Leonid Faybusovich


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Long-step path-following algorithm for quantum information theory: Some numerical aspects and applications 2021 Leonid Faybusovich
Cunlu Zhou
+ Self-concordance and matrix monotonicity with applications to quantum entanglement problems 2020 Leonid Faybusovich
Cunlu Zhou
+ On Implementation of Long-Step Path-Following Algorithms for Convex Optimization Problems in Quantum Information Theory 2019 Leonid Faybusovich
Cunlu Zhou
+ Long-Step Path-Following Algorithm for Quantum Information Theory: Some Numerical Aspects and Applications 2019 Leonid Faybusovich
Cunlu Zhou
+ Long-step path-following algorithm for solving symmetric programming problems with nonlinear objective functions 2018 Leonid Faybusovich
Cunlu Zhou
+ Primal-dual potential reduction algorithm for symmetric programming problems with nonlinear objective functions 2017 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Matrix monotonicity and self-concordance: how to handle quantum entropy in optimization problems 2017 Leonid Faybusovich
Takashi Tsuchiya
+ On Hazanā€™s Algorithm for Symmetric Programming Problems 2014 Leonid Faybusovich
+ PDF Chat Multitarget Linear-Quadratic Control Problem: Semi-Infinite Interval 2012 Leonid Faybusovich
Thanasak Mouktonglang
+ Jordan-algebraic aspects of optimization: randomization 2009 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Several Jordan-algebraic aspects of optimizationā€  2008 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Numerical experiments with universal barrier functions for cones of Chebyshev systems 2007 Leonid Faybusovich
Thanasak Mouktonglang
Takashi Tsuchiya
+ Jordanā€Algebraic Approach to Convexity Theorems for Quadratic Mappings 2006 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Jordan-Algebraic Aspects of Nonconvex Optimization over Symmetric Cones 2005 Leonid Faybusovich
Ye Lu
+ Dynamical systems that solve linear programming problems 2005 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Multi-target linear-quadratic control problem and second-order cone programming 2004 Leonid Faybusovich
Thanasak Mouktonglang
+ Finite-rank perturbation of the linear-quadratic control problem 2004 Leonid Faybusovich
Thanasak Mouktonglang
+ Global Optimization of Homogeneous Polynomials on the Simplex and on the Sphere 2004 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Calculation of Universal Barrier Functions for Cones Generated by Chebyshev Systems Over Finite Sets 2004 Leonid Faybusovich
Michael Gekhtman
+ Numerical implementation of a class of infinite-dimensional primal-dual algorithms and control applications 2004 Thanasak Mouktonglang
Leonid Faybusovich
+ Multi-target linear-quadratic control problem and second-order cone programming 2003 Leonid Faybusovich
Thanasak Mouktonglang
+ Primal-dual algorithms and infinite-dimensional Jordan algebras of finite rank 2003 Leonid Faybusovich
Takashi Tsuchiya
+ Simultaneous diagonalization on simple Euclidean Jordan algebras and its applications 2003 Yongdo Lim
Junghwa Kim
Leonid Faybusovich
+ Interior-point methods and entropy 2002 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Long step path-following algorithm for the convex quadratic programming in a Hilbert space 2002 Leonid Faybusovich
J.B. Moore
+ None 2002 Leonid Faybusovich
+ A Jordan-algebraic approach to potential-reduction algorithms 2002 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Self-Concordant Barriers for Cones Generated by Chebyshev Systems 2002 Leonid Faybusovich
+ PDF Chat Inverse moment problem for elementary co-adjoint orbits 2001 Leonid Faybusovich
Michael Gekhtman
+ A long-step primalā€“dual algorithm for the symmetric programming problem 2001 Leonid Faybusovich
Rebekah Ruth Jager Arana
+ PDF Chat Poisson brackets on rational functions and multi-Hamiltonian structure for integrable lattices 2000 Leonid Faybusovich
Michael Gekhtman
+ Elementary Toda orbits and integrable lattices 2000 Leonid Faybusovich
