Yelena Yuditsky


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Integer programs with nearly totally unimodular matrices: the cographic case 2025 Manuel Aprile
Samuel Fiorini
Gwenaël Joret
Stefan Kober
Miehał T. Seweryn
Stefan Weltge
Yelena Yuditsky
+ PDF Chat Typical Structure of Hereditary Graph Families. I. Apex‐free Families 2024 Sergey Norin
Yelena Yuditsky
+ PDF Chat Typical Structure of Hereditary Graph Families. II. Exotic Examples 2024 Sergey Norin
Yelena Yuditsky
+ PDF Chat Integer programs with bounded subdeterminants and two nonzeros per row 2024 Samuel Fiorini
Gwenaël Joret
Stefan Weltge
Yelena Yuditsky
+ PDF Chat Integer programs with nearly totally unimodular matrices: the cographic case 2024 Manuel Aprile
Samuel Fiorini
Gwenaël Joret
Stefan Kober
Michał T. Seweryn
Stefan Weltge
Yelena Yuditsky
+ PDF Chat Conflict-Free Colouring of Subsets 2023 Bruno Jartoux
Chaya Keller
Shakhar Smorodinsky
Yelena Yuditsky
+ On Separating Path and Tree Systems in Graphs 2023 Ahmad Biniaz
Prosenjit Bose
Jean-Lou De Carufel
Anil Maheshwari
Babak Miraftab
Saeed Odak
Michiel Smid
Shakhar Smorodinsky
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Total Matching and Subdeterminants 2023 Luca Ferrarini
Samuel Fiorini
Stefan Kober
Yelena Yuditsky
+ PDF Chat On Multicolor Ramsey Numbers and Subset Coloring of Hypergraphs 2022 Bruno Jartoux
Chaya Keller
Shakhar Smorodinsky
Yelena Yuditsky
+ PDF Chat Integer programs with bounded subdeterminants and two nonzeros per row 2022 Samuel Fiorini
Gwenaël Joret
Stefan Weltge
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Conflict-Free Colouring of Subsets 2022 Bruno Jartoux
Chaya Keller
Shakhar Smorodinsky
Yelena Yuditsky
+ PDF Chat Counterexamples to Thomassen’s Conjecture on Decomposition of Cubic Graphs 2021 Thomas Bellitto
Tereza Klimošová
Martin Merker
Marcin Witkowski
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Weak Coloring Numbers of Intersection Graphs. 2021 Zdeněk Dvořák
Jakub Pekárek
Torsten Ueckerdt
Yelena Yuditsky
+ PDF Chat On Multicolour Ramsey Numbers and Subset-Colouring of Hypergraphs 2021 Bruno Jartoux
Chaya Keller
Shakhar Smorodinsky
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Integer programs with bounded subdeterminants and two nonzeros per row 2021 Samuel Fiorini
Gwenaël Joret
Stefan Weltge
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Weak Coloring Numbers of Intersection Graphs 2021 Zdeněk Dvořák
Jakub Pekárek
Torsten Ueckerdt
Yelena Yuditsky
+ PDF Chat Almost All String Graphs are Intersection Graphs of Plane Convex Sets 2020 János Pach
Bruce Reed
Yelena Yuditsky
+ The $\epsilon$-$t$-Net Problem 2020 Noga Alon
Bruno Jartoux
Chaya Keller
Shakhar Smorodinsky
Yelena Yuditsky
+ The $ε$-$t$-Net Problem 2020 Noga Alon
Bruno Jartoux
Chaya Keller
Shakhar Smorodinsky
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Typical structure of hereditary graph families. I. Apex-free families 2020 Sergey Norin
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Typical structure of hereditary graph families. II. Exotic examples 2020 Sergey Norin
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Counterexamples to Thomassen's conjecture on decomposition of cubic graphs 2019 Thomas Bellitto
Tereza Klimošová
Martin Merker
Marcin Witkowski
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Counterexamples to Thomassen's conjecture on decomposition of cubic graphs 2019 Thomas Bellitto
