with walls 2004 Bogdan Nica
+ Small cancellation theory and automatic groups 1990 S. M. Gersten
Hamish Short
+ Geometric invariants of spaces with isolated flats 2004 G. Christopher Hruska
+ Lectures on buildings 1990 Mark Ronan
+ A new matching property for posets and existence of disjoint chains 2004 Mark J. Logan
Shahriar Shahriari
+ Correlated and cascading node failures in random geometric networks: A percolation view 2012 Zhenning Kong
Edmund Yeh
+ PDF Chat Estimating Cascading Failure Risk With Random Chemistry 2014 Pooya Rezaei
Paul Hines
Margaret J. Eppstein
+ PDF Chat Remark on a criterion for common transversals 1969 Hazel Perfect
+ A second grammar of associators 1978 Jonathan D. H. Smith
+ The Schur multiplicator ofSL(2,Z/mZ) and the congruence subgroup property 1986 F. Rudolf Beyl