S. Teraoka


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Coherent Control of a Single Electron Spin with Electric Fields 2007 Katja C. Nowack
Frank H. L. Koppens
Yuli V. Nazarov
L. M. K. Vandersypen
+ PDF Chat Electrically driven single-electron spin resonance in a slanting Zeeman field 2008 Michel Pioro-LadriĂšre
Takayuki Obata
Y. Tokura
Y.-S. Shin
T. Kubo
K. Yoshida
Tomoyasu Taniyama
Seigo Tarucha
+ PDF Chat Driven coherent oscillations of a single electron spin in a quantum dot 2006 Frank H. L. Koppens
Christo Buizert
Klaas‐Jan Tielrooij
I. T. Vink
Katja C. Nowack
Tristan Meunier
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
L. M. K. Vandersypen
+ PDF Chat Singlet-triplet spin blockade and charge sensing in a few-electron double quantum dot 2005 A. C. Johnson
J. R. Petta
C. M. Marcus
M. Hanson
A. C. Gossard
+ PDF Chat Quantum computation with quantum dots 1998 Daniel Loss
David P. DiVincenzo
+ PDF Chat Few-electron quantum dot circuit with integrated charge read out 2003 J. M. Elzerman
Ronald Hanson
J. S. Greidanus
L. H. Willems van Beveren
S. De Franceschi
L. M. K. Vandersypen
Seigo Tarucha
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Coherent Transfer of Light Polarization to Electron Spins in a Semiconductor 2008 Hideo Kosaka
H. Shigyou
Yasuyoshi Mitsumori
Yoshiaki Rikitake
Hiroshi Imamura
T. Kutsuwa
K. Arai
Keiichi Edamatsu
+ PDF Chat Two-Qubit Gate of Combined Single-Spin Rotation and Interdot Spin Exchange in a Double Quantum Dot 2011 Roland Brunner
Y.-S. Shin
Takayuki Obata
Michel Pioro-LadriĂšre
T. Kubo
K. Yoshida
Tomoyasu Taniyama
Y. Tokura
Seigo Tarucha
+ PDF Chat Demonstration of Entanglement of Electrostatically Coupled Singlet-Triplet Qubits 2012 Michael Shulman
Oliver Dial
Shannon P. Harvey
Hendrik Bluhm
V. Umansky
Amir Yacoby
+ PDF Chat Excitation Spectra of Circular, Few-Electron Quantum Dots 1997 Leo P. Kouwenhoven
Tjerk H. Oosterkamp
M. W. S. Danoesastro
Mikio Eto
D. G. Austing
Takashi Honda
Seigo Tarucha
+ PDF Chat Multiple Transitions of the Spin Configuration in Quantum Dots 2006 M. Rogge
C. FĂŒhner
R. J. Haug
+ PDF Chat Addition spectrum of a lateral dot from Coulomb and spin-blockade spectroscopy 2000 M. Ciorga
A. S. Sachrajda
PaweƂ Hawrylak
C. Gould
P. Zawadzki
S. Jullian
Yan Feng
Z. R. Wasilewski
+ PDF Chat Fast Hybrid Silicon Double-Quantum-Dot Qubit 2012 Zhan Shi
C. B. Simmons
J. R. Prance
John King Gamble
Teck Seng Koh
Yun-Pil Shim
Xuedong Hu
D. E. Savage
M. G. Lagally
M. A. Eriksson
+ PDF Chat Coherent Coupling of Two Quantum Dots Embedded in an Aharonov-Bohm Interferometer 2001 Alexander W. Holleitner
C. R. Decker
H. Qin
K. Eberl
Robert H. Blick
+ PDF Chat Nuclear-Spin-Induced Oscillatory Current in Spin-Blockaded Quantum Dots 2004 Keiji Ono
Seigo Tarucha
+ PDF Chat Non-equilibrium edge-channel spectroscopy in the integer quantum Hall regime 2009 Carles Altimiras
H. le Sueur
U. Gennser
A. Cavanna
D. Mailly
F. Pierre
+ PDF Chat Hyperfine-Mediated Gate-Driven Electron Spin Resonance 2007 E. A. Laird
Christian Barthel
É. I. Rashba
C. M. Marcus
M. Hanson
A. C. Gossard
+ PDF Chat Evidence for effective mass reduction in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells 2013 A. T. Hatke
M. A. Zudov
John Watson
M. J. Manfra
L. N. Pfeiffer
K. W. West
+ PDF Chat Maximizing the Hilbert Space for a Finite Number of Distinguishable Quantum States 2004 Andrew D. Greentree
S. G. Schirmer
F. Green
Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg
A. R. Hamilton
Robert G. Clark
+ PDF Chat Controlled Coupling of Spin-Resolved Quantum Hall Edge States 2011 Biswajit Karmakar
Davide Venturelli
Luca Chirolli
Ferdinando Taddei
Vittorio Giovannetti
Rosario Fazio
Stefano Roddaro
G. Biasiol
L. Sorba
Vittorio Pellegrini
+ PDF Chat Many Body Effects on Electron Tunneling through Quantum Dots in an Aharonov-Bohm Circuit 1997 Wataru Izumida
Osamu Sakai
Yukihiro Shimizu
+ PDF Chat A Tunable Kondo Effect in Quantum Dots 1998 S. M. Cronenwett
Tjerk H. Oosterkamp
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Electron transport through Aharonov-Bohm interferometer with laterally coupled double quantum dots 2006 T. Kubo
Y. Tokura
T. Hatano
Seigo Tarucha
+ PDF Chat Probing Entanglement and Nonlocality of Electrons in a Double-Dot via Transport and Noise 2000 Daniel Loss
Eugene V. Sukhorukov
+ PDF Chat Kondo effect in a single-electron transistor 1998 David Goldhaber‐Gordon
Hadas Shtrikman
D. Mahalu
David Abusch-Magder
U. Meirav
M. A. Kastner
+ PDF Chat Energy Relaxation in the Integer Quantum Hall Regime 2010 H. le Sueur
Carles Altimiras
U. Gennser
A. Cavanna
D. Mailly
F. Pierre
+ PDF Chat Aharonov-Bohm Oscillations Changed by Indirect Interdot Tunneling via Electrodes in Parallel-Coupled Vertical Double Quantum Dots 2011 T. Hatano
T. Kubo
Y. Tokura
S. Amaha
S. Teraoka
Seigo Tarucha
+ PDF Chat Electric-field manipulation of the Landé<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>g</mml:mi></mml:math>tensor of a hole in an In<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mrow /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>0.5</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math>Ga<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mrow /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>0.5</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math>As/GaAs 
 2011 Joseph Pingenot
Craig Pryor
Michael E. Flatté
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium Transport through a Vertical Quantum Dot in the Absence of Spin-Flip Energy Relaxation 2002 T. Fujisawa
D. G. Austing
Y. Tokura
Y. Hirayama
Seigo Tarucha
+ PDF Chat Coherent manipulation of individual electron spin in a double quantum dot integrated with a micromagnet 2010 Toshiaki Obata
Michel Pioro-LadriĂšre
Y. Tokura
Yun‐Sok Shin
T. Kubo
Katsuharu Yoshida
Tomoyasu Taniyama
Seigo Tarucha
+ PDF Chat Self-consistent measurement and state tomography of an exchange-only spin qubit 2013 James Medford
J. Beil
Jacob M. Taylor
Stephen D. Bartlett
Andrew C. Doherty
É. I. Rashba
David P. DiVincenzo
Hong LĂŒ
A. C. Gossard
C. M. Marcus
+ PDF Chat The security of practical quantum key distribution 2009 Valerio Scarani
H. Bechmann-Pasquinucci
Nicolas J. Cerf
Miloslav DuĆĄek
Norbert LĂŒtkenhaus
Momtchil Peev
+ PDF Chat Mesoscopic One-Way Channels for Quantum State Transfer via the Quantum Hall Effect 2004 Thomas M. Stace
C. H. W. Barnes
G. J. Milburn
+ PDF Chat Universal quantum control of two-electron spin quantum bits using dynamic nuclear polarization 2009 Sandra Foletti
Hendrik Bluhm
D. Mahalu
V. Umansky
Amir Yacoby
