Richard Sharp


Richard Sharp is a British mathematician whose research focuses on dynamical systems and ergodic theory, particularly in the study of geodesic flows on negatively curved manifolds and related areas (such as thermodynamic formalism). He has served as a faculty member at the University of Warwick in the UK, publishing widely on topics involving geometric dynamics and measure-theoretic properties of flows.

All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Distribution of periodic orbits in the homology group of a knot complement 2024 Solly Coles
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Correction to “Anosov flows, growth rates on covers and group extensions of subshifts” 2024 Rhiannon Dougall
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat A Non-Symmetric Kesten Criterion and Ratio Limit Theorem for Random Walks on Amenable Groups 2024 Rhiannon Dougall
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Zeta functions in higher Teichmüller theory 2024 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Helicity, linking and the distribution of null-homologous periodic orbits for Anosov flows* 2022 Solly Coles
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Statistics of multipliers for hyperbolic rational maps 2021 Richard Sharp
Anastasios Stylianou
+ PDF Chat Relative Growth in Hyperbolic Groups 2021 Stephen Cantrell
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat A central limit theorem for periodic orbits of hyperbolic flows 2021 Stephen Cantrell
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Higher Teichmüller Theory for Surface Groups and Shifts of Finite Type 2021 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Statistics of multipliers for hyperbolic rational maps 2020 Richard Sharp
Anastasios Stylianou
+ PDF Chat Anosov flows, growth rates on covers and group extensions of subshifts 2020 Rhiannon Dougall
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Convergence of zeta functions for amenable group extensions of shifts 2020 Richard Sharp
+ Relative growth in hyperbolic groups 2019 Stephen Cantrell
Richard Sharp
+ Anosov flows, growth rates on covers and group extensions of subshifts. 2019 Rhiannon Dougall
Richard Sharp
+ A Central Limit Theorem for Periodic Orbits of Hyperbolic Flows 2018 Stephen Cantrell
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Statistics in conjugacy classes in free groups 2018 George Kenison
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Equidistribution of holonomy in homology classes for Anosov flows 2017 Richard Sharp
+ Statistics in conjugacy classes in free groups 2017 George Kenison
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Orbit counting in conjugacy classes for free groups acting on trees 2016 George Kenison
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Amenability, critical exponents of subgroups and growth of closed geodesics 2015 Rhiannon Dougall
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Weil–Petersson metrics, Manhattan curves and Hausdorff dimension 2015 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Conformal Markov systems, Patterson-Sullivan measure on limit sets and spectral triples 2015 Richard Sharp
+ Orbit counting in conjugacy classes for free groups acting on trees 2015 George Kenison
Richard Sharp
+ Amenability, Critical Exponents of Subgroups and Growth of Closed Geodesics 2014 Rhiannon Dougall
Richard Sharp
+ A Weil–Petersson type metric on spaces of metric graphs 2013 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Length asymptotics in higher Teichmüller theory 2013 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Correlations of Length Spectra for Negatively Curved Manifolds 2012 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Ergodic theorems for actions of hyperbolic groups 2012 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Spectral triples and Gibbs measures for expanding maps on Cantor sets 2012 Richard Sharp
+ Distribution of ergodic sums for hyperbolic maps 2011 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Statistics of matrix products in hyperbolic geometry 2011 Richard Sharp
M Policott
Sergiǐ Kolyada
Yuri I. Manin
Manfred Möller
P Moree
Thomas Ward
+ On the Hannay–Ozorio De Almeida Sum Formula 2011 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Spectral triples and Gibbs measures for expanding maps on Cantor sets 2010 Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Pairs of periodic orbits with fixed homology difference 2010 Morten S. Risager
Richard Sharp
+ Degeneracy in the length spectrum for metric graphs 2010 Richard Sharp
+ Comparing length functions on free group 2010 Richard Sharp