Tereza Klimošová
Martin Merker
Marcin E. Witkowski
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Almost all string graphs are intersection graphs of plane convex sets 2018 János Pach
Bruce Reed
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Almost all string graphs are intersection graphs of plane convex sets 2018 János Pach
Bruce A. Reed
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Almost all string graphs are intersection graphs of plane convex sets 2018 János Pach
Bruce Reed
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Erdős–Szekeres Without Induction 2016 Sergey Norin
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Erd\H{o}s-Szekeres without induction 2015 Sergey Norin
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Erdős-Szekeres without induction 2015 Sergey Norin
Yelena Yuditsky
+ PDF Chat Approximation Schemes for Covering and Packing 2013 Rom Aschner
Matthew J. Katz
Gila Morgenstern
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Approximation Schemes for Covering and Packing 2012 Rom Aschner
Matthew J. Katz
Gila Morgenstern
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Efficient Private Distributed Computation on Unbounded Input Streams 2012 Shlomi Dolev
Juan A. Garay
Niv Gilboa
Vladimir Kolesnikov
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Efficient Private Distributed Computation on Unbounded Input Streams 2012 Shlomi Dolev
Juan A. Garay
Niv Gilboa
Vladimir Kolesnikov
Yelena Yuditsky
+ Approximation Schemes for Covering and Packing 2012 Rom Aschner
Matthew J. Katz
Gila Morgenstern
Yelena Yuditsky
+ PDF Chat Polychromatic coloring for half-planes 2011 Shakhar Smorodinsky
Yelena Yuditsky
+ PDF Chat Polychromatic Coloring for Half-Planes 2010 Shakhar Smorodinsky
Yelena Yuditsky
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Excluding induced subgraphs: Critical graphs 2010 József Balogh
Jane Butterfield
+ PDF Chat For most graphs<i>H</i>, most<i>H</i>‐free graphs have a linear homogeneous set 2013 Ross J. Kang
Colin McDiarmid
Bruce Reed
Alex Scott
+ Combinatorial Theorems on Classifications of Subsets of a Given Set 1952 P. Erdős
R. Rado
+ The structure of almost all graphs in a hereditary property 2010 Noga Alon
József Balogh
Béla Bollobás
Robert Morris
+ PDF Chat Almost tight bounds forɛ-Nets 1992 János Komlós
János Pach
Gerhard J. Woeginger
+ Excluding induced subgraphs: quadrilaterals 1991 Hans Jürgen Prömel
Angelika Steger
+ Excluding induced subgraphs II: extremal graphs 1993 Hans Jürgen Prömel
Angelika Steger
+ Projections of Bodies and Hereditary Properties of Hypergraphs 1995 Béla Bollobás
Andrew Thomason
+ Almost all Berge Graphs are Perfect 1992 Hans Jürgen Prömel
Angelika Steger
+ Geometric random edge 2016 Friedrich Eisenbrand
Santosh Vempala
+ PDF Chat Conflict-Free Coloring and its Applications 2013 Shakhar Smorodinsky
+ PDF Chat n-Fold integer programming in cubic time 2011 Raymond Hemmecke
Shmuel Onn
Lyubov Romanchuk
+ PDF Chat Conflict-free coloring of points with respect to rectangles and approximation algorithms for discrete independent set 2012 Timothy M. Chan
+ Mangoes and Blueberries 1999 Robert E. Bruce
+ PDF Chat A Combinatorial Problem in Geometry 2009 P. Erdős
G. Szckeres
+ On a Problem of Formal Logic 1930 Frank Plumpton Ramsey
+ PDF Chat Coloring Geometric Range Spaces 2008 Greg Aloupis
Jean Cardinal
Sébastien Collette