+ PDF Chat Measurements of the Density-Dependent Many-Body Electron Mass in Two Dimensional<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">G</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">a</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">A</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">s</mml:mi><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">A</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">l</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">G</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">a</mml:mi><mml:mi 
 2005 Yan‐Wen Tan
J. Zhu
H. L. Störmer
L. N. Pfeiffer
K. W. Baldwin
K. W. West
+ PDF Chat Spins in few-electron quantum dots 2007 Ronald Hanson
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
J. R. Petta
Seigo Tarucha
L. M. K. Vandersypen
+ PDF Chat Control and Detection of Singlet-Triplet Mixing in a Random Nuclear Field 2005 Frank H. L. Koppens
Joshua Folk
J. M. Elzerman
Ronald Hanson
L. H. Willems van Beveren
I. T. Vink
H.-P. Tranitz
W. Wegscheider
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
L. M. K. Vandersypen
+ PDF Chat Electron transport through double quantum dots 2002 Wilfred G. van der Wiel
S. De Franceschi
J. M. Elzerman
T. Fujisawa
Seigo Tarucha
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Electric field control of spin transport 2005 Sangeeta Sahoo
Takis Kontos
JĂŒrg Furer
Christian Hoffmann
M.R. GrÀber
Audrey Cottet
Christian Schönenberger
+ PDF Chat Single-shot read-out of an individual electron spin in a quantum dot 2004 J. M. Elzerman
Ronald Hanson
L. H. Willems van Beveren
B. Witkamp
L. M. K. Vandersypen
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Universal behavior of the electron<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>g</mml:mi></mml:math>factor in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Ga</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">As</mml:mi><mml:mo>∕</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Al</mml:mi><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Ga</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>−</mml
 2007 I. A. Yugova
A. Greilich
D. R. Yakovlev
A. A. Kiselev
M. Bayer
V. V. Petrov
Yu. K. Dolgikh
D. Reuter
Andreas D. Wieck
+ PDF Chat Spectroscopy of local density of states fluctuations in a disordered conductor 1996 Thomas Schmidt
R. J. Haug
Vladimir I. Fal’ko
K. von Klitzing
A. Förster
H. LĂŒth
+ PDF Chat Electric-field control of tunneling magnetoresistance effect in a Ni∕InAs∕Ni quantum-dot spin valve 2007 Kohei Hamaya
Makoto Kitabatake
Kenji Shibata
Minkyung Jung
Minoru Kawamura
Kazuhiko Hirakawa
Tomoki Machida
Tomoyasu Taniyama
Shintaro Ishida
Yasuhiko Arakawa
+ PDF Chat Cotunneling Spectroscopy in Few-Electron Quantum Dots 2004 Dominik M. ZumbĂŒhl
C. M. Marcus
M. Hanson
A. C. Gossard
+ PDF Chat Quantum Dot as Spin Filter and Spin Memory 2000 Patrik Recher
Eugene V. Sukhorukov
Daniel Loss
+ PDF Chat Semiconductor few-electron quantum dot operated as a bipolar spin filter 2004 Ronald Hanson
L. M. K. Vandersypen
L. H. Willems van Beveren
J. M. Elzerman
I. T. Vink
L. P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Experimental Spin Ratchet 2010 Marius V. Costache
Sergio O. Valenzuela
+ PDF Chat Detection of spin polarization utilizing singlet and triplet states in a single-lead quantum dot 2012 Tomohiro Otsuka
Yuuki Sugihara
Jun Yoneda
Shingo Katsumoto
Seigo Tarucha
+ PDF Chat Phase Coherence in the Inelastic Cotunneling Regime 2006 Martin Sigrist
Thomas Ihn
K. Ensslin
Daniel Loss
M. Reinwald
W. Wegscheider
+ PDF Chat Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in a mesoscopic ring with a quantum dot 1995 A. Levy Yeyati
Μ. BĂŒttiker