Michael Gekhtman
+ A jordan-algebraic approach to exterior-point methods and primal-dual algorithms 2000 Rebekah Ruth Jager Arana
Leonid Faybusovich
+ Poisson brackets on rational functions and multi-Hamiltonian structure for integrable lattices 2000 Leonid Faybusovich
M. Gekhtman
+ On Schur flows 1999 Leonid Faybusovich
Michael Gekhtman
+ Infinite-dimensional semidefinite programming: Regularized determinants and self-concordant barriers 1998 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Long-Step Path-Following Algorithm for Convex Quadratic Programming Problems in a Hilbert Space 1997 Leonid Faybusovich
J.B. Moore
+ Linear systems in Jordan algebras and primal-dual interior-point algorithms 1997 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Infinite-dimensional quadratic optimization: Interior-point methods and control applications 1997 Leonid Faybusovich
J.B. Moore
+ On Explicitly Solvable Gradient Systems of Moserā€“Karmarkar Type 1997 Yoshimasa Nakamura
Leonid Faybusovich
+ None 1997 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Semidefinite Programming: A Path-Following Algorithm for a Linearā€“Quadratic Functional 1996 Leonid Faybusovich
+ PDF Chat Linearly Constrained LQ and LQG Optimal Control 1996 Andrew E. B. Lim
J.B. Moore
Leonid Faybusovich
+ Optimization and Dynamical Systems [Book Reviews] 1996 Leonid Faybusovich
+ On a Matrix Generalization of Affine-Scaling Vector Fields 1995 Leonid Faybusovich
+ The Gibbs variational principle, gradient flows, and interior-point methods 1995 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Rational functions, Toda flows, and LR-like algorithms 1994 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Dikin's algorithm for matrix linear programming problems 1994 Leonid Faybusovich
+ On the Phase Portrait of the Karmarkarā€™s Flow 1993 Leonid Faybusovich
+ PDF Chat Toda Flows and Isospectral Manifolds 1992 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Reduction to generalized hessenberg form and inverse spectral problems 1992 Leonid Faybusovich
+ PDF Chat Toda flows and isospectral manifolds 1992 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Hamiltonian structure of dynamical systems which solve linear programming problems 1991 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Hamiltonian QR-algorithm for the Solving Algebraic Riccati Equation and Hessenberg Hamiltonian Matrices 1991 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Dynamical systems that solve eigenvalue and linear programming problems 1991 Leonid Faybusovich
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Analysis on Symmetric Cones 1994 Jacques Faraut
Adam KorƔnyi
+ Interior-Point Polynomial Algorithms in Convex Programming 1994 Yurii Nesterov
Arkadi Nemirovski
+ None 1997 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Linear systems in Jordan algebras and primal-dual interior-point algorithms 1997 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Infinite-dimensional quadratic optimization: Interior-point methods and control applications 1997 Leonid Faybusovich
J.B. Moore
+ Interior Point Approach to Linear, Quadratic and Convex Programming 1994 Dick den Hertog
+ The solution to a generalized Toda lattice and representation theory 1979 Bertram Kostant
+ A Jordan-algebraic approach to potential-reduction algorithms 2002 Leonid Faybusovich
+ On a Commutative Class of Search Directions for Linear Programming over Symmetric Cones 2002 M. Muramatsu
+ Hamiltonian structure of dynamical systems which solve linear programming problems 1991 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Interior Point Approach to Linear, Quadratic and Convex Programming: Algorithms and Complexity 1994 Dick den Hertog
+ Toda flows, inverse spectral transform and realization theory 1991 R.W. Brockett
L.W. Baybusovich
+ A long-step primalā€“dual algorithm for the symmetric programming problem 2001 Leonid Faybusovich