Stefan Langerman
Shakhar Smorodinsky
+ On the excluded minor structure theorem for graphs of large tree-width 2012 Reinhard Diestel
Ken‐ichi Kawarabayashi
Theodor Müller
Paul Wollan
+ On the minors of an incidence matrix and its Smith normal form 1995 Jerrold W. Grossman
Amey Kulkarni
Irwin E. Schochetman
+ A bound on the chromatic number of graphs without certain induced subgraphs 1980 Stanley Wagon
+ PDF Chat Separators for sphere-packings and nearest neighbor graphs 1997 Gary L. Miller
Shang‐Hua Teng
William P. Thurston
Stephen A. Vavasis
+ PDF Chat Unique-Maximum and Conflict-Free Coloring for Hypergraphs and Tree Graphs 2013 Panagiotis Cheilaris
Balázs Keszegh
Dömötör Pálvölgyi
+ Separator theorems and Turán-type results for planar intersection graphs 2008 Jacob Fox
János Pach
+ Multicolor Ramsey numbers for triple systems 2014 Maria Axenovich
András Gyárfás
Hong Liu
Dhruv Mubayi
+ PDF Chat Ramsey Theory, integer partitions and a new proof of the Erdős–Szekeres Theorem 2014 Guy Moshkovitz
A. Shapira
+ Sensitivity theorems in integer linear programming 1986 William J. Cook
A.M.H. Gerards
Alexander Schrijver
Éva Tardos
+ On the Size of Hereditary Classes of Graphs 1994 Edward R. Scheinerman
Julie M. Zito
+ PDF Chat Tight lower bounds for the size of epsilon-nets 2012 János Pach
Gábor Tardos
+ Almost All F-Free Graphs Have The Erdös-Hajnal Property 2010 Martin Loebl
Bruce Reed
Alex Scott
Andrew Thomason
Stéphan Thomassé
+ Faster approximation schemes and parameterized algorithms on (odd-)<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>H</mml:mi></mml:math>-minor-free graphs 2011 Siamak Tazari
+ Toward a theory of crossing numbers 1970 W. T. Tutte
+ PDF Chat Partition relations for cardinal numbers 1965 Péter L. Erdős
A. Hajnal
R. Rado
+ Excluding a Substar and an Antisubstar 2015 Maria Chudnovsky
Sergey Norin
Bruce Reed
Paul Seymour
+ Ramsey-type theorems 1989 Paul Erdős
A. Hajnal
+ A survey of bounds for classical Ramsey numbers 1983 Fan Chung
Charles M. Grinstead
+ Some new bounds for Epsilon-nets 1990 János Pach
Gerhard J. Woeginger
+ PDF Chat On The Chromatic Number of Geometric Hypergraphs 2007 Shakhar Smorodinsky
+ Shift graphs and lower bounds on Ramsey numbers rk(l; r) 1995 Dwight Duffus
Hannon Lefmann
Vojtěch Rödl
+ On the density of families of sets 1972 N. Sauer
+ PDF Chat On Sub-determinants and the Diameter of Polyhedra 2014 Nicolas Bonifas
Marco Di Summa
Friedrich Eisenbrand
Nicolai Hähnle
Martin Niemeier
+ PDF Chat A combinatorial problem; stability and order for models and theories in infinitary languages 1972 Saharon Shelah
+ Hereditary and Monotone Properties of Graphs 2013 Béla Bollobás
Andrew Thomason
+ PDF Chat Multiple Coverings of the Plane with Triangles 2007 Gábor Tardos
Gézá Tóth
+ PDF Chat 𝐾_{𝑙+1}-free graphs: asymptotic structure and a 0-1 law 1987 Ph. G. Kolaitis
Hans Jürgen Prömel
Bruce Rothschild
+ PDF Chat Indecomposable Coverings with Concave Polygons 2009 Dömötör Pálvölgyi
+ A Simple Proof of a Theorem of Erdös and Szekeres<sup>*</sup> 1959 A. Seidenberg
+ PDF Chat Note on the Erdos - Szekeres Theorem 1998 Gézá Tóth
Pável Valtr
+ Random walks, totally unimodular matrices, and a randomised dual simplex algorithm 1994 Martin Dyer
Alan Frieze
+ Odd cycle packing 2010 Ken‐ichi Kawarabayashi
Bruce Reed
+ PDF Chat The Erdos-Szekeres problem on points in convex position – a survey 2000 Walter D. Morris
Valeriu Soltan