+ Statistics of matrix products in hyperbolic geometry 2010 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Distortion and entropy for automorphisms of free groups 2009 Richard Sharp
+ Large deviations for intermittent maps 2009 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Large Deviations, Fluctuations and Shrinking Intervals 2009 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Lengths, quasi-morphisms and statistics for free groups 2009 Matthew Horsham
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat The mathematical research of William Parry FRS 2008 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
Selim Tuncel
Dale R. Walters
+ PDF Chat Addendum: An analogue of Artin reciprocity for closed orbits of skew products 2008 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Periodic orbits and holonomy for hyperbolic flows 2008 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Pairs of periodic orbits with fixed homology difference 2008 Morten S. Risager
Richard Sharp
+ Chebotarev-type theorems in homology classes 2007 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Pseudo-Anosov foliations on periodic surfaces 2007 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Critical exponents for groups of isometries 2007 Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Directions and equidistribution in homology for periodic orbits 2007 DAVID COLLIER
Richard Sharp
+ Correlations for pairs of closed geodesics 2005 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Angular self-intersections for closed geodesics on surfaces 2005 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Uniform estimates for closed geodesics and homology on finite area hyperbolic surfaces 2004 Richard Sharp
+ Livsic theorems, maximizing measures and the stable norm 2004 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ On Some Aspects of the Theory of Anosov Systems: With a Survey by Richard Sharp: Periodic Orbits of Hyperbolic Flows 2004 G. A. Margulis
Richard Sharp
+ A local limit theorem for closed geodesics and homology 2004 Richard Sharp
+ Periodic Orbits of Hyperbolic Flows 2004 Richard Sharp
+ None 2002 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Local limit theorems for free groups 2001 Richard Sharp
+ Closed Geodesics and Periods of Automorphic Forms 2001 Richard Sharp
+ Error terms for closed orbits of hyperbolic flows 2001 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Poincaré series and comparison theorems for variable negative curvature 2001 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ None 2001 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Linear actions of free groups 2001 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Exponential error terms for growth functions on negatively curved surfaces 1998 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Relative growth series in some hyperbolic groups 1998 Richard Sharp
+ The Manhattan curve and the correlation of length spectra on hyperbolic surfaces 1998 Richard Sharp
+ Large deviations for maps with indifferent fixed points 1998 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
Michiko Yuri
+ PDF Chat Comparison theorems and orbit counting in hyperbolic geometry 1998 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Poincaré series and zeta functions for surface group actions on ℝ-trees 1997 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Growth of periodic points and rotation vectors on surfaces 1997 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ The circle problem on surfaces of variable negative curvature 1997 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Large deviations and the distribution of pre-images of rational maps 1996 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Growth series for the commutator subgroup 1996 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Periodic points and rotation vectors for torus diffeomorphisms 1995 Richard Sharp
+ Orbit counting for some discrete groups acting on simply connected manifolds with negative curvature 1994 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Rates of Recurrence for Z<sup> <i>q</i> </sup> and R<sup> <i>q</i> </sup> Extensions of Subshifts of Finite Type 1994 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Closed orbits in homology classes for Anosov flows 1993 Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat The correlation of length spectra of two hyperbolic surfaces 1993 Richard Evan Schwartz
Richard Sharp
+ Prime orbit theorems with multi-dimensional constraints for axiom a flows 1992 Richard Sharp
+ An analogue of Mertens' theorem for closed orbits of Axiom A flows 1991 Richard Sharp