Rebekah Ruth Jager Arana
+ Primal-dual algorithms and infinite-dimensional Jordan algebras of finite rank 2003 Leonid Faybusovich
Takashi Tsuchiya
+ A convergence analysis of the scaling-invariant primal-dual path-following algorithms for second-order cone programming 1999 Takashi Tsuchiya
+ PDF Chat The nonlinear geometry of linear programming. I. Affine and projective scaling trajectories 1989 David Bayer
Jeffrey C. Lagarias
+ PDF Chat Self-Scaled Barriers and Interior-Point Methods for Convex Programming 1997 Yu. E. Nesterov
Michael J. Todd
+ Extension of primal-dual interior point algorithms to symmetric cones 2003 Stefan Schmieta
Farid Alizadeh
+ PDF Chat The toda flow on a generic orbit is integrable 1986 Percy Deift
L.ā€C. Li
T. Nanda
Carlos Tomei
+ Relative entropy optimization and its applications 2016 Venkat Chandrasekaran
Parikshit Shah
+ The integration of semi-infinite toda chain by means of inverse spectral problem 1986 Yu.M. Berezanski
+ PDF Chat Semidefinite Approximations of the Matrix Logarithm 2018 Hamza Fawzi
James Saunderson
Pablo A. Parrilo
+ Several Jordan-algebraic aspects of optimizationā€  2008 Leonid Faybusovich
+ PDF Chat Faces of Relativistic Toda Chain 1997 S. Kharchev
Š. ŠœŠøрŠ¾Š½Š¾Š²
Alexei Zhedanov
+ Semidefinite Programming: A Path-Following Algorithm for a Linearā€“Quadratic Functional 1996 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Primal-Dual Interior-Point Methods for Semidefinite Programming: Convergence Rates, Stability and Numerical Results 1998 Farid Alizadeh
Jean-Pierre A. Haeberly
Michael L. Overton
+ Nonlinear differentialāˆ’difference equations 1975 Mark J. Ablowitz
J. F. Ladik
+ Jordanā€Algebraic Approach to Convexity Theorems for Quadratic Mappings 2006 Leonid Faybusovich
+ Elementary Toda orbits and integrable lattices 2000 Leonid Faybusovich
Michael Gekhtman
+ Pseudodifferential Analysis on Symmetric Cones 1996 AndrƩ Unterberger
Harald Upmeier
+ Group-Theoretical Methods in the Theory of Finite-Dimensional Integrable Systems 1994 A. G. Reyman
Michael Semenov-Tian-Shansky
+ The QR-algorithm and generalized Toda flows 1989 L. E. Faibusovich
+ Lectures on Convex Optimization 2018 Yurii Nesterov
+ Long-step path-following algorithm for solving symmetric programming problems with nonlinear objective functions 2018 Leonid Faybusovich
Cunlu Zhou
+ Matrix monotonicity and self-concordance: how to handle quantum entropy in optimization problems 2017 Leonid Faybusovich
Takashi Tsuchiya
+ Primal-Dual Interior-Point Methods 1997 Stephen J. Wright
+ PDF Chat Relativistic Toda systems 1990 S. N. M. Ruijsenaars
+ Simultaneous diagonalization on simple Euclidean Jordan algebras and its applications 2003 Yongdo Lim
Junghwa Kim
Leonid Faybusovich
+ On the classical logarithmic barrier function method for a class of smooth convex programming problems 1992 Dick den Hertog
C. Roos
TamƔs Terlaky
+ The Classical Moment Problem and Some Related Questions in Analysis 2020 Š. Š˜. ŠŃ…ŠøŠµŠ·ŠµŃ€
+ Implementation of infinite-dimensional interior-point method for solving multi-criteria linear-quadratic control problem 2005 L. Faybusovich
Thanasak Mouktonglang
Takashi Tsuchiya
+ Self-Concordant Barriers for Cones Generated by Chebyshev Systems 2002 Leonid Faybusovich
+ On the bi-Hamiltonian structure of Toda and relativistic Toda lattices 1993 Yu. B. Suris
+ PDF Chat Efficient optimization of the quantum relative entropy 2018 Hamza Fawzi
Omar Fawzi
+ PDF Chat Book Review: A mathematical view of interior-point methods in convex optimization 2003 Robert M. Freund
+ Construction scheme for discrete Miura transformations 1994 R. I. Yamilov
+ Hamiltonian and gradient structures in the Toda flows 1998 Anthony M. Bloch
Michael Gekhtman
+ An Interior-Point Method for Minimizing the Maximum Eigenvalue of a Linear Combination of Matrices 1993 Florian Jarre
+ Exploiting sparsity in primal-dual interior-point methods for semidefinite programming 1997 Katsuki Fujisawa
Masakazu Kojima
Kazuhide Nakata