Michael Bestehorn


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat From random walks to epidemic spreading: Compartment model with mortality for vector transmitted diseases 2025 TĂ©o Granger
Thomas M. Michelitsch
Bernard Collet
Michael Bestehorn
Alejandro P. Riascos
+ Periodic solutions and chaotic attractors of a modified epidemiological SCIS model 2024 Michael Bestehorn
Thomas M. Michelitsch
+ Stochastic Compartment Model with Mortality and Its Application to Epidemic Spreading in Complex Networks 2024 TĂ©o Granger
Thomas M. Michelitsch
Michael Bestehorn
Alejandro P. Riascos
Bernard Collet
+ Stochastic Compartment Model With Mortality and Its Application to Epidemic Spreading in Complex Networks 2024 TĂ©o Granger
Thomas M. Michelitsch
Michael Bestehorn
Alejandro P. Riascos
Bernard Collet
+ PDF Chat Stochastic compartment model with mortality and its application to epidemic spreading in complex networks 2024 TĂ©o Granger
Thomas M. Michelitsch
Michael Bestehorn
Alejandro P. Riascos
Bernard Collet
+ Epidemiological Model with Fluctuations 2023 Michael Bestehorn
Thomas M. Michelitsch
+ PDF Chat Four-compartment epidemic model with retarded transition rates 2023 TĂ©o Granger
Thomas M. Michelitsch
Michael Bestehorn
Alejandro P. Riascos
Bernard Collet
+ 6 Ordinary differential equations III, memory, delay and noise 2023 Michael Bestehorn
+ 9 Monte Carlo methods 2023 Michael Bestehorn
+ 5 Ordinary differential equations II, boundary value problems 2023 Michael Bestehorn
+ 4 Ordinary differential equations I, initial value problems 2023 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Oscillating Behavior of a Compartmental Model with Retarded Noisy Dynamic Infection Rate 2023 Michael Bestehorn
Thomas M. Michelitsch
+ Compartment model with retarded transition rates 2023 TĂ©o Granger
Thomas M. Michelitsch
Bernard Collet
Michael Bestehorn
Alejandro P. Riascos
+ PDF Chat A four compartment epidemic model with retarded transition rates 2022 TĂ©o Granger
Thomas M. Michelitsch
Michael Bestehorn
Alejandro P. Riascos
Bernard Collet
+ PDF Chat Simple model of epidemic dynamics with memory effects 2022 Michael Bestehorn
Thomas M. Michelitsch
Bernard Collet
Alejandro P. Riascos
Andrzej F. Nowakowski
+ PDF Chat Equilibrium shapes and floatability of static and vertically vibrated heavy liquid drops on the surface of a lighter fluid 2021 Andrey Pototsky
Alexander Oron
Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat A Markovian random walk model of epidemic spreading 2021 Michael Bestehorn
Alejandro P. Riascos
Thomas M. Michelitsch
Bernard Collet
+ PDF Chat A nonlinear impulsive Cauchy–Poisson problem. Part 2. Lagrangian description 2020 Peder A. Tyvand
Camilla Mulstad
Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat A nonlinear impulsive Cauchy–Poisson problem. Part 1. Eulerian description 2020 Peder A. Tyvand
Camilla Mulstad
Michael Bestehorn
+ 7. Partial differential equations II, applications 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ 6. Partial differential equations I, basics 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ 4. Ordinary differential equations I, initial value problems 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ Randbedingungen fĂŒr Systeme gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Lösungen der Aufgaben zu partiellen Differentialgleichungen 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen: Numerische Lösung durch semi-implizites Verfahren 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ Implizite und explizite Verfahren zur Integration gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Sierpinski-Dreieck 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Das mathematische Pendel 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Differentialgleichungen mit periodischen Koeffizienten: Floquet-Theorem 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Quantenmechanik in einer Dimension:: ZeitabhÀngige Schrödinger-Gleichung 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen. Numerische Verfahren niedrigster Ordnung: Euler-Verfahren 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ Zweidimensionales klassisches Gas: Metropolis-Algorithmus 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Differentialgleichungen als Variationsproblem: Diffusionsgleichung 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen I: Referenzen 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat ZeitabhÀngige Schrödinger-Gleichung: Schrittweiten 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Partielle Differentialgleichungen II, Anwendungen: Referenzen 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ Nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen: Numerische Lösung durch explizites Verfahren 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Schrödinger-Gleichung in zwei Dimensionen 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Quasiperiodische Planetenbahnen, Periheldrehung 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat ZeitabhÀngige Schrödinger-Gleichung: Wellenpaket 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ Die