+ Asymptotic formulae for closed orbits of hyperbolic flows 1990 Richard Sharp
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Zeta functions and the periodic orbit structure of hyperbolic dynamics 1990 William Parry
Mark Pollicott
+ Symbolic Dynamics for Hyperbolic Flows 1973 Rufus Bowen
+ PDF Chat Closed orbits in homology classes 1990 Atsushi Katsuda
Toshikazu Sunada
+ PDF Chat Distribution of periodic orbits of symbolic and Axiom A flows 1987 Steven P. Lalley
+ Closed orbits in homology classes for Anosov flows 1993 Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Comparison theorems and orbit counting in hyperbolic geometry 1998 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Zur analytischen Theorie hyperbolischer Raumformen und Bewegungsgruppen. II 1961 Heinz Huber
+ Closed geodesics in homology classes on surfaces of variable negative curvature 1989 Steven P. Lalley
+ On Decay of Correlations in Anosov Flows 1998 Dmitry Dolgopyat
+ Exponential error terms for growth functions on negatively curved surfaces 1998 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ An Introduction to Ergodic Theory 1981 Peter Walters
+ Rates of Recurrence for Z<sup> <i>q</i> </sup> and R<sup> <i>q</i> </sup> Extensions of Subshifts of Finite Type 1994 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ Homology and Closed Geodesics in a Compact Riemann Surface 1988 Atsushi Katsuda
Toshikazu Sunada
+ Homology and Closed Geodesics in a Compact Negatively Curved Surface 1991 Mark Pollicott
+ The combinatorial structure of cocompact discrete hyperbolic groups 1984 JamesW. Cannon
+ PDF Chat Renewal theorems in symbolic dynamics, with applications to geodesic flows, noneuclidean tessellations and their fractal limits 1989 Steven P. Lalley
+ PDF Chat The Chebotarov theorem for Galois coverings of Axiom A flows 1986 William Parry
Mark Pollicott
+ Markov partitions for anosov flows onn-dimensional manifolds 1973 Marina Ratner
+ An Introduction to Ergodic Theory 1982 Peter Walters
+ Lalley's theorem on periodic orbits of hyperbolic flows 1998 Martine Babillot
François Ledrappier
+ Sur les Groupes Hyperboliques d’après Mikhael Gromov 1990 Étienne Ghys
Pierre de la Harpe
+ Thermodynamic Formalism 2004 David Ruelle
+ None 2001 Mark Pollicott
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ Prime orbit theorems with multi-dimensional constraints for axiom a flows 1992 Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Precise counting results for closed orbits of Anosov flows 2000 Nalini Anantharaman
+ Geodesics in homology classes 1987 Ralph S. Phillips
Peter Sarnak
+ PDF Chat Equilibrium States and the Ergodic Theory of Anosov Diffeomorphisms 1975 Rufus Bowen
+ Geodesic flows on closed Riemann manifolds with negative curvature 1969 D. V. Anosov
+ PDF Chat Large deviations, averaging and periodic orbits of dynamical systems 1994 Yuri Kifer
+ A note on asymptotic expansions for closed geodesics in homology classes 2001 Motoko Kotani
+ PDF Chat An extension of the theory of Fredholm determinants 1990 David Ruelle
+ PDF Chat Geodesic flows, interval maps, and symbolic dynamics 1991 Roy L. Adler
Leopold Flatto
+ The Ergodic Theory of Axiom A Flows 1975 Rufus Bowen
David Ruelle
+ PDF Chat Bowen's equidistribution theory and the Dirichlet density theorem 1984 William Parry
+ Prevalence of rapid mixing in hyperbolic flows 1998 Dmitry Dolgopyat
+ PDF Chat Symbolic dynamics for geodesic floes 1981 Caroline Series
+ Axiom <i>A</i> Diffeomorphisms have Rational Zeta Functions 1971 Anthony Manning
+ The Equidistribution of Closed Geodesics 1972 Rufus Bowen
+ Geometrical Markov coding of geodesics on surfaces of constant negative curvature 1986 Caroline Series
+ An Analogue of the Prime Number Theorem for Closed Orbits of Axiom a Flows 1983 William Parry
Mark Pollicott
+ PDF Chat Mesures de Patterson-Sullivan sur le bord d’un espace hyperbolique au sens de Gromov 1993 Michel Coornaert
+ The ergodic theory of AxiomA flows 1975 Rufus Bowen
David Ruelle
+ The weight-per-symbol polytope and scaffolds of invariants associated with Markov chains 1991 Brian Marcus
Selim Tuncel
+ Density theorems for closed orbits 1988 Atsushi Katsuda
+ Entropy at a weight-per-symbol and embeddings of Markov chains 1990 Brian Marcus
Selim Tuncel
+ PDF Chat The correlation of length spectra of two hyperbolic surfaces 1993 Richard Evan Schwartz
Richard Sharp
+ PDF Chat Markov maps associated with fuchsian groups 1979 Rufus Bowen
Caroline Series
+ PDF Chat Large deviations in dynamical systems and stochastic processes 1990 Yuri Kifer
+ Zeta-functions for expanding maps and Anosov flows 1976 David Ruelle