Newton–Raphson-Methode am Beispiel der nichtlinearen Schrödinger-Gleichung 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PoincarĂ©-Abbildung fĂŒr das HĂ©non–Heiles-Modell 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen II: Referenzen 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat ZeitabhÀngige Schrödinger-Gleichung: Der unendlich hohe Potentialtopf 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Partielle Differentialgleichungen 2. Ordnung 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Das reduzierte Drei-Körper-Problem 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Lösungen der Aufgaben zum Dreikörperproblem 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Lösungen der Aufgaben zu gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Das eindimensionale Ising-Modell 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Thermische Konvektion: Quadratische Geometrie 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Das symplektische Verfahren am Beispiel des HĂ©non–Heiles-Modells 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ Rayleigh–BĂ©nard-Konvektion: Volles nichtlineares Problem in drei Raumdimensionen 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ Beispiel: Schrödinger-Gleichung 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Rand- und Anfangsbedingungen fĂŒr partielle Differentialgleichungen 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Numerische StabilitÀt des Euler-Verfahrens 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Quantenmechanik in einer Dimension: StationÀre Zweiteilchengleichung 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ Die Newton–Raphson-Methode 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ Aufgaben zu gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ Quasilineare Differentialgleichungen 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ Aufgaben zu partiellen Differentialgleichungen 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Partielle Differentialgleichungen 1. Ordnung 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Verfahren höherer Ordnung: Das Runge–Kutta-Verfahren 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ Fraktale Dimension am Beispiel des Sierpinski-Dreiecks 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ Elliptische Differentialgleichung, Beispiel Poisson-Gleichung 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ ZeitabhÀngige Schrödinger-Gleichung: Algorithmus 2018 Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Shaping liquid drops by vibration 2018 Andrey Pototsky
Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Collective shuttling of attracting particles in asymmetric narrow channels 2010 Andrey Pototsky
Andrew J. Archer
Michael Bestehorn
Domnic Merkt
Sergey Savel’ev
Fabio Marchesoni
+ Enhanced rectification of attracting particles in a single-file 2010 Andrey Pototsky
Andrew J. Archer
Michael Bestehorn
Domnic Merkt
Sergey Savel’ev
Fabio Marchesoni
+ The laser polarization as control parameter in the pattern formation 2009 Sergey Varlamov
Michael Bestehorn
Olga Varlamova
J. Reif
+ PDF Chat Morphology changes in the evolution of liquid two-layer films 2005 Andrey Pototsky
Michael Bestehorn
Domnic Merkt
Uwe Thiele
+ PDF Chat Long-wave theory of bounded two-layer films with a free liquid–liquid interface: Short- and long-time evolution 2005 Domnic Merkt
Andrey Pototsky
Michael Bestehorn
Uwe Thiele
Domnic Merkt
Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat Alternative pathways of dewetting for a thin liquid two-layer film 2004 Andrey Pototsky
Michael Bestehorn
Domnic Merkt
Uwe Thiele
+ Model order reduction and parameterization of nonlinear numerical models 2004 H. MĂŒller
Stefan Götz
Michael Bestehorn
+ Pattern formation upon femtosecond laser ablation of transparent dielectrics 2004 Michael Bestehorn
Theoretische Physik
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The random walk's guide to anomalous diffusion: a fractional dynamics approach 2000 Ralf Metzler
J. Klafter
+ An Introduction to Mathematical Epidemiology 2015 Maia Martcheva
+ A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemics 1927 W. O. Kermack
A. G. McKendrick
+ PDF Chat Epidemic dynamics and endemic states in complex networks 2001 Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Simple model of epidemic dynamics with memory effects 2022 Michael Bestehorn
Thomas M. Michelitsch
Bernard Collet
Alejandro P. Riascos
Andrzej F. Nowakowski
+ PDF Chat Epidemic processes in complex networks 2015 Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Claudio Castellano
Piet Van Mieghem
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Mean encounter times for multiple random walkers on networks 2021 Alejandro P. Riascos
David P. Sanders
+ PDF Chat Recurrent host mobility in spatial epidemics: beyond reaction-diffusion 2011 Vitaly Belik
T. Geisel
Dirk Brockmann
+ Epidemic spreading in heterogeneous networks with recurrent mobility patterns 2020 Liang Feng
Qianchuan Zhao
Cangqi Zhou
+ PDF Chat Non-Markovian SIR epidemic spreading model of COVID-19 2022 Lasko Basnarkov
Igor Tomovski
Trifce Sandev
Ljupčo Kocarev
+ PDF Chat Random walks on weighted networks: a survey of local and non-local dynamics 2021 Alejandro P. Riascos
José L. Mateos
+ PDF Chat Four-compartment epidemic model with retarded transition rates 2023 TĂ©o Granger
Thomas M. Michelitsch
Michael Bestehorn
Alejandro P. Riascos
Bernard Collet
+ PDF Chat A Markovian random walk model of epidemic spreading 2021 Michael Bestehorn
Alejandro P. Riascos
Thomas M. Michelitsch
Bernard Collet
+ PDF Chat Random Walks on Complex Networks 2004 Jae Dong Noh
Heiko Rieger
+ From continuous time random walks to the generalized diffusion equation 2018 Trifce Sandev
Ralf Metzler
Aleksei V. Chechkin
+ A fractional generalization of the Poisson processes 2004 Francesco Mainardi
Rudolf Gorenflo
Enrico Scalas
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks 1999 Albert‐László Barabási
RĂ©ka Albert
+ PDF Chat Mutual Adaptation of a Faraday Instability Pattern with its Flexible Boundaries in Floating Fluid Drops 2011 Giuseppe Pucci
Emmanuel Fort
Martine Ben Amar
Y. Couder
+ PDF Chat Epidemics and percolation in small-world networks 2000 Cristopher Moore
M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat What can we learn from the dynamics of the Covid-19 epidemic ? 2023 Michel Peyrard
+ PDF Chat Spatial heterogeneity and infection patterns on epidemic transmission disclosed by a combined contact-dependent dynamics and compartmental model 2023 Youyuan Zhu
Ruizhe Shen
Hao Dong
Wei Wang
+ PDF Chat Alternative pathways of dewetting for a thin liquid two-layer film 2004 Andrey Pototsky
Michael Bestehorn
Domnic Merkt
Uwe Thiele
+ PDF Chat The SIR dynamic model of infectious disease transmission and its analogy with chemical kinetics 2020 Cory M. Simon
+ PDF Chat Evolution of transport under cumulative damage in metro systems 2023 L. K. Eraso-Hernandez
Alejandro P. Riascos
Thomas M. Michelitsch
Jicun Wang-Michelitsch
+ Global dynamics of a SEIR model with varying total population size 1999 Michael Y. Li
John R. Graef
Liancheng Wang
JĂĄnos Karsai
+ PDF Chat Population-Based Model of the Fraction of Incidental COVID-19 Hospitalizations during the Omicron BA.1 Wave in the United States 2023 Jeffrey E. Harris
+ PDF Chat Epidemic Spreading in Scale-Free Networks 2001 Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Epidemics and immunization in scale‐free networks 2002 Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Microscopic Numerical Simulations of Epidemic Models on Networks 2021 Yutaka Okabe
Akira Shudo
+ Delay Differential Equations and Applications to Biology 2021 Fathalla A. Rihan
+ PDF Chat A nonlinear impulsive Cauchy–Poisson problem. Part 1. Eulerian description 2020 Peder A. Tyvand
Camilla Mulstad
Michael Bestehorn
+ PDF Chat The large-scale organization of metabolic networks 2000 Hawoong Jeong
B. Tombor
RĂ©ka Albert
ZoltĂĄn N. Oltvai
Albert‐László Barabási
+ PDF Chat On discrete time Prabhakar-generalized fractional Poisson processes and related stochastic dynamics 2020 Thomas M. Michelitsch
Federico Polito
Alejandro P. Riascos
+ PDF Chat Active and inactive quarantine in epidemic spreading on adaptive activity-driven networks 2020 Marco Mancastroppa
Raffaella Burioni
Vittoria Colizza
A. Vezzani
+ PDF Chat Nonlocal biased random walks and fractional transport on directed networks 2020 Alejandro P. Riascos
Thomas M. Michelitsch
Andrea Pizarro Medina
+ PDF Chat Second wave COVID-19 pandemics in Europe: a temporal playbook 2020 Giacomo Cacciapaglia
Corentin Cot
Francesco Sannino
+ PDF Chat Scaling and percolation in the small-world network model 1999 M. E. J. Newman
Duncan J. Watts
+ PDF Chat Generalized Fractional Poisson Process and Related Stochastic Dynamics 2020 Thomas M. Michelitsch
Alejandro P. Riascos
+ PDF Chat Oscillating Behavior of a Compartmental Model with Retarded Noisy Dynamic Infection Rate 2023 Michael Bestehorn
Thomas M. Michelitsch
+ PDF Chat Superconducting Fluxon Pumps and Lenses 1999 John F. Wambaugh
C. Reichhardt
C. J. Olson
Fabio Marchesoni
Franco Nori
+ PDF Chat Localized states in the conserved Swift-Hohenberg equation with cubic nonlinearity 2013 Uwe Thiele
Andrew J. Archer
Mark J. Robbins
HĂ©ctor GĂłmez
Edgar Knobloch
+ PDF Chat General Fractional Calculus, Evolution Equations, and Renewal Processes 2011 Anatoly N. Kochubei
+ PDF Chat Artificial Brownian motors: Controlling transport on the nanoscale 2009 Peter HĂ€nggi
Fabio Marchesoni
+ PDF Chat Disjoining potential and spreading of thin liquid layers in the diffuse-interface model coupled to hydrodynamics 2000 L. M. Pismen
Yves Pomeau
+ PDF Chat Cooperative Transport of Brownian Particles 1995 Imre Derényi
TamĂĄs Vicsek
+ PDF Chat Screened Hydrodynamic Interaction in a Narrow Channel 2002 Bianxiao Cui
Haim Diamant
Binhua Lin
+ Super-spreaders and the rate of transmission of the SARS virus 2006 Michael Small
Chi K. Tse
David M. Walker
+ Epidemic spreading in population networks 2008 Alain Barrat
Marc Barthélemy
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Worm-like instability of a vibrated sessile drop 2015 Arnaud Hemmerlé
Guillaume Froehlicher
Vance Bergeron
Thierry Charitat
Jean Farago